Enemy (The Aces Book 3)

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Enemy (The Aces Book 3) Page 3

by A. J. Macey

  Once again, emotions are the literal devil.

  “Frankie put a hit out on The Aces,” I said, cutting right to the chase, my body on edge from being in such a cramped space with the four of them. As I stepped over the threshold, I was hit with the smell of tobacco, grease, and the curious aroma of black currant mixed with the must of old paper and dust. Scents I had long since tried to forget about.

  “When?” Brooks asked, all the men straightening.

  “Yesterday was when I heard.”

  “Who told you?” Stone finally spoke, his attention on me rather than avoiding my gaze.

  Cocking a brow, I snapped.

  “Why? Want to make sure it’s credible? That I’m not about to fuck you over?” My voice shook in anger, the memory of their distrust and betrayal flashing in front of my eyes. “Just so you don’t make your head explode with worry, Elliot came and found me.”

  “How much is the reward?” Brooks steered the conversation back on topic, glaring between Stone and me.

  “How the fuck should I know? I’m not your babysitter, figure it out for yourself. I just came to tell you. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go have a very large drink with Abby since I haven’t seen my best bitch in half a year.” Turning on my heels, I flung the door open, smacking Stone with it in the process.

  Yes, that was totally on purpose. What? You can’t expect me to actually be nice to these assholes.

  “Kiera, wait!” Brooks called, jogging after me. “Wait, Baby—” As soon as the nickname left his lips, I whirled to face him, my finger jabbing into his chest.

  “Don’t you fucking dare, Brooks Abbott. You don’t get to fucking call me that after everything,” I hissed.

  “What do we have to do?” he whispered, his tone sincere as he stared down at me. “What do we have to do to earn your forgiveness?”

  “You want me to forgive you?” I exclaimed, laughing coldly at his audacity. “You three fucking thought I was partnering with my father. The man who ordered my mother’s death and made me watch. Who took my childhood away from me!”

  My words grew from cold and hard to shouting, my body vibrating in anger. His face blurred under the wall of tears that built, but I refused to cry in front of him. I had cried enough tears because of these assholes, and I refused to do anymore.

  “You didn’t even give me the chance to explain to you what had happened. You took my trust and my love for granted, ripping it into little bitty pieces and stomping it into the gross ass floor of this bar. You want forgiveness? Then I suggest you get on your fucking knees and start picking those pieces up and putting them back together again.”

  “If that’s what we have to do, then so be it.” Figuring the conversation was over for now, I started walking away, but Brooks called out, “Oh, and Kiera? One last thing.” When he paused, I glanced over my shoulder at him. “I love you too, Baby.” His lips quirked ever so slightly as he prodded me. Snarling, I turned and stormed off again, his deep chuckles radiating down my spine.

  Damn him and his sexiness.

  Shoving my way out into the cool air, I made my way through the compound to Nate and Abby’s house. I purposely chose to ignore the blatant stares and gaping jaws I got along the way. The only member seeming not to hate my surprise arrival was Rider, his lanky arm waving in the air. Since the Aces’ explosives and blast expert hadn’t pissed me off, I smirked and returned the wave as I stepped up to Abby’s door.

  Seeing the faces of the other members who had welcomed me before reminded me there were good people here. I still hated that I’d come back, being immediately reminded of all the reasons as to why I left, but the sight of Rider’s easygoing smile and looking forward to Cheryl’s flouncy curled perm made me feel a bit more at ease with my decision. I might be pissed at the officers, but I couldn’t let the entire club suffer.

  I wasn’t my father’s daughter.

  “Knock, knock, bitch. It’s me!” I called, pounding on the door. It didn’t take long before Abby’s grinning face appeared in the open crack of the door.

  “Well, well, if it isn’t the cat who tucked tail and ran,” she teased, throwing the door open. “Get your ass in here, bitch, before someone stabs your ass for being on the compound.”

  “Eh, if they try, I’ll just stab them first. Besides, they know I’m here.” Try as I might, I couldn’t stop the sneer from creeping into my words as I spoke of the Aces MC officers. I was thrown off after coming face to face with them, more so than I wanted to admit to myself. My body ached for the three dickheads, all while at war with my mind and heart.

  “Finally talked to them, I see. Looks like you’re still in one piece, and I didn’t hear any gunshots, so I’m going to assume it went pretty damn well,” she concluded, walking into the small kitchen and pulling out two beers. “Glad you let me know you were headed back; otherwise, you’d be walking in on a disaster of a house.”

  “You know you don’t have to actually clean or anything before I come over, right?” I challenged, taking the bottle she held out for me. Giving me a sassy grin, Abby sank onto one of her old chairs at their scuffed kitchen table.

  “I missed you, bitch. Things around here haven't been the same since you left. Lots of inner fighting. Granted, it’s all behind the scenes to appear as a unit to the boys, but Nate’s had to temper more than a handful of fist fights between your guys.”

  “They’re not my anything, and they did it to themselves.” My scowl deepened at her knowing gaze. Not wanting to continue with the conversation, I tried my best to stall, taking a swig of my beer.

  “Fine, ignore the fact that I can see it plain as day on your face that you still care about them just as much as they care about you. Elliot give you any information on the hit?” The banter between us sobered, the weight of the topic making the air itself heavy. While I could be a bitch to the officers, this was Abby, and as much as she made me want to shoot someone, I couldn’t risk her or Nate. I sat there for a minute just studying her. Deep down I knew that she was the same brazen woman I had always known, but I saw the changes the past six months had brought. Worry lurked deep within her gaze even though she smoothed out the small frown into an expression of indifference.

  “Not much, but I’ve been digging. Looks like a pretty fucking penny. Six figures per officer and five figures for any long-term patch holder. It’s not good, Abbs,” I told her, my voice quiet for the first time in years. “You guys need to be prepared for hell to come raining down.”

