The Highlanderâ??s Irish Bride

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The Highlanderâ??s Irish Bride Page 35

by Kelly, Vanessa

  “Well, I know I’ve been rather a pain lately—”

  He cuddled her. “Never.”

  “That’s very kind, but you know I’ve been a bear to you, and you didn’t deserve it.”

  “To say we’ve all been under a great deal of pressure would be an understatement. I believe I’ve been growly once or twice, too.”

  She craned her head back, looking at him with mock astonishment. “No, really?”

  “Cheeky lass,” he said with a smile. “But I agree that we’ve had many challenges these last weeks. On top of everything going on around us, you also needed to make difficult decisions about your future. Believe me, love, I’m incredibly grateful for the sacrifice you’re willing to make.”

  “But it’s not a sacrifice, and I don’t want you thinking it is.”

  His eyebrows ticked up. “I recall a conversation this afternoon that suggested otherwise.”

  “I know, and I’ve been thinking about it ever since. And I believe that I’ve been approaching the question from the wrong angle.”

  “Interesting. What’s the correct angle?”

  “I was looking at life as ... as a binary choice. It was either having one thing or the other.”

  He nodded. “Me, or Ireland.”

  “Yes. And Ireland seemed so simple. But when I started to fall in love with you, I realized that such wasn’t the case. Ireland presented just as many problems as you did.”

  “Thus, the binary choice.”

  “Yes, but what a silly way to look at things. Because whatever choice one makes, there will always be challenges. Difficulties don’t disappear when you fall in love, nor does falling in love solve all your problems.” She gave him a wry look. “Despite what any romantic book or poem might claim to the contrary. I was thrown off a bit until I realized that.”

  “I always thought the opposite,” he confessed. “Love . . . marriage seems insanely complicated to me, even a happy marriage. That’s one reason I avoided thinking about it.”

  “You’re right. Love and marriage are very complicated.”

  He tilted his head. “Are we talking ourselves out of it? Because if we are, perhaps we should skip this discussion and proceed directly to seduction.”

  Kathleen scoffed. “Now you’re being silly again.”

  By way of reply, he leaned down and kissed her, sliding his tongue along the seam of her lips. She felt herself melting against him, and had to muster a strong effort to draw back from his oh-so-tempting mouth.

  “That is not playing fair,” she sternly said. “You made me lose my train of thought.”

  Grant chuckled.

  She cleared her throat and started again. “Where was I? What these last several weeks have taught me is that complicated and difficult situations are simply one part of life. Complications will continue to exist even if you happen to fall in love with the most wonderful man in the world.”

  His gaze grew tender again. “Och, Kathleen.”

  “And it’s perfectly fine when it’s difficult sometimes, because you no longer have to manage it alone. Even when it’s particularly complicated, it’s worth it. Because the people you love are worth it.” She placed a hand to his cheek, feeling a day’s worth of bristle scratch her palm. “Because you are worth it, Grant. Because of you, I can shoulder my burdens and know I don’t have to carry them alone.”

  When he kissed her palm, Kathleen couldn’t hold back a shiver.

  “And you’ll never be alone again,” he replied in a husky voice. “I promise I will always be there for you.”

  She smiled up at him. “I am counting on it.”

  Unceremoniously, he lifted her up and plopped her onto his lap. “Then, sweetest girl, in lieu of our discussion about marriage settlements, may I formally ask you—again—to marry me?”

  After she regained her equilibrium, Kathleen brought a finger to her lips. “Hmm . . .”

  “Lass,” he growled.

  She couldn’t help grinning. “I accept, sir. Gladly.”

  “Thank the good Lord. Now, can we get on with the seduction or is there anything else we need to thrash out?”

  “I believe we have concluded our discussion.”

  “Excellent. Have at it.”

  She blinked. “Er, what?”

  “You’re supposed to be seducing me.”

  “Oh, yes.” She rubbed her nose. “Well, this is rather embarrassing, but I’m not really sure how to go about it. I was hoping for some assistance from you.”

  “Assistance like this?”

