A Hot Flash of Homicide

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A Hot Flash of Homicide Page 21

by Dawn Dugle

  "I hope it's sooner, rather than later."

  "Why is that?"

  I leaned in and whispered: "They know your real name. They know about your family."

  He nodded. "I suspected as much. There's been some unusual chatter, but the thing is - the bad guys don't know what my sisters really do."

  "And that is?"

  "They all work in the clandestine services."

  A chill went down my spine and goosebumps broke out on my arms. "Like spies?"

  Luke chuckled against my ear. "Something like that. These guys have no idea who they're dealing with."

  "What about your parents?"

  "They live in a gated community and the security team that works there is actually one of mine."

  "One of yours?"

  "Yes. I told you I had a friend who owned a security company? That friend is me."

  I leaned back and looked at this God Among Men. He had a faint smile on his face and a light in his mismatched eyes that always seemed to be there when he looked at me.

  "I must look like a wreck," I reached up to touch my hair.

  "You look amazing."

  "Maybe you're the one with brain damage. I know my hair is a mess, and from the feeling on my face, I'm guessing I have huge bruises from where that bitch smacked me with the easel..."

  "You are the most beautiful woman in the world, no matter how many bruises you're covered in," he kept smiling at me.

  "How can you say that?"

  "Because I love you."

  Absolutely astonished. I opened my mouth to say something, and nothing came out. He has this effect on me.

  He smiled wider. "Speechless again! I must mark this down!"

  I grabbed his shirt and pulled him close to me to kiss him. "You love me?"

  "Indeed I do."

  "How long have you known this?"

  "Probably since the moment you told me I was to be your birthday present," he kissed along my jawline.

  "Best present. Ever."

  I turned my face to kiss him. My intention was to lay a scorcher on him. One that would light the bed sheets on fire, sear away the terrible hospital gown and set off the automatic sprinklers. Probably.

  That is not what happened.

  Instead, when I turned my face, I bumped my face bruises against his rock solid shoulder and cried out in pain. I reached up to rub my cheek.

  Luke kissed the bruise and rubbed my back. "Easy mi amor. There will be plenty of time for that when we get you out of here tomorrow."


  "You're to be released in the morning. Then, you and I are going to hole up in your cottage and not go anywhere until Thursday night," he winked at me.

  "What's happening on Thursday?"

  "We're throwing you a belated birthday party at Dixon's bar."

  Luke was rubbing my back and arms and shoulders in slow, methodical circles. My eyes were heavy and I couldn't get my voice to work and ask how they were planning a party if Dixon was still unconscious.

  It wasn't long after that I slipped into my own unconsciousness.


  Chapter Thirty-Seven


  The Squad Room was wall-to-wall people, who were there for one purpose - celebrate my 40th birthday. Even though they Sixteen Candles'ed it the eff up on the actual day, I was willing to forgive them. Especially since there was a pile of presents in the corner. Guilt is a great gift motivator. Score another one for vintage ladies!

  It was hard to make my way through the crowd and I was just finishing up a conversation with one of the businesswomen from my former beat when I turned and ran into a great big wall of a man.

  This guy was nearly a foot taller than me with a bald head, blue eyes and a goatee. That alone might make him seem menacing, until you saw him frowning at a Black woman to his side who barely came up to his chest. That's probably why he almost ran over the guest of honor - moi.

  "Wysdom darling!" Louis Martel, a.k.a. Midnight Louise, grabbed me in a huge bear hug and swung me around. It was a miracle my feet didn't knock any partygoers unconscious.

  "Lou! Tatiana!" I laughed. "I'm glad you could make it!"

  "We wouldn't miss it for the world! Would we sweetheart?" He looked at his wife.

  Tatiana went up on her tiptoes and kissed both of my cheeks. "Absolutely not. How are you feeling?"

  "Oh, I should start charging people a quarter every time they ask me that. I would have quite the foundation to start my new business! I'm fine. Still a little sore from being blown up, beat up, dressed down, stressed out and nearly shot. But I've been in excellent hands as a certain God Among Men has been nursing me back to health."

