Forgotten Hero

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Forgotten Hero Page 52

by Brian Murray

  As the couple were hugging and celebrating their good fortune, Felix walked into the shop.

  “What is the good news?” Felix asked, rubbing his gritty eyes. He was tired as he spent most of his nights helping Rayth and the others with their plans of disruption.

  “Great news son, we have been invited by our temple to witness the rebirth of our leader,” said Krondo.

  “Are you talking about the Dark One?”

  “The Dark One . . . No,” his father said with a frown. “Our leader is the God who created the Path.”

  “Aye, I know the beast is evil and darkness will follow if he walks again on this land. Vampires and dark beasts will again walk.”

  “Evil, why do you speak about evil? Our leader will bring harmony to the land and unite the people.”

  “Aye, he will unite the people, but only against himself. Can you not see this is a wicked thing the temple is trying to do? That man in the palace is evil and his bodyguards are blood-drinkers of the worst kind. If you go to the palace you will die.”

  For the first time in years, Krondo raised his hand and slapped his son across the face. “You know nothing, boy! When you know nothing, do not speak or you will sound like a fool, like you do now,” he hissed.

  “A fool, am I? I love you but I cannot allow you to go to the palace,” said Felix, wiping blood from his split lip.

  “Son, your mind has been clouded by the Divine One. What has She given us? Nothing, I tell you, nothing but harm and war. With the God who created the Path you will see peace, true peace.”

  Father, you’re mistaken. They intend to resurrect the Dark One. Even his name speaks of evil. He is the Dark One, what kind of name is that?”

  “Enough!” screamed Krondo. “This conversation is ended. Your mother and I will be at the palace tonight and we will witness the rise of our leader. You, boy,” he exclaimed, “you know nothing.”

  Krondo left the shop to finish preparing for the day. Marva walked up to her son and cupped his face in her hands.

  “Felix, your father is determined to be there.”

  “And what about you, Mother. Will you go?”

  “Son, I go where your father goes.” Tears rolled down Felix’s cheek and collected on his mother’s fingers. “What you say may be true, but I will follow your father. I love him.”

  “I love you too, Ma.”

  “And I love you with my whole heart; you’re my flesh and blood. But I will follow your father, first and foremost.” Marva reached up, kissed her son on the cheek, and left him standing in the shop with his head bowed, tears streaming down his face.

  Felix gazed back into the kitchen and mouthed, “I love you” to his parents, then left the bakery. That would be the last time Felix saw his parents together.


  A few hours before dusk, the High Priestess of the Temple of the Path led her hooded congregation towards the palace, with an escort of twenty Dark Brethren to assure their safety.


  Felix knocked on the back door of the Flying Vessel at dusk, after spending the day wandering the streets of Teldor. Aurillia opened the door and looked into the young man’s reddened eyes.

  “Felix, what’s wrong?”

  “I need to speak to Rayth,” he replied quietly.

  Aurillia went into the common room to get her father.

  Shortly, Rayth returned to the kitchen and looked at the young man. “What’s wrong, young Felix?”

  Felix broke into tears and Rayth led the young man to a seat and sat him down. After a few moments, Felix looked up and wiped away the tears from his eyes. “Sorry,” he whispered.

  “Never apologise for showing your emotions, boy.”

  Felix managed a weak smile.

  “Now, what is the matter?”

  “My parents are going to the palace. They are part of the Temple of the Path. You already know that. But they have been chosen to witness the rise of this Dark One. Father is going because the evil, or rather, greed has seduced him, but my ma, she’s only going for my father. She doesn’t believe in the evil but she is going as well.” Felix broke down into tears.

  Rayth put a hand on his shoulder and squeezed gently. “Son, people follow their own path. You have followed the path of good and your father has followed another path, blinded of its darkness. He is a good man and I truly cannot see where this darkness has come from. Your mother is a good, gentle woman.” Rayth rose from the table and walked to the cellar door. Opening the door, he whispered a name.

