Bakery Detectives Cozy Mystery Boxed Set: Books 7 - 9

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Bakery Detectives Cozy Mystery Boxed Set: Books 7 - 9 Page 8

by Stacey Alabaster

  "Never hurts to check."

  Anna rolled her eyes and stomped out of the room. She was back to being a teenage girl again. Ricky sighed and went after her.

  I turned to Pippa. "I think that Anna's telling the truth. Angel's not here."

  Pippa sighed and nodded slowly. "Another dead end." She looked at me and threw her hands up. "So what's the plan now? Back to square one?"

  "That's not an option," I said. "Not if the person sending Harrison texts is serious." I was growing frustrated now, but with Anna in the next room, I didn't want to show it.

  What if I had really screwed this case up? I looked at Pippa helplessly. "You were right, Pippa."

  "About what?"

  "I— I should never have taken this case. I don't know what I'm doing. Angel Styles is going to get hurt and I can't do anything to stop it."

  Pippa reached out and grabbed me by the arms. "Don't say that. You're doing everything you can and you WILL find Angel. We will find her."

  I was breathing heavily. The air inside the cabin was stale and dusty. "Let's just get out of here," I said quietly. I needed a new plan of attack and I needed to get out of this cabin.

  "I'm sorry that we bothered you," I mumbled to Anna and Ricky as I made my way out of the bedroom and back to the front door. "We'll leave you alone now. Enjoy your vacation."

  Anna reached out and put a hand on my arm. "Please," she said. "You will find Angel, won't you?"

  I looked at her hopelessly. "Anna—"

  She bit her fingernails. "I will never forgive myself if something happens to her." She shook her head and a tear rolled down her cheek. "I've been ignoring her calls and texts for weeks. What if she was really in trouble and I didn't do anything to help her?"

  "It’s okay," I said gently, placing my arm around her. "You didn't do anything wrong. Best friends fight and fall out all the time and go days, weeks, without talking to each other. You aren't responsible for what happened, Anna." I moved away from her and started to head back to the car. "I'll let you know as soon as I get any news."

  In the dark, on the side of the road, I got out my cell and phoned Harrison.

  "Anna doesn't have Angel," I said to Harrison. "They were fighting over the same boy, but she's not here. Anna didn't even know that Angel was missing."

  "Hang on," Harrison said. "Where are you right now?"

  I hesitated for a moment. "Pottsville?" I said, like it was a question, not an answer.

  "Pottsville? Isn't that two hours away?"

  "Yes," I answered. "It's where Ricky Pink's cabin is."

  Harrison's voice was heavy on the other end. "So you've been out of town for the past day? You haven't been watching Callum Jones at all during this time. You've wasted even more time."

  I wanted to groan at the mention of Callum Jones again. When was he going to let this guy go? But I managed to restrain myself a little. I was feeling guilt and frustration as well. "We were following a lead. Harrison, I think you might have to deal with the fact that Angel just might not want to be found! Or maybe..." It must have been due to the stress and fatigue, but I finally blurted out what I'd been thinking. "Maybe you've done something with Angel yourself."

  I saw Pippa sit up straight. Her eyes were wide.

  There was silence on the other end of the phone.

  "You're off the case, Rachael."

  "But, Harrison! I didn't mean it, okay. I want to help you find Angel. Can we just talk about this?"

  "I'm sorry," he said, not sounding sorry at all. "I'm done with you, Rachael Robinson."

  He hung up before I had a chance to say anything else.

  The lightning had stopped, the thunder as well. In the car, it was just the sound of breathing, and me swallowing the lump forming in my throat.

  "Should we still stay the night?" Pippa asked, looking over her shoulder at the supplies on the backseat that we'd packed, just in case.

  I sighed. "It's late," I said. And you're pregnant, I thought, but I didn't say that part out loud. I knew that Pippa needed her beauty rest more and more these days. "Maybe we should just get a motel and stay the night."

  She shook her head. "No, really, I'm fine," she said weakly. She didn't sound so fine. "We should drive back now. There's no point in staying here. Especially if Harrison isn't paying our expenses any longer."

