Saved by the Dark

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Saved by the Dark Page 12

by Ann Jensen

  “I’ll be right here.”

  Tek and Sharp stepped away from the side of the Clubhouse. She could still see him and the other Brothers who joined him, but couldn’t hear anything that was said.

  Could it have been less than a week ago that she had been ready to kill herself with a stranger’s gun? Life had gone from hopeless to full of so many possibilities in such a short time, it felt like a dream. Let other girls dream of princes or rich wimpy men who gave them flowers. Pixie loved these rough men and their violent world that could keep her safe from the worst monsters.

  Maybe Sharp would know a way she could help the other victims of Mitchel. She knew a lot about his organization, there had to be some way to find someone who could do something about it. She would think on it. Sharp had never brought it up again so he must have done something. There was no way Mitchel would give up the money she represented. But if she brought up her captivity, she was afraid he would go back to treating her like a fragile doll. She would ask Val the next time they were together.

  “Well if it isn’t Shushie homemaker all by her lonesome.” Tina’s words were slurred from alcohol and filled with venom. Pixie wondered how much and how fast the woman had been drinking to get this tanked in under an hour. The woman was striding over with way too much purpose for Pixie’s comfort. Trailing behind her were differing versions of brunette stripper Barbie who appeared as drunk as Tina and eager for a confrontation.

  Pixie looked around. While a few Brothers were looking in their general direction, no one from Sharp’s group was, and none seemed to be paying attention.

  “Go away, Tina.” Sharp wouldn’t want her to make a scene, but it was hard to keep her temper.

  “You don’t tell me what to do, bitch. I’ve been part of Dark Sons for years. No muffin baking little girl is going to act high and mighty like she’s got a magic cunt or something.”

  Her friends laughed, and Pixie gritted her teeth as the conversations around them quieted and heads turned their way.

  “You’re embarrassing yourself. Just go back inside and play who wants to be my stripper pole. I’m sure you’ll have plenty of volunteers.” Her fists were clenching at the effort not to raise her voice to match the drunk bitch in front of her.

  “You know I never thought I’d see the day when the Dark Sons would be pussy whipped, begging for a woman’s cookies. It’s pathetic.” As the meaning of Tina’s words sunk in, her friends stepped back with nervous looks on their faces. The drunk bitch herself didn’t hesitate though. “But I know what they really want. When Sharp remembers he’s a man and wants a real woman to fuck him dirty like he wants, he’ll be fucking back with me and you will be nothing more than a weekend memory.”

  “You know what, bitch?” Despite all her effort to stay calm, she was now yelling. “Maybe it isn’t my baking that’s the issue. Maybe he got tired of fucking your overstretched cunt that’s been used by so many men it should have a public health warning on it!”

  “Cunt!” Tina lurched forward.

  Pixie had become too used to being safe at the compound, so she didn’t have time to react when Tina backhanded her. The strength behind it was surprising and sent Pixie sprawling to the dirt.

  She blinked dust and dirt out of her eyes as rage tore through her system. She wasn’t Suzie homemaker; she was a fucked up foster kid who had spent nearly ten years going to therapy for her uncontrolled rage. The only good fucking thing that had come out of those sessions had been years of martial arts training to help channel her energy. This bitch was about to find out how well she’d learned those lessons.

  Chapter 19

  It is the quiet ones you have to watch out for.

  “Sorry to pull you away from your girl but I have news I don’t think you want her hearing.” Tek walked Sharp over to the side of the Clubhouse. Hawk, Max and Smoke were waiting there all looking grim.

  Sharp made sure he could still see Pixie before turning to his Brothers. “What’s up?”

  Hawk looked ready to chew someone up. “Minetti got the feds to back down but says the Staties are going to take a few days.”

  “I figured that when they showed up at the garage with a warrant today and trashed my shop. Does this mean the deal with Minetti is off?” Sharp sounded eager but he was pissed and wanted to take his frustration out on the rat who had started this mess.

  “Not exactly. Breaker says if anything comes of this, we take out Caravaggio as payment. But until then we hold off.”

