The Book of Daniel and the Mystery of the Resurrection Machine

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The Book of Daniel and the Mystery of the Resurrection Machine Page 44

by Holloway, Daniel;

  In this day, one facet of our soul will be cast into torment, while the other will be saved. Thought, doubt, control, manipulation and disbelief are a sudden stop, while peace, belief and faith—the path to the portal. Choice however, is still part of the program and you must choose wisely and consciously. We must all attach to the correct spirit in our minds. One brings life without end, the other, death and a never-ending torment

  As I’ve said many times, every word of the scriptures, no matter how seemingly literal or benign, is in fact part of the code. In this case, an alternate name for the Son of Perdition is, in fact, “death”. Thus every time you see the word “death” in the Bible, it is referring to the figurine and timeline in question:

  “… The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.

  …How are the dead raised up?... and with what body do they come?…there are also celestial bodies, and bodies terrestrial:

  And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.

  …then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory. O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?” 1Corinthians 15:

  Such is the day of separation. But here is the mind twister: the meshed image of Jesus and the Son of Perdition is a 2,000 years old alignment. In other words, the separation process in humanity had not yet begun. That involves a new image and alignment. Again, the science is revealed in the history of humanity. So, as a thief in the night, the facts are sprung upon us in this day.

  But I can tell you this: you haven’t seen anything yet. The evil one will resist; he is determined to make you believe the lie, and the longer this goes, the more obvious the spirits within us will become. Make no mistake; you are in a fight for your eternal life. Madness beyond what history has witnessed will ensue within the human creature. In the end, the consciousness to which you choose to attach will exist in a permanent state of perfection or destruction.

  The spirits will also coalesce more and more in each generation, evil collecting in some, good in others. What you see is what you get. The room for repentance, that is, change, will narrow. A thief and a liar will always be just that; and a giving spirit, the same. One seeks self-gain, the other, the mind of God.

  So you see, Satan, aka, the son of perdition, is our human-mind and our human-selves. Humanity is the man of sin. Don’t believe it? Look around; wars, murders, rapes, abuses, constant disasters and hatred. And the reason that the world seems to be losing its mind is because it is, for real, -losing its mind. It is burning from within, as madness itself will become the norm. And in this process you will notice many things in many people—every spirit will be tested. The good and the evil in others as well as within ourselves.

  In this day you will literally feel yourself being ripped apart inside, often not knowing what to think or feel. But your refuge will be in your focus on God and in being still within, this must be your choice. Have faith in the things of God and let nothing besides His spirit of love guide your consciousness. I beg you to stay the course, to ride it out until the end. Believe and accept the love of God and that it is real, for without believing, the resurrection is not possible. Your logical mind may struggle to accept these things, yet it is the rationale of unbelief that the dark spirit uses to his advantage. I give you the imagination of God, a new identity that can literally take you to the world beyond.

  It was tough bringing you what I know; sharing what was given to me to share. I had to give it all up; everything that I knew and had lived and loved, but for a greater family. Against all the stares, the murmuring of family and friends, -the accusations and ridicule. Family of course is sacred where I am from, the feud, a symptom of our dedication and loyalty.

  Yet now you are my family. Within, another man, another brother or sister; another angel. We are all in fact part of the being of God and there is my greatest loyalty of all. But the judgments and condemnation of others is nothing compared had I forgot my first loyalty to the family of God, my true kinsmen in the spirit.

  This has been my work since the beginning: to infiltrate this dimension; to download a virus that the enemy would never suspect: The Word was the proverbial, “Trojan horse”, quietly accessing every capacity, every recess of your mind, lying dormant, it incubated for all these thousands of years. But that the blind should see, you were given this information, the overwhelming evidence in this book, the code of the scriptures, the images and more so, the revelation that within you lies the power of the universe.

  I am not the end of these things, but only the beginning; my task is and always has been to introduce a new thought; to interrupt as imagination, your sensory input signals and to encourage a new reality that you may awake from the lie in which you are imprisoned. And like the code of the Book, there is so much more that lies beyond the surface of your perceptions.

  Where then is the wise; where is the disputer of this world? The Word comes as a consuming fire to destroy the wisdom of those who profess, and bring to nothing, the understanding of the prudent (1 Corinthians 1:19). Indeed God chose the code to confound the experts, and an improbable science to muddle the haughtiness of man. For by neither man’s science nor his religions did we come to know truth, thus it pleased Him, by the unlikely, to save them that believe beyond this illusion.

  The Breaking of the Brass and Iron Aurora

  “I will go before thee, and make the crooked places straight: I will break in pieces the gates of brass (bronze aurora), and cut in sunder the bars of iron (black aurora):” Isaiah 45:21 Compare these verses to the image…

  “For he must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet.” Corinthians 15:25

  The Feet of Jesus: We see pictorially, how the satanic mind is grounded within the brass and iron anti-aurora of the magnetosphere. These areas of the aurora were only recently restudied in 2001, yet we spoke of them in-code over 2500 years ago. Within them is the mental force that altered us from the light of God, into the fallen creation of the human. The Word has prophesied the destruction of this mind; promising to crush every false imagination and take every thought captive.

