A Hot Flash of Homicide

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A Hot Flash of Homicide Page 13

by Dawn Dugle

  We all sat down and Celia pulled something out of her purse and sat it on the table. It looked like an Echo Dot, the kind of thing you could use to ask Alexa to play your favorite music or tell you a joke. When she turned it on, it emitted a strange high frequency that was close to white noise, but not quite. And definitely not Alexa.

  "What's that?" I pointed.

  "It's a jammer and white noise generator. It will cover up our conversation and prevent people from recording it or listening in on a long-range microphone."

  "Ah." I reached over and turned it off. "Before we have a conversation, I need to see your credentials and a photo ID."

  Celia looked at Luke. "She is a spitfire and smart, just like you said. Fine. Here you go."

  I took pictures of her credentials and her driver's license and forwarded them to Bodie, asking him to verify she was who she said she was. I told them I'd wait for the answer before we talked about anything else. While I believed Luke, I needed to know Celia was the real deal before I put my career and possibly my life on the line.

  The waiter came in and I ordered the 1905 salad with a tea. Luke got the Combo de Cuba with a water and Celia just ordered a Cuban coffee. No wonder she was skinny.

  Right after the waiter left to put in our orders, my phone rang.

  "Ward," I answered.

  "You don't say hello anymore? What is this CSI Flamingo Cove?" Bodie laughed on the other end.

  "Affirmative," I tried to sound authoritative, but suspect I wasn't when Celia looked amused. Damn it. "Tell me what you found."

  "I don't know what you're doing on your day off, but Celia Cruz is who she says she is. And I double checked it with the photo ID. She's me bone-eat-uh my friend," Bodie botched the Spanish translation of very beautiful.

  "I think you pronounced that wrong," I rolled my eyes.

  "Nope. I said it right," he laughed. I groaned and hung up on him.

  I reached over and turned on the device. "Okay. Go.”


  Over the next half hour, Celia filled me in on the investigation into the drug trafficking that had been going on for years. She confirmed Luke's story and when she was done, I was still as perplexed as when we started.

  "Something's not adding up for me," I leaned back in my chair and crossed my arms. "If this investigation has been stalled for years, why go after Luke now? Why follow him? Why bug his house and mine?"

  "We think you've inadvertently stumbled onto something, we just don't know what it is yet," Celia sipped her coffee.

  "Well, do you at least know who's bugging my place?"

  "The listening devices are pretty standard, and no fingerprints or DNA were found on them," Celia replied. "So no, we don't know who put them there. It could be anyone."

  I let out a breath and looked at Luke. He excused himself for the men's room, leaving me alone with Celia.

  She watched me thoughtfully. "You're the first woman he's ever had me meet."

  "Oh, does he bring all of his dates home to meet his..." I looked a little closer at her. The tilt of her eyes, even the way she held her hands. "Holy shit, you're one of the sisters!"

  She smiled. "And you are incredibly smart."

  "He's in the 'family' business too?" I laughed.

  "In a way."

  "How did you both end up working for the government?"

  "He told you our grandparents snuck out of Cuba to become Americans," she tilted her head and when I nodded, she continued. "It wasn't a pleasant experience for them. They wanted asylum and weren't going to get it. They took off and lived lives of illegal immigrants. It was a hard life. They were always looking over their shoulders, wondering if immigration would get them. They took low-paying jobs that would pay them cash under the table and worked twelve to fourteen hours a day."

  My eyes widened. "Luke didn't say much about it."

  "They were my dad's parents and they encouraged him to make something of himself, go to college and get a degree. My dad became a social worker, helping immigrants who had fallen through the cracks. That's how he met our mom. She was a nurse at a nearby clinic in the Cuban neighborhood where my grandparents lived. Together, they worked to help immigrants have better lives than our grandparents did. And they instilled a sense of service and education in us all. That's why Luke joined the Marines and used the GI Bill money to attend Harvard."

  "Did your grandparents ever become citizens?"

