Riding Her Unicorn

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Riding Her Unicorn Page 3

by Ever Coming

  “Here, you hold the coffees and I will grab the box.” He handed her the coffee not waiting for a response. “Where to?” She signaled him with her coffee cup.

  “So how long are you in town?” She hoped she could have him for at least a few days.

  “Not really sure.” Was he evading the question or was he really unsure? She couldn’t tell and wasn’t sure it mattered.

  “Are you staying at the inn?” He pretty much had to be, but it was polite to ask. “I stayed there when I first got here. It is nice enough.”

  “I hadn’t really gotten that far either.” She took a sip of her coffee, hoping he would continue to speak. He didn’t.

  “Left here.” She answered his unspoken question as they stopped at the corner.

  “I actually was only in town for about fifteen minutes before I met you.”

  She wished she could see his face, but with her short stature and his arms full of file boxes, she could barely see his forehead, which was giving nothing away. “Oh no, am I keeping you from getting your bearings?”

  “No. You are helping me find them.” His voice deepened. Was that sadness she heard? There was definitely more to this guy than a hot body and killer smile.

  “Are you sure? I can help you find the inn and such.”

  “I passed it on my way in, but thanks.”

  “If you’re sure.” She wasn’t going to push, or so she kept telling herself.

  “I am.” The stopped at the end of the road and pointed in the direction they needed to be heading. She was going a wee bit out of their way and her arms would be sorry by the time she got back to the cabin, but she really wanted to show him her favorite place. “I have found today much more enjoyable than I thought I would.”

  “I hope you are here for a bit.” Her confession slipped from her lips. It was true. She wanted him to stay. She might have dated a lot in her past, but this connection she was already feeling to this man was somehow different.

  “Me too.” His admission filled her with emotions, the strongest being hope. She would probably spend hours tonight deciphering all that happened today, but for now she was going to sit back and enjoy the ride.

  “Turn right,” she instructed before taking another sip of her coffee. She had just about gotten to the point where her coffee would no longer spill as she walked. In hind sight she probably should have left the top sealed the way Jason had. His had not spilled one drop. “If we go on a bit, there are some nice rocks that are perfect for sitting.”

  “Is that Serial Killer Amber or Biker Chick Amber.” Fair enough. She had that one coming.

  “Neither, it is Tour Guide Amber,” she pronounced proudly in her best announcer voice.

  “You weren’t kidding,” Jason gasped as they entered the clearing she had fondly began to think of as hers. “It is as if Mother Nature left these rocks just for us.” He wasn’t wrong.

  “I know.” Amber grabbed the box from him and placed it on the ground. “I love it here. It is weird in a town like this because I assumed people would be here all the time.” She handed him his coffee, which he preceded to open and take a sip.

  “A town like this?” He took a long drink of his coffee, his eyes never leaving hers.

  “Yeah, a town with people like … you know, me.” She went over to the taller of the boulders and sat down, and he followed her lead. She liked this spot. She could look him in the eyes without having to look up.

  “Wait, is this a shifter town? Huh? Guess that explains all the shifters in the diner.”

  Had he not known that? Crap. “Kind of?” She wasn’t sure how to go about answering that. The town wouldn’t be happy with her sharing their secret, but fuck the town. He wasn’t a danger to anyone. She could feel it. He was a good man. Besides that, he already knew the shifter population density was high. “Isn’t that why you are here? You knew who I was.”

  “I’m here because I have business to take care of, like I said. I knew what you were because I could sense your cat, but she is not one for coming out to play, is she?” Suck. He didn’t miss a thing. “Usually I know right away what kind of shifter someone is, but with you I was half guessing.”

  “My jaguar is pretty hidden. I haven’t seen her in years.” Amber played with the rim of her coffee cup. She didn’t like to talk about her jaguar. Not. At. All.


  She needed to see his eyes to know they were showing sympathy. That was not the direction she had wanted this afternoon to go.