  Sharp smacked the corner of the building in frustration. “All respect to our National Pres, but it isn’t his shit he had to watch get tossed and sit on his hands like a pansy.”

  Hawk looked him in the eyes before talking. “We hold for now. We all know that moron is going to do something else, then we’ll have the all-clear to erase him.”

  “Caravaggio isn’t our only problem,” Tek broke in. The ex-ranger didn’t often come to party nights. The fact he was here gave Sharp a feeling of dread. Tek was a loyal Brother but he spent the majority of his days and nights as CEO of one of the fastest growing security technology companies in the US. He was a fantastic hacker in his own right but with the resources of his contacts and company, he made sure that Dark Sons were digitally secure from even the best hackers and better informed than most government agencies.

  “What do you know?” Hawk asked.

  “I still haven’t been able to find even a single digital footprint of Mitchel Thomas. The name has to be a front and a good one. But an hour ago the username ‘Master_MT’ put out a ten-thousand-dollar contract for the capture of your woman. Specified no permanent damage. The contract contained pictures and the address of the Clubhouse.” Sharp had never seen his Brother so on edge.

  “Shit!” Sharp bit off. Ten thousand wouldn’t bring out any big players with the Dark Sons address attached but it would bring the stupid. He also had the feeling if the number got much higher, they might get some serious mercenaries trying their luck.

  Tina’s shrill, drunk voice throwing insults from somewhere nearby disturbed the quiet night and Sharp regretted not banning the woman last night. All he needed was to have to deal with some drama that bitch drummed up on top of everything else. He turned and stilled as he and all the Brothers around them heard her call them a bunch of pussies.

  When his little Pixie’s elevated voice was added to the mix, he spun around and realized he had been so distracted, he had let that bitch get near his woman.

  Smoke chuckled. “Your woman has a mouth–”

  All the Brothers let out a growl as Tina backhanded Pixie to the ground. Sharp moved, but not fast enough. His forward steps were halted by shock when Pixie pushed off the ground and, with three quick strikes, had the other woman face down in the dirt, her tiny shoe at her neck.

  “Holy shit. Pixie’s got some moves. That was one of the best axe kicks I’ve ever seen.” Max’s voice rang out clear against the silent night.

  But Pixie wasn’t done. Covered in dirt, her dress slightly ripped and a tiny bit of blood on her lip, she screamed down at the woman she held pinned. “I’m more than a cook you used up cunt! I’m whatever Sharp or the Dark Sons need. That’s what it means to be a real fucking woman. So, if they need cookies, I’ll ask what kind, and if Sharp needs someone to swallow every inch of his cock or ride him like a championship cowgirl in the middle of the Club, I’ll say yee-haw, bitch.”

  Pixie pulled back her foot, obviously intending to kick Tina in the face. Sharp moved, amusement and shock warring for supremacy in his emotions. He had to stop her though, because there was one rule when it came to fighting at the Clubhouse: only family could fight. He hadn’t thought he would need to warn Pixie and since he had been stupidly waiting for the family barbeque on Sunday to give her his cut in some romantic gesture, she wasn’t family yet. Punishment for hangers-on fighting could be anything the Pres decided, but usually included at least a temporary ban.

  Tina had started the fight but instead of waiting fo
r help that was feet away, his Pixie had kicked some serious ass. Sharp caught his warrior woman around the waist and pulled her back, so her kick connected with nothing but air. Her elbow caught him in the ribs with a good sharp jab, making him laugh. If she had any muscle or weight behind the blow, it might have hurt.

  “Calm down, darlin’. It’s me.”

  She continued to scream and fight, and Sharp had to struggle to contain her without hurting her.

  “Damn, Sharp. You sure that’s your Pixie? Sounds more like a Banshee.” Max’s comment wasn’t far off the mark. What had happened to the sweet, shy woman who opened up under his touch? Was it wrong he found this hellcat sexy? Sharp slapped her ass hard trying to break through whatever panic had seized her mind.

  Pixie froze mid-thrash and looked around. “Sharp? Oh, I am so sorry. Did I hurt you?”

  Sharp laughed harder as did many of the Brothers who were now surrounding the scene taking in the evening’s entertainment.