  That particular hunk came up behind me and slipped his arm around my waist, kissing me behind my ear. How much longer did I have to stay at my own party? Asking for a friend.

  When Luke came up for air, he acknowledged Lou and Tatiana. "Did she tell you about the new business?"

  "I'm starting my own private investigative firm," I announced.

  Lou fanned his face. "That. Is. FABULOUS! Honey, when you're ready, I can teach you all about blending in undercover. Wigs and latex are my specialty."

  The word latex totally sent my mind right into the gutter and I started laughing like a fifth grade boy.

  "Get your mind out of the gutter," Lou swatted my arm. "I'm talking about disguises!"

  I tried to stop laughing and nodded at him with as much seriousness as I could muster. It didn't take and I started giggling again.

  "Tatiana could help you with your new venture too," Lou put his finger to his lip and cocked his head to the side, as if he was sizing me up for my first wig.

  That sobered me up from the laughing fit. I looked at Tatiana. "I thought you were the manager of the club."

  "Oh, I am, but I'm also a software engineer and full-stack web designer," she shrugged.

  "That's amazing!"

  "You're telling me. When we were juniors in college, she hacked into the University of Florida mainframe to change her grades," Lou shook his head.

  "Which class were you changing the grades for?" I asked her.

  She ducked her head and put her hands over her eyes, so Lou answered for her. "Professional ethics."

  Luke and I burst out laughing.

  "Thank God the professor had a sense of humor," Tatiana grinned. "And a certain FBI file he wanted removed from his protest days in college..."

  My eyebrows went up as I looked at Luke. Good to know.

  Then, I remembered, I owed Lou a big thank you. "Hey, I meant to tell you - thanks for the tip about bringing down a quarterback. It probably saved my life in the gallery showdown."

  Lou gave me a snap in Z-formation. "But of course, darling. That's what fabulous people do!"

  I heard a series of dings coming from Luke's pocket, and he pulled out his phone and frowned at it. "I need to check on something, but I'll be back in a bit."

  He kissed me and walked off.

  I turned toward Lou. "By the way, you never told me what you think Luke smells like."

  "A man in love, darling. A man in love!" Lou grabbed Tatiana's hand and they walked toward the bar.

  I smiled because he nailed it again. And I wasn't about to spoil it by asking how Lou knew. Some things were better left alone.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I could see my Bonus Mom and Dottie talking in the corner. I edged a little closer and could hear Denise giving Dottie her tips for making sure Thanksgiving turkey came out perfectly, every time.

  "You see, you have to boil the turkey - before you set it in the oven to bake," Bonus Mom's eyes were wild and she was dead serious. "Seals in the juices!"

  I laughed, thinking that Dottie probably didn't need to know how to make a Thanksgiving turkey. Since she had more money than God, she could just hire it out.

  I walked over to where Luke and Sol were having what seemed to be a very serious conversation in the corner. "Hey! Wha
t's going on over here?"

  Luke jumped at my voice. That was a first. I never got the drop on Mr. Former Marine. I frowned and Luke's expression went from serious to calm in a nanosecond. I was probably imagining things, since I was still on edge after the gallery showdown.

  "Mi amor," Luke's hands went around my waist.

  "It looked like I was interrupting something serious."

  "Just a little.... restaurant business talk," Sol looked at Luke. Hmm. Maybe I wasn't imagining things, but before I could obsess any more about it, we were interrupted by a mad scientist.

  "Wysdom, isn't this awesome!?! Everyone is here to celebrate your birthday! Everyone! And did you see? Some of them brought you presents! I even heard your Bonus Mom telling everyone about your Booby Trap..."

  Faith clammed up when she realized we weren't alone.

  "Dr. Faith Jackson, this is Luke Nelson and Jake Solomon," I made the introductions.

  "It's Luke Saber," Luke shook hands with Faith. "I don't want to get off on the wrong foot with Wysdom's friends. They should know my real name."