  Pushing the door open and stepping into the kitchen, Dax looked upon Felix with a frown.

  “Rayth, you called me?”

  “Aye, I want you to take Felix here to the palace with you.”

  Dax stared at the former soldier questioningly, waiting for an explanation.

  “His mother will be in the palace and he needs to get her. You understand, don’t you Dax? You’re going for Thade and the boy wants to get his mother.”

  Dax sat down next to Felix and said, “This is not going to be pretty.”

  “But I need to get my ma.”

  “I did not say you could not go, I just said it will not be pretty. Many men will die tonight, and some friends may not return. We are going to a place where death is calling and you must fight if you want your mother back; fight and kill. Do you understand?”

  Felix looked the man in the eyes and pledged, “On the life of my Christie, I will get my ma out of the palace or die trying. If I have to kill to get her out, so be it.”

  Dax put his arm around the younger man’s shoulder and whispered, “You are a good boy and your mother must mean the world to you. We will get your mother out, you have my word. Now come downstairs, we are finishing our planning. Felix, you are welcome to join us.” Dax smiled, and all fear washed out from Felix as they walked down to the cellar where Zane plotted their attack with the others.


  An hour before dusk, the people from the Temple of the Path arrived at the inner gates of Teldor. Before them loomed the darkened palace.


  Outside the outer walls of Teldor, General Brooks prepared his men to storm the city. The foot soldiers had been arriving for the past couple of hours and now General Gordonia sat in his tent, planning the attack.


  Zorain sneaked carefully through Teldor, knocking on selected doors, delivering a simple message, “Your king calls you to arms.”


  Outside Teldor Bay, the Gliding Falcon crew waited for a signal; the axe-wielders from Sandall were ready to disembark.


  Inside the Flying Vessel the men sharpened their weapons, each lost in their own thoughts.

  Megan sat close to Tanas with her arm around his waist. She whispered to him, “You come back in one piece, you hear me?”

  Tanas cocked his head to one side and smiled. “Is that a threat?”

  “No jests, Tanas. I love you. You must come back to me.”

  Tanas’s smile evaporated. “Are you mocking me?”

  Megan leaned forward. “Tell me if my lips are mocking you?” she whispered and kissed the blind warrior.

  Tanas again smiled. “Oh, it was a threat. I promise you I will come back.”

  Felix strapped a sword belt around his sender waist while next to him, Christie was crying silently. Felix looked across and saw his woman’s silent tears. Kneeling down in front of her, he cupped her face in his hands. “I have to do this, you understand?”

  “I don’t want to lose you,” spluttered Christie.

  Felix gazed into her reddened eyes.

  “I promise you I’ll return,” he said, kissing her on the lips.

  “You promise?”

  “Aye, I do.”

  The pair embraced.

  Aurillia was doubly upset. Her man, Zane, having just returned to her, was now leaving for battle. Moreover, her father was going to battle. She did not know what to do.

  At that moment, Emyra walked in w
ith Zorain. She looked at the men preparing for battle and the women looking after their men. She saw Aurillia was lost and smiled at the girl. Emyra walked up to Rayth easing the pressure on Aurillia who moved towards Zane.

  “Emyra, what brings you here?” asked Rayth, beaming a smile.

  “I had to make sure you were ready. You know you cannot dress yourself properly,” she said, fixing the man’s axe harness.

  Rayth laughed. He looked over her shoulder and saw Aurillia talking with Zane.

  Emyra looked around and smiled. “They make a handsome couple.”

  “Aye, that they do,” answered Rayth proudly. “But I will have to talk to the boy when this is over.”

  “That you do, but remember, he is now king and his entire army is just outside the gates.”

  “Bring them on,” said Rayth defiantly.

  “Now you be careful and come back in one piece,” said Emyra, changing the subject.

  “Is that the Mistress concerned for me?”

  “Well, I will need you when all this blows over, we have coin to earn.”

  “Are you sure it’s just the money?”

