The Book of Daniel and the Mystery of the Resurrection Machine

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The Book of Daniel and the Mystery of the Resurrection Machine Page 25

by Holloway, Daniel;

  Both the Jerusalem and Zion grids are “generative”, meaning they were the shorter sub-cycles that in turn produced the larger grand-cycles of the Grid System. Thus when you see the word, “generation” within the Bible, it is symbolically correlating these two grids in some form. Imagine them, if you will, as the beginning or central cogs of the Wisdom Wheel by which all others functioned to ultimately write our magic-spell.

  Next of course were the colors and personas that we attached to Zion and Jerusalem within the scriptures. Due to the fact that these grids are perfectly superimposed, their male and female symbolism is interchangeable. Once described in conjunction with the colors of the Wisdom Wheel, these portrayals were really fun. Please follow the symbol words.

  “I will gather you into the midst of Jerusalem. As they gather silver, and brass, and iron, and lead, and tin (aurora colors), into the midst of the furnace,” Ezekiel 22:19, 20

  “And I John saw the holy city, New Jerusalem (grid), coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride (white or full moon) adorned for her husband …and had twelve gates, (12 lunar months) and at the gates twelve angels (figurines), and names written thereon, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel (figurines).” Revelation 21:2

  “Jerusalem is as a menstruous (lower red aurora bands) woman (figurine)” Lamentations 1:17

  “Their blood (lower red auroras) have they shed like water round about Jerusalem;” Psalms 79:3

  The Zion and Jerusalem grids tracked the movement of the moon and sun as well as to place the resulting figurines within the Grid System. These grids were centered directly over the city of Jerusalem on our maps. Likewise, the first figurines of the Grid System were symbolized in the Bible as Adam and Eve. In this story we portrayed the moon’s strayed orbit; symbolized by Eve’s separation from Adam’s body. Can you visualize the proverbial “rib” from which Eve was formed? The Symbolism was incredible.

  For those familiar with the Bible, you may have noticed that both an old Jerusalem and a New Jerusalem (Revelation 3:12) are mentioned therein. Allow me to explain why: During the time in which the portal was destroyed, Earth’s axis tilted to about 24° away from the sun which was exactly 12° farther than what is preferable for a solid Paradise alignment. Likewise this 12° discrepancy is mimicked in Jerusalem’s off-center placement in the old Wisdom Wheel alignments and symbolized in the Bible simply as simply “Jerusalem”.

  Meanwhile the futuristic Paradise-Alignment was called “The New Jerusalem” and is centered on the map directly over the town of Megiddo; as in “Armageddon” (Much more later).

  The Jerusalem Alignments: The Old and New Jerusalems represent the broken and repaired alignments of the portal as they were encoded upon our sacred maps. The New Jerusalem is located over the famous town of Megiddo and heralds some unprecedented and amazing events for planet Earth. Never, at any time, was Jerusalem mentioned in the scriptures as an actual reference to the physical city, but instead to symbolize these critical aspects of the Grid System.

  Yet as Earth’s axis realigns in the coming age, this center point of the Jerusalem Grid will likewise be relocated to the center of the Wisdom Wheel’s white dot. This will be the New Jerusalem or new axial point of the sacred maps. Thus, by camouflaging our science in this manor, it became impossible for a reader to suspect our code beneath the words.

  Try to remember that the scriptures are not a history story nor are they a catalog of human events, people, or places, but instead star charts that were designed to pave the way home. These sacred maps chronicled the heavens and hid those records within an outer skin or code; a cloak for creatures that could only see the outer.

  Jesus Sitting on the Right Hand of God


  Next: Notice if you will the interaction between Jesus and the image of God as well as the artistic Jerusalem in context to the scriptures;

  “So then after the Lord (Jesus) had spoken unto them, he was received up into heaven, and sat on the right hand of God.” Mark 16:19

  “No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.” John 1:18

  “Swear not at all; neither by heaven (upper-half of Wisdom Wheel); for it is God’s throne: Nor by the earth (lower-half of Wisdom Wheel); for it is his footstool: neither by Jerusalem (Grid); for it is the city of the great King.” Matthew 5:34-35

  As you can clearly see, Jesus is relaxing in the bosom of the Father (John 1:18) and sitting directly on the right hand of God (Mark 16:19). Please note that the map alignments are unchanged as before. You are seeing the real secrets of the Bible; this is it!

  Tyre and Sidon



  “Tyre shall be a place for the spreading of nets in the midst of the sea;”

  Ezekiel 26:4-5 -The appearance of the grids as fisherman’s throw-nets…

  “Son of man, because that Tyre (grid) hath said against Jerusalem (grid), Aha, she is broken that was the gates of the people: she is turned (tilted lunar orbit) unto me:” Ezekiel 26:2 a correlation between the Jerusalem and Tyre/Sidon Grids.

