Personal Demons: A Supernatural Action Adventure Opera (War Of The Angels Book 4)

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Personal Demons: A Supernatural Action Adventure Opera (War Of The Angels Book 4) Page 7

by Michael Todd

  The guy at the counter looked up with a smile. “It’s a busy weekend for cars.”

  Calvin laughed. “I feel like the San Diego airport is always busy, no matter what.”

  The guy smiled as he scanned through some more things on the computer. Finally, he stopped, hitting the enter key several times. “It looks like I have a Jeep Grand Cherokee or a Fiat available.”

  Nate laughed. Oh, yeah, let’s stuff this giant guy into a Fiat like a fucking sausage. No, thank you. Take the Jeep.

  Calvin tried to hold his facial expression together. Yes, Almighty Nate Dogg.

  Calvin smiled at the guy and nodded. “I’ll take the Jeep.”

  He went through the needed paperwork, the guy doing a double-take when he saw his ID. He didn’t say anything, though, just finished everything up and handed over the keys. Calvin threw his luggage in the back and jumped inside, anxious to get home. He turned down their road and smiled as the waves crashed on the shore to his left. He pulled up to the house and stopped, staring at a strange car in the driveway.

  He put the Jeep in park and hopped out, grabbing the small bouquet of flowers he had picked up at the airport for her. He straightened his shirt and stood tall, adjusting his sunglasses in the window of the Jeep. He knew she would expect red eyes, but it wasn’t the first thing he wanted her to see when she opened the door. He wanted her to see him and be excited about that, not brought down by his new infection—at least not until he had time to woo her for a bit.

  Calvin walked up to the door and knocked hard. He could hear muffled voices inside, and the sound of someone walking toward the door. Sophia was looking back when she opened the door, but when she turned, her eyes went wide and she screamed in excitement. She jumped on him, hugging him tightly. “Oh my God. I can’t believe you got here. This is like a day of surprises.”

  Calvin pulled back, giving her a kiss. “What else was a surprise?”

  She hopped down and smiled uncomfortably at him. Taking him by the hand, she led him into the house, putting her arms out. “Calvin, you know my mom and dad. They made a surprise visit today too.”

  Calvin chuckled at her nervous expression and set his bag down. He walked over and shook her father’s hand. “Sir. It’s good to see you again.”

  Her father smiled. “You too, Calvin. I’m glad you made it back while we were here. We were disappointed at first, thinking you wouldn’t make it.”

  Calvin turned to her mother and leaned down, giving her a big hug. She hugged him back, rubbing his back. “Good to see you, Calvin, as always. Where are you coming from?”

  Calvin sighed. “France, actually. I got on a plane early and headed straight back here.”

  Sofia’s mom was shocked. “Wow. I would love to go to France. Was work busy?”

  Sofia chuckled nervously, taking Calvin’s hands. “Let’s not overburden him with questions. Come on, honey. I’ll help you get your stuff back here.”

  Calvin looked at her strangely for a moment and then nodded. “Yes. Yeah, let me get unpacked and changed and we can all sit down.”

  Sofia pulled Calvin along, hustling him into the bedroom. She carefully closed the door and whirled around, pressing herself against it. Nate Dogg chuckled. Oh yeah. We are going to get it on.

  Calvin scoffed. Yeah, right. Her parents are in the other room. I’m down but not stupid.

  Calvin took Sofia’s hands and pulled her close, hugging her tightly. “What is going on? You are acting wild right now.”

  Sofia sighed and pulled back, looking up at him. “I haven’t told my parents that I’m pregnant yet. They don’t know.”

  Calvin looked down at the oversized sweater she was wearing. “Is that why you’re wearing a sweater when it’s like seventy degrees in here?”

  Sofia looked down. “Yeah. I mean, I’m not showing…much. I just wanted to make sure that they weren’t going to be able to tell. I didn’t want to tell them without you, and well, don’t be mad.”

  Calvin lifted an eyebrow and chuckled. “You are married to a mercenary who got himself infected without talking to you first. I don’t think you could do much to make me mad.”

  Sofia flinched. “I actually haven’t told my parents that we are married yet either.”