  “Just come back and you’ll see.”

  “Now that’s something I will come back and be waiting for.”

  Emyra laughed and again turned to look at her daughter.

  The queen saw Aurillia walk over and turned Zane to face the girl. Whispering in his ear, she said, “Tell them, everyone knows.”

  Zane turned and kissed his mother on the cheek. “You know I intend to marry her?”

  “And you have made a fine choice. She is perfect for you, and your people will love her.”

  He kissed his mother again and turned to face Aurillia. He opened his arms and the girl rushed into his embrace.

  Feeling her warm tears on his neck, Zane whispered to her, “Aurillia, I love you.”

  “And I you.”

  “When this is over I shall wed you.”

  “Ask me when you return, not now.”

  “Are you telling me no?” asked Zane, distressed.

  Aurillia eased back slightly from the king and smiled. “I want you to do it properly and ask my father when he also returns later.”

  Zane smiled. “I can ask him now,” he said, looking at the huge former axe-wielder, then swallowed hard.

  “Not now,” cooed Aurillia, stroking his cheek. “Wait until you return.”

  Zane kissed her and promised, “I’ll ask him first thing. Now go and see your father, he’s throwing daggers at me with his eyes.”

  Aurillia turned and smiled at her father. Facing Zane again, she kissed him deeply, then left his embrace without another word and went to her father.

  Approaching her father she noticed the innkeeper still threw daggers with his eyes, aimed at Zane. “Now stop that.”

  “Stop what?” asked Rayth innocently.

  “Stop giving Zane Rayth’s evil eye.”

  “I was not,” protested the girl’s father, peering over her at the king.

  Aurillia hugged her father and whispered into his ear, “That’s no way to look at your future son in law.”

  “But I was not . . .” His sentence went unfinished as he looked into his daughter’s bright, violet eyes. “You mean?”

  “He will ask you later and you be good about it,” Aurillia said sternly.

  Rayth hugged his daughter, smiling. “I am so proud of you.”

  Pulling out of her father’s bear hug, she used her sleeve to wipe away a tear that rolled down his cheek.

  “Now you come back in one piece, I will not wed anyone without your consent.”

  “Aurillia, I would not miss that for the world, I will be back.”

  The two embraced closely.

  Dax sat in a corner with Gammel, sharpening his death-dealers. He looked up and saw Emyra and the two exchanged a smile. There was some history between them, unknown to the others, and it would remain that way for the time being. Looking down at his axes, he smiled to himself and continued to sharpen the concave blades.

  Ireen walked over and stood before the old warrior. For the first time, she was not scared of the warrior; they now had something in common. “Dax,” she whispered softly.

  Dax looked up, continuing to smile. Ireen glanced at Gammel, who obligingly got up and moved tables to sit with Zorain and Conn.

  “Yes, lass?”

  “You will bring him back.”

  “Aye, lass, I will bring my boy back.”

  “You promise me?”

  “I will not promise you, but these will,” said the warrior, reaching down and lifting his two axes.

  “Dax, I want you to promise me you will bring Thade back to me.”

  Dax put down his axes and rose to look into the princess’s large eyes. Putting his arms around the woman, he pulled her in close.

  Ireen put her arms around Dax and whimpered, “Please.” A tear rolled from her green eyes.

  Softly Dax whispered, “Ireen, I will bring the lad back for you and me. I miss him as much as you do. He is the closest thing I have had to a son and I love the boy. Not to mention Cara . . .” Using his finger his lifted the girl’s chin so he could look into her eyes. “I promise.”

  Ireen kissed the old warrior on his bristly cheek and smiled for the first time since Thade was kidnapped. “Now I know he will come home. Thank you, Dax.”

  Dax picked up his axes and put them into his harness. He looked around the room, making eye contact with everyone.

  “It’s time,” he announced.

  All the men nodded.

  Zorain rose first and left the room through the kitchen and out into the darkness. He made his way down to the docks and hoped the ship was there.

