My Cruel Lover (Wicked Poison Book 3)

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My Cruel Lover (Wicked Poison Book 3) Page 6

by T. L Smith

I spin around to see who Adam is talking to. Beckham is shirtless and making his way toward me.

  “I came to make sure none of you are a bad influence on my employee,” he jokes.

  They all laugh.

  When his dark eyes land on me, he glances at the cocktail in my hand and swims over. “How are you feeling?”

  “I just ordered some water.”

  “Oh, let her be,” James’s wife says, pulling on me.

  Hannah, I think her name is. She’s nice. Friendly. And very drunk.

  This is mostly a man’s trip, with only two other wives.

  “We’re here to have fun, after all.” Hannah pushes a cocktail toward me, and I take it, holding it awkwardly as I don’t plan to drink it. Thankfully, Beckham takes it from my hands.

  “Thank you,” I say in a hushed voice, hoping Hannah doesn’t hear me.

  “Are you enjoying yourself?” he asks while standing in the water next to me.

  I have to remember not to look down. His chest, from what I can see, is tanned and toned. Did I expect any less from him, though?

  Why are all the amazing, good-looking men assholes?

  Because that’s what he is.

  A complete asshole.

  “Yes, but I need some food,” I say, realizing how late it’s getting.

  “Food will be sent to your villa.”

  I smile at his words. Hopefully, I can eat and pass out and start a new day tomorrow. Maybe with fewer cocktails. I sip the water, and when I’m finished, I can feel his stare on me. So when I look up, it’s confirmed.

  “Thank you.” I swim off after saying goodnight to everyone.

  When I walk back into my villa, I call Oliver, and Rylee answers, “Tell me he isn’t being an ass,” are her first words.

  “No, he isn’t. I swear.” She sighs in relief before I hear August. “Tell her to call back later, we’re building.”

  “I heard,” I say, smiling. Oliver would be so happy right now. He loved helping August around the old house we stayed in. “Thanks again for all of this.”

  “It’s no issue. We keep telling you this, yet you keep thanking us,” Rylee says.

  “I know.” I chew on my bottom lip. “Anderson’s father came around before I left to meet Oliver. He offered to help as well.”

  “And how did that make you feel?” Rylee is probably the only person I can truly speak to about Anderson with no judgment because she’s been there.

  “I felt he was sincere, but I just don’t know.”

  “From what I gather, I think he is. He helped you get full rights and even kept that awful woman at bay. Maybe he sees the error of his ways.”

  “Maybe,” I say more to myself.

  “Oh, I forgot to tell you, Shandy is arriving tomorrow.”

  “That will be nice.”

  “Yes, one of her clients is out there, and they had an extra villa booked. So, I gave it to her. My brother may not be aware yet.” She laughs.

  “Right. So, that’s going to be fun.” I giggle.

  “Oh, you have no idea. She loves to annoy him. It’s her favorite hobby.”

  The next morning there’s a knock on my door, and when I open it, an extremely blonde, almost white-haired, pretty woman is standing there with a suitcase.

  “Shandy.” I smile.

  “My villa is being prepared. Can I come in?” I pull the door open for her, and she looks around.

  “Well, shit! You got yourself one of the good villas. Though, from what I hear, all are amazing. But yours has pool access.” She steps out, and I hear her laugh. “And your neighbor is your boss.” She pauses, looks over her shoulder to me, winks, then turns back to who I am guessing is Beckham. “Good morning, Beckham.”

  “What the fuck are you doing here?”

  “I’ve come to play with you. Aren’t you excited?”

  “No,” he answers curtly.

  She flicks her hair over her shoulder and steps through until she’s on his balcony. I follow and see her reaching for his food.

  “How come you get all the good stuff?”

  Beckham’s wearing sunglasses, but I know his eyes are narrowed on her.

  “Because I pay for it.”

  “Why do you sound like that, ‘because I pay for it,’” she mimics him. Her eyes find mine, and she smirks. “Want to join us for breakfast?”

  Both sets of eyes are now focused on me.