  Tina tried to scramble off the ground, her outfit no longer covering anything significant. “I’ll fucking kill you!”

  Hawk grabbed the drunk woman by the hair and hauled her to her feet. No amusement showed anywhere in his stance or expression.

  “Hawk, sshhhe started it,” the woman slurred.

  “So, you’re a liar as well as a stupid cunt.” He threw her to the ground. “You stay there on your knees, bitch, until I’m ready to deal with you.” He turned to the Dark Sons gathered around. “She moves, one of you shoot her.”

  Several guns were pulled and readied, but from the stunned expression of a woman quickly sobering up, Sharp didn’t think she would move. Hawk walked over towards them. Pixie squirmed against his chest like she was trying to burrow through his chest and escape. But since he held her suspended off the ground, her efforts were useless.

  Hawk looked at the woman in his arms who had finally gone still. “Can you stand, Pixie?”

  Pixie nodded and Sharp put her down. He hated having to step back from her, but his Pres needed to make an example of both women. The common punishment for bitches fighting was cleaning duty or a fine. Either way, she would survive. Embarrassed but intact. He doubted his Pres would ban her with her life in danger.

  Pixie stood, shaking and covered in dirt, but didn’t flinch when Hawk took her chin in his hand.

  “Looks like you have a small cut on your lip. Any other injuries?”

  “No, Sir.” Pixie’s voice was so small, it reminded him of a small child. Sharp wanted to wrap her up in his arms, but couldn’t.

  “Tell me what happened.” Hawk’s voice held no sympathy or emotion other than the slight heat of anger.

  Pixie told the story quickly with very few details. Hawk nodded, glaring at the woman cradling a limp arm in the dirt.

  “Pixie might not know the rules, Tina, but you fucking do. Only family can fight on Club property. Or did you think we were too pussy whipped to enforce our rules?” His last sentence came out with ice on every word.

  “No, Hawk, I didn’t mean... I just was saying Sharp–”

  “I never thought I’d see the day when Dark Sons were pussy whipped. I believe those were your exact words.”

  “I’m sorry, Hawk. I didn’t mean it.”

  “You were banned from the Clubhouse for life the minute you disrespected the Club. But for fighting, lying, and being the worthless piece of trash you are, you no longer have a job, an apartment, or the right to breathe anywhere we claim. You have one week to get the fuck out of our territory, or you won’t like what happens to you.”

  “You can’t!”

  “We own the Club you work in, the building you rent from, and no one will be stupid enough to cross us for a used-up cunt like yours. And if you decide to try and cause more trouble, leaving the country won’t even be enough to hide you from me. Am I clear?”

  Tina was sobbing, her words unintelligible, but she nodded.

  “Have Doc set her shoulder before throwing her off the property. That is the last shred of kindness any Dark Son will ever show her.”

  Sharp wasn’t surprised by Hawk’s judgment. Disrespect was something none of them could tolerate and with the blow that swallowing Caravaggio’s insult was doing to their egos, it was even more critical. He hoped that since Pixie had shown respect and not known she was breaking the rules, Hawk could find some pity.

  Pixie wanted to throw up. Why hadn’t anyone told her about the no fighting rule? Without Sharp’s warmth at her back, she felt alone and adrift. They had banned a woman and blown up her life and she had been with them for years. What would they do to someone who had only been around for a week? And they had called her a Banshee. Was she really that bad?

  She would have sat and taken the beating. Hell, she would let them all beat her if it meant she didn’t have to leave Sharp. Would he allow them to send her away? Part of her was convinced he wouldn’t but Pixie remembered Val’s warning from early on; Brothers first, family second, and right now she was neither.

  Hawk looked her up and down, shaking his head. “You came to us, Pixie with a metric shit ton of problems on your heels. We took you in and have kept you safe. I’ve had to juggle resources to watch over you and we are still cleaning up the mess that is your past.”

  “Pres–” Sharp’s voice was protesting, but a hard look from Hawk had him closing his mouth.

  “Up until now, I’ve been happy with you. You showed respect to my Brothers, cleaned up the Clubhouse and made meals that were better than my own mom’s cooking. Did you know our rules about fighting?”