  I threw my head back against the headrest. "I was kind of counting on that money, too," I said. "Looks like we're going to have to cater a few more kids’ birthday parties."

  Pippa smiled weakly. "Come on then," she said. "There's no sense in wasting money on a motel, is there?"

  "Are you sure you can handle the drive back?" I asked uncertainly as I turned the key in the ignition. "You look really wiped out, Pippa."

  "I'm okay. I'll sleep on the way."

  I started the long drive back, wishing it wasn't so dark. Wishing we'd had a different outcome. Wishing we'd found Angel Styles.

  Back to Belldale.

  And it was just as well, too. The following day was Pippa's baby shower. It was scheduled to be held in the bakery.

  And I just knew how Simona was going to react when we finally got home and told her that.

  Chapter 11

  The bakery was completely pink again.

  It had, once, been hot pink throughout, but some people had found the color scheme a little 'too much,' so I'd had it repainted purple and white. But on the day of Pippa's baby shower, it was returned to its former cotton candy glory.

  I tried to put all the other thoughts out of mind. They didn't matter now. This was Pippa's day. I had to focus entirely on her.

  "Congratulations, Pippa!" I said, coming in through the door holding a giant wrapped box containing a present that I told her she wasn't allowed to open until later that day.

  "Aww," she said, pouting as I put it on the giant pile with the two dozen other presents.

  The bakery was full of pretty much everyone Pippa knew, but I was too busy out back looking over the food selection to really say hello to everyone. I put the finishing touches on the pink cupcakes and jumped when I saw Simona standing beside me. She was in the back, clearly hiding as well.

  Simona's face was dark and her arms were crossed over her chest.

  "Come on," I said. "Can't you at least pretend to be happy for her?"

  "I hate kids," Simona replied. "I can't pretend to be happy about another one coming into the world, can I?"

  Okay, then. Fair enough.

  "At least help me by taking this tray of cupcakes out to the party."

  She nodded with a roll of her eyes and took the tray off me. "I'll be back," she said sullenly. I didn't doubt it. I was sure she'd dump the tray and rush straight back out.

  She came rushing back in far sooner than I expected, still holding the tray of cupcakes in her hand, her face white.

  I stood up straight. "What's wrong?"

  "Pippa's collapsed! Rachael, call an ambulance! She needs to go to the hospital!"

  The emergency room stood before me again with its red and blue flashing lights. Only this time, I had no choice but to go inside.

  Simona and Pippa were already in there when I hurried through the doors. I'd followed behind the ambulance for part of the way but I'd had to stop at our house to pick up a few of Pippa's things. I came rushing through the door holding her overnight bag and coat, and found her, conscious not but still pale, near the check-in desk.

  "I'm okay," she said weakly. She could barely keep her eyes open though. "I think this is just a lot of fuss over nothing."

  "Pippa, it's not nothing. You collapsed in the middle of your baby shower!" I decided I'd better warn her about hospital waiting times, though. "We'll probably have to wait for ages."

  But unlike the little kid who'd eaten too much sugar, Pippa was taken straight to a room and seen by a doctor right away. I supposed they took no chances when an unborn baby's life was at risk.

  I hovered in the room while a doctor asked a few questions, before a
rotund-looking nurse with short brown hair and a blue uniform took over, taking blood from Pippa and asking what she'd eaten that day.

  "Er, not much, I've been feeling unwell for days. I didn't really have the stomach for food."

  The nurse gave her a stern look. "You do realize you’re pregnant, don't you? You need to eat."

  Pippa pouted a little and looked away after being scolded by this nurse...Natasha, it seemed her name was, from her name tag.

  "Is she going to be all right?" I asked, interrupting.

  The nurse glared at me and told me to step out of the way.

  "I just want to know," I tried to say. "She's my best friend."

  Nurse Natasha sighed and stepped in front of me. "You'll be more help if you can stay out of the way and let the professionals do their jobs."

