The King's Bought Bride (Royal House of Leone Book 1)

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The King's Bought Bride (Royal House of Leone Book 1) Page 11

by Jennifer Lewis

  “What are you doing here?”

  “Gibran sent me.” The man spoke in French-accented English.

  “He sent you to my bedroom?” Darias’s tone sounded incredulous.

  “I have to check on you every half hour on my monitor downstairs.”

  “A video monitor?” Darias’s voice dropped an octave. Emma’s eyes widened. Had their own security staff been spying on them?

  “No! We have a heat sensor. It measures whether there’s anyone in the room or not. That’s all.” Darias still held him in a tight grip. “When the heat sensor went off I came to make sure everything was okay. I found the door unlocked, and you gone.”

  “We’ve been gone for hours.” Darias sneered. “If I’d been kidnapped, we’d be in Paris by now.”

  “Our security cameras located you upstairs.”

  “You have a camera in my studio?” Now Emma cringed. Had the staff seen her naked?

  “No. Just in the stairwells.”

  “Where else?” Darias still held him tight.

  “All the hallways, outside. Nowhere private, just enough cameras so that we know where everyone is at all times.”

  “And enough sensors so you know where they’re not.”

  The man swallowed. “Yes.”

  “Then why were you peering at Emma’s nightstand?”

  “I was looking behind the mattress. That’s where the sensor is.”

  “Tomorrow morning I want a full report of exactly where each and every recording device and sensor is in this palace. I don’t like being surprised in my own bedroom. If your equipment is so sophisticated, how come you didn’t know I was headed back?” Darias pushed him into the mattress. “How do I know you’re who you say you are?”

  “Call Gibran.”

  “At four A.M.? I’m sure he’d enjoy that.” Finally, he pulled back, leaving the man panting into the mattress. “Get off my bed and out of my room. And don’t forget about that report.”

  The guard staggered out the door. He was wearing one of the black security guard uniforms, but the black shirt and pants were barely distinguishable from the attire worn by half the wealthy hipsters who frequented Keane Moss.

  Darias smoothed the wrinkles on the bed. “I’m sorry about that.”

  “Why? It’s not your fault.” Her heart still pounded, and for once it had little to do with Darias’s fiery, dark gaze or bold masculine features. “I’m just glad he wasn’t here to kill us.”

  Darias locked the door, then took her into his arms. She let out a sigh and realized she’d been holding her breath. His arms felt safe and warm. He kissed her softly on the lips and the tension left her body, replaced by liquid need.

  Her arms wrapped around him, and her fingers rested on the firm muscle of his back. She could feel the strength he’d just used to pin and hold a trained security guard. His confidence and decisiveness were reassuring.

  And, as usual, he smelled great. She drank in his scent and let it soothe her, resting her cheek on his shoulder. She couldn’t lie to herself—being intimate with Darias felt amazing, and for once they weren’t putting on a show for anyone.

  His hands slid up and down her back, caressing gently, stirring sensation beneath the skin. When he kissed her again, the heat of desire burned away the last traces of fear and her body softened in his arms.

  I want to make love with him.

  She acknowledged her thought. It was probably a bad idea, but she’d climbed onto this roller coaster ride. Once the car began going up that incline, there really was no other way out.…

  His fingers slipped under her robe, and her belly quivered. She’d stayed calm and still under his steady black gaze, but now she itched to move against him. She pushed her thickened nipples into his chest. She could feel his hardness against her and knew he was as aroused as her.

  “Wait.” His voice, thick with desire, drew her out of her lust-fogged stupor. “Heat sensor? I don’t trust them. I want the room swept again—by my own trusted staff—before I’ll risk being intimate with you in here.”

  No! She wasn’t sure she could stand waiting. “We could be really quiet.” She whispered it as if to prove her point.

  “There might be video cameras. It’s not worth taking a chance. If I have enemies out to ruin my family name, they could do anything with the images.” His ragged breath heated her neck, and she could hear the pain in his voice. “Tomorrow we’ll head out into the countryside, where no one will find us. No one will be able to watch us or hear us or track the heat of our bodies with high-tech equipment.”