  The Tyre/Sidon Grid represented Earth’s 23.4° wobble and was offset from the Jerusalem/Zion Grid accordingly. At its center is the constellation of Draco. Beginning with the serpent that deceived Adam and Eve and ending with the dragon of Revelation, we symbolized this grid with an evil connotation throughout the Bible. Indeed it is Earth’s tilt and wobble that closed the portal and thus our charts recorded that information.

  The next critical facet of the Grid System to be understood is the placement of the wobble grids upon the maps. So while the Jerusalem Grid showcases Earth’s axil alignment, we now need another grid and town/towns to represent Earth’s wobble. If you review the images of Jesus, one can see that there is another grid located due-north between the cities of Tyre and Sidon. The relative-distance between this location and the Jerusalem Grid is 23.4, thus mimicking the Earth’s axial-tilt/wobble offset (see fig. A). In the final analysis, the towns of Tyre and Sidon are like all cities mentioned in the Bible, their sole function being grid and star locators on our maps.

  Thus by mathematically extending the known, relative distance of 23.4° between the center-hubs of the Tyre/Sidon and Jerusalem Grids, we can now calculate the location of each grids outer circumference. Notice therefore, if you will, the location of the seven churches and that they fall perfectly upon the perimeter of the Tyre/Sidon Grid (see fig. B). Not only that, but even more miraculous is that they fall exactly, mathematically, where they must to form the new center of a new Draco peripheral grid. These alignments are amazing!

  Better yet, the Word made our job easy as these marking points were first spelled via the Grid System itself, thus making map-production a synch. Please note that maps this accurate weren’t produced again until the age of GPS and satellites. I’m sure you’re wondering how this is possible, but the alignments of Jesus should be enough to convince even the biggest skeptics. By the way; we also took into account the Earth’s curvature while engineering those models.

  Admittedly it requires both a genius that goes beyond the intellect of this world, as well as the assistance of the Word which outlined each and every location of our maps within the books it wrote. Perhaps though you are wondering why I’m giving you such detailed information about our secrets. Because it is time; today is the day for this to happen. As well, it is necessary that you know these details so that you can relate the countless misconceptions of the scriptures. This in turn will help you to understand the importance of what we did and therefore your connection to the realm from which you came.

  I want all of your questions to be answered so as to help you understand both the mysteries we harbored as well as how it affects your relationship to the portal. The images being revealed herein will likewise assist in that comprehension. One step at a time.

  Sackcloth and Ashes


  “…for if the mighty works, which were done in you, had been done in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes.” Matthew 11:21

  “…there was great mourning among the Jews (figurines), and fasting, and weeping (stars-symbol), and wailing; and many lay in sackcloth and ashes. (grid line-data and Milky Way)” Esther 4:3

  This is how we invented your traditions: The “sackcloth” of Ester 4:3 is the multitude of line-data that comprises Draco’s Grids. It perfectly mimics the coarse, black, appearance of goats’-hair sackcloth used in ancient Israel. Meanwhile the “ashes” were symbolic for the backdrop of the Milky Way galaxy as was the “weeping,” or stars of the image.

  Notice the verse’s correlation with the cities of “Tyre and Sidon” thus showing how we overlaid our maps with grids. This old Jewish rite is also the basis for what would become the Catholic-tradition of Ash Wednesday. And to think it all began from the Grid System…

  Humans seldom if ever understand the brainchild behind their religious traditions—and not that this sacrament of repentance accomplished anything more than a form of social obedience, but it certainly was interesting for us, as magi, to model and observe our handiwork of the grids. Yet for those who observed our simplistic rituals it was the pennies they had to give, the bread crumbs of repentance and dedication to God. So while there was little comprehension as to what or why we required them to commit to these rites, people gave what they could and believed.

  In its un-encoded format however, these verses are referring to the subduction of the angelic DNA into the dark “clothing” of this dimension, i.e., your human body. Likewise that rough outer shell came about as the result of Earth’s wobble and dysfunctional magnetic-structure which in turn was represented by the Draco Grid design. The horror of the fall is also reflected in the “weeping” of Ester 4:3. The true repentance of which we spoke however, is not of an individual act, but a plea for you to flee this dimension altogether. Again; we are in this world, but not of it.

  The Real

  Garden of Eden


  “And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put man whom he had formed” “And a river went out of Eden to water the garden; and from thence it was parted and became four heads”

  “The name of the first is Pishon; which encompasses the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold;” (large eastern, morning-circle of the Wisdom Wheel) And the gold of that land is good: there is bdellium and the onyx stone.

  “...the second is river is Gihon; the same is it that encompasses the whole land of Ethiopia” (large southern, Moon-circle of the Wisdom Wheel)

  “And the name of the third river is Tigris; that is it which goes toward the east of Assyria.” (large western, evening-circle of the Wisdom Wheel)

  “And the fourth river Euphrates.” (large northern, Sun-circle of the Wisdom Wheel) Genesis 2:8-14/fig. a, b

  The real 4-rivers of the Garden of Eden: Its four rivers of solar, lunar, morning and evening colors, creating the symbolism by which the Bible-story was patterned. Notice the precision of the overlay with the colors and locations that are listed within the scriptures. The Wisdom Wheel even spelled the name of the rivers, some of which have proximity to real-world rivers such as the Euphrates. This is none-other than the long lost Garden of biblical-lore…Amazing!

