The Book of Daniel and the Mystery of the Resurrection Machine

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The Book of Daniel and the Mystery of the Resurrection Machine Page 22

by Holloway, Daniel;

  “feet part of iron and part of miry clay”: the image’s feet are partially in the black aurora and light-green aurora; thus part “iron” and part “miry clay.” Notice how the image is sprinkled with the symbolic, “seed of men,” code for the appearance of the stars.

  The Real

  Woman of the Book of Revelation

  “And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars:...And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered.” Revelation 12:1-2

  Does this grid make me look fat? This image is the origin of the “woman with child” spoken of in Revelation 12. As you can see, it perfectly fulfills the Bible’s description. This is who she was; this is her alignment. In the older books of the Bible, her name is Wisdom.

  Our image begins by placing a female figurine within a peripheral grid of the Wisdom Wheel’s large white circle. Next we overlaid this image with the large yellow grid series of the sun, which provided the line data for the woman’s maternity clothing as well as her coloration according to the verse. Furthermore her “crown of 12 stars” (count them) was formed from the junction of the grids which align with the image’s head. What is not shown here is that the verses of Revelation 12 were written around the perimeter of each grid, thus adding to this complex, but beautiful image.

  How the Color-Layer Functioned

  Basically the function of the Wisdom Wheel is twofold: not only does it spell sacred Word, but it also creates a series of images by which to comprehend the divine plan on ever-deeper levels, each layer symbolizing an aspect of the final image. Accordingly I have attached key symbol words to the colors of the Wisdom Wheel that you may grasp how their descriptions were cloaked within the Bible’s verses.

  The final images are thus an accumulation of figurines, grids, line data and colors that were placed according to exacting mathematical input. Likewise the chapter, verse numbers, and letter counts of each Bible story are relevant to the final arrangement, all of which were timed better than any Swiss watch.

  That said, I have excluded the majority of mathematical details of each layer: Not only is that information too scientific for the average reader, but it could also be misused. Too much math is a temptation for the unlearned, at which point the numbers are of little consequence. There is no further need to write new Word as the ancient books are themselves sufficient to correct Earth’s realignment. There are however several details I can share about the engineering-magic of the Wheel:

  The 1st Layer of colors:

  ~The Great Seas~



  “And God said; let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, …and the gathering together of the waters (waves/frequencies) he called Seas: (the two dimensions)” Genesis 1:4, 5

  The Frequencies of Heaven and Earth: The first color layer of the Wisdom Wheel was a simple background of white and black. These colors were typically symbolized in the Bible as either “seas” or “waters”. They represented the vibrational frequencies and substances that comprise the two dimensions. Your scientists call these “strings”.

  The 1st color layer was a simple contrast of light and darkness over which other layers of the Grid System were located. This allowed us to track the timeline from the portal’s original failure and our subsequent fall into this dark world, all the way through to its repair and our resurrection into the light of Heaven.

  Likewise, the two colors of this layer were symbolized as “seas” for a very scientific reason: We knew that each world comprises a baseline frequency, or, wave pattern, similar in shape to the waves of an ocean. Thus, portraying this layer of the Wisdom Wheel as “seas” or “waters” in the Bible was the perfect camouflage by which to hide the angelic science. Again, please follow the symbolism of each verse:

  Sample Scriptures of the Upper “Sea” of the Grid System


  “And to the north (or upper part of image) of the garden there is a sea of water (Atomos-structure)…And when a man washes himself in it, he becomes white of its whiteness even if he were dark.” Adam and Eve chapter 1:2

  “And before the throne there was a sea of glass, clear (white) like unto crystal:” Revelation 4:6

  “He makes me to lie down in green pastures (green aurora): he leads me beside the still waters. (wave pattern/frequency)” Psalm 23:2

  The abstract symbolism of the two dimensions: The “crystal sea” of Heaven is a wave pattern of clarity and peace and is comprised of the mighty Atomos or God particle. “Still waters” (wave pattern/frequency) run deep, and thus the frequency of the Atomos is symbolized in the Bible accordingly.

  Sample Scriptures of the Lower “Sea” of the Grid System


  “Raging waves (grid-design) of the sea, foaming (the appearance of the Milky way) out their own shame; wandering stars (figurines), to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever.” Jude 1:13

  Meanwhile, the baseline wave pattern, or “string,” of this world was symbolized by the dark, raging waves of Jude 1:13. This is the physical realm, i.e., the “flesh.” The grids that superimpose this layer likewise track the timeline of subduction and rebirth of the God Element.

  There was however, a second color scheme we used for the first color layer that included sky-blue and black instead of white and black. This color arrangement tracked the day/night cycles of the earth and its orientation throughout the course of the year. A simplified example of the blue color code is found in the Bible’s book of Exodus 28:31 and addresses the robe of the High Priest himself:

  “And you shall make the robe of the ephod all of blue.” Exodus 28:31

  A real priest, a magi priest, was truly somewhere between Heaven and Earth yet was still symbolized in the Bible via this Grid-System image. They were administers of the truths that befall us, small parts of God who were still awake yet locked within a mortal body. And yet the same Element that dwelt within them is also in you. Notice the Wisdom Wheel’s version of a priest including the Jewish yarmulke, or cap, as well as the purple band of the aurora. Every color code found in the Jewish tradition was formulated from within the Grid System.