  Celia smiled. "They did, and you've never met a more patriotic couple than those two. They had American flags all over the house and would smack Luke if he didn't remove his hat while saying the Pledge of Allegiance or singing the National Anthem."

  I laughed at that, trying to imagine a little Luke being smacked in the back of his head by his grandfather. Try as I might, I could only see this God Among Men as he was today and wondered if this is how he always looked.

  I must have said that last part out loud because Celia threw her head back and laughed. "Oh God no. Mr. God's Gift to Women was the scrawniest nerd growing up."

  "I didn't call him God's Gift to Women, I called him a God Among Men," I sniffed and then smiled at her. I really liked her, even though she was The Goddess Who Walked Among Us. She was definitely muy bonita.

  "He filled out in the Marines," Celia winked as her brother came back into the room.

  "Your sister was just telling me all the secrets about you growing up," I playfully punched Luke in the arm.

  He winced. "I had a feeling you two would get along like a house afire."

  Celia stood up, turned off the jammer and slipped it back into her perfect-sized tote. "Well, this has been great fun. Luke, try not to blow up your girlfriend again. Wysdom, it was very nice meeting you. I'm sure I'll be seeing you around."

  Air kisses all around and she was gone. Luke and I stared at each other.

  "That was a long trip to the restroom. The Cuban combo too much for you?" I asked.

  His eyes twinkled. "No, I called my buddy who runs a security firm and asked him to install security cameras at both of our homes."

  "Why would you do that?" I demanded.

  "So we can catch these sons of bitches who are trying to harm you," Luke's face clouded over.

  "We don't know they're trying to harm me. We just know they're trying to listen in on what we're talking about," I was irritated. "I don't want security cameras outside my house."

  "How about an alarm system?"


  "Before you really say no, will you please think about it?"

  I looked at his eyes and saw real fear there. Not fear for himself, but for me. "I'll think about it."

  "Great. Now there's one more thing I need to go over with you," he put two phones on the table. One was the smartphone I've seen him use a few times. The other was a black flip phone that I didn't know he'd been carrying. "Give me your phone."

  I handed over my smart phone.

  He frowned. "You'll need to unlock it."

  I took it back, used Face ID to open it up and handed it back.

  "Good. Now I'm programming a number in here. And I'm putting it under 'Ginger,'" he looked up as I made a quizzical sound. "That is going to be a codeword for us. If you are ever in trouble, I want you to call or text this number and I'll immediately know."

  "What if you're in trouble?" I playfully swatted him on the arm.

  "Then the same works in reverse."

  "I'm guessing you're not going to say 'Hey! I'm in trouble!'" I teased some more.

  He put down all the phones and grabbed my hand, looking into my eyes with a very serious face. "Wysdom, if the day ever comes that we need to use that number and code word, it will not matter what the message is. It might even sound completely backwards to you. But you'll know it's an emergency. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

  My stomach flipped over and I nodded, swallowing the excess saliva that had suddenly built up in my mouth. I was about to say something else when my phone rang. Bodie.

s up partner?" I answered.

  "Oh, you must be free from whomever you were trying to impress," he poked at me.

  "Hardee har har," I said.

  "Listen, I got ahold of Midnight Louise and she can meet us at the club around five o'clock. Will that work for you?"

  I looked at the clock on my phone. "Yeah. I'll see you there."

  After I hung up, I looked at Luke. "I have to see a man about drag queens."

  "I'm coming with you and tonight, you're staying at my place," Luke stood up and took my hand, not giving me the chance to argue.

  Not that I was going to complain... after all, I just met one-seventh of his family.


  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Midnight Louise's Drag Show Emporium was located in the middle of the Withlacoochee State Forest, on the outskirts of Flamingo Cove. The outside of the building wasn't much to look at. A squat, cinderblock building with a flat asphalt roof. It looked like it might have been a Burger King or a strip club in a past life.

  Inside was a different story. Stepping into Midnight Louise's was like stepping inside of a glitter gun. Everything was bedazzled, bejeweled or beglittered. From the bar, to the floor, to the handles on the restroom doors.

