Amazing Grace

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Amazing Grace Page 24

by Amazing Grace (retail) (epub)

  ‘I don’t think I was thinking, Grace, I just needed to get away. After you left the restaurant, I spoke to Lorraine and she told me that she didn’t want to be with me any more either. I can’t be on my own, you know that. I just flipped and decided that I needed to get away and wanted to be with my son. If you hadn’t pissed me off last night, none of this would have happened.’

  He didn’t even mention the word ‘sorry’ in his explanation and Grace was now seething. Before she knew it, she’d slapped his face. She’d never in her life laid hands on anyone before, but the rage inside her was just too much. The police officer, who was also in the room, looked away.

  ‘You bloody bitch! I could do you for assault.’

  ‘Do it then, Mark. Go on, do it! And I’ll do you for kidnapping. See how the education authority reacts to that, shall we? See if you’d ever be able to work again with children, let alone be a head teacher.’

  Mark’s expression changed as he realised how much trouble he could be in. He clearly hadn’t thought about the repercussions when he planned his little escape. As reality kicked in, he hung his head in shame. Not because of what he had done to Grace and Archie, but at what it could have meant to him.

  ‘I’m sorry, Grace!’

  ‘Are you, Mark? Are you really? Do you know I could quite happily kill you right now with my bare hands? You need to realise now that this is it. We are over. I’ve tried so hard to be reasonable with you. You come to my house as and when you feel like it, demanding to see Archie when it suits you, and I’m even good enough to invite you for dinner, all because I want the best for our son. Then when I stand up to you and do something for me, that’s the right decision for both of us, this is how you repay me. I will never, and I mean never forgive you for this, Mark. What sort of a father would do this to his own son? He’d be better off without you in his life, but I wouldn’t do that to him. This ends now, Mark. Do you understand?’

  Mark said nothing, his face looked ashen. He clearly saw the truth in her words.

  Grace moved closer to Mark until she was mere millimetres from him and could feel his breath on her skin. ‘I said, do you understand?’ she yelled right into his face.

  ‘Yes,’ he murmured and held his head low.

  And with that, Grace turned round, took a deep breath, lifted her head up high and left the room. PC James asked Grace if she’d like to press charges, to which Grace replied that she didn’t, but the constable told her that she should go away and seriously think about it and get in touch if she changed her mind. She passed her business card to Grace and stroked her arm comfortingly.

  ‘If anyone had done that to me and my son, I’d have done far worse than slap him. Although I didn’t see a thing of course.’ She grinned and Grace returned the smile. They walked out to where Vinnie and Archie sat in the coffee shop.

  Grace stood in front of them and reached out both of her hands, which were still shaking. She took Vinnie by one hand and Archie by the other and said, ‘Come on, my two favourite boys in the whole world. Let’s go home.’

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Vinnie made sure that Archie and Grace got into the house safely. He told Grace that he knew that they needed to talk, but that tonight she should be with her son, so he kissed Grace on the forehead and said he would call her tomorrow. She was totally exhausted.

  Grace took Archie straight up to his room, then hesitated and thought that just for tonight, he could stay in her bed with her. She needed to feel him close to her, to know that he was under her protection.

  After letting Becks out in the garden, she went upstairs, kicked off her shoes and fully clothed, tucked herself into bed next to her beautiful boy. Within seconds, she was sleeping like a baby.

  * * *

  Grace often dreamt about her mum, but this time she knew it was different. It didn’t feel like a dream at all.

  She woke with a start in the middle of the night and as her eyes adjusted to the moonlight streaming through the curtains, she felt the bed dip and saw her mum sitting on the bed beside her.

  She looked radiant and healthier than she had looked for years, dressed in a beautiful pair of white trousers and a white loose shirt. She looked beautiful.

  Grace couldn’t believe her eyes. She stared at her mum’s face as her mum moved closer and took her hands.