  The 2nd Color-Layer of the Wisdom Wheel

  ~The Aurora~


  “And God said, Let there be lights (colors) in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:” Genesis 1:14

  The “Glory” or 2nd color-layer of the Firmament. These ten colored-rings functioned as a visual aurora/magnetic-line altimeter. By understanding the interaction of the aurora and the Earth’s magnetosphere, the Magi were able to adjust the Word output accordingly. These rings are described in the Book of Enoch as the “Ten levels of heaven”.

  This artistic-rendering (not to scale) shows the location of the 3-seasonal orbital-planes of the Sun and Moon as-well-as the lines of the magnetosphere and their placement within the Wisdom Wheel. In sync with the colors of the aurora, this information allowed us to visually track and adjust the Word-output-solution of the Wisdom Wheel so as to correct the Earth’s alignment over time.

  Part of adjusting Earth’s alignment begins by first adjusting the magnetic lines that surround our planet. Likewise we knew that each color of the aurora indicated the basic height of those lines at any given time and thus we integrated that information within these ten-rings of the Wisdom Wheel. Hence the 2nd color-layer of the Wheel acted as a visual-altimeter in which we could discern the relative height of the magnetosphere based upon the colors we saw on any given night.

  This in turn allowed us to rotate and adjust the ten color rings as needed to alter the final Word-solution that would become the Bible. This resulting wave-pattern, once spoken by you, impacts the magnetic structur
e accordingly and thus changes Earth’s alignment over time. Basically the Word pushes the magnetic lines, creating a bulge to which our planet will naturally seek its new magnetic center, thus changing its axial tilt. It’s hard to believe that a seemingly humble Bible verse contains such unfathomable power and engineering, but then again, it’s just good magic…

  The complex wave-patterns of the Bible connect your mind to the magnetic-structure of the Earth. In this representative image, we can see how the Word organizes and impresses a form of living electrolysis upon Earth’s magnetosphere, thus altering its lines and tilt over thousands of years by which to open the portal. Not only did the science of the magi far outpace modern science, but we did it with fewer bad hair days than did Einstein. And, yes, at times we had a sense of humor—sometimes.

  However in order to hide this technical data, each color of the aurora was given a symbol word in the Bible that in turn identified its specific altitude, providing you knew the code. For example, the light-green layer of the aurora could be symbolized as “green grass” at about 120 miles above Earth, while the darker green layer just beneath that was called “emerald” and so on. It was all a play on words that was further detailed according to the chapter and verse numbers in which they are mentioned.

  But there is more to the 2nd color-layer than meets the eye. The two inner most color rings (white and black), also indicated the location of the positive and negative ion bands as they pass through Earth’s core. These electrically charged particles actually capture and adhere to the angelic-elements. This is where the “mental” meets “magnetic” in our science—a little-known fact in which the angelic-minds, both good and evil, are literally attached to your planet’s magnetic structure ever since the portal’s failure:

  Left image: the present arrangement of the Earth’s ionic/magnetic structure as it entwines the axis. This alignment isolates and imprisons the God Element from emitting. Likewise this color arrangement was used in the Wisdom Wheel during the creation of the Jewish Bible or “Old Testament”.

  Right image: In contrast, this configuration was used to create the New or Christian scriptures and prophesied the coming geomagnetic-shift that will herald the portal’s opening. These white and black ion-bands were symbolized in the Bible as “iron” (black) or “snow” (white). Always the code.

  Likewise each ring and band of the Wisdom Wheel serves multiple functions. It’s not important that you know them all, but a few of the simple aspects will display the depth of the angelic-genius. For example, the inner, 7 divider-lines of the aurora-bands also represent a 360° view of Earth beginning at the South Pole in the center and accumulating with the North Pole at the outer edge of the 7th ring:

  We never actually displayed a globe over the Wisdom Wheel, yet several aspects of the globe were yet represented therein. This artistic rendering shows the locations of the North Pole, South Pole and Equator, all of which played a key role in Word production. The multi-faceted functions of the Wheel are exact and mind-blowing. It was all very precise.

  More so, the boundary lines of the 3rd, 4th and 5th rings mimic the seasonal arcs (the solstices and equinoxes) of the sun and moon, as viewed from Jerusalem. Again, the gravity of these celestial bodies affects the alignment of our planet and whether or not the portal could be reopened; thus we needed to know their seasonal angle of magnetic pull via these 3-rings. Each ring in turn was assigned a numeric-value that affected the final Word output of the Wheel:

  Each ring and band of the Wisdom Wheel represented an important aspect of gravitational-interaction that in turn dictated the final Word-solution. In this instance, the 3rd 4th and 5th rings represent the sun and moon’s seasonal-angle of magnetic-pull.