  He lifted his hips and nudged, pushing something quite large and quite hard against her bottom.

  Kathleen felt her eyes pop wide. “Ah . . .”

  He chuckled and stretched his arms along the length of the sofa. “Let’s try this for a start. Why don’t you straddle me and see where that leads.”

  “That sounds quite naughty.”

  “I believe that’s the point.”

  She took in his sly grin and the heat in his gaze. Clearly, he was challenging her.

  Kathleen could never refuse a challenge. “Very well, sir.”

  When she started to slide off his lap, Grant clamped his hands around her waist. “Kathleen, one generally doesn’t commence a seduction by abandoning the object of one’s seducing.”

  “I’m getting up so I can take off my gown, silly. I thought you would enjoy watching me do that.”

  He smiled. “Despite your protestations to the contrary, you do seem to have a good sense of how to go about seducing a fellow.”

  “I’m a quick learner.”

  “I noticed that the other day.”

  She teased him with a quick kiss. When Grant tried to deepen the caress, she wriggled off his lap—and she did wriggle, making sure to press her bottom against his erection.

  “Hell and damnation, lass,” he groaned. “You’ll probably kill me before the night is out.”

  “That would be most unfortunate,” she replied as she reached over her shoulder to start unbuttoning her gown.

  Grant once more stretched his arms along the back of the sofa. “I’m willing to make the sacrifice, and I would certainly die happy.”

  “You truly are a jinglebrains. Now, instead of foolish commentary, I suggest you divest yourself of some of your clothing, starting with neckcloth and vest.”

  “I was hoping you would do that for me.”

  “I’m having enough trouble reaching these blasted buttons,” she muttered as she strained to reach the middle of her back.

  He snorted. “Come here and let me get those for you.”

  She turned her back to him. “So much for my seducing expertise.”

  “Rule number one—wear a dress that fastens in the front.” Grant made swift work of her buttons. “You’re all set, and can recommence the seduction.”

  “Thank you, sir—” She squawked when he goosed her bottom.

  Turning around, Kathleen sternly eyed him. Her betrothed looked entirely unrepentant.

  “What was that about?” she demanded.

  “Sorry, lass, but I’ve been wanting to do that for weeks. You have such a sweet little bottom.”

  “So, you’ve been staring at my backside all this time?”

  He lifted an eyebrow as if to say, Of course I have.

  She pointed a finger at him. “You’ve been tricking me all along, Grant Kendrick. You are a complete rogue.”

  “At the moment, this rogue would like you to take off your gown.”

  Taking a mental breath—because she really was rather nervous—Kathleen grabbed her skirts and yanked her dress up over her head. Unfortunately, she also got her shift tangled in there, too, which meant she got tangled up. By the time she got the bloody dress off, she was flushed and thoroughly annoyed with herself.

  Grant, however, had a hand pressed to his mouth, clearly trying not to laugh.

  “If you utter so much as a chuckle, I will walk out of this room,” she threatened.

  He plucked the
gown from her loose hold and tossed it behind the sofa. “Not without your dress, you won’t.”

  “That was a new gown, I’ll have you know. At this rate, I won’t have anything left to wear, what with riding about in thunderstorms and you tossing my clothing on the floor.”

  It took her a moment to notice that Grant was staring at her with an expression she could only describe as . . . greedy.

  “Yer bloody gorgeous, lass.” When Grant stroked his erection through his breeches, Kathleen almost fainted.

  She had to swallow twice before she could answer. “Thank you. Now, please take off some of your clothing. Fair play, and all that.”

  He flashed a wicked smile. “I’ll be playing, all right. And while I’m undressing, why don’t you start on your stays—which, I might add, are very pretty.”

  She’d worn one of her nicest pairs, front lacing and cream colored, and trimmed with tiny embroidered flowers and pink ribbons.

  From the size of Grant’s erection—which was now tenting his breeches quite impressively—he also liked her stays.

  She began to slowly unlace the garment. Grant quickly unwound his cravat and tossed it aside, then went to work on the buttons of his waistcoat. When one snagged, he simply jerked on the vest, sending the button whizzing past her.