  Darling girl, you need to listen to me and listen carefully. Do not interrupt, just listen.

  I am, and always will be, your mother whether I am on earth, or in heaven. We have a bond between us that even death will never break. I will always love you and lead the way for you.

  I have left you to your own devices over the last few years. However, where your love life is concerned, you’ve made such an appalling mess of things, that I’m taking matters into my own hands now and am taking over. It is now time for you to enjoy your true love and this is the second gift, which I give to you. The gift of love.

  The first gift I gave you is that gorgeous little boy that I am so very proud to call my grandson. My only regret is that I never knew him while it was my time on earth. I wish I’d physically been there to hold your hand through the early stages of motherhood and to give you support when you needed it most.

  But I want you to know that I watched him come into the world. I watched you hold him up to the sky to show him to me. I love that you never closed the curtains in your hospital room because you wanted me to see everything. I saw it all, my love, and I’m still seeing it all. I’ve never missed a thing!

  I’ve watched you and I’m so very proud of how you throw yourself into being his mum. I’ve wiped away your tears and I know how sad you are that I’m not there by your side, but I promise you faithfully my darling, I am around you all the time in spirit. I’m just a breath and a heartbeat away.

  I know that Archie sees me, and we talk. And I catch every one of those kisses he blows me each night. I will always watch over him for you and will ensure that he is always safe and loved. And no matter what happens in his life, he will always love you more than anyone and I will never let Mark take him away from you. I make that solemn promise to you.

  The third gift I give to you is that of abundance. In all things. Finances, so you never have to worry about money and are able to do what you love in life. Health, so that you will always be physically able to do the things you want to do. Happiness, in your job that you love so it won’t feel like work. And finally love, that you will be loved and cherished by a man who truly deserves you and you will love him back.

  And now, let’s get back to gift number two. That of love. I’m really rather proud of myself for finding someone who is so utterly perfect for you. I have watched him now for a long time and feel strongly that he is the one that you should spend the rest of your life with. He is kind, generous, loving and understanding – all the things you should ask for in a partner. I am very happy to leave you in his capable hands. My darling, Vinnie is your soul mate, your partner for life. Grab that love with both hands and never let him go.

  I’ve met someone while I’m here in heaven. A very special lady. Her name is Meredith. She’s been looking to find someone that she knows is worthy of her big brother. And she’d been watching you. I was trying to work out why this beautiful young lady was watching my daughter and I couldn’t fathom it out so I just asked her. You know subtlety has never been my strong point. She told me that she had a big brother and she just wanted to see him happy in his life. She felt that the lady she was watching was very special and was perfect for him. We talked for ages and we decided that you would both complete each other. We congratulated ourselves on creating a match made in heaven. No pun intended!

  I hope that you now take notice of what I am saying and yes, I know that this will be a first!

  I will always love you and watch over you. Never stop talking to me, I hear you all the time! I will continue to visit you in your dreams but you have to start to let me go. Go and be happy with Vinnie. You no longer need me in the forefr
ont of your life but I will always be around you and I promise that I will never, ever leave your side.

  ‘Mum, is it really you? Am I dreaming? Are you real? Don’t go, don’t leave me again! I need you!’ Grace sobbed so hard, gasping for breath.

  Grace’s mum wiped the tears away from her daughter’s eyes for the last time. She placed her hand upon Grace’s stomach and Grace felt a warm glow radiate through her body.

  I do have to go now, darling, I’m sorry, but you really don’t need me any more. Go and be happy with Vinnie and Archie. I love you, my darling, my angel, my world! But now it’s time for me to go. Goodnight, sweetheart! I love you with all my heart.

  With that, she held her daughter’s head in her hands, kissed her lingeringly on the forehead, then faded slowly into the distance.

  And Grace felt a sense of peace wash over her and radiate within her that she’d never felt before. She laid her head back on the pillow and drifted back to sleep.