  “Well, more like ever.” She took a sip of her coffee. It was almost gone and her prop of avoidance would be gone. “Once in a while as a kid she would pop up for maybe a minute, but for the most part she stays deep inside.”

  “Huh, I thought I felt her earlier.”

  That had her head popping up and looking at his now quizzical expression. “What?” There was no way he had. Was there?

  “I thought I felt her earlier, but just for a second or two.” He put his coffee down on the boulder beside him.

  “Really? I thought that was my imagination.” She was talking more to herself then to him. She hadn’t given credence to her feelings earlier. Maybe she had come out to play for a millisecond. That was a start, right?

  “Doesn’t that make you lonely?” He skootched a bit closer. “Having her there, but not.”

  “Yeah. It kind of really does.” She leaned her head on his shoulder. She was too close to not be touching him. “How do you know about all of this? For that matter, how did you sense me?”

  “I have always been able to sense what kind of shifter people are. Not sure why.” He leaned his head to lay on hers. She felt so comfortable in his presence. “How do I know about this? That is kind of a long story. A story for another time.”

  “Why another time and not now?”

  “Because now is for kissing.”

  That was a plan she could get behind. She turned to face him. “Kissing? Just kissing?” She was such a little tease; although, it wasn’t really teasing if she meant to follow through on all the fabulous things that were now scrolling through her head.

  “I never specified where such kisses would be?” And the day just got better.

  “No. No you did not.” She reached over and began to work the buttons on his jeans. “I know where I want to start.”

  “I had planned on starting.” He leaned in and nipped her lip, immediately causing her entire body to shiver with need.

  “Oh, no, mister. You are not playing fair.” She playfully batted him away from her lips and continued to work the buttons. “You already shut me down once today, I’m not going to let that happen again.”

  “You really don’t—”

  “Seriously, are you going to do the whole you don’t have to, guys are the only one who actually like a good blowjob thing?” She kept working on the buttons until she got every last one open. She had never been happier to find out someone free balled it than she was at that very moment.

  “No?” he gasped out as she reached in and pulled out his cock. She took a moment simply to admire its beauty. It was long and hard, but that wasn’t what impressed her. No, what impressed her was its girth. It was a thing of beauty, and the precum glistening from the tip was calling to her. She had to taste him. There was no way around it.

  “Very good. Because I really didn’t want to have to stop and explain how much I need to taste your cock. I want to get straight to the tasting.”

  “I’m not one to get between what you and—”

  She cut him off with a lick. My goodness he was salty goodness mixed with a hint of sweet. She was going to enjoy this almost as much as she enjoyed the heady power of knowing her one lick made him incapable of finishing his sentence.

  One lick was not enough. She gave a long lick from the base to the tip before swirling her tongue around and beginning to descend back to the root. “These jeans, need to go.” Amber grabbed two of the belt loops and started to pull down. He was quick to help, but didn’
t say a word. When they were settled down his thighs, she went back to her feast. She took him into her mouth. She had been slightly worried he wouldn’t fit with his girth, but it was like he was made just for her. She took him all the way down and was rewarded with a groan of pleasure. She looked up as she slowly pulled her mouth up, sucking in deeply as she did.

  It was just as she thought, he was looking at her. His eyes half hooded. She knew that if she wanted to, she could make him come with only a few more moves, but did she want to? Part of her really did. The other part of her wanted to sit back and enjoy a long tease. Decisions. Decisions. She took him all the way down again, and this time added a swallow at the end. Out of the corner of her eye she saw him balling up his fist. The dear, sweet man was working so hard not to take over and fuck her mouth. Not that she would have minded if he did. She actually would have loved it, but that didn’t make the sentiment less sweet. She was going to have to put the poor guy out of his misery. She made an inner bet with herself that she could be swallowing his cum in less than five more trips. She won the bet in two.