  “No. I swear.” Pixie was happy her voice didn’t waver, but she couldn’t help the tears that were running down her cheeks.

  “You’re not family–”

  “I am making her my Old Lady.” Sharp’s voice was loud and held a tinge of anger.

  Pixie’s breath caught and hope flared up inside her. He had said I am, not I was going to. If that meant she was going to get to stay she could take whatever came.

  “That’s good. But she wasn’t earlier and I think after tonight if you don’t, several of your Brothers are going to be knocking down her door.” For the first time, Hawk’s voice had lost some of its blankness. “You stood up for the Club. But you fought when there was no need. Your man was one shout away. If you had called out for help when that bitch first approached you, we wouldn’t be here.”

  “I’m sorry, Hawk. I let my anger get away from me. What do you need me to do to make it up to the Club?”

  “You already cook and clean more than anyone ever has, and I know you have no money to cover a fine.” He held up a hand as if others were going to protest. “Though I am sure you would have plenty of volunteers to give you the cash, I’m thinking of a unique punishment. You made some pretty bold claims when you had Tina pinned to the ground. Did you mean it?”

  Pixie sort of remembered what she’d said after getting knocked to the ground. “Uhm, about baking cookies?”

  “No, but my favorite is chocolate chip with walnuts.” Hawk cracked a smile.

  Pixie thought for a moment and blushed as her body unexpectedly heated, her nipples tightening. “You mean the stuff with Sharp?” She needed to be sure. Doing those things with him excited her but she wasn’t sure if she could do them with anyone else and not feel terror.

  “Since I don’t want gunfire and bodies everywhere, yes, with Sharp. And it needs to be out in the center of the Club where everyone will see you are his and loyal to the Club.”

  “Hawk don’t do this to her. She’s been through enough already. I’ll pay whatever fine you want.”

  Hawk’s eyes hardened. “It’s this or a fine and she’s banned from Club property for a week. Rules don’t bend for anyone.”

  Pixie loved that Sharp was trying to protect her, but nothing Hawk had suggested bothered her. Hell, she could feel herself getting wet thinking about it. “I’ll do it.”

  Sharp spun her around, holding her face in his hands. “You don’t have to do
this, darlin’. I’ll take you away for a week. Pay the fine.”

  She grabbed his hands, gently looking into his eyes. “I’ll be fine. I feel safe here. As long as you are the only one who gets to touch me. Unless you don’t want to.” She hated that her last sentence sounded hurt, but she wondered if maybe he didn’t want her that way anymore. If all his talk had been about protecting her, not because he actually wanted her.

  Sharp touched his forehead to hers and gazed into eyes that were focused fully on him, not the insults and laughter around them. “The idea of fucking you while everyone watches has me hard as stone, darlin’, but not if it’s going to cause another episode.”

  “I’m good. I promise to tell you if something starts to bother me.”

  Sharp straightened and gave the middle finger to the crowd. It looked like everyone had come outside to watch the drama unfold. Pixie looked down at herself and winced. She must look like a wreck. She could feel her ponytail was loose, her dress was torn, and dirt spotted every part of her that she could see. She didn’t want to put on a show looking like a victim.

  Pixie looked over at Hawk and put her best-begging face on. “Can I get cleaned up and changed? I have clothes upstairs and I promise to be quick.”

  “I think I can allow that. In fifteen minutes, I expect you in the main room.”

  She nodded and took off at a sprint. Passing through the main room the only person she saw was Dragon who was on bar duty.

  “You okay, carina?” he shouted as she ran for the stairs.

  “No time! Be right back,” she panted.

  Pixie was determined to start running again; this winded thing was for the birds. She washed off quickly with a washcloth and brushed out her hair the best she could with her fingers. The ponytail was a bust without a brush, so she left it down. She opened the closet which still contained the rest of the clothing Val had bought her and considered what one should wear to get publicly fucked by their man. Her eye caught on a top made of red velvet and she smiled. Sharp hadn’t seen any of the alternate dress options Val had provided. Pixie got wet at the idea. Maybe she would like to be Banshee as much as she liked being Pixie.


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