  “You lost one,” she politely said.

  He snorted. “I think I’m also losing my mind. Now, would you please come back here while I still have a few wits left?”

  She strolled over to stand right in front of him, continuing to leisurely unlace her stays. Grant brushed her hands aside and finished the job.

  “I thought I was supposed to be seducing you?” she said, resting her hands on his shoulders.

  “Trust me, I am thoroughly seduced.”

  Grant eased her stays off and dropped them to the floor, leaving her clad only in her shift and her stockings.

  “Och, yer like a fairy princess in yer dainty things,” he rasped.

  She’d worn one of her nicest shifts, too. It was sheer cambric, tied with pale pink ribbons.

  With a teasing smile, she played with one of the ribbons. “So, you like my shift, too?”

  Grant reached out and pulled her between his legs. “I certainly like this.”

  He dragged a thumb over the outline of her already stiff nipple. Kathleen couldn’t hold back a moan.

  “That’s my lovely girl,” he murmured.

  Both of his hands now came up to her breasts. He took his time playing with them, teasing the taut nipples through the fabric. Kathleen’s knees actually went wobbly, and she had to keep a grip on his shoulders.

  She arched her back when he tugged one of the throbbing peaks. “Oh, Grant!”

  His only response was to lean forward and suck her nipple into his mouth, and then begin licking her through the cambric. She squirmed as he lavished caresses, and she had to clamp her legs tight against the luxurious sensation already building between her thighs.

  Grant finally pulled back. “Now that’s a pretty sight.”

  The wet and now completely transparent fabric clung to her nipples. They were flushed, stiff and hard, and still aching for his tongue. She dug her fingertips into his shoulders, silently begging for more.

  Instead, his focus slid lower. Grant slowly trailed a hand down her belly, making her quiver, before cupping her sex. Kathleen whimpered when he rubbed her through the thin material.

  “Spread your legs for me, love,” Grant rumbled.

  “I feel like I’m going to fall over.”

  He braced a hand on her hip. “Just keep holding on to my shoulders. I won’t let you fall.”

  Kathleen parted her legs. Grant rubbed and teased her bud to hard prominence through the damp fabric. She closed her eyes and let her head fall back, giving herself over to pleasure, drowning in waves of sensation. Her heart pounded, and tiny contractions began to ripple from deep inside, taking her almost to the edge.

  When he suddenly withdrew his hand, she almost toppled over. He clamped a hand on her bottom, holding her upright.

  Kathleen glared at him. “Really? Now you stop?”

  His chuckle was deep and rasping. “Love, you’re not coming until I’m deep inside of you.”

  She rather lost her breath, because that particular mental image was both intimidating and incredibly exciting.

  “And when is that going to happen?”


  Then, without warning, Grant swept the shift over her head. Stunned to be suddenly naked before him but for her stockings, she bit back a gasp.

  His eyes flared like a torch. “Can you stand on your own?” he rasped out.

  “I . . . I think so.” She braced her feet and let go of his shoulders.

  As Grant unlaced his shirt, his gaze roamed over her body. It was so intent that she could almost feel it trailing over her skin. It took all her willpower to remain standing when all she wanted to do was crawl into his lap and collapse.

  “Spread your legs a bit more,” he ordered.

  Swallowing, she complied with the sensual demand. Grant delved a hand into her curls, then slowly, carefully, pushed two fingers inside of her. Kathleen grabbed his shoulders and cried out as her channel clenched around him.

  “Aye, yer ready,” he growled.

  He pumped his fingers once, wrenching a moan from her throat, and then slowly withdrew them. With his help, she climbed onto his lap and straddled him. Loving the feel of his erection pressed against her exposed sex, she rubbed against him.

  Grant hissed. “Hell, yes. That’s my beauty.”

  He steadied her, and then dragged his shirt over his head and tossed it aside. Kathleen’s mouth went entirely dry, because Grant Kendrick without a shirt was a sight to behold. His shoulders were broad and his arms bulged with muscle. Dark red hair dusted his brawny chest, and narrowed down in a tempting line over his taut stomach.