  The negative-ions that span the black and bronze aurora; this is the “iron” and “brass” that is displayed in the Wisdom Wheel under the feet of Jesus. In those darkions is attached the dark element as well which must be revealed and eliminated. They are attached, not only to the magnetosphere of your planet but to the very cogs and gears of your mind. This pseudo imagination must be destroyed, -stamped out and cast out along with Earth’s crooked alignment, they must be eliminated forever. Brothers, sisters; please, listen . . .

  Built within the Word is faith itself, instilled within its matrix, the power of God. Subtle but unstoppable, even on this side of the portal, it exists in trace-elements and is also inherent within the God Spell. But more-so let us hope that this same faith, which was never a human attribute, but the actual substance of the Almighty, has now taken hold of your physical-being. There it marinates every fiber of your mind and body. It lies dormant for the now, but stirs within us as the day begins to dawn.

  A child who turns within its mother’s womb, sees only darkness, finding its way via the blackness of a yet undeveloped imagination. Yet even the unborn instinctively sense the light that lies beyond. It is the miracle of child-birth that proves the power of faith and imagination, ourselves the new creation; pushing for that which we can neither see nor prove. We can hear, just barely, His mind, His muffled voice as a dedicated Father who encourages us from a dimension beyond. It encourages us to continue on this journey that leads to light and life. And so we continue to turn and push towards salvation and birth.

  When that which is perfect shall come, that which is in part shall pass away. That which is perfect is already here, faith; but something even more perfect, the love of God, the indwelling, is on its way. Faith has it perfect place,
but real love, the love of God, is the totality of perfection.

  It is my inner-dialog now, the voice that accompanies my mind, the teachings of wisdom and understanding. It reaches me in my dreams and as I awake, every still moment of every day. I hear it always. It is not another voice, but the familiar stillness of God.

  The words of the little old man were replaced with a never ending dialog within. This unassuming entity who so transformed my life was himself perhaps far older than I realized. He too had been here since the fall, a facet of the divine imagination. He was trapped as was I, not separate from myself, -but one and the same.

  To receive the voice of God is the end goal, the result of letting-go of this world and indeed, our human selves. We all want change, but are we willing to do what we must to get it? Rather, are we willing to let the love of God illuminate the temple that we are, to dwell within our minds? We must ask however; is it really that God presides in our mind, or that we simply begin to understand that He always was our true mind from the beginning; not separate, but one and the same; not us, but Him.

  I love you. I have always loved you, and that is why I shared the secrets that were shared with me . . . Within you is a parcel of God, yet there comes a time when each one of us must work out our own salvation with fear and trembling. We must each accept the discomfort of our spiritual birth and continue on the path that leads to the portal. You now, are responsible to find the way and to find God in you.

  If you expected more promise, more peace and more prosperity for your human body, then perhaps you expected too much. God’s intention was never to find Himself permanently as your human. He never promised health, wealth and wisdom for the flesh. No, the intention was to drive you out altogether, to bring you out of this strange land and into the rightful home of those who believe.

  It is here then that I encourage you to leave the days of the fallen for that which lies ahead, –to trust in that small still voice within, and to believe in that which only the faintest of instinct can direct. Turn to the portal of salvation, the star-gate of which the scriptures have before spoken; the door that leads us from the darkness of this universe to the light of another world.

  Call it Heaven, call it the Element of God, or even the dimension from above: Call it whatever you want, but the power of which I speak is real and is a mind beyond comprehension. Truly it summons us as does light in a darkened world, showing us our long forgotten home.

  I cannot promise that you will win or lose this war for your soul: In fact, all I can say for sure is this; that the power to accomplish victory is hidden within the Word of God. Trust the Word, believe in it, speak it, see it for what it is; a chance at salvation. The magic is there, you know, as is the Source from which it came. Truly it is a séance from another dimension, and the greatest magic-spell ever written…

  For the longest time now people have pondered visitations by aliens. Perhaps, now they got what they wanted. I am not from another planet, but nonetheless from another world. The Ancient of Days came to my mind, and now, it comes to you. It is the return of the God-consciousness. I am, Daniel; the God Spell prophet, the last magi; an interpreter of dreams, a royal scribe and the judge who was given of almighty God. Having once been the master of the ancient magicians; my calling now is to reveal our many secrets.

  It’s hard to leave an angel speechless, but it did happen once that I know. I stood in the empty dining room of the old cabin, a small framed picture in the corner-shelf caught my eye. I had seen it every day for decades, and-so forgot, over time, to see it for what it truly was. It was a childhood picture of the body in which I still lived: a little Daniel, only two or three years old. For some reason here at the end it caught my eye. I saw it now, not as who I was then, but as the sacrifice that little human was and would be.

