Accidentally on Purpose 6 Book Box Set

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Accidentally on Purpose 6 Book Box Set Page 61

by L. D. Davis

  Then his lips were on me, moving gently but with erotic intention against my lips. His tongue gently slid across my bottom lip and like magic, my mouth opened slightly to let him in. His tongue slipped between my lips until it met my own. I couldn’t help but to moan as he very slowly and very gently tasted my mouth. He didn’t increase the depth or speed of his tongue, but his lips and tongue moved with clear intent, and it was working. It was probably one of the most hedonistic kisses I had ever had in my life. His mouth was giving me a preview of what he could do to other parts of my body, and my body was aware of it.

  When Marco finally pulled away, I sat there frozen as I stared at his mouth. It was an incredible kiss but my mind and my heart were crying out for Kyle. I blinked and looked away from him as I felt the beginning waves of guilt.

  “Don’t feel bad, okay?” Marco whispered next to me. “I kissed you, not vice versa, and you’re technically single. He left you.”

  I nodded, unable to trust myself to speak. Marco was right, but it didn’t necessarily make me feel any better. I didn’t feel like I cheated, but I felt as if I betrayed Kyle nonetheless. He made it clear in his Dear Lily letter that he wanted me to find someone else, but I was sure he didn’t mean his good friend and really I was pretty sure he had not meant it at all.

  Marco slid out of the booth and returned the chair to its proper place. He came back a moment later and offered his hand to help me up. I silently accepted it and got out of the booth. He held my hands, helped me step back into my heels, and then took my hand in his. Holding my hand was something he had always done, but it felt differently now. Together we walked throughout the bar, turning off the lights. With his own key, he locked the door and then walked me to the Cadillac. I used the key fob to unlock the doors, but Marco opened my door for me and held it until I slid in behind the wheel. Leaning on the open door, he looked down at me as I started the car.

  “I’m not sorry I did it, though it was impulsive,” he said quietly. “But if it will make you feel better, you can tell him what happened. I’ll suffer the ass beating that will follow.”

  “He may not care enough to beat your ass,” I said. I crossed my arms over the steering wheel and rested my cheek there as I looked up at him.

  “Trust me, princess, he still cares. I’ll tell him myself. Did you at least enjoy it?”

  “Immensely,” I admitted.

  Marco grinned for a moment before his face grew serious again. “You are a good friend, Lily. Don’t let this come between us.”

  “It won’t,” I promised.

  “Drive safely, okay?” he closed the door and took a few steps back. I put my seatbelt on and waved to him. Just before I pulled away I saw him pull his phone out of his pocket. I had a feeling he was texting Kyle.

  By the time I fell asleep that night, Kyle had not texted or called. Either Marco didn’t tell him or Kyle just didn’t care. The latter weighed me down with sadness.


  More than a week later, in my dream, Kyle was straddling me, careful not to put his body weight on me as he kissed the stars under my ear. His tongue was warm and moist and his breath was hot on my skin. His strong hands sought out a nipple through my t-shirt and we both groaned when we were awarded by it hardening under his skilled fingers. I ran my hands over his hard body, feeling the muscles under his soft skin.

  His lips met mine in a fury of passionate kissing that made my heart race. He possessed me through this kiss. His lips were demanding and hungry for mine. He sucked on my tongue, nipped at it and nipped at my lips.

  He pulled back and looked into my eyes. His features were illuminated by the moonlight streaming through the windows. “Can you still feel his kiss on your lips, Lily?” he asked thickly. The sharp pain that was needling him was obvious in his voice and his gaze, and it also made one thing clear: I wasn’t dreaming. It was really his skin I was feeling under my hands, and his body pressed lightly against mine, and it was really his mouth that had just owned mine.

  “He said he didn’t take you to bed, but I need to know the truth,” Kyle said, his forehead resting on mine. “I know I don’t deserve to know and I probably deserve every bit of pain I get, but…did you let Marco make love to you?”

  I was stunned that he would think so. “No,” I said firmly. I held his face in my hands. “I did not sleep with him, Kyle. He kissed me and that’s it, and I’m very sorry that it happened.”

