Dragon Wars: War of the Magicians

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Dragon Wars: War of the Magicians Page 11

by A. J. Walker

  A sensation of warm liquid passing down his throat came over him when Ivan worked his magic on him. The warmth was shortly followed by pure relief as the pain left his body.

  “How did you do that?” Theodor asked, glad to be able to speak again.

  Ivan’s forehead creased as he furrowed his brow, “Do I need to remind you? I’m a sorcerer.”

  “Right,” Theodor said, and rubbed his throat where Thargon had strangled him. He bent over, gripping his hands on the hilt of his sword and placed his boot on the dead kurr’s chest. Applying pressure, he slid his sword from Thargon’s body.

  “Looks like you got the best of him,” Ivan said. “Too bad you didn’t listen to my advice. You probably wouldn’t have been strangled to death’s door.”

  “I lost track of where I was in the fight. Next thing I knew he’d cut my horse from under me. From then on, it was all a blur,” Theodor said, combing his dirty hand through his shaggy hair and looking around at the battlefield. “It is over, isn’t it?” he asked.

  Ivan nodded.

  “For good?”

  “It’s over. For good,” Ivan answered.

  “What happened after I blacked out?”

  “Once Jazz and I defeated the dragons, we returned to the fighting on the ground and helped alter the course of the battle. Thanks to you taking their leader out of the equation, along with Jazz and I back on the scene, our forces crushed the enemy. Not many were able to escape,” Ivan said.

  “Good,” Theodor sheathed his sword.

  “So,” Ivan said.

  “So, what?” Theodor replied.

  “Are you really done? Retired?” he asked.

  Theodor sighed, rubbing his forehead with his cuff. He raised both arms slightly and let them fall back to his side. “I’ll have to return to Westland first. Then make a final appearance in Kingston. But after that,” he nodded, “I’m done.” His eyes moved to the field and the crowded bodies of dead elves, men, kurr and orcs. “This was more than enough fighting for a lifetime.”

  Ivan held out his hand and Theodor gripped it firmly. “Thank you for your service,” Ivan said.

  “I can’t say it was always a pleasure, but I’m glad to have served with you, my lord,” Theodor said, a smile curling around the edges of his mouth.

  Ivan returned the sly smile and said, “If you ever change your mind, you’ll always have a place in my command. But if you’re serious about retiring, I guess I’ll just have to come visit you. Grandwood, right?”

  Theodor’s smile turned to a wide grin, “That’s right. You’ll always have a room in my home, now that you’re family and all. And don’t forget to bring my sister and my new nephew; I’d like to meet the little fellow.”

  “Send a letter to Cedarbridge and let us know exactly where you’ve settled. We’ll come once it’s safe,” Ivan assured him.

  Neither the elves nor the one hundred surviving members of Theodor’s cavalry stayed long after the battle was over. Theodor and his men gathered what weapons and horses they could gather before trailing the elven army back into the forests near the Glacial Melt Bays. Once they’d rode off the sloped terrain at the base of the mountains, Theodor and his men came to the point in the trail where they needed to turn to the west and ride back to Westland and the Bareback Plains. Theodor knew that if Ivan could choose, he would accompany them the whole way, but Ivan’s duty required him to venture elsewhere. Ivan had to lead the elves to the east to more fighting along the Eastland Mountains.

  Theodor lagged as he sent his troop to ride west. He and Ivan gave each other one last heartfelt goodbye before they went their separate ways. Once out of the treed canopy of the forest, Theodor turned back in his saddle to see Jazzmaryth and Ivan gliding above the trees as they headed toward Eastland. Turning his gaze around to the vast open spaces of the Bareback Plains, Theodor sighed and spurred his new gelding on.

  AFTER NEARLY A WEEK’S worth of hard riding and several minor encounters with disbanded collections of orcs, Theodor and his troop reached their army’s fort, stationed along the west coast of the Bareback Plains near the Statue of Old Kings. Word had spread to the generals and commanders of the king’s army about Theodor and his troop’s battle at the Glacial Melt Bays. Upon reaching the fort, Theodor officially submitted the resignation of his post and turned his command over to the men of his troop. His last order was for them to decide amongst themselves who would be their next commander. No longer attached to his troop, Theodor was instructed to sail on the first ship back to Kingston for his final discharge from the king’s army.

  Theodor discovered that Ivan had put in a good word for him about his retirement, because upon his arrival at the cavalry’s headquarters in Kingston, a large chest of gold was gifted to him for his dedicated service and valor in battle.

  Holding true to his word, Theodor left Southland altogether, chartering a ship straight to Grandwood. Now that he knew where the only family member he truly cared for—his sister—was, he had no regrets about leaving his family farm behind. The fact that his father cared more about the honor of his own reputation in the community than for his own son’s safety gave him the edge he needed not to return.

  After nearly a month of traveling since he’d first submitted his resignation, Theodor arrived at last in Grandwood. The very day he landed in the northern coastal town of Westland, he staked his claim for some farmland a half hour’s ride north from Grandwood proper. He built his stone-walled house on a hill overlooking a bay. Shortly after settling down there, he discovered that the locals referred to the area as Highborn Bay.