  The sun was shining, it was a beautiful afternoon in late August and she could hear the string quartet playing the ‘Flower Duet’, which was one of her favourite pieces of music.


  ‘Yes, darling, I am. Are you?’

  ‘I am, let’s do this.’

  She looked down at this handsome young man she was so very proud to be a mother to as he put his hand in hers and squeezed it three times. She squeezed it back with an extra one as he walked her through the manor-house courtyard towards the outdoor-seating area, decked out in white organza, flowers and fairy lights.

  Halfway down the pathway, her father stood up from where he’d been sitting next to Gladys, who was already dabbing at her eyes with a tissue. He was looking particularly dapper in a grey suit and crisp white shirt with a grey floral tie and had his trademark twinkle back in his eye as he beamed at his daughter. He took her other arm and between him and Archie they walked her towards a wooden gazebo where the registrar and the man she was due to marry were waiting for her.

  She glanced over to the left-hand side of the audience and saw Vera and Reg, who had flown all the way from Australia for this special day, sitting behind Hannah and her family, next to Belinda and Bill, all of them grinning from ear to ear. Monica and Carlos sat with tears streaming down their cheeks – and that was before the service had even started. ‘You look stunning!’ Monica mouthed across to her friend and blew her a kiss with both hands.

  Grace glanced to the other side of the walkway, where a number of Vinnie’s mates that she recognised from that rowdy night out were sitting. And in the row behind them were the crowd from Busy Bodies. Every single person in the group still came to meetings once a week, but not only that, they’d become a wonderful group of forever friends, sharing not just the slimming club but also meeting up outside for other social events too. Grace could never have wished to meet such a nice group of people.

  ‘Thinking Out Loud’ by Ed Sheeran started to play.

  Vinnie turned and it appeared that seeing his bride literally took his breath away.

  She was stunning, in an exquisite, floor-length ivory gown, with a fitted silk bodice sparkling with hand-sewn crystals and flowing chiffon skirt that sashayed as she walked towards him. A simple chignon hairstyle, with gypsophila braded through tousled curls, complemented her dress beautifully. She had never looked more beautiful. The love shone from within him, as he sighed, grinned and kissed her cheek.

  Archie shook Vinnie’s hand and his voice warbled slightly as he said, ‘Look after my mum please, Vinnie!’

  ‘I promise I will buddy. I’m going to spend the rest of my life making your mum the happiest lady alive,’ Vinnie replied.

  Archie beamed back at him, took his mum’s hand and kissed it.

  A loud gurgle came from the front row. Grace, Vinnie and Archie turned round to see little Meredith giggling and being tickled under the chin by her Aunty Hannah. Now six months old, Meredith was a chubby little bundle of joy and Hannah was loving spending time with her niece. She was looking forward to taking Archie and Meredith out to Florida where they would be joined three days later by Grace and Vinnie who were having a long weekend away, the destination of which Vinnie was keeping under wraps, although Grace had heard him and Ruth talking about Italy one day before shutting up when she approached. She hoped it would be that wonderful hotel that he’d talked about.

  The sisters had shared a very special moment that morning when they were getting ready in their hotel room. Hannah came out of the bathroom to see Grace gazing into space out of the window, in a world of her own, a sad expression on her face and with tears in her eyes.

  ‘You know she’ll be here today in spirit, don’t you? She’s around us all the time, babe. You don’t think she’d miss a day like this do you?’

  ‘I know, but she’s missed out on so many important days in my life. The day I had Archie, the day I had Meredith and now the day I get married. Although some of that might not have been in the order that she would have approved of!’

  The sun came out from behind a cloud and as Hannah looked across at her sister, the sun framing her in the window, she looked like she had a huge pair of wings behind her. She thought at that moment that her sister had never looked more beautiful and knew for sure that their mum was with them in the room.