  He pulled back and looked at me. “Did you kiss back?” he whispered.

  I covered my face with my hands as I tried not to cry. I felt like such a betraying scumbag. I didn’t start the kiss, but I didn’t finish it either. I didn’t make him stop kissing me and I did kiss him back.

  “Baby,” Kyle sighed, pulling my hands away from my face. “I wanted you to move on and you did. It’s not your fault.”

  “I didn’t move on!” I cried. “It was just a kiss, but I didn’t move on. How can I move on with your baby moving around inside of me?”

  He was silent for a moment. “You…you felt it moving?”


  He looked at me for a moment longer before moving down my body. Resting between my legs, he slowly pushed my t-shirt up and put his warm hands on my skin over my little baby bump. He rested his head on my thigh and caressed me. It wasn’t the most comfortable position for me, but having Kyle’s body touching mine and feeling his hands caressing our shared child was worth the discomfort. It was worth more than anything in the world at that moment.


  When I woke up the next morning, I was alone in the bed. I knew in my heart that Kyle wasn’t in the shower or downstairs in his office or anywhere in the penthouse. I felt his absence, the dark hole it left in me, and I knew he was already flying across the sea back to London.

  I angrily wiped away my tears after checking the entire house, even though I knew. I didn’t get a letter, a note, a fuck you or anything this time. I couldn’t keep doing this. I couldn’t keep up with the vague voicemails and text messages and the random surprises and appearances. What was it going to be like when the baby was born? Would our child even know him as a father or just the guy that randomly shows up from time to time? I wouldn’t want that for my baby anyway. He would have to be there all the way or not at all, and that went for me, too. I loved Kyle more than anyone, but I was tired of feeling this way. I was tired of his shit.

  I took a quick shower and packed an overnight bag as I called out of work. A little while later I was in the Cadillac with the GPS set and ready to go. I stopped at a super Wawa to fill up on gas and get some cash and snacks for the road and then I was off. I took note of the Escalade several cars back, but when it became obvious I wasn’t out for a joyride, my cell rang with Corsey’s ringtone—“Cryn’ Like A Bitch” by Godsmack. I assigned him the tone after the first time I kicked his ass and he kept whining about not being able to hit a girl.

  I pressed a button on the dashboard, answering the call. Corsey’s voice boomed throughout the speakers in the car.

  “What the hell are you doing?” he asked.

  “Driving,” I said, chewing on a Twizzler. “What are you doing?”

  “Trying to figure out what the hell you are doing. Listen, I’m low on gas. Pull over at the next rest stop so we can discuss this.”

  “No can do, my friend.”

  “I’m really being rather kind right now, Lily. I’m giving you the option of having a discussion opposed to me tracking you down, which I will do.”

  “If you lost Vic, you can lose me,” I pointed out.

  “Oh, Lily, silly girl,” Corsey said with a sigh. “I can track you through your cell phone and there is a tracker in the car. I’m going to pull off to get gas, but when I catch up to you I won’t be a happy man.”

  I looked down at my cell phone. “Thanks for the info,” I said. I opened my window, picked up my phone, and chucked it out. When the car behind me ran the phone over, the phone call dropped.

  I rolled past th
e next rest stop and noted that Corsey did indeed pull off for gas. I knew he would still catch up to me as long as I was in the Cadillac. I punched the gas as I tapped the GPS, searching for what I needed. When I found it, I punched the gas a little more, flying down the highway entirely too fast. I made a phone call through the car’s phone service and a half hour later I was standing at the counter of a rental car place. I was able to get in and out fairly quickly. I deposited my bag into the passenger’s seat of the rental car and jumped back on the highway. Before leaving the Cadillac in the lot, I deleted the course I had set in. Chances were that Corsey knew how to find the deleted routes, but it would take him a little bit of time, which was what I needed to get ahead.

  After an hour or so, I started to relax, confident that Corsey wasn’t on my tail. I was finally able to focus on what I was going to do. I ripped open a bag of beef jerky, found a good radio station, and settled in for my drive to Chicago.

