Rise of the Wolves

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Rise of the Wolves Page 29

by J E Reed

  He pushed the rod against her chest, right over her racing heart. “I would have given you the world Ki. Laid it at your feet like the queen you are.” He stepped forward and the fingers of his free hand traced along her cheek. She turned away.

  Her mind floated back to the day she’d discovered Elite alive. She remembered Reece’s sad expression, but a fond smile had followed. “I needed you to be my friend. I still need that from you.”

  His laugh penetrated her heart and her stomach sank to the guild-ridden hell she’d created. “I don’t think friendship was on your mind in the cave.”

  “That was different,” she said.

  “Because Elite was dead?”

  “Because I was shattered. My world gone. How could you expect anything from that?”

  “I expected you to remember.” He was in her face now, eyes wild. “I expected you to look at me and feel confusion, pain, longing, something. I expected more than—” He cut himself short and turned back to the fireplace in silence, shoving the metal into the embers.

  “I didn’t mean to hurt you. I’d never dream of hurting you.” She took a breath. “I meant what I did. I don’t regret it, but things are different now.”

  Reece was silent for a time. “So, you’d consider those feelings again? If he were gone?”

  A chill lanced through her core and Daren flashed through her mind. “Not after this.”

  Reece stood still for a long time before shifting to the side. He pulled the hot metal from the fire and examined it.

  “The creator wants to break you. Or push you to your limits. It’s hard to tell with him. But I think he believes it’s an impossibility.”

  Cold sweat rolled down the back of her neck as she watched him tilt the hot tip back and forth. “So, what, you plan to prove him wrong?”

  “If I have to. I’d rather you join me; reclaim those feelings you’ve hidden from yourself.”

  “You’re going to torture me into loving you?”

  He smirked. “No. I want your admittance. I want you to admit it’s not gone and that you’d rather spend your life here with me than go back to the pitiful one with Elite in the real world.”

  Kiuno struggled against her confines as he turned the hot iron toward her. She pulled, pushing her legs back as he stalked forward. Kiuno wrapped her hands around the chains and kicked off the ground, slamming both feet into his chest. Reece fell, the hot poker rolling from his hand and Kiuno regained her footing.

  He coughed, clutching his chest. “See, this is what I like about you. You fight, never willing to accept your fate even when it’s inevitable.”

  Reece picked up the metal rod and she pushed herself back again. This time when she kicked off, he sidestepped, and the rod slipped through her gut like a knife through butter.

  She screamed, a burning sensation plunging through her core, searing parts of her body she didn’t know could hurt. Kiuno fought for breath as he pulled the rod out and she violently tugged at her chains as tears raced down her cheeks.

  Kiuno slumped, trying to curl her body in on itself as he returned to the fire. Every breath sent a fresh wave of pain coursing through her midsection.

  “You’re not Reece.” She bit off every word.

  “That would make this easier wouldn’t it? To pretend I’m a fashioned creature from this world just like the reptilians who brought you here.”

  Tears of pain ran down her cheeks. “Reece wouldn’t do this.”

  He sat the rod against the wall and turned to face her. “How do you know what Reece would or wouldn’t do?”

  “Because I know.”

  Callused fingers gripped her chin and tilted her head back forcing Kiuno to look into those strangely distant eyes. “You remember what I said about the touch,” his fingers turned soft, running along her cheek, “smell,” his lips pressed against hers, and he gripped her chin harder when she tried to pull away.

  The feel of his lips brought back memories from the cavern. He was gentle rain cradling a broken soul. Soothing a fire that sought to devour. Her mind returned to the present and Kiuno sank her teeth into his lip until she tasted blood.

  He yelped, ripped himself away, and backhanded her across the face. “That fight is alluring even if it does cause a cut or two.” He wiped the blood from his mouth. “You remember, and now I see the hurt and questions racing through that beautiful head of yours.”

  Her heart ached. “Why?”