  “No, I have to get ready for today.”

  “Are you sure?” Shandy asks with an expression I don’t recognize on her face.

  “I am. Are you coming to the beach with us to do activities?” I ask them both.

  Shandy places her hand on the back of Beckham’s chair and looks down at him. “What do you think, lover boy? Should we?”

  “You should, for sure,” he bites out. “Leave me the fuck alone.”

  Shandy looks up at me, her hand touches Beckham’s shoulder, and she digs her nails in slightly. “Loverboy here and I may do our own thing today. So you go and have some fun.”

  Beckham doesn’t even move her hand.

  Rylee did tell me they’re friends.

  Weird ones, maybe?

  I return to my villa to dress and then run down to the beach. Everyone is already there when I arrive and have their kayaks. I take one and spend the day doing water sports. Hannah is my partner for most of the day, and when we start to get hungry, we leave them all to eat.

  “So, any kids?” she asks as the waiter brings us a drink. It’s my first one for the day, and hopefully, the first of not too many.

  “Yes, one boy. You?”

  She smiles. “No, seems that wasn’t in the cards for us. Though we did try. We are actually in the middle of trying to adopt.” Hannah tells me all about her and James and how they have been together for almost twenty years. I smile as I listen to her and wonder if one day I will ever get to be that lucky.

  My luck with men hasn’t been that good.

  Apart from August—but August was different—who I guess was never really mine, to begin with. He was more my savior. Even when we were everyone’s worst nightmare.

  Just as we finish our food, Shandy walks out in a dress that looks incredible on her. It’s a slip, and beneath that she’s wearing her swimmers.

  “Girls’ day?” she asks as she reaches us. “I need to get so drunk that one of you two need to carry me to my villa after.” She pins us both with a stare. “You get me?”

  “I see you escaped the clutches of Beckham,” I joke.

  “Oh no, he kicked me out of his villa by pulling his cock out.” She shivers. “Asshole. He knows I prefer something sweeter,” she says with a sinister smile.

  “Oh, God. You really saw that? And you didn’t … I mean, want to just ride it?” Hannah says, and we both look at her. “What? You cannot deny that man is as good-looking as they come. We all have eyes,” she says, smirking. “I may be ten years his senior, but damn—”

  “Sorry to disappoint you, but no. Dick scares me. It’s why I prefer pussy.” Hannah almost coughs out her drink.

  “What are you all discussing?” A dark voice comes from behind us.

  “Your cock,” Shandy says, smirking. “How ugly it is, for one.”

  I know for a fact it’s not, but I don’t chime in, even when his eyes fall to me.

  “I’ve heard different,” he says, looking away from me and back to Shandy. “Now, did you come here to work or talk about my cock?” Beckham asks.

  “I for sure don’t want to talk about that, so stop getting it out in front of me.”

  “It’s the only sure-fire move I have to get you to leave. I’ll never stop pulling it out with you around if I know it can make you run. Though I must say, you are the first woman I know to run from it …” he pauses, as if he’s thinking on it, then looks to me, “or second.”

  Hannah coughs again. “This is all too much for me. Are we drinking or planning to talk about cock all day? Because if we do, I may need to go and rub up on my hus
band before we continue …” This time, it’s me who almost chokes. Hannah shrugs. “A woman has needs.”

  “That you do,” Shandy says, tapping her shoulder. She turns to Beckham. “The afternoon is a boys’ day, so go and play with the boys,” Shandy says to Beckham.

  “Who invited you anyway?” he asks, then looks at me. “We need to go over a few things later. Meet me on the balcony in a few hours.” I nod as he walks away, and we all stare as he goes.

  “How can you not be attracted to that?” Hannah asks Shandy, who just smiles and shrugs, sitting down next to us and ordering herself a cocktail.

  “I’m immune to all that, even if I do appreciate it. I know beneath that hard exterior is a good man.” She shrugs. “It’s why I annoy him any chance I can get.”

  I laugh at her words.