  “My body might short circuit their equipment if I get into bed right now.” She couldn’t bring herself to pull away from him. “Too much heat.”

  He chuckled, his expression pained. “I hear you. I’m going to need a very cold shower to get even one wink of sleep tonight.”

  Darias let her go in the shower first, perhaps afraid things might get out of hand if he joined her. She let the cold water run over her fevered flesh, hoping that she wasn’t being viewed on a bank of monitors somewhere. When she climbed between the cool sheets she had enough energy to jump up and run a marathon.

  He kissed me.

  And tomorrow…

  This whole situation had gotten completely out of control and she couldn’t help being scared of how things would end up, but for now she just wanted to enjoy the ride.

  She averted her eyes while Darias toweled off his well-muscled body, not wanting to alarm the heat sensors. She held her breath while he lifted the sheets and got into bed with her. Her stomach tightened as he leaned toward her and kissed her very gently on the lips.

  Had he changed his mind? Her insides flashed to life in anticipation.

  But he pulled back, eyes shining in the dark. “Good night. Or it would be if I could be sure we were really alone.” He glanced around the dark corners of the room. Then he leaned in again and whispered. “But tomorrow we’ll make up for lost time.”

  When Emma woke in the morning, Darias was gone. She realized she’d overslept, and it was nearly nine. Not surprising because she’d been far too overstimulated to fall asleep, even after how late they’d finally gone to bed.

  She contemplated texting him to say she was looking forward to their encounter, then realized that would have been the first time ever that she’d sent him a purely personal text—he should probably take the lead in that under the circumstances—and besides, depending on where he was, someone else might see it.

  She dressed and headed downstairs, wondering if she’d missed breakfast, but when she got there it was in full swing and everyone was dressed even more elegantly than usual.

  “Ah, Emma, my dear.” Darias’s mom rushed toward her. “You must come meet my sister. Liesel has just arrived this morning from Bavaria.” She took Emma’s hand and led her toward one end of the long dining room table, where an elegant blonde woman, not as pretty as Carolina but close, was holding court with some of Darias’s siblings while eating a grapefruit with a spoon. They were unwrapping and eating what looked to be handmade chocolates that she’d brought, which was funny since they were all in their twenties, not in elementary school. Maybe the chocolates were that good.

  “This is Darias’s new wife, Emma.”

  Emma shoved out her hand. Liesel looked up and studied Emma’s face. A flicker of curiosity—or was it distaste?—crossed her fine features. Emma drew her hand back, since Liesel made no move to shake it. “Pleased to meet you,” she fibbed. Royal etiquette was part of her “job.”

  Liesel ignored her greeting and instead studied her slowly from head to toe with pale blue eyes. “You’re American.”

  “Yes. I’m from New Jersey.” She tried to sound cheerful about it, though she felt more intimidated every second. She searched her mind for further conversation, then realized it might not be her place to babble on to this strange woman she knew little about.

  “Isn’t she lovely?” Darias’s mom, Carolina, gestured to her as if she were a painti
ng, not a person.

  Which in fact, she now was, not that any of them knew yet.

  “Very tall.” Liesel peered up at her as if she were six feet tall. “But then I suppose that suits your lanky son.”

  “Darias’s not lanky. You saw him this morning.”

  Liesel shrugged and bit into a crisp toast triangle. “That boy was a beanpole even as a toddler. He has grown into a handsome man, though, and seems reasonably intelligent.”

  Emma stared at Carolina. Was she going to let her sister talk like this about her own son, soon to be the king of this country?

  “You’re not royal though, are you?” Liesel turned her chilly gaze back to Emma. “Or even from the aristocracy.”

  “America doesn’t have an aristocracy. Unless you count the Kennedys. And they’re all cursed.” Uh-oh, she was babbling. And possibly being offensive. But it was hard to keep still and smile with this much hostility being directed at you. “Everyone’s been so generous in welcoming me into the family and helping me feel at home here.”