  Eff You Mother Nature

  Amber was pretty darn proud of herself. He was speechless. She managed to have him blown in record time and rendered him speechless. She wanted to high five herself, but was fairly sure that would be in poor form.

  “Thank you,” she said as she sat beside him. He pulled her close and began to kiss her with gusto. Most guys she had been with would have never even considered kissing her after a blowjob. Guys were so weird that way. All gung ho for you to have them in your mouth and for you to swallow their cum, but not at all wanting it near them. She didn’t get it. Amber loved to taste herself on a man’s lips after he had brought her to orgasm.

  They were both panting as he broke the kiss. “No, thank you. That was … yeah.” His words had still not fully formed and she loved it. She hoped that he was in town for a while. Maybe she could create an incentive plan. Get three piles put away and earn a Jason break. Not that she would tell him he was part of her plan.

  “What has you so amused?” he asked as he pulled her top over her head. Jason must be a breast man. Good thing she had killer knockers. If only she had sported her nice bra today. And by nice bra, she meant the one without holes.

  Amber had come to Woodland Creek with only her backpack full of belongings and hadn’t added to them. If he stuck around, she would have to suck it up and spend some of her meager savings at Delilah's Delights. No way was she going to not at least have a good bra and panty set. Maybe they would have something on clearance.

  “Well?” He was now removing her bra and any hope she had of remembering what he was talking about was gone.

  “I have absolutely no idea what the question is anymore. Are you going to take care of these or not?” She glanced down at her now exposed breasts. Her nipples were standing loud and proud, waiting for attention. “I seemed to remember the promise of kisses.”

  “I guess now is as good a time as any to show you I don’t break my promises.” Before she could come up with a witty retort, he sucked her left nipple into his mouth and gave her a nip. That seemed to have a direct line to her clit and she had to stop herself from squirming. What was it with this man? One touch of his teeth and she was ready to beg him to do all kinds of dirty deeds.

  Jason repeated the action with her other breast. She was done for. He was going to turn her into a blob of mush—she was oddly okay with that. “Is that better?” He was looking up at her as he repeated his action.

  “Uh huh.” She nodded. She wanted to touch him, but if he worked so hard not to take over when she was enjoying her time, she owed him the same respect.

  “You are so beautiful. These,” he held up her breasts to indicate what he was talking about, as if she couldn’t have guessed, “these are perfect. Completely and utterly perfect. I could sit here and feast on them all day, but from the way you are working so hard not to squirm, I am guessing there are other places you would like me to focus my attention.”

  She simply nodded, afraid that if she spoke she would break the spell.

  “Your pussy needs my attention, doesn’t it?”

  “Yes.” Her word was more a moan, and it sounded nothing like her. It was not going to take much for her to completely lose control and attack him.

  “Stand up for me.” It was not a question. It was a command, and goodness help her, she liked it. “Now turn around.” Amber turned around slowly thinking he wanted a show, but she was half way around when he stopped her with his front pressed against her back. “Perfect.” She could already feel his cock coming back to life. His hand reached around her middle and pushed her back in closer. Yep, that was a boner. Today was going to be fun.

  His other hand wrapped around her and began working on her jeans. He had them unbuttoned and unzipped in record time. Instead of divesting her of her pants as she assumed was his original intent, he slid his hands down the front of them. “Normally, I would take my time and tease you to orgasm.” His breath hit her neck as he whispered the words. “But I don’t think that’s what you want today.” His hand stopped moving just as it approached her pussy. “I think today you want it fast, don’t you?”

  “Yes.” Needy, she sounded needy. Heck she was needy, so how else was she going to sound.

  “Well then, that is what I am going to give you.” He began to move his hand again and quickly found her swollen nub. “I think I can have you coming in less than a minute.” She squirmed trying to encourage him to move his hand. His finger was just sitting there on her clit. “Yes, I think that will be my goal for the day.” Before she could reply and probably embarrass herself by admitting a similar bet had gone through her head when she was taking him in her mouth, he began to move. His fingers felt incredible. He circled her clit a few times before giving it a slight pinch and sinking his finger into her. That was all it took. She exploded around his finger.