  My phone suddenly began to ring, my ringtone blaring out so loudly that it could be heard two wards away. Great. The one time I didn't have it on silent. I pulled it out of my pocket only so that I could turn it off again, but then I saw the name flashing on the screen.

  It was Harrison. What the heck? I thought I was supposed to be off the case.

  Maybe they've found Angel.

  "You're not supposed to have your phone on in here!" The nurse scowled at me with a face like thunder. She pushed me out of the way and I almost tripped as I took a step back, trying to regain control of my feet. "I'm sorry," I said, still trying to turn it off. It rang again. Harrison again. I looked at Pippa helplessly, as she lay on her back.

  "I'm sorry, Pippa," I said, calling to her over the nurse's shoulder. "It's Harrison." I held up the phone and shot her an apologetic look. "I'll be right back, I promise."

  "I'm fine," she reassured me. "You need to take it."

  That man had some nerve calling me after what he'd said to me earlier. I intended to tell him that much when I picked up the phone. That was all I intended to say to him.

  "I thought you didn't want to deal with me," I said icily as I paced back and forth in front of the E.R.

  Harrison ignored my tone.

  "It's Callum Jones," he said. "He's been arrested."

  I stopped pacing. "So," I said quietly. "What does that have to do with me?" I stared back into the emergency room. I had a sneaking feeling it had plenty to do with me.

  "He's been arrested for stealing. Can't you see, Rachael? You were right."

  "I know I was right," I said bluntly. "But how does this prove that?"

  "Because he's in jail right now. I've spoken to the police. His apartment has been searched and there's no sign of Angel there. It was another woman entirely that he was seeing."

  Or twenty, I thought.

  "I don't know what you want me to say, Harrison."

  "I was wrong to fire you, to take you off the case," Harrison said quickly. "Please, take the case back up again. I know that you shouldn't focus on Callum, now."

  "You should have let me do my job all along, Harrison."

  "Rachael, please, I know what I said... I regret it now. But can you get down here?"

  "My friend is in the hospital, Harrison."

  "Please," he begged me. "Angel's life is in danger. You've got to come, Rachael, please."

  Pippa was finally free of Nurse Natasha by the time I got back to her. I explained everything.

  "I'm okay," she said quietly. And a little sheepishly. "The nurse said I was just low in iron. She gave me a huge lecture for not eating enough. I'm feeling pretty stupid right now."

  I had a few things I'd like to tell Nurse Natasha myself, but that would all have to wait until later. I promised Pippa that I'd be right back. "It's okay, Rachael, honestly. I understand. You need to help Angel."

  The night was black. I drove into it, wondering if I was making the right decision.

  Chapter 12


  I totally understood why Rachael had to leave, don't get me wrong, and I didn't hold a grudge. I was just bored in the hospital. Seriously, seriously bored.

  The nurse came back in. "Are you feeling all right?" she asked in a way that made it sound like she really didn't care at all, and that it was taking every ounce of effort she had in her body to even ask the question. She also had a way of speaking that made me feel like I shouldn't have even been in the hospital in the first place. Like I was only faking my condition. Or, at least, exaggerating it.

  Or worse yet, that I'd totally brought it on myself. Anemia. Knowing that I was to blame only made me feel terrible, though. I needed a distraction. Spending the entire night alone in this sterile hospital room with only my own thoughts for company would be enough to drive me insane.

  The nurse was about to shuffle out of the room when I called her back in.

  "Can I have the TV on?" I asked.

  She reacted like I'd just asked her to climb Mount Everest, but she wobbled over to the TV set and switched it on.

  The news. Urgh. Not my favorite. "Can I get the channel changed," I said quietly, sighing. She was already out of the room. I leaned back against my pillow and watched anyway. There was nothing else to do.

  On the screen flashed a picture of Callum Jones.

  I blinked a few times and sat up.

  What the heck?

  Right, I thought, my eyes adjusting to the screen. This must be about his robbery charge.

  But didn't Rachael say he was in jail? The Callum Jones I was seeing on screen was definitely not locked up. He was standing in front of a court house, yes, wearing a suit, but he hadn't been charged with anything.