  A ship sat anchored in the bay.

  Chapter 26

  The congregation from the Temple of the Path entered the palace and the Dark Brethren led them to the main banqueting hall.

  The hall had been stripped of its bright silk curtains and fine furnishings, and these were replaced with black curtains and plain wooden pews. The walls had been painted black and the rich woollen carpet had been ripped up, exposing a grey stone floor. A stone sacrificial altar had been placed at the top of the hall on a small raised stage. The high priestess smiled within her hooded cloak as she was ushered to the top of the hall towards the stone altar.

  As she reached the altar, she removed her hood to reveal her shaven head. Her face had been powdered white, her lips painted black, and around her eyes were smudged with black. She looked a ghostly figure. Two of her priests removed her cloak to show that the woman wore only a simple, thin black gown that revealed her small, perky breasts. The rest of her body was shaven. She smiled, showing her white teeth, raised her arms, and the congregation obediently fell to its knees. Her presence commanded attention; she was the high priestess – a woman with power.

  From the side door, a shadow brought in the offering for the Dark Gods.

  Thade was striped to the waist. His chest was covered with bruises – and ancient markings. The Shadow dragged him to the altar where he was strapped down spread-eagled, facing upwards. The Shadow took its place behind the priestess, towering over the small woman. To the side of the altar three warriors in silver armour waited, with hands on their weapons.

  “Today our leader will return to us!” the priestess exclaimed, her voice shrill with anticipation.


  The men from the Flying Vessel tavern split into two groups. Zane, Dax, Gammel, Gan-Goran, Tanas, and Felix headed towards the palace via the docks. Rayth, Conn, Kolos, once again joined by Zorain, headed for the outer gate.


  Outside the city wall, Generals Brooks and Gordonia prepared their men. They now waited just outside bow range for the gates to open. In the front were the heavy cavalry, who had the best chance of getting through a rain of shafts tipped with death. Behind them were the light cavalry, and the Royal Lancers who were out for revenge, knowing their comrades inside the city were dea
d. Each man knew someone who had remained behind in the city and they wanted blood.


  On the Gliding Falcon, Admiral Rendel received his signal from the shore and the launches headed for the docks to disembark. Silently, the small boats glided across the calm water of Teldor Bay. Within half an hour, the axe-wielders reached the docks and were met by Zane and his companions.


  Inside the banqueting hall, the Ritual of Resurrection had started and the worshippers moaned and sighed as the Dark Power in the large room grew stronger.


  As Rayth, Zorain, and the others moved silently through the city, the reserves joined their ranks and their numbers started to swell.


  A dark, billowing storm cloud drifted across the moon, engulfing the city in a chilling darkness.


  The men approached the inner gates, noticing that they were opened. Inside were the Dark Brethren and General Polalic. Seeing the object of his hate, Gammel surged forward, ignoring the plans that had been made. Zane was about to pull him back when Dax grabbed the young king and whispered, “This will work to our advantage, and is something the man has to do.”

  Zane looked into Dax’s violet eyes and thought he saw stubbornness there. He held up his clenched fist, which told the two thousand axe-wielders to hold.

  Gammel stepped into the stone arched gateway and roared, “POLALIC!”


  The city reserves of Teldor reached the outer gate and halted. Rayth recognised the general giving out the commands. He was the commander of his axe-wielders who had run when the Kharnacks attacked at Ractenack Pass, leaving his men to perish.

  The huge figure of Rayth stepped out into the main street.

  “CARASH!” he roared.


  Inside the banquet hall the rite continued, the people present unaware of what was happening outside. The high priestess raised her hand, holding up an old leather pouch. She started to chant as she theatrically placed the contents on Thade’s chest. She moved the bones around to form a hand over his pounding heart. Looking down, she smiled. Her pupils were wide, as the toxins of the balamine plant surged through her body.


  Polalic turned and looked at the huge figure standing in the gateway. Squinting, his fears rose as he recognised the figure of the man with the fiery orange hair.


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