  She turns to face me. “He’s nice to you. He isn’t nice to any of his employees. That includes me, and I’m his friend.”

  “Oh no, he is an asshole.” I am nodding like my head will drop off my shoulders. “I quit, but he persuaded me to stay,” I reveal, to which she raises a brow.

  “Money,” Shandy says.

  “And that if he steps out of line …” I say, finishing it there.

  “Out of line? Don’t tell me you’ve seen his dick, too?” she jokes, but my cheeks go red at her words.

  “Oh, my God, you have,” Hannah says, throwing her head back and laughing.

  “Tell me you were not stupid enough to sleep with that man?” Shandy asks.

  “Gosh, no. No way.”

  “Phew, crisis averted. Now, should we go and get shitfaced? Beckham can entertain everyone. Let’s go to your villa. It’s so much nicer.”

  This could be bad.

  Very bad.

  Chapter 11


  I hear a splash and women’s laughter, and I get my answer as to where they are. Walking out to the balcony, I spot them, drinks in hand. Shandy notices my approach, but Jacinta continues to float, having no idea I’m standing here.

  “Loverboy,” Shandy sings, and Jacinta falls under the water, her head coming up for air reasonably quickly.

  “Did you all have a good day?” I ask, my eyes locking on to hazel ones. She pushes herself out of the water and sits on the edge of the wooden veranda that leads to her villa.

  “The best. How was your day smooching the clients?” Jacinta replies.

  “You should get to bed. We have an early day tomorrow.” My eyes stay on Jacinta, unmoving.

  “We have no plans. Don’t be a downer,” Shandy says, pushing back into the water and floating easily. “Why aren’t you out getting laid? Isn’t that what you do?”

  “I’m working,” I snap and look back to Jacinta. “We leave early tomorrow.”

  “Early?” she asks, disappointment laced in her tone.

  “Yes. Now sober up and pack your shit.”

  “Gosh, you really need to get laid,” Shandy calls from the water.

  Hannah, James’s wife, laughs as she pulls herself out and says her goodbyes, leaving Shandy there with Jacinta and me.

  “I’m sure you have somewhere else you’d rather be than here?” I bite.

  I like Shandy. Despite our constant bickering, she is a good friend.

  She knows how to push every fucking one of my damn buttons, though.

  And for some strange reason, I let her.

  “Nah, you are my favorite person to be around.”

  “What are you avoiding?” I ask. She goes under the water, and when I turn to face Jacinta, she offers me a sad smile. “Shandy ...” When her head comes back up, she locks her eyes on me. “She broke it off with me because I’m too opinionated. Can you believe that?” Shandy looks up to the sky and shakes her head. “Too fucking opinionated. Bitch, please, I’m simply too much woman for you. Your loss,” she shouts to the sky.

  “Come on, Shandy, want to stay with me tonight?” Jacinta asks.

  I look at her and raise an eyebrow. She shrugs and holds out her hand for Shandy to take.

  When they’re both out of the water, Shandy turns to me. “I’m staying with you.” She steps up onto my balcony and walks straight into my villa. I watch her as she heads for the bathroom, and on the way, she starts stripping, with not a care in the world. When I turn back around to look at Jacinta, I find her watching me. Her eyes are glossy with the amount of alcohol she has consumed.

  “We’re really going tomorrow?”

  “Yes,” I answer, my cock twitching in my pants at the sight of this woman in front of me.

  “Okay.” Her eyes lock on mine.

  Quickly, I move until I’m standing in front of her. My hand touches under her chin, just skimming along her skin. “Why do you look so sad?” I ask, and she blinks. Those eyes on mine, and those lips. She has the most beautiful lips, full and luscious. They’re so fucking nice that I have to force myself not to lean forward and kiss them. Touch them.

  Remember …

  … she is my employee.

  It’s not something we should be doing.

  This is the reason we’re leaving early.

  I need to get laid.

  And here, I can’t do that.

  “I’m not sad.” For some unknown reason, she steps forward. Her body almost coming into contact with mine. “I’ve had a great few days, so thank you for that.”