  He unlaced his gauntlet and rolled up a sleeve, exposing it to the firelight. Her eyes slid down his arm and rested on the black feather-like roots stretching towards his elbow. They wrapped his wrist, seeming to stem from a green jewel seated just within the skin.

  “Like it? It was a gift from the creator himself. Freed me from all those silly emotions that tie one down. Honestly, I wish he’d given it to me sooner.” Reece pulled his sleeve down and picked up the rod again.

  The jewel. One of the relics. Her gaze shifted to the orb. Two in one place. It seemed too coincidental, but Reece’s actions made sense now.

  Maltack had warned her of the jewel’s danger. It gave the user power over the monsters in the realms, but it also stripped away one’s humanity and would eventually result in their death.

  “It’ll kill you.”

  His gaze followed hers, landing on his wrist, but he shrugged. “We all die eventually, what better way to go than having everything I want?” He twirled the rod in his hand, the red tip drawing her attention again.

  “This isn’t you. Please.”

  He smirked and her heart faltered as he took another step and drew back. Tears sprang to her eyes and she screamed again as the rod slipped through her midsection.

  “Reece.” It was a whisper, a plea. He paused and their eyes met. Hers weary, his flickering with regret.

  The metal tore from her body and hit the floor. His breathing accelerated and he fell to his knees, moaning in pain as he clutched his wrist.

  For a split moment, hope blossomed in her chest, but when he looked up again that cold expression had returned, and her hope crashed like a wave against the sand.

  “Seems these pesky feelings just keep trying to pop up.” He examined her and sighed as if bored. “Shame, if I continue you’ll pass out and that won’t be any fun.” He stood. “If you try anything, I’ll kill the girl.”

  Reece left her hanging bloody, but hopeful.

  He was in there.

  The Reece she knew was in there drowning in the evil magic the creator had forced upon him. If she played her cards right, she might be able to reach him.

  The same girl from earlier trotted in, her gaze sorrowful as she looked at Kiuno’s bloody shirt. With trembling hands, she grasped the tiny orb and moved it down the hall.

  The familiar heat of magic blossomed in Kiuno’s chest, but the young woman’s fear-filled eyes prevented her from using it.

  She took cautious steps. Light emitted from her palms and relief flooded Kiuno’s body, though it did little for her pounding head.

  “I can get us out of here,” Kiuno whispered.

  The girl’s lower lip trembled. “I can’t. He has my sister.”

  Kiuno clenched her teeth. “Can you get to her?”

  She shook her head. “She’s at the castle.” A tear ran down her face. “He’s already killed so many.”

  Kiuno’s heart ached as the two sat in silence. The magic swept through the inner recesses of her body like cool water filling a volcanic void. Breathing became easier, but no amount of magic could reach the pain in her heart.

  When the girl pulled back, pain still radiated from a deep part in Kiuno’s body, but she didn’t complain. She knew magic had limits. Who knew what else Reece had put her through?

  The girl replaced the orb and trotted down the hall, likely to inform her captor that she’d successfully completed her task.

  The blood covering Kiuno’s shirt turned cold in the fading firelight. It caked to her skin, causing it to itch and another shiver ran thro
ugh her body. She never remembered being so cold.

  And tired. God was she tired, but she needed to come up with a plan. Something that would bring the real Reece out long enough for him to free her. If she could just get away from the orb, she could summon her magic, escape this place, and hopefully save her friend in the process.

  59: Remember

  Realm: 5

  Day: 355

  Kiuno faded in and out of consciousness as the fire turned to embers. With no sunlight it was impossible to tell how long she hung there, her body numbing by the second. She’d sleep for what felt like minutes only to jolt awake from the aching in her arms.

  “I hope you’re feeling better.”

  She hadn’t heard him walk in and though her body was heavy, Kiuno pulled her feet beneath her and stood on shaky legs.

  The same smirk. The same darkness. The Reece without morals or a conscience.

  Could the relic make everyone like this? Would she be capable of similar evils if their roles were switched?