  He had no idea how hard the road would become—no clue at all at how difficult the path before him; the struggle to accept the truth of who he was before. I cannot tell you how moved I was in that moment to realize the precious sacrifice, a life for God, knowingly or not, that my life had been for Him; really—His life, not mine: God and the human now finally connected.

  I now saw him as the human to which I was attached. I loved and admired him so, his little self, for what he was and had been; a capacitor in this world for the tiny bit of Atomos. He was about to die, but I was not, yet it was he who would live on in me for eternity. It shook me to understand how profound a matrix that only a higher wisdom and God could create. I was honored, I was silent; I used the boy’s tears to express my own feelings of gratitude and appreciation for my time in this life, in him—no words, no words at all.

  It was perfection to completion: I in him and him as me, the perfect expression, not incomplete, but perfect by faith, as are all of our lives should we choose to see it . . . What shall I say of the tiny image of a deer embroidered upon his vest? Are we not all the sacrifice in this field of life?

  How wonderful in the eyes of God, the bodies to which we are attached; the coming of the Sons of God…and in his eyes, that little boy. I saw it; still new from the other world; in his eyes the hope, the being of the God, not yet snuffed, never defeated, the mighty God-Element, and the remnant heart from another dimension. This is the story of love in us, not separate, but one with God, always and from the beginning…

  And so I paused my departure to write these final words. The seals have been loosed; the truth before you. I have fought the good fight, I have finished my course; I have kept the faith. It was a prophecy so-sure, so absolute and now the end is here, but not the end of the story. I have things far greater than these that I wish to show you… I have written them down for you already; “I am here to help you remember…”



  “And he said unto me, O Daniel, a man greatly beloved, understand the words that I speak unto thee, and stand upright: for unto thee am I now sent. And when he had spoken this word unto me, I stood trembling. Then said he unto me, Fear not, Daniel: Now I am come to make thee understand what shall befall thy people in the latter days: for yet the vision is for many days.” Daniel 10:11


  • Bible verses credit: The Holy Bible, King James Version. Cambridge Edition: 1769; King James Bible Online, 2019.

  • Verses for the Book of Enoch and the Book of Adam and Eve; credit: The Lost Books of the Bible Copyright 1926 by Alpha House, Inc. The Forgotten Books of Eden Copyright in the United States of America and in Newfoundland 1927 by Alpha House, Inc.

  • Front Cover; by © H&R Productions LLC, all rights reserved.


  • viii, Siberian portal by © H&R Productions LLC, all rights reserved.

  • viii, Background image; Beautiful Aurora Borealis over sea, by Nejron Photo/


  • xi, Earth’s magnetic field, illus.; the Earth, the solar wind, the flow of particles, elements of this image is furnished by NASA, by Naeblys /

  Chapter I

  • opening, Page Jacob wrestles with the angel; Picture from The Holy Scriptures, Old and New Testaments books collection published in 1885, Stuttgart-Germany. Drawings by Gustave Dore. Image, By Nicku /

  • Page 17, Mind-twist Collage by © H&R Productions LLC, all rights reserved.

  • Facepalm statue Tuileries Garden in Paris, near Louvre. A, image by Mariusz Stanosz / Image, refer to same image on page 124

  • Figurine, by Heinrich Agrippa; De occulta philosophia libri tres/Public Domain

  Chapter II

  • Page 25, portal/grid by © H&R Productions LLC, all rights reserved.

  • Figurine; Heinrich Agrippa, De occulta philosophia libri tres/Public Domain

  Chapter IV

  • Page 68, Deer, illus. Daryl M. Benningfield/by © H&R Productions LLC, all rights reserved.

  • Page
69, Old Magi, image by © H&R Productions LLC, all rights reserved.

  Chapter V

  • Page 89, Dragon/serpent collage, by © H&R Productions LLC, all rights reserved. -Piasa Bird, image by © H&R Productions LLC, all rights reserved.

  • Black and white Draco, image by © H&R Productions LLC, all rights reserved.

  • Old Draco image, by Sidney Hall, 1825; Old Image Book Gallery images:

  • Dragon statue with the blue sky field, image by Ohmega1982

  • The show of Chinese Golden Dragon Celebrate Chinese New Year night scene at Huahin, image by Daykung

  • The Destruction of Leviathan - Picture from The Holy Scriptures, Old and New Testaments books collection published in 1885, Stuttgart-Germany, drawings by Gustave Dore image by Nicku.

  • Babylonian “Ischtar Tor”, Istanbul Archaeological Museum, image, by Zzvet

  • Dragon statue Ljubljana Slovenia, image by TheWorst

  • Hindu and Buddhist snake statue, image by TEERASAK KHUNRACH

  • Page 90, Indian Petroglyphs in Eastern Washington, image by 4nadia/

  • Page 95, Prayer collage, by © H&R Productions LLC, all rights reserved. images:

  • Hasidic Jews gather and pray, image by David Cohen 156.

  • Pentecost and Catholic pilgrimage, image by salajean.

  • GANGASAGAR, INDIA, Hindu pilgrim, image by CRS PHOTO.


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