  My head is screaming at me to move away.

  But I have never listened to reason when I can sin instead because that’s so much more fun.

  “Have you?” My voice is darker, huskier than before.

  She purses her lips and bites one. “Have I what?”

  “Have you really had a great few days? I can think of a way to make them even better.”

  I expect her to push me away, to look away, but she does neither. She remains close and holds my gaze.

  “Can you?” And there it is, the temptation, handed to me on a silver platter.

  It’s dangerous to do that.

  Exceedingly dangerous.

  But like any good shark, I’m going to take the bite and sink my teeth right in.

  “I can.” It takes two heavy breaths until my hand slides around the back of her neck. It would take one more breath for her to pull away and tell me no. But she doesn’t.

  I pull her to me, and she comes willingly. My lips touch hers softly and caress them. I lick her lips, tasting her, and she shivers beneath me. I can feel it go all the way through her body because ours are touching in almost every way.

  And not just her shiver.

  I feel everything.

  The warmth that comes off her to the way her cold, wet nipples are hardening against my bare chest.

  Her swimsuit doesn’t leave much to the imagination, and for that, I am grateful.

  “Beckham …” The word leaves her mouth, but she doesn’t open her eyes as I continue to kiss and taste her.

  My favorite taste. My preferred thing to eat before her would have been a brownie that was cooked just right and melts in your mouth. But I think I like the taste of Jacinta just a little bit more.

  She opens her mouth for me, and I have to remember to breathe and not just inhale her smell.

  When our lips connect, it’s soft, gentle, and smooth.

  I haven’t felt this type of tremble inside me for a long time.

  Pulling back, I shake my head.

  When I fuck, it helps numb the pain, not bring out new emotions I have no desire to experience.

  So what the fuck is going on?

  And why, as I stare at her, does she make me feel anything but hate for her?

  Chapter 12


  I may have had too much to drink, and I may not be thinking clearly, but I can’t seem to stop what’s happening. My body wants what he can give me, even when he pulls away.

  I didn’t expect him to, but I’m not sure I can stop him either. My hand reaches out and touches his bare chest. He’s smooth, with a smattering of hair in the m
iddle of his chest and his happy trail, which my hands seem to be heading for.

  He watches me, his eyes half-closed, his lashes fanning his cheek.

  This could end badly.

  Exceedingly badly.

  I set boundaries with him, and here I am about to break them.

  I wonder if I should speak, tell him about all the thoughts running through my mind, but before I can, his mouth closes in on me, and my hands dip below his loose shorts to reach for his cock. I grasp it, and my mouth opens in a gasp. This gives him access, and his tongue is quick to slide inside my mouth while his hand finds my breast and squeezes. It’s rough, but I like it. A lot.

  My hand squeezes his cock in return, and I wonder what it would be like to have it slide between my legs and straight in. Would it make me as crazy for his touch as I am right now?

  When I breathe, I’m basically gasping for air.

  The night sky is the only light out here, apart from the pool a few feet away from us. His hand leaves my breast and joins the other to slide around to my ass and lift me up effortlessly. No man has picked me up with this type of need before. I’ve had two lovers. One of them I fell pregnant too, and the other loved someone else.

  And now, Beckham is about to make a third.

  Hopefully, he doesn’t love someone else or make me pregnant.

  Both could be bad. Even worse than the situation at hand right now.

  And believe me, there is a situation because somehow, he has gotten my top undone and falling away from my neck, revealing my breast. He lays me back on my bed, not letting go of me as he follows me down.

  Our lips break apart, and as they do, he pulls his cock free and leans back toward me. I avoid looking at him because I don’t want to know what he’s thinking, what is running through his mind right now.

  All I want is to feel.


  And he can do that, in every aspect.

  But that’s what has gotten me in trouble in the past.

  I like to feel.

  My hands circle around his back, dragging my nails up his skin as he positions himself between my legs.

  It’s then my eyes find him. By then, it’s too late to back out, and going by the smirk that touches his lips, he knows this.


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