  Once Theodor had settled into his new home, he wrote a letter to his sister and Ivan in Cedarbridge, informing them of where he had started his new life. As promised, Ivan, Hannah, and their baby came to visit Theodor. It had been nearly a year since Theodor had last seen Ivan at the battle beneath the Frozentip Mountains, and Ivan had a new surprise for Theodor. When he saw his sister, he knew that he was soon to be an uncle for the second time. Theodor had never been happier in his life. Ivan, Hannah, and their young son filled Theodor’s heart with joy as they explored the area around Grandwood. During the days they’d walk along the shoreline of Highborn Bay, stroll along hills behind his house, or enjoy the sunny summer days lounging in Theodor’s yard. Jazzmaryth took the opportunity to rest, bathing her scales in the sun’s rays while Theodor reunited with his sister and got to know his new nephew.

  When they left, Theodor felt a hole in his life he’d not been aware of until his family had gone. He was lonely and began to spend more time in town trying to make some new friends. After developing a spark with a young woman his own age, Theodor began to spend more time at the market where they’d met. She sold fishing supplies and stole Theodor’s heart from the first time they spoke. It didn’t take long before Theodor had purchased all the fishing gear he would ever need, and she realized he was just coming back to see her. Discovering the way Theodor must have felt to come back to her stand every day in the weekly market, Lucy asked Theodor out on a date. Caught off his guard, Theodor stuttered and blushed, but agreed happily.

  Nearly half a year passed without any word from Ivan or Hannah, and the summer came to an end turning to frosty fall mornings. Theodor sent his sister a letter asking how the birth of her second child had gone, and informing her of his involvement with Lucy, the girl he’d been courting. His letter went with no response and he was beginning to seriously worry. Winter settled in and had now begun to turn to spring. One day he returned home from an unsuccessful deer hunt to find an unmarked letter resting on his dining room table. The scarlet wax seal remained unbroken and his heart skipped a beat upon seeing the king’s army’s seal holding the letter shut. He quickly swiped the letter off the table and broke the seal. Removing and unfolding the parchment he read,

  Dear Theodor,

  I’m writing to you from Cedarbridge, the elves’ capital city in the heart of the Everlight Kingdom. Sorry I wasn’t able to send word sooner; my curren
t living situation needed to remain secured from the world outside the elven kingdom. It’s no longer safe for me here, and I will be coming to stay with you, in secret. It is of the utmost importance that you do NOT tell anyone of my plan to stay with you. I will be bringing your nephew as well as the new baby that has graced our lives. Ivan has instructed that I give you no further details. He’s sent someone to meet with you to discuss the details of my arrival. I hope this letter finds you well. Say hello to Lucy, she sounds wonderful and I can’t wait to meet her.

  With all my love,


  Theodor instantly felt his protective instincts kick in and he wanted to go to his sister’s side at once. If she’d already left, however, he would never have a chance of finding her. Despite his urges to leave at once, he did as the note asked and told no one of his sister’s planned arrival; not even his new fiancée, Lucy. He even went so far as to burn the letter after he’d read it.

  Several days after receiving the letter, a Southland merchant approached him at the Grandwood docks. He motioned for Theodor to come aboard his ship. Once in private, the merchant disclosed the details of his sister’s arrival.

  Two weeks later to the day, Hannah’s planned arrival had come. Theodor eagerly waited with Lucy for Hannah’s ship to dock at Grandwood’s port. The skies had been crystal clear when he first spotted their ship bobbing along the horizon. As it came nearer, however, dark thunder clouds began to build, and they soon blocked out the sun. Gusting winds swept the decks as the thunderhead’s updraft pulled in the warm air from along the shore. The storm appeared, seemingly from nowhere, and blew the ship off its course. Unable to come to port safely, Theodor watched helplessly as the ship wrecked among the rocky wharf near Highborn Bay.

  Watching the tragedy unfold before his eyes, Theodor raced down the beach on horseback. By the time he’d come parallel to the ship’s wreckage, the storm had passed. As the dismantled pieces of the ship washed ashore, Theodor frantically scoured for any sign of Hannah. As he picked through the wreckage, Theodor had a terrible feeling in his gut that Merglan had something to do with the disaster. No storm had ever sprung up so fast and disappeared so quickly in the history of Kartania; not unless magic was involved.

  At last a sliver of hope appeared, as Theodor heard a young baby crying. Still lulling in the surf, a lone baby lay squirming atop a plank from the ship’s wreckage. He picked up the shivering babe and swept his eyes across the area hoping to find his sister, but Hannah was nowhere to be seen. Theodor brought the baby back to his home. He and Lucy worked to keep the baby safe and warm.

  Theodor didn’t give up his search efforts for Hannah and his two-year-old nephew. Every day he and Lucy walked the coastline, searching for some sign of his sister. Despite his efforts, he never found her or any sign of her remains. He wrote letters to Cedarbridge, trying to inform Ivan of their loss, but they too went with no response.