  It sparkled so much, my eyes hurt.

  It was all part of the presentation that made this drag club one of the most popular on the West Coast of Florida.

  Luke and I were standing around with our mouths hanging open. We didn't see which direction a deep voice came from. "Bodie SWEETHEART! It's been forever!"

  Bodie started forward towards Dolly Parton. If Dolly Parton was a giant, sporting a goatee and was built like a brick shit house. The Dolly Parton wannabe hugged Bodie then turned her sights on us.

  "Bodie, Darling, won't you do the introductions?"

  Bodie cleared his throat. "Lou, this is Wysdom Ward and Luke... Nelson. Guys, this is Midnight Louise. She owns this establishment."

  Midnight Louise swept in to give me a hug and picked me up off the floor. I groaned as she pressed against my bruises from the bomb. Was that only yesterday?

  "Oh no! Darling! Tell me I didn't damage you! I wouldn't want to hurt a tiny hair on your precious little head!" Midnight Louise gushed.

  "I'm fine. Still recovering from the wrong side of a bomb," I chuckled. Luke winced.

  "Oh yes. I saw all of that horrible business on the news! That's why we don't have TV's in the club. We try to keep the terrible real world outside those doors."

  "Unfortunately, Lou, some of that terribleness might have come inside your doors," Bodie put his hand on the drag queen's arm.

  "Oh no," Midnight Louise started fanning herself with her huge hands. "I think I need a sip of Pellegrino."

  The large drag queen headed over to the bar, where I realized a tiny Black woman was standing with her hands on her hips, throwing eye daggers at Midnight Louise.

  "Tatiana, darling, fetch me a Pellegrino!"

  "Get it your DAMN self," Tatiana hissed, kicked a box of booze on the floor, then stomped to the back in a huff.

  Midnight Louise waved her hand like she was conducting an imaginary symphony and said: "My wife has quite a temper on her."

  What the... what now? "Your wife?"

  "I told you, just because she's a drag queen don't make her gay," Bodie laughed.

  "Being a drag queen is a state of mind that has nothing to do with sexuality. Well, it does mean I ooze sexuality, natch... but my preference is for women," Midnight Louise said as if that explained everything.

  "Why is she mad at you?" Luke asked.

  "It's Thursday?" Midnight Louise reached over the bar and snagged a bottle of sparkling water from the cooler. "Where are my manners? Would anyone care for a refreshment?"

  "No thank you. I do want to ask you about someone who might have come in the club last Thursday night," I asked and pulled out my phone, showing her the picture of Seth Campbell. "Do you remember seeing this guy?"

  "Oh honey. That man was bad news with a capital B!" Midnight Louise fanned herself again.

  "What makes you say that?"

  "Lawdhamercy. That man was on me like white on rice when I came out right before the show. I always like to work the room for a few minutes before my dramatic entrance on stage at midnight... that's where the place got its name. Can you imagine calling it Eleven o'clock Louise?" She laughed a deep, hearty laugh that was contagious.

  "So... you were working the room..." I prompted, trying to get her back on track.

  "Yes, and this skinny man came up to me and started hitting on me. Now, this is not uncommon. Men and women hit on me all the time, because let's face it - who wouldn't be attracted to all this fabulousness?" Louise waved her hand the down her sequined dress and nodded at me.

  "Of course. Then what happened?"

  "Let's see..." she tilted her head to remember. "Oh yes. He kept asking me out and telling me his name, over and over again. It was the strangest thing."

  "How did he tell you his name?" Bodie asked.

  "Well, he kept saying 'My name is Seth Campbell and I want to take you out.' He kept saying it and saying it, like a broken record. It was creepy," Louise shuddered.

  "And this was right before midnight?" I asked.

  "Right." Louise confirmed.

  Luke pointed to the hidden cameras. "I see you have cameras in here, how long do you keep the recordings?"