  That warm fluttery feeling in my middle was back with a vengeance. This warmth was not a hot flash and I suspected that's what love felt like. But I didn't get to dwell on it too long as Faith was turning her eagle eye to Sol.

  Sol and Faith just stared at each other without saying anything. It was weird. Like Luke and I had wandered into their bedroom or something. I was about to break the sexual tension, when Sol stuck out his hand. "Please, call me Sol. All my friends do. Can I buy you a drink?"

  Faith nodded, then giggled as Sol stuck out his elbow. She wrapped her hand around his bicep and they started towards the bar. She turned around to me and mouthed: "Holy BICEPS!"

  I waved and laughed at her then turned to Luke. "Think I should warn him that she's obsessive-compulsive about cleanliness?"

  Luke wrapped his arms around my waist and nuzzled my neck. "That is none of our business, mi amor. We should let them figure that out themselves. It's fun learning all about your new love interest. I know I'm enjoying it."

  Heat flared in his eyes and I thought I was going to have to drag him into the bathroom when his phone rang and he looked at the screen. The joy fled from his face as he looked at me: "I need to take this."

  I was going to pout or say something about ruining Sexy Time, but the look on his face stopped me cold. Instead, I kissed him on the cheek. "Go, take your call. I have to mingle anyway. Bonus Mom says it's rude not to."

  He walked towards a corner to answer the phone call and I turned to look at the crowd.

  My Bonus Mom had moved on from Dottie and now stood with Chief Dad. They were engaged in a very lively discussion with Uncle Dix and soon-to-be-Aunt Kate. She was wearing her hair down, curled around her face. It was a nice look for her and softened up her lizard eyes. I looked down and saw they were both wearing t-shirts that said: My favorite color is no pants.

  Nope. Nope. Nope.

  I was just getting used to the idea of them together, but I certainly didn't need to know all of the details.

  A tap on my shoulder brought me face-to-face with my oldest brother. Tripp was holding hands with Saint Hope and smiling.

  She leaned in to kiss me on the cheek. "Happy belated birthday."

  Then she nudged Tripp and he pulled a white pastry box from behind his back. Inside was the most delectable-looking chocolate fudge cupcake I've ever seen. "Thought you might like a replacement for the one I snagged on your actual birthday. Happy belated birthday, sis."

  I took the box and gave him a hug. "Thanks bro."

  "You sure we can't change your mind about quitting the force?" He asked. "You solved a very tough murder."

  I thought about it again, for like the eleventy-millionth time. But the answer was always the same. "No. I think 20 years of chasing someone else's dream is enough, don't you?"

  "But you made detective!"

  "I am going to be a detective, just not the kind that's workin' for 'the man'!" I winked at him. "What would be helpful is if I could get my weapons back, though."

  "If you're quitting the force, you have to turn in your service weapon."

  "I'm talking about my backup gun, and the knife that goes in my Booby Trap."

  My brother winced at the name, as I expected him to. Too easy.

  "Wysdom, even though the case is closed and the suspects are dead doesn't mean the evidence is released that quick. It could take weeks. Why do you need them anyway?"

  "For my new business venture as a private detective," I raised a hand to stop his million questions before he could start. "I'm not ready to talk about it right now, so save your line of questioning Detective Ward."

  He opened and closed his mouth, then looked at Hope and smiled. "By the way, Hope finally agreed to a date."

  "A date? Isn't it a little late for that?" I asked, pointing to her baby bump then beamed at the both of them.

  "A date for the wedding silly!" She nudged me. "We're going for the first day of spring - Saturday, March 20th."

  "That's wonderful news!" I hugged them both, then looked at my brother. "How did you finally get her to agree to put a ring on it?"

  They were both quiet for a moment, then Hope looked at me. "It was Luke. The way he reacted when he was waiting for you to wake up in the hospital. He sat by your bedside the entire time, holding your hand and saying nothing. Just waiting for you to return to him."

  Tears started welling up in my eyes. Damn hormones.

  "We realized that we didn't want to wait until it was too late to make it official," Tripp continued as he rubbed Hope's back. "Life is too short to wait on the sidelines."