  Ah, why didn't Natasha leave the volume up higher!

  I had to lean forward to be able to hear what was going on, as the news bar scrolling below had nothing to do with Callum Jones. I could only hear fragments of it.

  "...Defense lawyer Callum Jones, in charge of defending the killer of Olive Styles..."

  I froze. I couldn't quite comprehend what I was seeing, but I knew something was terribly wrong. I looked at the tubes stuck in my arm.

  I gotta get out of here!

  At the very least, I had to make my way to a phone. I had to call Rachael.

  Rachael was in serious danger. And I had to warn her before it was too late.


  The lights in Harrison Styles’ house were all off.

  Strange, I thought, considering he had asked me to meet him here. I stepped out of my car and took a cautious step up the driveway.

  I shook my head. I'm probably just being stupid, I told myself. He was probably just sitting by a lamp in the back of the house or something.

  I took a deep breath and stepped towards the door. "Harrison?" I called out.

  I froze. I could have sworn I heard a footstep behind me, a stick snapping under the weight of a heavy foot.

  "Harrison?" I called again, my heart beating louder this time. I banged on the door, but there was no response.

  That's it, I thought, deciding to turn around and head back to my car. Something wasn't right. I needed to go.

  Then I felt a hand reach around my mouth, stifling my screams before they could even escape. I kicked back, flailing limbs everywhere, as I tried to escape my assailant.

  But I was growing weak and dizzy. Consciousness was slipping away from me.

  After that, it was only blackness.


  I had been pressing the buzzer beside my bed for ten minutes straight before Nurse Natasha finally appeared.

  "Finally!" I exclaimed. I was about ready to rip the tubes from my arm and leap out of bed. "I need to make a phone call."

  Her face was glum. "There's a detective here to see you."

  "What? Who?"

  She gave me a dirty look up and down before swaying out of the room. She was swiftly replaced by Detective Jackson Whitaker.

  I couldn't decide whether I was pleased to see him or horrified.

  "Jackson, I have to tell you some…"

  "Where is Rachael?" he asked sternly, his eyes darting around the room like she might be h
iding there somewhere.

  Oh, I'm doing just fine lying here in a hospital bed, thanks for asking.

  "She's not here!" I said. "That's what I'm trying to tell you."

  "Don't try and cover for her," Jackson said sternly. "I know what she's been up to."

  I shook my head and acted innocent. "What has she been up to?"

  I mean, Rachael had been up to a lot of things. I just had no idea which one in particular he was referring to and I had the idea I should keep quiet about all of them, just in case.

  "She's been harassing that lawyer in charge of defending the woman who murdered Olive Styles."

  My face went completely still. "She...she didn't know he was defending Chloe," I said, despite my vow not to speak. "She was investigating him for a totally unrelated incident."

  "Oh, unrelated, was it?" Jackson asked, his hands on his hips.

  "Well...” Okay, he had me there. Maybe it wasn't so unrelated after all. But Rachael and I had no idea that Callum Jones was defending Chloe.

  "You'd better start talking, Pippa. Where is Rachael?"

  I shook my head. "She's not here. I think she's in trouble, though. Jackson, I can't do anything trapped in here. You have to get out of here and save her!"

  He rolled his eyes at me a little. Great. He didn't believe me. He still thought Rachael was hiding in the cupboard or something. "Where is she, in the bathroom or something? She needs to stop hiding and talk to me." His face was deadly serious.

  "I'm not lying, Jackson. I'm sick, in a hospital bed. I don't have the energy to lie!"

  He was glaring at me.

  "Look, I will tell you the whole story, all right." I hesitated for a moment. I knew we weren't supposed to get the police involved, but things had gone too far. Rachael's life was in danger. And I needed Jackson's help.

  He had a good poker face, I had to give him that. His face barely changed during the whole time I explained the story, starting from the first time Harrison had come into the bakery to ask Rachael for help and ending with Harrison luring her back to his house under false pretenses.

  "Can't you see, Jackson? Harrison has been behind this all along! He wants to hurt Rachael!"


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