  Calvin straightened his head. “Why not?”

  Sofia sighed and put her hands up, pacing around. “I don’t know. They might be upset about it. They are very old-fashioned when it comes to that stuff. We didn’t ask my father for permission, and we didn’t have a huge wedding like my mother always dreamed of for me. And we kind of did things backward, I guess. They really appreciate doing things like they’ve always been done. I don’t want them to be disappointed in me.”

  Calvin stuck out his lip and pulled her back in. “They would never be disappointed in you. They love you too much for that. And if it means that much to your parents, we’ll throw a huge bash.”

  Sofia snorted. “And you can roll me down the aisle.”

  Calvin laughed. “How about this? We can tell them together. Maybe tomorrow over dinner, once everyone has had a chance to get settled in. That way they are used to me again, they love me like you know they do, and it’s not dropped on them like a bomb.”

  Sofia nodded her head, pouting. Calvin smiled and lifted her chin, kissing her bottom lip. “No pouting. Your parents, whom you love and miss, are here, and I am here now too. You are no longer on your own. Now, let’s get it together and go back out there and enjoy the day.”

  Sofia nodded, a smile curving her lips. “And then we will come in here, and you can show me how much you missed me.”

  She reached around and pinched his butt. Nate Dogg whooped. Yeah, girl, grab what you want.

  Calvin took her hand, and they headed back out into the living room. Sofia took a deep breath and smiled at her parents, who were looking lovingly at her. Her mom tilted her head to the side with a smirk. “How far along are you?”

  Sofia’s mouth dropped open. “Mom?”

  Her mom laughed, walking over and giving her a hug. “Of course I know. I’m your mother, and I’m a doctor.”

  Sofia looked at her dad, who came in to add to the hug. “About eighteen weeks.”

  He clapped his hands excitedly. “Let’s break out the champagne! Wait, you can’t have any!”


  Esther looked out the window of the complex, staring at the Los Angeles streets. There were people hustling and bustling everywhere, and it made her sick to her stomach. “Fucking meatsacks. Eventually, all of you will be terrified of my face.”

  She huffed and turned around, walking over to a large table. She pulled her duffel bag on it and began filling it with guns and knives. She checked to make sure the magazines were full, shoving a new box of bullets inside for good measure. When she was done, she zipped up her bag and grabbed a spray bottle, misting her plants. “You babies grow really strong. Mommy will be back very soon.”

  Taking her keys off the counter, she headed out, locking the apartment door behind her. She strolled to the elevator with her clanging bag of weapons and pressed the button. The door opened and a short, balding fat man in shorts, white socks, and sandals nodded, a look of fear crossing his face when her eyes flashed red. He scooted off the elevator, and she smiled as she pressed the button for the basement.

  Two floors down, the doors slid open and she walked into the parking garage, pressed the button on her keys, and opened the passenger door of her red Corvette. She tossed the bag into the seat and went around, getting situated behind the wheel. As she turned to look behind her, she smiled. There was a picture of Sofia and one of Calvin on the passenger seat.

  Esther backed out of the spot and put the car in Drive, grabbing her sunglasses and sliding them over her eyes.

  Angie gripped Juntto’s arm tightly and squealed as the plane touched down on the runway. “Did you see the city? Oh my God, it’s so pretty. And the French countryside on the way in! I would love to live in a beautiful cottage in the French co

  Katie chuckled as the plane moved down the runway, coming to a stop at the end. Angie unbuckled herself and jumped up, whipping her hair from side to side. Juntto wrinkled his nose, having been whipped in the face by it. Everyone collected their bags, Juntto carrying all of Angie’s as well. He had suitcases in each hand, one under each arm, and was rolling one beside him with one finger. Angie was nice enough to carry her duffel bag.

  After the doors of the plane opened, they all made their way down the steps to find Korbin standing there smiling widely. Katie smiled back, walking up to him and giving him a huge hug. “Korbin. It’s so good to see you. You could have just sent a car.”

  Korbin scoffed. “And not show my family to our makeshift base? Nonsense.”

