Accidentally on Purpose 6 Book Box Set

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by L. D. Davis

  Accidentally On Purpose


  The Accidentally On Purpose Companion Series

  Complete Box Set

  By L.D. Davis

  ©2017 L.D. Davis

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author.

  Table of Contents

  Accidentally on Purpose

  Worthy of Redemption

  Worth the Fight


  Girl Code

  Things Remembered

  Accidentally on Purpose

  “Anyone who can rationalize love through intellect, has no idea

  what love is, for it is an emotion, and cannot be rationalized.

  For love is crazy.”

  C. Bombardier

  Chapter One

  I was already plastered when Kyle walked into the bar. He was the last person I expected to see in the small bar I frequented less than a mile from my home. He was the last person I wanted to see. I couldn’t even be an alcoholic in peace.

  Kyle was my boss, and a dick. In fact, he was the biggest dick I’d ever known.

  He looked around with a furrowed brow, as if he wasn’t sure if he really wanted to be there. After all, it wasn’t really his style. Though we belonged to the same class in society, Kyle was more of a cocktail lounge kind of a guy. He was really slumming it by coming into my bar, which made me wonder why the hell he came into my bar.

  I crossed my fingers, hoping he’d turn and leave, and he almost did. I almost breathed a sigh of relief, but then he looked right at me.

  “Damn,” I whispered.

  My feelings would not have been hurt had he turned and left without acknowledging me. In fact, I almost expected it. It wasn’t like we were friends or anything. To my dismay and disappointment, he started walking in my direction.

  “God, give me the strength not to break a barstool over his stupid head,” I muttered just before he reached me.

  “Emmy,” he said my name curtly as he took the stool next to mine.

  I had to try hard not to gawk at him. That was the first time all day that he said my name without shouting it, growling it, or using it as a curse.

  Playing it cool, I just as curtly said his name. “Kyle.”

  Surreptitiously, I took in his dark brown hair and chocolate brown eyes while he called Lily the barmaid over. Once upon a time, I thought he was kind of hot, but then he opened his mouth and any warm and fuzzy feelings I had quickly iced over.

  “I’ll have whatever she’s having,” he told Lily.

  “I’m having double shots of Hennessey,” I said in warning.

  “Hennessey it is.”

  I could hardly stand the fact that he was behaving so casually, as if he wasn’t my dick of a boss. He had pushed me to the edge earlier in the day, barking more orders at me than I could keep up with, and then barking some more when I didn’t complete them within his impossible time frames. Then he barked some more, just to prove to anyone within earshot that he was man and I was woman.


  Why the hell was he sitting next to me in my bar like it was no big deal? He must have wanted something. He must have needed me to do something for him.

  “What are you doing here?” I finally burst out in an accusatory tone.

  Looking at me, he threw the question back at me. “What are you doing here?”

  “I live here.”

  He smirked. “You live in the bar?”

  “I mean I live nearby,” I snapped. “Less than a mile. You don’t live anywhere near here, so why are you here?”

  He nodded, as if he was agreeing with something I said and stared down at the drink that had been put before him. “I was passing through,” he said quietly.

  “Passing through where? Where were you coming from?”

  I knew Kyle Sterling’s schedule better than I knew my own. I knew he had no business—personal or work related—anywhere near the bar.

  “You ask a lot of questions,” he said, tapping the bar with a finger. “You never talk to me this much, unless it’s work related.”

  I almost laughed. Since when did he care whether or not I talked to him?

  “The things I would like to say to you on any given day are things that would get me fired. I say a hell of a lot with my eyes and facial expressions,” I admitted with a shake of my head.

  He looked mildly amused. “Really.”

  “Yeah. You should pay closer attention, though it’s hard to read someone else’s eyes and expressions while you’re roaring like a lion.” I let my eyes lazily look around the rest of the bar. I didn’t want the dick to think that I was putting too much effort in socializing with him.

  Ignoring my lion comment and leaning toward me, he asked “What do you say with your eyes and facial expressions?”

  I should have leaned away, but that would have been a weakness as far as Kyle Sterling was concerned. I stayed put and narrowed my eyes on him.

  “Depends on what you say to me with that hole you call a mouth.”

  Another shot appeared in front of me. I took it like a trooper and immediately gestured for another. Meanwhile, Kyle’s shot remained unconsumed. His fingers lingered on the glass, but he didn’t really seem to want it.

  “Are you going to drink that or are you going to make love to it?”

  He gave me a full-blown smile that made me pull back a little. I had never seen anything like it on his face before and was a little taken aback. It reminded me of the toothy grin of a predator just before it devoured its prey.

  “You’re drunk,” he said observantly.

  “You’re brilliant to have figured that out all by yourself,” I said brazenly. “Yeah, I’m drunk, and you’re still a dick.”

  He looked at me, and I looked at him. My mute button was obviously on hiatus.