  Metal scraped against the floor and her vision shot down to the poker in his hand, the tip red. How long had he been there?

  Kiuno took a breath, keeping her voice calm. “I’ll admit it.”

  He scoffed. “Because of the pain? You’ll have to do better than that.”

  A chill ran from the base of her spine and up through her scalp. If he kept going, he’d kill her, and she didn’t know if enough of her old friend resided in that darkness to prevent him from doing it. He’d come back after the fact, of that she was certain, but then it’d be too late.

  Kiuno met his dark gaze and fought to see the man she’d once imagined a future with. She dug past her feeling of Elite, past her loyalty and what she might have to face later. She put herself back in those moments of pain and shattering heartbreak. She recalled the relief Reece’s presence had brought to her life.

  Kiuno had told Elite she didn’t know what she felt and that was the truth, but if she didn’t convince Reece right here and now of her feelings for him, she’d never see Elite again.

  “I loved you.”

  He paused, which she expected, but she didn’t expect the truth to come crashing down on her at the same time.

  She wouldn’t allow it and if not for this moment she never would have admitted it to herself.

  She’d loved again. Been able to love after the person she’d cherished most had vanished from the world.

  Guilt tugged at her like she’d never experienced, ripping a hole through her chest as she fought to register the initial reason for her confession.

  Reece took a few steps forward and the rod fell from his grasp and clattered to the floor. He pressed his forehead to hers and gentle hands cupped the sides of her face.

  He kissed her.

  It wasn’t desire. It wasn’t need. It was an apology and she accepted.

  Their eyes met. The beautiful eyes of the man she knew as her friend.

  “Kill me when you get the chance.” He slid his fingers up her arm and unclasped the shackle from her raw wrist. He supported her body as it fell. When had it become so heavy?

  Reece grunted under her weight. “Come on Ki, you can’t pass out now.”

  Kiuno leaned against him, struggling to collect herself as he unclasped the left.

  They collapsed to the floor and he held her. Kiuno fought to stay conscious. Reece pushed her back and clutched his wrist.

  He scrambled to his feet, grabbed the orb, and hurled it down the hall to her right.

  He crumpled to the floor. “Don’t hesitate. Do it before my magic comes back.”

  Kiuno struggled to her feet and the familiar warmth of fire flooded her core. It circled around her wrist beneath the skin, but she couldn’t convince herself to pull it forth.

  Tears stung her eyes. “I can’t.”

  “Damn it Ki, I’ll kill you.” He ground his teeth. “I made my choice. Just do it.”

  She shook her head. “I’ll find a way. Whatever you need, remember?”

  His lips parted and then the Reece she knew vanished. Darkness entered his eyes like a parasite latched to his soul.

  Her magic flickered in her chest and she steadied herself, preparing for the evil to come.

  Reece stood, his smile sickening. “Will you now? I look forward to seeing you try.”

  She clenched her fists as his vines shot through the floor and danced around him as if in mockery to her promise. She would find a way. Reece had saved her, and she’d be damned if she didn’t return the favor.

  Voices echoed down the hall. The same hall Reece had hurled the orb down.

  Another voice, then footsteps, and that sickening smirk on Reece’s face grew.

  “This is going to be fun.”

  Her stomach dropped as Elite emerged with Silver and Maltack at his side.

  Elite’s wild eyes dropped to the blood caked against her shirt, then roamed to the chains that hung from the ceiling, and finally to the sneer on Reece’s face.

  “I’m fine,” she said before Elite could ask.

  Reece was too close and the way he tilted his head to look at her had every hair standing on end.

  Reece lifted his arm and the vines shot straight for Elite. Kiuno took a step too late.

  She cried out and drowning fear overwhelmed rational thought, but Reece’s magic fell limp before it could strike a fatal blow.

  Reece’s brow furrowed and Kiuno thought her heart might explode from her chest. She glanced down to Elite’s palm and the orb he clutched in one hand.

  He hadn’t even flinched.

  Elite placed the orb in his pocket and drew his sword.