  Chapter Twenty


  “I just want one drink!” I cried out, holding on fiercely to the bottle of tequila.

  “If you don’t let go of this bottle, I will smack the shit out of you,” my mother said in a tone that had me letting go of the bottle and taking a step back.

  “It’s not fair,” I sulked, crossing my arms like an angry teenager. “It’s not right that I have to be sober when you’re here.”

  My mother, the beauty queen, rolled her eyes at me and put the bottle of alcohol back in the cabinet. “You’ll harm your baby drinking that shit.”

  “No I won’t. She can drink formula,” I argued.

  “Stop being melodramatic,” she said, returning to her cooking.

  “Wonder where I got that?” I murmured and walked over to my three month old daughter sitting in a baby seat on the table. “Hey, precious,” I cooed in my baby voice.

  She gave me a toothless grin that made me forget about the tequila. I was about to take her out of her seat to spoil her with hugs and kisses when Luke walked into the room and literally swept her off of her diaper.

  “Hey!” I said, putting a hand on my hip. “That’s mine!”

  In response, Luke leaned in and gave me a ridiculously sexy kiss, way too indecent with a baby between us and my mother in the room, but it left me grinning.

  “Hi, baby,” he said, smiling at me before turning to Kaitlyn. “Hey, Kay Kay!” he said in a tone he used just for our daughter.

  He didn’t even stop to take his tie off or change his clothes before escorting the lovely young lady into the living room to watch the news. I went over to the stove to check on the progress of the dinner my mom was making. No matter how much she drove me to want to drink, she still cooked one hell of a meal and if that meant I had to soberly tolerate her a couple of days a month, so be it. Though I wasn’t eating too much these days, at least I was guaranteed that every bite would be deliciousness.

  “How are things between you two?” she asked quietly.

  I shrugged as I stuck a finger into her homemade mashed potatoes. She swatted my ass and shooed me away.

  “What does that mean?” she asked. “The shrug. What does that mean?”

  “It means things are fine,” I shrugged again. Now I was sticking a finger in the chocolate cake she had made earlier in the day.

  “Stop touching everything!” she yelled. “You’re worse than Lucas.”

  I looked out of the window at my two year old rambunctious blond haired little boy. My father had managed to find odd things to do in the yard to keep him busy and Lucas was out there following him around and keeping him company.

  “So?” mom pressed.

  “So what?” I sighed.

  “Are you and Luke okay?”

  “We’re more than okay,” I said, trying to convince her as well as myself. “But I don’t want to talk about that anymore. I just want to move forward.”

  “Well…maybe you can move forward with a nice new haircut, and a gym membership,” she suggested.

  “There isn’t anything wrong with my hair and I just had a baby, mom,” I said, backing away from the sharp objects on the counter so I wouldn’t be tempted to pick one up and hurl it at her head.

  “He almost cheated on you,” she whispered harshly. “There had to be a reason. I’m just sayin’ maybe you should start somewhere. Why not start with a little after baby makeover?”

  “Oh my god, don’t start!”

  “I’m just sayin’! A little bit of a makeover never hurt nobody.”

  “I’m going upstairs,” I said and started up the kitchen stairs to the second floor.

  “Supper is almost ready. Why are you going up there?” she whined in her southern twang.

  “Because if I don’t, I might drown you in the mashed potatoes!” I yelled over my shoulder as I stomped up the stairs.

  I didn’t want to talk to her about Luke’s almost infidelity. I was trying to forget about it, or at least put it behind me, but now thanks to my mother it was at the forefront of my mind.

  I collapsed onto the bed. My eyes fell on the framed picture of Luke and me at our wedding. I reached over to the table and picked it up. The glass was still missing from the frame from when I hurled it across the room last week. It had only been two weeks since it almost happened, and since the woman’s bookstore was right next to the law firm, the chances of him seeing her on a daily basis were extremely high.