  Katie smiled again, walking toward the SUV with him. “I’m glad you did. We’ve all missed you.”

  Korbin chuckled at Angie as she jumped energetically into the SUV. “Someone is bursting with excitement.”

  Katie laughed as she got in the front passenger seat. Juntto finished loading the luggage and climbed into the back seat. Katie glanced at Korbin. “Oh. There are supplies in the plane.”

  Korbin nodded. “They will bring them all over. No problem.”

  They headed out of the airport and Katie stared out the window at the city in the distance. She sighed, not being able to help but reminisce about France. It was such a beautiful place. A place she had missed but at the same time, wasn’t quite sure she would be happy to come back to. A lot of confusing things had happened last time she had been there.

  Pandora gasped softly. I just realized that this was where you popped your cherry.

  Katie furrowed her brow. No, that was definitely in a dorm room while his roommate sat outside in the hallway.

  Pandora cackled. Not that cherry. This was where you made your first big appearance as an angel.

  Katie nodded, staring out the window. Yep. I debuted my wings here. I was terrified that people wouldn’t accept me. Turned out they liked me even more with wings.

  Pandora groaned. It’s that fucking angel thing. People always like angels best. If they could only realize that not all angels act in their best interests! They care about the masses, not individuals.

  Katie shook her head. You are an angel again, but you still can’t get over your hatred of them. For fuck’s sake, let shit go already.

  Pandora sniveled and went quiet. Katie sighed, staring at the military as they marched by. She was glad to find out that she had no internal qualms about being back in France. In fact, she was pretty excited. Not Angie-level excited, but definitely happy. And she was going to get to work with Korbin again, which she hadn’t been able to do in a long time. On top of that, she was going to be able to be constructive and help prevent the deaths she usually fought against before they even had a chance to take place. She just hoped this trip would be less eventful than her last time in France.

  Everyone stayed quiet for the first part of the car ride, too busy staring out the window at the French base. It looked a lot like home, but with a beautiful view in the distance. Angie oohed and aahed, pulling out her phone and looking up different places in France.

  Korbin looked in the rearview mirror at Angie and laughed. “First time in France, Angie?”

  Angie smiled and nodded feverishly. “It is, and I am beyond excited about this.”

  Juntto smiled. “I was here a long time ago. I think we pillaged three villages on that trip.”

  Angie wrinkled her nose and smacked Juntto on the arm. Korbin laughed and looked at Katie. “So, is anyone going to tell me anything about this Leviathan, Baylahn? I mean, everyone has been whispering about it since you guys got back.”

  Katie smirked. “Oh, yeah? What are they saying?”

  Korbin shrugged. “You know I don’t usually listen to gossip, but they are saying there are whole civilizations down there. That there are rivers and jungles. They say there is treasure hidden in the Leviathan’s stomach. I figured I would go right to the source.”

  Katie glanced back at Juntto and Angie. In unison, they all yelled, “Don’t wanna talk about it.”

  Korbin lifted his brow. “Wow, that bad, huh? I figured you would have heroic tales of massive battles and maps to show how big this thing was.”

  Katie shook her head. “Trust me when we tell you it’s not a place any of us wants to go back to.”

  Juntto nodded. “Ever. Very not Hygge, and the smell! It was worse than Viking balls after a battle.”

  Angie gagged, smacking Juntto on the arm again. He chuckled and shrugged. “What? That was the only thing I could think of that even came close to that ridiculousness.”

  Katie glanced at Korbin. “It’s not like you haven’t been rolling out the adventure. I heard about the battles in Taiwan. I’m sorry I wasn’t able to get there to help you. I was stuck in the belly of a beast, literally. Sounds like you and Calvin had it under control, though.”

  Korbin shook his head. “Barely. And with Calvin infected again, there’s hell is in store for him at home.”

  Katie chuckled. “Hopefully not too much. Sofia needs to stay calm.”

  The SUV began to slow as it drove through the gates and up to the front of a tall glass building. The group hopped out, staring up at the towering stack of steel and glass. Katie took off her glasses and shielded her eyes from the reflected sun. “That is a beautiful building. Not at all what I expected for France.”