  She hoped she didn’t sound too reproachful. Where was Beatriz? She wasn’t sure whether Beatriz and Liesel would be bosom buddies or archenemies.

  “How marvelous,” said Liesel, drily. She spoke perfect English with only the faintest accent. “I’m still amazed you’re all carrying on like there isn’t a murderer in your midst.”

  “It’s what Emil would have wanted,” protested Darias’s mom. “He said that as a member of the royal family it’s our duty to keep going no matter what.”

  “I don’t think he had a vision of his naked corpse on the floor when he said that.”

  “Liesel!” Carolina hissed and glanced around. “I told you that in confidence.”

  “Dad was found naked?” Rigo, one of the older brothers, stared at her. “How?”

  “It’s not important for you to know that. Liesel, really! These are his children.”

  “Surely it’s important for everyone to know the facts.” Her sister sipped her coffee. “One can face the truth bravely without hiding from it.”

  “I don’t want word to get out. Emil wouldn’t have wanted that. And don’t say anything about what happened to Sofia, either.”

  “What about Grandma, Mama?” Cosima, a younger daughter, spoke up. “Why are you being so mysterious? We’re all adults. We have a right to know.”

  Carolina’s eyes filled with tears. “It’s just so…so…” She rose from her chair and ran from the room. Emma found herself on her feet, wanting to run after her and comfort her, but several others did the same thing.

  “Be gentle with her, Aunt Liesel,” scolded Sandro gently. “She’s feeling very raw. Her grief is terrible.”

  “I think the circumstances are very suspicious, that’s all.” Liesel lifted a thin brow. “I think something underhanded was going on and I think the details should be made public so that the investigation can progress. I don’t like this cloak-and-dagger business.”

  “Our mother is very anxious to preserve the family’s reputation.” Sandro stood, towering over Liesel. “As well she should, since she is its head until Darias is crowned tomorrow.”

  “Where is that young firebrand? Probably off painting in his attic. I heard he caused a stir assaulting a security guard in the dead of night after a painting session. You think he’d be taking his life more seriously now he has royal duties.”

  “I was painting at three in the morning because that is the one time I don’t have any royal duties.” Darias’s voice boomed from behind them, and they all turned around.

  “I hear your lovely wife was with you.” Liesel cast a dismissive glance at Emma.

  “I cherish every second that I spend with my beautiful wife.” Darias came up behind her and kissed her softly on the cheek. Her eyes slid shut as she enjoyed the warmth of his lips. No need to pretend she enjoyed the gesture; it made her heart flutter like a leaf.

  “I’m sure you do.” Liesel studied him. “I can’t believe you kept her hidden from the family until now.”

  “You know I don’t enjoy publicity for its own sake.”

  Liesel cocked her head. “Was it love at first sight?” She looked right at Emma.

  Whose adrenaline spiked. “Absolutely,” she blurted. “Though I didn’t realize it at the time.”

  “Did you know he was a prince?”

  “I had no idea who he was,” she said honestly. “I just thought he was very handsome.”

  “Indeed he is. Let’s just hope he’s more sensible than his father.”

  “What?” Carolina, who’d been brought back into the room, looked shocked. “Whatever do you mean, Liesel?”

  “I mean to get himself murdered…under such bizarre circumstances. One must be very careful when one is royal.”

  “We’ve never had anything like this happen before in Altaleone. We have the lowest crime rate in continental Europe. Possibly anywhere in the world. It’s an aberration.”

  “And still unsolved. What are you doing about the murders, Darias?”

  Emma shivered. She’d already developed a deep dislike of Carolina’s sister, who seemed to be poking wounds for no reason other than her own pleasure. Hopefully, she would leave soon after the coronation.

  “I am conducting a private investigation, alongside the official one. I will not be disclosing any details. Your discretion in all matters related to our family is both requested and required.”

  Emma’s heart warmed at his stern tone. He clearly didn’t like his aunt any more than she did.

  Liesel lifted her chin. “Such a commanding young man. Excellent king material.”