  “Like what you see?” he murmured.

  Kathleen smiled. “I do. I like what I feel, too.”

  Liked it so much that she wriggled against him.

  “Bloody hell,” Grant muttered. “That’s it, love. Move however you like.”

  She flexed her hips, rubbing against him, building the lovely ache between her thighs. It was delicious, and even more delicious when he began massaging her breasts. Kathleen shivered at the sensations storming her body.

  When she felt ready to tip over the edge, Grant suddenly bent her back over his arm, thrusting her breasts up. He devoured one, and then the other, drawing on her nipples until they ached with delicious torment. Kathleen squirmed, trying to relieve the ache between her thighs, but Grant’s powerful arms held her in position while he lavished kisses and little nips on her breasts.

  Desperate, she clamped a hand to the back of his head. “Grant, please!”

  He finally drew back. His eyes glittered with a passion that set her entire being on fire.

  “Ready for me, sweetheart?” he asked in a husky voice.

  She frantically nodded.

  “Lift up,” he said.

  When she shakily complied, he snaked a hand between them and began to unbutton his breeches. When he fumbled a bit, cursing, she couldn’t hold back a smile.

  He finally freed himself. Kathleen gasped as his erection—so thick and so hard—slid between her slick folds. For a few minutes, he teased her with it, rubbing until the hard little bud ached once more for release.

  “Lift up again, my darling,” he murmured.

  When she did, he fitted himself at her entrance. He felt huge, and she felt a wee bit scared.

  Mostly, though, she couldn’t wait to be finally and truly his.

  Gently, oh-so-gently, he forged into her. Kathleen grabbed his shoulders, feeling her eyes pop wide.

  “Ah, love,” he gritted out, his eyes narrowing to emerald slits.

  There was a sharp sting—her turn to hiss—and then he was fully seated within her. Grant rested his damp forehead against hers, breathing heavily a
s he held them both still.

  After a minute or so, the sting faded, and Kathleen became aware of a beautiful sense of fullness. Grant was inside her—so deep—and it was incredible.

  When he opened his eyes, she saw a gaze full of passion, but also a tenderness that brought a quick rush of tears. He brushed a thumb across her cheek before kissing her.

  “All right, my bonny lass?” he whispered.

  She gave him a misty smile. “Aye, that.”

  When he chuckled, she felt it in the very depths of her being.

  “I am very happy to hear that,” he said.

  “I would, however, like to . . .” She twirled a hand.

  His smile was slow and wicked. “You’d like to come?”

  Well, there was no point in being squeamish about it. After all, she was naked and the man was buried inside her.

  “Yes, please. As soon as possible.”

  Grant chuckled. “Put your hand down there, love.”

  She blinked in shock when he guided her hand to her own sex. “Um, what do you want me to do?”

  “Touch yourself, like I just did. I’ll do all the rest.”

  Tentatively, she fingered the hard bud as he began to flex his hips, rocking inside her. That felt rather wonderful, so she rubbed harder. And that felt ...


  While Kathleen pleasured herself, Grant slipped a hand under her bottom, holding her steady against his thrusts. His other hand went to her breast. She moaned as he dragged a calloused thumb over the rigid tip. She rubbed herself harder, teasing the slick, hard knot. Intense pleasure radiated throughout her entire body, rapidly taking her to the edge.

  Suddenly, Grant tilted her back and fastened his mouth to her breast, sucking hard. With his mouth on her breasts and his erection stroking her, Kathleen gave herself up to the tiny contractions now starting to ripple out from her core.

  Her body was on fire—consuming, delicious fire. She rubbed herself one more time just as Grant nipped her. She cried out, climaxing instantly.

  She grabbed his shoulders, shuddering as her channel clenched around him. It was like nothing she’d ever felt before, drowning her in sensation. Grant thrust into her once more, and then groaned as he came with a hard shudder. Kathleen curled herself around him, clinging tight, finding her anchor as she rode out the storm.


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