  Like all Grid System images, Eden was centered just north of Jerusalem and is translated to mean; “enclosed paradise” or “enclosed delight.” It was “eastward” not because of its location on the map, but rather due to the eastward equinox sunrise being represented in this story. The original Paradise Alignment (before the portal’s failure) was a time in which the sun rose much closer to due east year-round. I hesitate to tell you the exact measurement of this ancient sunrise as your scientists today would emphatically deny its possibility based upon their own misinterpretation of alleged evidence.

  By looking at the same map overlay as before, one immediately notices that the description of Eden encompasses a huge amount of territory extending from the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, Assyria, Ethiopia, and even the land of Havilah. Included in the Bible’s story are the color-symbols of bdellium, onyx, and good gold, all perfect matches for the various colors of the western ring/river named “Pishon”.

  Likewise at the center of the Wisdom Wheel is the junction of Eden’s peculiar four-headed river, which is nothing more than the four, grand cycle rings of (morning, Evening, Sun/Day and Moon/Night). As the diagram portrays, this intersection parts and becomes the “four heads”:

  “And a river went out of Eden to water the garden; and from thence it was parted and became four heads”. Genesis 2:10

  In support of this, the book of Enoch includes even better details about Eden and its rivers:

  “And two springs come out which send forth honey (yellow/Sun circle) and milk (white/Moon circle), and their springs send forth oil (evening circle) and wine (morning circle), and they separate into four parts, and go round with quiet course, and go down into the EDEN, between corruptibility (lower-half) and incorruptibility (upper-half).” Enoch 8:6

  The symbolism here is fascinating in that the basic appearance of the day, night, evening and morning skies are branded as being “honey, milk, oil and wine.” It was a way to encode the prominent colors of the heavens at those specific times, thus hiding the science in the form of a soothing storyline for our congregations. Eden was also described as being “between corruptibility and incorruptibility” due to its alignment in both the day and night background sectors of the Wisdom Wheel. Later in the story of Moses, these same white and gold rings are symbolized as the “The Land of Milk and Honey”. It was the same rings, but with different symbolism.

  The Tree of Life and The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil


  “And out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.” Genesis 2:9/3:3

  The trees of Eden were abstract-images of the Grid System formed by the gold and white rings that were also two of Eden’s rivers (same grids with different symbolism). The Tree of Life is symbolic of the light of the Source of Heaven and is located over the “incorruptible”, day section of the Firmament, while the Tree of Knowledge is upside down over the darkened or, “corruptible” sector.

  Likewise the book of Enoch better describes the co-symbolism of the four-rings as “rivers” and/or “trees” as well as the throne upon where God “rests”:

  And in the midst of the trees of Eden, that of life, where upon the Lord rests when he goes into Paradise; and this tree is adorned more than every existing thing; and on all sides it is in form gold-looking and Vermilion (bright red) and fire-like. Its root is in the garden at the earth’s end. Enoch 8:6

  Remember the image of God’s throne?

  Let’s also compare the co-symbolism of the Garden trees and God’s throne with the four rivers as described in the book of Enoch

  “And two springs come out beneath the tree which send forth honey and milk, and their springs send forth oil and wine, and they separate into four parts, and go round with quiet course, and go down into the EDEN, between corruptibility and incorruptibility.”

  And while the Tree of Life represents true illumination, the Tree of Darkness, (i.e., the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil) is located in the black corruptible section of the Firmament, thus its evil portrayal. Similar to the satanic element, the moon that shows this light is deceptive in that it has no light of its own but is merely a reflection of the real light of the sun. This is a metaphysical likeness to our existence on Earth as humans—not really who we are, but a mere reflection of the truth. And the more knowledge we get, the more we forget the power of the Atomos in the moment…

  What’s more, each tree of this grid Ga
rden was named based upon its likeness to the real type of tree that most closely mimicked its artistic- appearance. For example the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil was symbolized as a “fig-tree” (white bark) while the Tree of Life was named as a “Mustard Tree” (yellowish tree) in the book of Matthew 13:

  “The kingdom of heaven is like to a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and sowed in his field: Which indeed is the least of all seeds: but when it is grown, it is the greatest among herbs, and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in the branches thereof.” Matthew 13:31-32

  Teaser: As I will expound upon in Book II, you will see that the town of Bethlehem is both the mustard seed in question as well as the immaculate seed of Mary. Please refer to the “Woman of the Book of Revelation” in the Heaven and Earth Chapter to solve this secret of the magi.

  As a final note is the orientation of the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil per Ecclesiastes 11:3:

  “…and if the tree fall toward the south (knowledge of good and evil), or toward the north (Tree of Life), in the place where the tree falls, there it shall be.”… Enough said…

  The Two Olive Trees


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