  Fire reflected the murder in his eyes and Kiuno pleaded. “Don’t kill him.”

  60: Elite

  Realm: 5

  Day: 355

  Every cell in Elite’s body flickered with rage. Don’t kill him? He tightened the grip on his sword and stared at the smirk playing on Reece’s face. Blood caked Kiuno’s shirt. She could barely stand and judging from the evidence, Reece was the one responsible. Yet still.

  Don’t kill him.

  He’d led an army against theirs. He’d killed their comrades. Men Elite had fought beside since the first realm. Reece had kissed his wife, tried to claim her after his supposed death, but still. Don’t kill him.

  Elite huffed. Fine, there were more satisfying ways to exact his revenge.

  Elite rushed Reece at the same time Maltack raced toward Kiuno. Even if she were hurt, Maltack couldn’t do anything with the orb so close.

  Maltack had known what the sphere was as soon as he’d laid eyes on it. Elite eyed Kiuno. Judging from the amount of blood on her shirt, he’d have to end this quickly.

  Their swords clashed and Elite shoved Reece off balance then brought his blade up and clipped Reece’s arm. Reece snarled and grabbed the injury.

  This man had hurt his wife and Elite would ensure he suffered for it.

  Reece rushed him again, but Elite shot through his guard and planted the hilt of his sword in Reece’s solar plexus.

  Reece wretched and doubled over, fighting for breath, but Elite didn’t give him time to catch it. He could kill him, he had the chance to plunge his sword straight through Reece’s gut, but Kiuno was watching. Even without taking his eyes from his opponent, Elite could feel her gaze burning into the back of his head, willing him not to do what he knew he should.

  Elite cursed and brought his fist up under Reece’s chin. Elite kicked the man’s sword away and flipped Reece onto his back, pinning his arm with one knee.

  A glint in the firelight caught his attention and Elite pulled at the sleeve of his opponent. His reflection stared back from the surface of a jade jewel.

  It all made sense now. The dark relic.

  Thick roots twisted from the tainted magic and interlaced themselves beneath the raised flesh. Elite cringed.

  Reece bucked his hips just enough to throw Elite off balance and scrambled toward his weapon. Elite stood, a renewed sen
se of understanding at their predicament. Kiuno wanted to save Reece, but she’d be putting herself in danger. Like she always did.

  He let out a slow breath. If he ended it here, then she wouldn’t have to.

  Reece adjusted the grip on his sword. “You should have taken the shot when you had the chance. You won’t get another.”

  “I think you’ve been relying on that magic too much.”

  A growl echoed from Reece and Elite positioned himself.

  That’s right, get angry, rush in, and this will all be over.

  “He plans to kill me you know,” Reece said louder, his target clearly Kiuno. “I can see it in his eyes. He’s decided I’m not worth saving.”

  Elite didn’t turn. He didn’t have to. He knew her mind churned between the possibility of Reece being right or having enough faith to trust in her husband.

  Elite cursed. He couldn’t. Not after everything she’d already been through. He wouldn’t let this world take the integrity he’d worked so hard to build.

  Reece smirked. “She always was too soft, though when you died,” he whistled, “She really went off the deep end. Cold-blooded murder. That’s what I’d love to see in her eyes again. The moment she smiles as she tortures another human being.”

  Rage boiled in him as he fought to keep calm. “Shut your mouth.”

  “Ooh, so she hasn’t told you? Should make for an interesting conversation. Has she told you about our kiss, or the way I held her and ran my hands over her body?” Reece licked his lips. “How about how much she liked it?”

  “I said shut up!” Elite charged. He knew Reece was baiting him, but fury tore through his body at the thought of Kiuno in another man’s arms.

  Kiuno wanted to save Reece, but had she also developed more feelings than she let on?

  Elite parried another blow and avoided the fatal shot meant for his throat. Reece was good, but there were countless moments where he could have ended this fight. Perhaps he could remove an arm. He could cut off the one with the jewel.


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