  “I guess I can’t argue with you. I can’t deny it.” His smile faded and for a mere few seconds I saw bone deep sadness in his features. For a single instant, I felt bad for being mean when he was obviously trying to be a little less of a giant cock, but only for an instant. He swallowed his Hennessey and his expression changed, the traces of sadness gone.

  “I guess you’re not a drinker,” I said, watching his face contort from the burn.

  “Beer is my beverage of choice,” he responded, trying to smooth his facial features. Getting Lily’s attention, he said, “Can you keep them coming? For both of us.”

  Great. I was going to need every drink I got if Kyle was planning on hanging out for a while. I still didn’t understand why he was there.

  I looked over at him as he downed another drink.

  “You better eat some nuts or something, or you’re going to puke,” I warned.

  With a cocky confidence that had me tempted to shove him off of his stool, he said, “I’m not going to puke.”

  Two hours later I was mopping puke off of my jeans in the parking lot.

  “I’m so sorry,” Kyle slurred. He was looking a little on the purple side.

  “You can’t hold your liquor!” I slurred back. I threw the towel into a nearby trash can. I seriously doubted that Lily wanted it back. “I told you to eat some nuts!”

  “Then I’d just be throwing up nuts.”

  I snickered as I swayed on
my feet. “That sounds funny.”

  Stumbling, he chuckled as he dug his keys out of his pocket.

  “You can’t drive, Kyle,” I said incredulously. “You’ll kill someone, maybe yourself.”

  Even drunk beyond all that was reasonable, I knew that driving while intoxicated was not a good idea. I had something like a phobia of getting a D.U.I. or hurting someone else because of my own stupidity.

  “You hate my guts,” he stated. “Why does it matter to you what I do?” He tried to look at me with a serious expression, but couldn’t get his eyes to focus.

  With a faint smile, I took the keys from his hand.

  “I don’t hate you…much. But you can’t drive.”

  “Well, how did you get here?”

  “I walked. Just come to my house for a little while until you are sober enough to drive.”

  He thought about it for a moment, and then agreed.

  Walking while intoxicated, I found, can be almost as dangerous as driving while intoxicated. Twice Kyle stepped into the street without looking, almost getting hit by angry drivers. He fell in my driveway, and when I tried to help him up, I fell down with him. I wanted to be angry, but I found myself rolling on the gravel, laughing with him at nothing in particular. It took us a long time to get up and make it the rest of the way to the house.

  We stumbled through the foyer, down a hall, and into the family room. I didn’t turn on the light, because I was too messed up to think of something as brilliant as that. As a result, both of us tripped over the coffee table and ran into the couch before collapsing onto it, giggling like little schoolgirls.

  When the laughter died down, Kyle leaned heavily against me. In sober times, I would have never allowed any physical contact from him, but I was too drunk to care enough to push him away. He seemed like a different person, but when I remembered how he treated me earlier in the day, I knew he wasn’t really different. He was just drunk, and he was still a tool.

  “You’re such a tool,” I said more to myself, than to him, but he heard me anyway.

  “I know,” he sighed deeply. “But I’ve been okay tonight, haven’t I?”

  I hesitated before answering. “Yeah, you’ve been okay. Almost normal.”

  We were silent for a minute before Kyle spoke quietly.

  “I don’t know how not to be…”

  “A dick?” I offered.

  With a small laugh, he said, “Yeah. A dick. I don’t know how to not be a jerk. Life has just molded me that way.”

  I was a little unnerved by his quiet admission, but I wasn’t letting him off the hook.

  “That’s a load of crap Kyle Sterling,” I admonished. “You make choices in life. You can choose to be a dick, or not to be a dick.”

  He was quiet. I didn’t know if he passed out or if he was thinking about what I said. After a few minutes he said, “You don’t act like this at work.”

  “Neither do you,” I countered.

  “I would have never thought I would hear you call me a dick, at least not to my face. You’re so different at work.”

  “Work is work. Outside of work is outside of work. I know how to be professional.”

  Seconds after making that haughty claim, I remembered that I was wearing puke pants. I jumped up with a small shriek and started to undo my jeans.

  “What are you doing?” Kyle asked. Even though there weren’t any lights on in the family room, light from the foyer gave the living room an eerie glow, and we could see each other just fine.

  “I’m wearing puke pants!” I stripped out of the jeans and turned the light on. I wanted to make sure I didn’t get any puke on my mom’s couch. She would kill me and bury me inside of the thing.

  After thoroughly searching the couch, I looked at Kyle, who happened to be looking at my underwear with a stupid smile on his face.

  “Who lives in a pineapple under your jeans?” he sang softly. “SpongeBob booty pants!” He ended his little song with a soft slap to my rear.

  I stared down at him, a hand on my hip.

  “You’re a pig.”

  “I thought I was a dick.”

  “You’re a pig dick.”

  “Now we’re going into new and crazy territory.” He laughed. I tried not to laugh with him, but I lost the battle and giggled.