  ‘But more than anything, I just wish that she was here to give me some help with the babysitting!’ Grace said, laughing. Hannah knew how much her little sister missed her mum. They both did, but today was a big day for them, Hannah knowing that her sister was not alone any more and was truly loved by Vinnie, both about to start a new chapter in their lives.

  Grace adored her baby girl and Archie doted on his baby sister. From the minute his mum and Vinnie told him that they were having a baby, he was over the moon. When she was born, he kissed Meredith and said, ‘Hello, beautiful. I’m your big brother and it’s my job to love and protect you forever.’

  Her two pregnancies couldn’t have been more different. Vinnie was the perfect partner, practically wrapping her in cotton wool. He wouldn’t let her lift a finger, and single-handedly decorated the nursery to her exact wishes, in stark comparison to her first pregnancy, where she’d felt very alone, devastated that her mum wasn’t around to share this precious time with her. Grace had loved being pregnant with Archie, completely amazed by this little miracle growing inside of her, but she had also carried around a terrible sadness that Mark wasn’t more interested in the baby.

  There was no doubt whatsoever that Mark loved Archie, in his own way, but he was such a selfish man that his own happiness had and would always come first. After the episode where he took Archie from school, he and Lorraine had patched up their differences and had moved to Spain.

  Without having to worry about joint custody and being near to Mark, Vinnie and Grace bought their dream holiday home on the Cornish coast. The stone cottage mixed traditional and modern styles and boasted a first-floor living room, which opened through tri-fold doors onto a spectacular decking area with panoramic beach views. Through a gate at the bottom of the garden they just had to saunter through the sand dunes and they were on the beach. Never in her wildest dreams had she thought she’d ever be lucky enough to have a place like this, but Ruth and Vinnie had inherited some money from a distant relative and the couple ploughed money and hard work into their place by the sea.

  Grace would never tire of this stunning view from their second home and walks on the gorgeous sandy beach with Becks frolicking in the sea; Meredith squealing with laughter at the cold water as she was dangled from her and Vinnie, dipping her toes in the cold waves that Archie jumped over, made Grace’s heart swell with happiness.

  It was their special place of peace, tranquillity and happiness and she and Vinnie hoped one day to retire there and grow old together.

  After they’d both come clean about the reasons that they’d been keeping secrets from each other, things had never been better. The day after Mark had taken Arc
hie, Vinnie had gone round to Grace’s and she’d asked about the text and asked who Ellie was.

  Vinnie explained that Ellie was a horticultural student who he was mentoring via the local agricultural college. She was also a friend of Meredith’s, and she had developed a huge crush on Vinnie. Because she was quite vulnerable, and she’d always looked up to Vinnie, he didn’t want to do anything to upset her, so didn’t really discourage her either.

  Since she had found out that he’d been seeing Grace, Ellie had transferred her affections to a young man on the same course who totally idolised her and for the first time in ages, she was really happy.

  When Vinnie had asked about why Grace hadn’t told him about taking Mark to the awards evening, Grace explained that it just wasn’t important to her, and that she had also been trying to block it out. She knew in her heart that the only real reason that she’d ever considered getting back with Mark was because of Archie and she realised that within months, they’d have been back to the way they were before they split up.

  Grace and Vinnie laughed through their tears and vowed that if they had any chance of a future together, that there would be no secrets at all, however big or small, and that they would discuss everything.

  However, there was one more secret that both Archie and Vinnie had been keeping and that was the incredible pre-wedding present that Vinnie had bought for her.

  Her mind drifted back to that very special evening when Vinnie and Archie had very clearly been up to something. They loved their surprises and were as thick as thieves.

  ‘Mummy, we have a surprise for you, so you have to do as we say, OK?’

  She nodded at Archie.

  ‘OK, so you have to walk with us into town,’ he continued, ‘and just keep doing as we say. Would you take these keys, please.’

  Puzzled, Grace didn’t really think she had a choice in the matter. She took the keys that Archie handed to her, and his face broke into a grin as they drew towards the high street.


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