  Korbin popped open the back. “It is pretty, isn’t it? Renovated to house guests of France for this particular job. This is going to be your temporary home while you are here, and let me tell you, you got lucky coming out with France. Taiwan was a bit less flashy and a little bit more of two-hots-and-a-cot kind of situation.”

  Angie took off her glasses and put her bag over her shoulder. “I’m staying in France in the lap of luxury. I like it.”

  Korbin winked. “Wait until you see the inside.”

  They all grabbed luggage and hurried in, piling into the elevator. Korbin pressed the button for the top floor, and they talked excitedly as they made their way up. The doors slid open and the team moved out into the hall, which had only one door.

  Korbin put the key in the door and pushed it open. “I thought you guys could use the big apartment while you were here. Maybe even get a little privacy since you are the whole top level of the place.”

  Katie followed Angie and Juntto inside, giggling every time Angie shrieked at something exciting. Korbin gave them a tour, and Katie had to admit it was gorgeous. The rooms had high ceilings and gorgeous floor-to-ceiling windows that overlooked a park on one side, Notre Dame in the distance, and half a city block that had been leveled on the other side.

  Korbin walked up next to Katie, looking out at the leveled area. “That used to be old buildings, but they were damaged during the demons’ attack. It is really a shame. There was so much history there. They cleared it all out, and that is going to be the area for the new fort.”

  Katie looked at Korbin. “Oh, wow. It’s really big.”

  Korbin nodded. “Yep. It has to be. There have been so many attacks recently all over the world that we can no longer assume even bigger incursions won’t happen. We are trying to be prepared for the worst-case scenario.”

  Katie sighed. “That is probably the best thing you can do. With the shit I’ve seen lately, demons aren’t our only threat. Our own species seems to have lost its mind.”

  Korbin smiled. “That’s been going on since the beginning of time. I always knew that if demons weren’t our downfall, we would be our own.”

  Angie jogged to the end of the hall. “Katie, come see your room.”

  Katie patted Korbin’s shoulder and followed Angie to a large room on the right. It was painted in deep hues of teal and brown. There was a beautiful armoire, a dresser with an ornate mirror, and side tables next to the two queen-sized beds.

  Pandora groaned, stepping out of Katie and stretching. She put her hands out an
d rolled her eyes. “Separate bunks?”

  Katie nodded. “Mmhmm. You know, just in case you want to sleep alone. Figured we could try it out in baby steps. First you sleep in a bed next to mine, then you graduate to your big-girl room.”

  Pandora narrowed her eyes. “Not only do I despise this multiple bed situation here, but I also don’t like your tone of voice in the least.”

  Katie shrugged, looking at her hair in the mirror. “Act like a baby, and I will treat you like one. I figure if you can’t be a big girl on your own, then I will just have to parent you and get you there.”

  Pandora pursed her lips and crossed her arms. “You are being a severely huge bitch right now.”

  Katie sighed as she sat down on a bed, claiming it. “You are a severely huge bitch about ninety-nine percent of the time, but you don’t hear me complaining.”

  Angie and Juntto were standing in the doorway. They glanced at each other, feeling incredibly awkward that Katie and Pandora were fighting. Angie nodded and the two of them backed out of the room, quietly closing the door behind them.

  Calvin sat at the kitchen counter with Sofia, watching her parents cook in the kitchen. Sofia sighed and shook her head. “Guys, you didn’t need to come all the way out here to wait on us hand and foot. We should be the ones cooking you dinner.”

  Sofia’s mom waved her hands. “Nonsense. We love cooking, and we love having family to cook for. With just us two at home and the schedules we keep, we rarely eat at home anymore. And now that I am going to be a grandmother, I have to start feeding that baby. From the looks of it, you aren’t.”

  Sofia rolled her eyes, and Calvin laughed. “It smells delicious. What are we having?”

  Sofia’s mother held a spoon out for her father to taste the sauce. “We are having chicken, rice, and mole sauce. We also have corn tortillas. I ended up just buying the packaged ones because Sofia said she was starving and it takes a while to make them fresh. They are okay. Nothing to put on my grocery list, but they will do.”


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