  There was something in the air at the bar. I think there was too much pollen. Maybe Dixon needed to change the air filters because it was making my eyes all watery. And my nose red. I sniffled and wiped my eyes with a bar napkin from a nearby table, which immediately caused my eyes to burn. Maybe that wasn't a clean bar napkin. Gross.

  "Thank you for telling me about that. And thank you for the support little brother," I smiled at his squirming. "Now, maybe you should get your pregnant fiancee a seat that isn't going to wobble and throw her on the floor?"

  Tripp then did something I never thought I would see. He listened to his big sister and, for once, did something I asked him to do. It made me feel... buoyant.

  Dix was finally free of the throngs of his admirers, and had gone back behind the bar. I saw my opening and sidled up, landing on one of the least rickety stools in the place. Lucky day!

  I slapped the top of the bar. "Hey barkeep! What's a gal gotta' do to get service around here!?"

  He looked up in the mirror to see me sitting behind him. "Solve a murder."

  "Done! I want a beer!"

  Uncle Dixon laughed and pulled a bottle out of the cooler, opened it and sat it in front of me. He looked at the pastry box sitting next to me on the bar. "I see your brother finally did right by you."

  "Damn straight!" My smile faded and I looked at him. "You scared the crap out of me."

  "ME? You were the one trapped inside the building with two murderers. I was outside sleeping on the job!"

  "You know what I mean."

  "Yes. And I would do it again, although maybe without the hangover from the horse tranquilizer shot. That sucked."

  "On a scale of Champagne hangover to hit in the face with a metal easel hangover, where do horse tranquilizers fall?" I tilted my head.

  "Probably worse than Champagne, less than easel."

  "Good to know. I'm sorry about all that. Monica overheard me call Vern for help," I explained. "She tipped off Seth and then prepared to help him get rid of whomever came calling that night."

  He looked at me thoughtfully as I sipped my beer. "You're really quitting the police department?"

  "I am."

  "What will you do?" He then got a horrified look on his face. "You're not planning to ask me for a job are you?"

  That made me laugh! "For the love of S
weet Oprah, no! With the retroactive promotion to detective, I get a huge check for back pay. I've also been with the force long enough to take my pension, which is also higher because of the bump in status. Annnnd... the Big Three offered me a buyout to retire now. I think you might have had a hand in that...what with your hookup and all. Thank you."

  "She's your hookup now too, or will be in a few months," Dixon smiled.

  "I'm still not ready to acknowledge that just yet. But you should know that Tripp and Hope have set their wedding date for the first day of spring - March 20th. When are you going to cage The Snake?"

  Dixon gave me the old Abreo Stare and I laughed and shrugged. I was going to need a minute before I let Kate's nickname go.

  "She had her heart set on Independence Day," he said.

  "What's with this family and major holidays?" I shook my head.

  "Don't keep changing the subject, I want to know what you'll do next. Since you've got a nice big check coming to you. What will you do? Go back to school?"

  "Nope. I'm going to follow my heart on this one, and just help people. The cases that the police can't really take care of....I'm opening a private detective agency," I smiled.

  "Now that sounds like a solid plan," Dix nodded. "Where'd you come up with that idea."

  "A God Among Men sparked the idea," I looked to the corner where Luke had gone to take his call, but he wasn't there. I scanned the bar and he was nowhere to be found. "Have you seen Luke?"

  Dix scratched his head. "I think I saw him duck down the hallway towards the restrooms."

  I cannot explain what happened in that moment. Alarm bells started going off in my head and my stomach started flip flopping. "Hand me my purse, will you?"

  He grabbed my purse from behind the bar and I reached inside for my phone. I had tucked it inside before the party so there would be no digital distractions. Plus, everyone who usually called or texted was in this room.

  I looked at the screen and there was a missed call from "Ginger".

  My stomach dropped. All of the noise in the bar faded into the background as the phone beeped with a voicemail. I hit play and started to feel relief at Luke's voice, but that was short-lived.


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