  Theodor and Lucy eventually married and raised Theodor’s nephew along with two children of their own, Thomas and Kirsten. Because Theodor hadn’t heard from Ivan, he and Lucy assumed Ivan had died battling Merglan. Shortly after Hannah’s tragic accident, The War of the Magicians came to an end and the evil sorcerer, Merglan, disappeared, leaving his armies to be easily defeated by the united armies of the five nations of Kartania.

  A decade had passed without any word of Ivan, when late one fall evening a knock came at the door. Theodor and Lucy had already put the children to bed for the night and curiously answered to see who was there to see them. Theodor opened the door and saw a familiar man standing in raggedy clothes, covered in what looked like years of filth. Through the guise of his long beard and tattered clothing, Theodor knew him. It was Ivan. He appeared to have gone through hell and back. Theodor nearly wept when he recognized his old friend and brother-in-law. He welcomed him into his home, but Ivan shook his head.

  “I can’t stay for long,” he told Theodor, peering over his shoulder as if to make sure nobody was behind him.

  “What are you talking about? What happened to you? We all thought you were dead. And your son, Anders. He is here, now. Don’t you want to see him?” Theodor asked.

  For a moment, Ivan’s eyes glossed tears and Theodor thought he would weep. “I wish I had more time. Merglan’s after me. Just by being here, I’m putting all your lives in grave danger. I managed to disguise my whereabouts from him, but the effect is fading. My magical abilities aren’t what they once were. Not since...” he stared blankly past Theodor into space between himself and the doorframe.

  Before Theodor could ask him what he was talking about, Ivan brought himself back to reality, “I’ve come to warn you. Merglan’s searching for something here. You must keep it safe until the elves and I can track down Merglan and stop him.”

  “What does he want here?” Theodor asked confused.

  “There’s no time to explain, it's all written down here in this letter,” Ivan handed Theodor a rolled-up piece of parchment.

  Theodor took the scroll from Ivan and peered blankly at it. “Why are you doing this?”

  “I really must go. Just know that everything I’m doing is to stop him from harming Anders. I want nothing more than to be with my son, but if I stay any longer Merglan will discover why I’ve come here, and he will kill him.” Ivan opened his mouth to say more, but he hesitated, and the explanation Theodor was expecting never came. “I need to leave now. Theodor, I’m sorry.”

  “But Ivan, wait,” Theodor pleaded, but his words went unheard as Ivan vanished into the darkness.

  That was the last time Theodor heard from Ivan for many years.


  A J Walker is the author of Bond of a Dragon series. If you would like to find out more him and the fantasy world he’s created, you can check out his website ajwalkerauthor.com. Connect with A J by joining his Facebook group here or send him an email at [email protected]. Follow A J on Instagram @ajwalkerauthor.


  Have you read all the adventures based in Kartania?

  In Bond of a Dragon Series

  Bond of a Dragon: Zahara’s Gift

  A young man forced into action. A juvenile dragon alone in a new world. Whispers of a terrible evil returning to power.

  Nineteen-year-old Anders lived a fairly normal life until the only family he had was taken away from him. When he finds himself forced to embark on an action packed adventure, he discovers there is more to the world than he was told. The magical force that flows within everything around him becomes revealed. Dragons, elves, orcs, and goblins lurk around nearly every turn along the path as he pursues his two kidnapped cousins.

  As Anders discovers more about his family’s past, he learns of their involvement in The War of The Magicians and the circumstances leading up to the attack of his hometown. When Anders is told about his potential involvement in a prophecy involving dragons and their powerful magic, he will need to make a difficult decision. Will he continue to follow the path that is laid out for him or can he make his own destiny? Will he ever be reunited with his family again? And if he succeeds, will he ever be able to return to the life he once knew?

  Bond of a Dragon: Zahara’s Gift is the first book in an adventure fantasy series.

  If you like fast-paced adventure novels, fierce dragons, powerful magic, and a hero fighting for justice, then you’ll love the fantastic starter in A. J. Walker’s new page turning series.

  Unlock Bond of a Dragon: Zahara’s Gift to embark on this great adventure today!

  Bond of a Dragon: Secrets of the Sapphire Soul

  A dragon and her rider put to the test. Betrayal among allies. With Kartania’s fate in the balance, who will take control?

  Anders knows the war to stop Merglan from reclaiming his grip on the world is just beginning. With no certainty about where or when Merglan will attack next, Anders and his companions must take action to stay one step ahead of the cruel sorcerer and his evil dragon.

; As he searches for ways to stop Merglan’s domination of their world, Anders discovers more than he expected. With several nations of Kartania on the brink of collapse, he must make a difficult decision. Is the young rider ready to deal with the consequences he’s facing? Can Anders overcome the odds and unravel the secrets of the sapphire soul?

  Bond of a Dragon: Secrets of the Sapphire Soul is the second novel in an adventure fantasy series.

  If you like gripping suspense, bold dragonriders, and page-turning action, then you’ll love A J Walker’s latest installment in the Bond of a Dragon series.

  Find out more at ajwalkerauthor.com


  To Bubba and Ruby.




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