  Darias gave her a withering look. “I have business to attend to. My wife will accompany me.” He held his arm out to Emma, who took it with relief, even though she hadn’t managed a bite of breakfast yet. Anything to get away from his toxic aunt.

  They exited the palace through the front door, down the wide flight of steps into the elegant courtyard. “Thank you for saving me.” She wasn’t sure if she should be blunt about one of his relatives.

  “That woman is a menace. I’m sure she has some kind of agenda. I just haven’t figured out what it is yet.”

  “I hope she doesn’t upset your mom too much.”

  “My mom puts up with her bullshit because they’re sisters. She’s all about unconditional love.”

  “Your mom is one of the nicest, warmest people I’ve ever met.”

  “I told you that before you met her.” Darias smiled. “But that makes her vulnerable to manipulative schemers. She can’t see through them the way you and I can.”

  Emma wasn’t so sure she could, either. “Hopefully, she’ll leave soon after the coronation.”

  “I intend to make sure of it, one way or another. Meanwhile, I’ve been thinking that we should move into the old castle, so my mom can stay in the palace where she has so many memories without us all being on top of each other.”

  “We’re hardly on top of each other in a palace with over a hundred rooms.”

  “True.” Darias nodded to the guard as they walked out through the wrought iron gates between the palace and the village of Casteleone. “But we’ll have more privacy and won’t have to put on a show of any kind.”

  Emma felt a twinge of sadness. She’d hoped they wouldn’t have to put on a show because their fake marriage was growing into a real one. Clearly, Darias’s thoughts weren’t heading in the same direction.”

  “I suppose you’re right. Your grandmother the queen lived there, didn’t she?”

  “Yes, so it’s all reasonably up to date, though a woman in her late seventies obviously has somewhat different tastes than we do.” He grinned. “But we can make changes.”

  She liked the way he was saying “we,” as though her opinions really mattered.

  Even though she would be here for only one year.

  “Do you want to go look at it now?” She noticed their feet were heading in that vague direction over the cobbled streets. Hanging baskets fi
lled with white flowers for the wedding were being refilled with more colorful mixes—blue and gold, and burgundy and gold—for the coronation the next day. Workers and people in the street nodded and smiled respectfully as they walked by.

  “Yes.” Darias leaned in to speak lower. “I also think it will be easier to secure and control our privacy. It’s a lot smaller than the palace and completely surrounded by a wall and a moat. I don’t like the idea of cameras and sensors and spying eyes everywhere. It’s compact enough that all staff can live in the village, and we can enjoy complete privacy.”

  “Would you mind if we stopped at a pastry shop? I came down just before you did and didn’t eat breakfast yet.” She didn’t have any money on her. In fact, she’d stopped carrying it. Money seemed strangely useless when you had everything handed to you on a silver platter. “If you have any money. I’m afraid I don’t.” Maybe he didn’t need it. Perhaps everything just arrived on a silver platter when you were royal.

  “Of course. We’ll stop at my favorite patisserie.” Darias accompanied her into a quaint little shop, shelves piled high with shiny pastries and frothy cakes. They chose a selection of delicacies, then sat outside at a tiny wrought iron table while an aproned waiter brought them tiny steaming coffees.

  “This is heaven, Darias. Altaleone is like a little charmed paradise. I find it strange that you prefer to live in New York.”

  “It’s a very tiny paradise, where everyone watches my every move closely. I’ve enjoyed the anonymity and freedom of New York more than I like to admit. I’m ready to embrace my destiny, though.” He spoke low, obviously not wanting strangers to overhear, and his warm breath grazed her skin, sending a ripple of pleasure through her.

  She wanted to kiss him but knew that was inappropriate here on a public street, even if there were no pedestrians walking by at that exact second.

  Then he leaned in very close and whispered. “But right now, the only paradise I crave is one where I can make love to you away from curious gossips and spying eyes.”


  “Is the old castle in the village private enough?” She spoke as quietly as possible. Maybe that was where they were headed.


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