  Lastly, the 8th, 9th and 10th rings strictly represent the outermost-lines of the upper magnetosphere, high above Earth. This part of the magnetic structure was critical in our science as they simultaneously “rip” upon the portal’s full opening. In turn these lines also transfer the Source Element back and forth, to and from Heaven. This is the great conveyor belt of the “daily-sacrifice” (Daniel 12:11).

  If there is any doubt left in your mind about these revelations and the science of the magi, then deny this: The portal hat of this ancient Babylonian stela perfectly displays the rip of the space/time continuum upon the portal’s opening. These 3 magnetic-lines are the great conveyor belt upon which the Source-Element cycles in and out of Heaven. As it exists back into Heaven the Element carries with it our sufferings, or “daily-sacrifice” of Daniel 12:11. Thus our sufferings are transformed into the food of God. The portal and the resulting Super-aurora were real.

  Likewise the bands of the Wisdom Wheel that are attached to these outer-3-rings were also overlaid with measurements of the celestial globe including the arcs of Lunar Mansions, the 12 signs of the Zodiac and finally, the altitude of the portal itself. This information further complemented the total input/output-data of the Wisdom Wheel via its timing and arrangement.

  Ground Zero for the portal location: It is the last three lines of the magnetosphere in which the tear of space will occur. It is here my friend that the mind of God Almighty will enter your world.

  The effects of Earths polarity, its magnetics, and its connection to our minds were ultimately addressed within the construction of our wave-pattern. In my opinion it is absolutely a miracle of science that we could articulate this advanced information thousands of years ago. This is why I call it a “super-science,” in that it surpasses physics alone by quantifying the relationship of the physical to the mental. The fact is, something this flawless can only be the Word of God.

  For the magi, decoding the scriptures was easy as we understood their design from within the Grid System. As we scrolled through the many verses, our minds instantly converted the symbol words to the scientific-facts that we had long ago memorized, thus removing the historical or literal facade by which to reveal something far more profound. Meanwhile, everyone else could only see the outer stories from which their rabbis, priests and preachers read; they took it all quite literally, just as we intended.

  The delicate work of tearing the fabric of space: Our science and the Word by which to open the portal was precise and considered all critical input data including Earth’s magnetic structure and even the angle of the sun and moon’s gravity. This image of Lagrange-points (not to scale) displays some of the complexity of that gravitational-interaction.

  ~Heaven and Earth~


  “And God said…Let the waters (wave-pattern) under the Heaven be gathered together (solidified into a reality) unto one place, and let the dry land appear (image-structure): And God called the dry land Earth;” Genesis 1:9-10

  The gathering of the waters: The magi used the Wisdom Wheel to locate and track the dimensional wave-patterns, both good and evil, that are compacted within Earth’s magnetic-fields. These minds were then personified via the figurines, one of which brings angelic-illumination (Heaven), and the other, the darkness of our humanity (Earth). It was all part of the symbolic code.

  Now that the 1st and 2nd color-layers are meshed into one, we can symbolize a bit more. We can understand that each frequency or “sea” of the 1st layer is now interlocked with the aurora of the 2nd, thus providing a means to locate those frequencies within the Earth’s magnetic-fields. This area of overlap in the Wisdom Wheel acted as a foundation, or, “Heaven and Earth” by which to track the angelic-energies: the top-half symbolized as “Heaven” in the Bible, and the bottom-half as “Earth,” or the “dry land” (Genesis 1:9), that emerged from the dark “waters” upon which it sits. It was symbolism through and through.

  This also sets the stage for the data layers that come next. It gives us a medium through which a real set of scientific facts can be understood mathematically, pictorially and in a logical order. We then used that information by which to extract the written Word that contains the very solution to the problem being described. Most ancient religious texts func
tion in this same manor.

  Indeed the Word that the Wisdom Wheel spelled is a high-tech “fix-it” that will soon separate the angelic-element in you from the dark mental construct in which you are trapped. The magic activates when you speak it, after which Earth’s magnetic-field is reorganized, thus contributing to the realignment process. Thanks for helping.


  The Bible perfectly describes the symbolic appearance of the same Wisdom Wheel that wrote its verses. So how then did we engineer the Wheel that hadn’t yet been described??? Oh the depths of a magi’s mind . . .

  ~Placing the Planets~

  The orbital-positions of the sun, moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn were located just outside the perimeter of the ten aurora colors. These allowed us to calculate a sphere’s gravitational influence and arrive upon a total-sum of gravity and its direction-of-pull upon Earth during any given hour. This mathematical sum was then projected into the final Word-solution of the Wisdom Wheel.

  The next facet of the Wisdom Wheel tracked the orbital positions of Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, the sun and the moon. This was accomplished via another 7 rings located within the circle of the Hebrew alphabet. The placement of these spheres within the Wisdom Wheel was not intended to mimic their location within the heavens, but rather to calculate their direction-of-pull upon the Earth.


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