  His lips were at her ear saying words of encouragement as she rode out her orgasm. She couldn’t remember a time that she had come that quickly and certainly not that forcefully. If he was not standing behind her, holding her up, she would probably be sporting a concussion from hitting her head on the boulder in front of her. Her body shook with pleasure and sounds seemed further and further away. Jason moved his hand slightly over her sensitive clit helping her ride out her orgasm to its fullest potential. The man was gifted.

  Rain hit Amber’s face. Suck. One crappy thing about the Midwest is the way storms roll in so quickly. It had been beautiful when they began and now she could see that the darkness had set in. One drop became two, which became many. Oh well, rain sex could be fun.

  That was when Mother Nature decided to pull the ultimate cock block and lightning hit a tree within her eyesight. Rain fucking was going to need to be put on hold.


  “Fuck indeed,” she agreed. “Rain sex is one thing.”

  “Yeah, lightning sex is a hard limit for me,” he teased as he pulled his hand from her pants and began to zip them back up. “Which is closer?”

  “Which what?” Amber gathered her bra and stuck it in her pocket. It was already soaking wet and would be a beast to put on.

  “My truck or your cabin?” He was pulling his pants up as he said it, and Amber hoped he completely missed the panic in her eyes as he asked.

  “Ummm.” She grabbed her shirt and slowly pulled it on to buy a moment to think. Her cabin was a bit closer, but explaining why he couldn’t see it would suck. Lightning hit again as she pulled the shirt past her eyes. Fuck it. The lightning was too close to play this game. “The cabin.”

  He had the box up, and like the thoughtful man he appeared to be, he had covered the box with the lid. It wasn’t perfect because of all the items inside, but it was probably keeping most of the water out.

  “Which way?”

  “Follow me.” She walked toward the place she called home, the whole time inwardly cussing Mother Nature for not only cock blocking he
r, but also for probably ruining the good thing she had begun with Jason. Living in an invisible house was probably going to freak him the heck out.

  Home Sweet Home- Kinda

  The walk was short, but in the dark rain it felt insanely long. The lightning didn’t let up and Amber was certain she felt more trees crashing in the woods. Town was probably going to be a hot mess tomorrow. It had been a long time since they had this bad of a storm. Part of her wondered if a naughty wizard was involved. Thank goodness their electricity was generator and solar powered because lines were going to be down. The wind was picking up by the moment. Yeah, she decided, there was definitely something super natural about the storm.

  As the rounded the bend to her clearing, she sucked in a breath. “It’s right over here.”

  “Oh, it’s cute.”

  “Huh?” She had to have misheard him.

  “Your cabin. It’s cute.”

  It was cute, but how could he see it. She looked closely. Yep, the blurry edges were there; the illusion was still up. It had taken her a solid month to learn how to see past it, and now it was second nature. Rosemary had likened it to when a child first discovers their reflection. Once they see it once, they always do.

  “You can see it?” She knew he had, but she didn’t know what else to say.

  “Yeah? Oh, because of the illusion.” He picked up his pace as yet more lightning struck nearby. She followed suit. That was one pissed off wizard. “Don’t worry, the illusion is really strong. No one else would be able to see it. I just … It is like sensing kinds of shifters. It is just something I can do.”

  “Well, that makes things easier.”

  “How’s that?”

  “Well, I just spent the entire walk over here trying to figure out how to explain my invisible house to you as we dodged some dumbass wizard’s storm.” They were finally at the step, and she popped up quickly to get out of the rain.

  “Witch.” Jason was now standing beside her on the porch, both of them watching the storm. It seemed to be focused to the north. Goodness gracious, if this was the outskirts of the storm, she could only imagine being in the center of it. There was most definitely going to be a meeting over this one.


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