  "We keep them forever darling. You can't be too careful these days. I bought the high-end system with the high-definition cameras and the cloud storage. We're way out here in the middle of the forest and anything can happen," she grabbed a napkin and started blotting up the sweat on her hairy chest.

  "Can we see the footage?" I asked.

  Louise hopped up. "Absolutely. Follow me."

  We walked behind Midnight Louise as she sashayed her way on platform heels back to an office that was night and day different from the club. Inside the office were framed pictures and news articles about a University of Florida linebacker named Louis Martel. Trophies and medals were set into cases throughout the room, including a trophy with a man tucking a football into his chest with one arm, the other arm outstretched like he's blocking an opponent. A huge desk hulked in the corner, behind which sat the very tiny, and very mad, Tatiana.

  "Lou... Louis Martel," Luke looked at him. "That's why you look familiar! You were part of the SEC championship team in 2009! You won the Heisman that year!"

  "Guilty as charged, honey!" Louise sketched a bow.

  "And that's how you two know each other," I pointed to her and Bodie, who was smiling at me.

  Bodie put his arm around my shoulder. "Look at the big, bad detective figuring things out!"

  "Not a detective, yet," I smiled. All I could think about was that big butch football team of SEC champions. Just in this room alone there was an omnisexual and a drag queen. Made me wonder who else was on the roster.

  "Wysdom, this guy could tear through an offensive line all by himself," Luke looked impressed.

  "How did you do that?" I asked.

  "Well, if you must know, it's all in the deep shoulder action," she wiggled her shoulders.

  I raised an eyebrow. "Deep shoulder action?"

  "Yes. When you are going in for a tackle, you just aim your shoulders to the opponent's waistline and charge, full steam ahead. That usually does it, taking them right down to the ground."

  I laughed and nodded, thinking that could be useful in the bedroom too.

  "Tatiana, darling, would you please bring up the surveillance footage from last Thursday night?" Louise turned to his wife. Her wife? Now the pronouns were going to give me trouble.

  "Don't you have anything to say to me?" She crossed her arms and I didn't think it was possible for the tiny little woman to look even madder than she had before, but she was. Louise shrugged her shoulders. Tatiana glared. Louise straightened papers on the desk.

  "Oh for the love of god, just apologize to her," I yelled. And Tatiana t
hrust up her chin, vindicated.

  "What makes you think I need to apologize?" Louise looked stricken. In addition to being a drag queen, Louise was apparently a drama queen too.

  "Because when a woman is that mad, it's because a man did something stupid and he should apologize," Luke supplied, putting his hand on my lower back.

  Louise sighed and looked at Tatiana. "Very well, I'm sorry."

  "Sorry for what?" Tatiana raised her eyebrow.

  I looked at Lou and prayed to Oprah that he knew what he was apologizing for.

  "I'm sorry you were upset when I said your mother sounded like a harpy," Louise shrugged again.

  I groaned. Luke put his hand over his eyes. Tatiana let out a disgusted sound and stormed out of the room.

  Bodie shook his head at his old friend. "Dude, you whiffed that one. Even I know that."

  "Whatever, let's just get that surveillance video pulled up shall we?" Louise sat down at the desk and pulled up the camera system, going back to last Thursday in the archive. She forwarded to 11:50 p.m. and pointed a long fingernail at the screen. "There he is, dogging me around the club. I thought I'd never get rid of him."

  "Where does he go when you get on the stage?" I asked.

  Louise tracked the cameras and found that Seth took a seat at the bar, right in the middle of one camera's viewpoint. Several times, Seth looked right at the camera and it felt like he was staring right at me. There was a cold, menacing look on his face. I knew that was his real face, not the plastic mask he wore for everyone else at the memorial service. It made me shudder.

  "It's like he is staring right at the camera," Bodie stated.

  "Like he wanted to make sure got him on video," Luke finished.

  We fast-forwarded through it and Seth stayed right where he was, on the same stool for three hours, until the club closed down. He didn't even get up to visit the restroom.


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