  Her name was Iris. She was forty-something, sophisticated, wicked smart, charming, and beautiful. She had long, wavy blonde hair, big golden eyes, and curves that Jessica Rabbit would envy. I had really liked her myself. When she first opened the little coffee shop bookstore, I was still pregnant with Kaitlyn. A couple of mornings a week, if I had a sitter, I would meet Luke there for a mini date. He would have coffee and I would have tea. Iris would serve me a freshly made muffin of my choice and Luke always got an enormous cinnamon bun with frosting. We would only be able to hang out for sometimes only a few minutes at a time, but I enjoyed it and I believe he did, too. I thought it was sweet moments like this that would fortify what I already considered to be a strong relationship.

  I often would stay there after Luke went back to work and read a book over another cup of tea. Sometimes if business wasn’t out of control busy, Iris would sit across from me and we would chit chat. I talked to her about Lucas and our impending Kaitlyn at length. She had met Lucas on several occasions on those mornings when I really wanted to spend a few minutes with my husband but didn’t have a sitter. She would always give him an enormous cookie, on the house. We discussed our families—she quickly became aware of my love/hate relationship with my mother, my close relationship with Luke’s sisters Lena and Loraine, and she knew how much I adored my mother-in-law Grace. We shared recipes, funny stories, and had deep discussions about Jane Austen’s novels. I liked Iris, and I didn’t mind at all that Luke often wandered over during the day to get out of the office for a few minutes and to clear his head. I was glad that the little shop was there for him to do that.

  After Kaitlyn was born, Iris had even sent me a muffin basket, and I had taken Kay Kay in there several times, especially when she was still new to the world. I started leaving her with the sitter, too after six weeks or so. I loved my kids but I felt my occasional mornings with Luke were good for both of us and good for our family overall.

  A little more than two weeks ago, I had told Luke early that morning that I wasn’t going to make it to the shop. Lucas and Kaitlyn both had doctor’s appointments early in the day and then I had grocery shopping to do and other random errands that would take me nowhere near the city. The doctor’s office called early and asked me to reschedule the kids’ appointments, as the doctor had a family emergency. I decided to get my errands out of the way, but I really didn’t feel like packing the kids in and out of the car all morning. It was looking cloudy outside anyway, and I didn’t want to have to deal with getting them in and out of the car in the rain. I called Luke’s young cousin Diana, my favorite sitter.
Now that she was out of school for the semester, she was always ready and willing to make a few bucks babysitting. I left right after she arrived, heading towards the city first. Even if Luke couldn’t meet with me for a few minutes, I could eat an incredible muffin while chatting with Iris or one of the other regulars for a few minutes. If Luke wasn’t in court or a meeting, I’d stop by for a little bit.

  Instead of driving in, I took the L so that I didn’t have to worry about traffic and parking. With my umbrella in hand, I walked the few blocks to where the firm and shop were. The sky looked like it was about to let loose the hounds of hell and I was beginning to regret my decision, but it was too late. I was there now.

  I walked into Iris’s shop and the first thing I noticed was that she wasn’t at the counter and there were only a few other customers in there and they were engrossed in their books or laptops. I thought about hitting the little bell on the counter, but just as my hand was poised to smack it, I heard her voice. I started to open my mouth to call to her, but then I heard Luke’s voice. I froze, knowing I had not heard wrong. I know my husband’s voice. Why the hell was he in the back room with her? As I moved quietly around the counter, I still didn’t think anything of it. We were all pretty chummy with each other, maybe him more than me since he worked right near her.

  I stepped into the little hallway that led to her office. The door was slightly ajar. Again I almost announced my presence when I heard distress in Luke’s voice. I stood a foot away, listening more closely to their words.

  “I can’t,” I heard Luke say. “You’re…you’re a great woman, beautiful and intelligent…and sexy, but…I have my wife and two kids.”

  “I know,” I heard her say, but I couldn’t miss the desperation in her voice. “I love Emmy and the kids but I can’t…I can’t help the way I feel about you. I’m not asking you to leave them—just give me one night. One night, Luke. Or one day. I’ll even close the shop for a day and we can go somewhere and just be together for one day.”


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