  I sat down beside him again. Why, I don’t know, when I could have sat on the loveseat, or in the big chair, or on the floor, or on the moon or anywhere else besides right next to an attractive intoxicated man when I was drunk and half naked myself.

  I took some solace in the fact that even though he was attractive and I was in my underwear, that he was a phallus and I wasn’t even the least bit attracted to him.

  I wasn’t seated for more than a few seconds when Kyle leaned over, grabbed the back of my head and kissed me. On a reflex, I kissed him back, but only for a moment before remembering who and what he was. My boss, the dick.

  Shocked by his behavior and my initial compliance, I pulled away. When he tried to pull me back, I put a hand on his chest and pushed.

  “No, Kyle,” I breathed. I was saying no, but…his kiss was awesome. My lips were getting all pissy with me because I stopped kissing him. “It’s the alcohol that’s making you like this. You’ll regret it in a few hours. I’m already regretting it.”

  Firmly wrapping a strong hand around the back of my neck and pulling me close again, he said, “Give me more to regret then” and pressed his mouth to mine.

  I knew I should have stopped him again. I didn’t think he was going to make me do anything I didn’t want to do, but I didn’t stop him. My god, I didn’t want to stop him. I had never been kissed with such depth and aggression, with such raw need.

  As he slowly lowered me down, he nipped and kissed a jagged line down my neck.

  “I hate you,” I breathed as my fingers curled into his hair.

  “I know,” he said, his lips against my skin.

  He sat up, straddling my thighs, and began to unbutton my shirt. My chest rose and fell rapidly, but I made no move to stop him.

  “Everyone in the office hates you,” I said.

  “I know,” he said in a low and husky voice as he met my eyes.

  My shirt fell open as he released the last button. He palmed my breasts through my bra, making my nipples stand at attention under his hands.

  “You were extra mean and nasty today,” I moaned as he tugged the cups down on my bra.

  “I know,” he groaned as he rolled my nipples between his thumbs and forefingers.

  With a sudden urgency, Kyle pulled his shirt off and tossed it away. He stumbled to his feet and nearly fell several times as he hurriedly pulled his jeans and underwear off. I relieved myself of my cartoon style panties as he undressed, and pulled my shirt and bra all the way off.

  “It was like someone put extra piss in your cereal this morning,” I gasped as he lay down on top of me.

  Rubbing the length of his cock over my swollen clit, he moaned “I know.”

  I lightly ran my fingers over his muscular arms and chest. I was always able to appreciate a well chiseled male body, and despite my deep rooted dislike for the man, Kyle had a body I could truly appreciate.

  I put my fingers in his hair again and brought his face down to meet mine for a scorching kiss that made us both moan. As we kissed, a small sober voice in the back of my head whispered that there would be consequences to pay for this utter lack of propriety.

  I ignored the voice.

  When I finally released him from the kiss, I whispered into his ear “You’re still a dick.”

  “I know,” he whispered back.

  Then, without warning, he slid inside of me, fast and hard, making me cry out and dig my fingers into his back.

  For the time being, I allowed myself to forget that it was Kyle Sterling thrusting inside of me, kissing my mouth and neck, and rolling his tongue over my nipples. For a little while, I just let it go, and I was just a lonely, needy girl having a night of pleasure.
  I just hoped my mom would never know what we did on her couch.

  Chapter Two

  At six a.m. the alarm on my cell phone startled us awake. I fell off of the couch reaching for my phone inside the pocket of my puke jeans.

  “What time is it?” Kyle asked sleepily as he sat up.

  “It’s six. I have to get up.”

  I found my shirt and put it on. Belatedly, I realized I put it on backward.

  “Why do you get up so early? You don’t have to be at work until nine.” He scratched at the shadow of a beard that had appeared on his jaw.

  I was a little irritated by his ignorance. After all of the time I had been working for him, one would think that he would have paid attention enough to figure it out. Masking my frustration, I said, “You go in at nine. I go in at seven, seven thirty at the latest.”

  “Why? You’re not scheduled until nine.” His brow furrowed with confusion.

  “I haven’t come in at nine in a year. I try to get a head start on the day, and it takes some time to get everything ready for you.”

  He thought about that, probably for the first time since I started working for him. I had been with the company since I was still in college, but I had been working for Kyle for more than a year and a half.

  “You have to get up,” I said in the professionally clipped tone I used to keep him on schedule at work. “You need to get home and get yourself presentable. You have a meeting at nine-fifteen, and the rest of your day is pretty packed. I’m going to go put on some jeans that don’t have puke on them and drive you to your car.”

  I walked out of the room before he could get up and properly show off his morning wood. I didn’t want to see him naked now that I was sober, even though he obviously saw me naked.

  When I returned to the first floor, Kyle was ready and waiting at the front door. He looked serious again, not the fall down drunken guy that he was a few hours before. I’m sure I looked all business again, too, even with my shirt on backward. I was glad we were on the same page, because it totally saved us from having that morning-after awkwardness.


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