  “You really think we aren’t prepared?” she countered with her brow raising. Her attitude grew with each word in a way that I knew only Abby could manage. “We’ll handle anyone that comes to cross us. You want to know what I am concerned with?”

  “What?” I asked, willing to oblige her smirk even though I was sure it was about to be something I was going to get shit for.

  “How you’re going to handle those officers of yours at that giant mansion. The four of you all locked in a building. I worry that one, if not all of them are going to end up bloody. I mean, you are staying there, yeah?” I knew by the way she tilted her head that she already knew the answer to her own question, but my heart thudded as my stomach flopped.

  Fucking shit, I growled. “They live there still?” Abby’s knowing grin shifted to wide eyes and a furrowed brow, looking at me like I had lost my damn mind.

  And maybe I had.

  “Well, it’s their house too, so I would think so. You can stay here if you want,” she tried to offer, but I chuckled.

  “Hell no. As much as I appreciate the offer, that house was built by Chase for me and him. If those assholes are there, then so be it, but there’s no way in fucking hell that I’ll be ran out of my own home. Besides, what’s better than making them all jealous when I use the hot tub that I’ve been missing?”

  “Bitch, you’re just asking for them to be panting after you like puppies. And you know what?” Abby asked as she stood, taking her empty beer bottle to the recycling. I
didn’t say anything, just waited for her to fill in the rest. “Sooner or later, you won’t be able to resist.”

  Yeah, fucking right.

  They want it? They have to earn it.

  Chapter 3

  December 12th

  Thursday Midday


  Kiera’s surprise arrival left the room in a dead silence. All three men stared after her longingly as we moved into the bar following Brooks, and my eyes darted discreetly around the three of them as they remained silent. Brooks was smirking, his eyes filled with a glint of mischief. Oh, boy, I chuckled to myself. I hope Kittycat is ready for what’s about to come her way.

  Over the last few months, I found out that Brooks had quite the troublemaker streak in him, but he was loyal to a fault. Guess it made sense, with him being president of the club and all, but now that Keira was back, I knew he wouldn’t let her go. Not that I could blame him since I felt the same. Hopefully Kittycat would be able to see how much he’d missed her. How much they’d all missed her even if they hid it behind their own unique, not-so-healthy coping mechanisms. Garrett with his drinking and Stone with his silent treatment that had continued even after everything. Brooks, Abby, and Nate were the only ones who had truly welcomed me back right away while the others took longer to eventually come to terms with the fact that they were stuck with me.

  Garrett seemed the most torn about her return. Anger and hatred mixed with longing and lust, his self-loathing blatant in his white-knuckled fists and hard-set jaw. He had started to lose himself in booze and insomnia, wallowing because, according to him, every time he closed his eyes all he saw was Kiera’s hurt expression. He told me last time I asked that he deserved to suffer when all he had promised to her was to be the safe haven that she needed, yet he failed her. It took almost two full bottles for him to finally admit that to me, but he did. So I was taking it as a step in the right direction, hopeful he would be able to admit that to Kiera. Without the liquid courage this time.

  Stone stood stoic and closed off, but I could see the shadows swirling in his eyes. He blamed himself for their issues and her lack of trust. Granted, it was his fault and they all were suffering because of it, but much to my surprise, I had heard him apologize on more than one occasion. Well… after they proceeded to scream at each other. It was some of the only times he truly interacted with the other officers, choosing to separate from them outside of those intense moments. I tried, on more than one occasion, to talk to him, but it never really worked out. When he gets over his brooding, he better open up a bit more and get that stick out of his ass.

  If Kittycat doesn’t stab him first.

  “As he fucking well should blame himself,” Ciar hissed. “I can’t believe you’re willing to help these worthless bastards after what they did to her.”

  “They understand what they did wrong. I’m not saying what they did was right, but I’m not going to hold it against them forever when you and I both know Kiera loves them too much to stay away,” I countered, not letting his rage leech into me.

  “They’re undeserving of her, and I’m not so sure she’ll forgive them even if you’re already convinced. They deserve to suffer for breaking Dove’s heart.”

  I didn’t respond, my lips thinning at his incessant arguing. Ciar and I had, for the most part, a smooth life in our shared body, but in recent months he had been more present, more demanding. I didn’t mind him being more active in our life, but there were times where I just wanted to throw him back into his dark corner to let him calm the fuck down. Kiera was a big girl and as much as we wanted to protect her, she had to make those decisions all on her own, regardless of our thoughts on the situation.

  “Now what, Boss?” I teased, my tone light and airy in an attempt to cheer these fuckers up. “How are we going to handle Frankie and the hit order?”

  “Make sure all the security is up to Kiera’s standards,” Brooks started, shifting quickly into leadership role. “See if any of the hang-arounds or Old Ladies want temporary housing off compound. We need to figure out what that damned ledger we got from Bryce Hill says and what the hell Frankie’s doing over there. Other than that? Stay alive.”

  “You really expect her to help us?” Garrett bit out, his lip curling in disgust. “We’re lucky she didn’t just leave us as sitting ducks.” I bit my tongue and took a breath before speaking, the urge to snap growing at his childish tantrum.

  “Of course she wouldn’t leave you as sitting ducks,” I stated, my words strained in an attempt to stay cordial. If anyone here was known for being childish, it was me, but I was determined to stay the most level-headed this time.

  Oh, how the tables can turn.

  “What do you think?” Brooks asked, his gaze centered on my face. “What do you think she’ll do now?”

  “Kittycat does whatever the hell she wants, but she’s here for a reason, and since she’s not going to hop back on a flight to Italy, I’d take that as a good sign. I’ll talk to her though,” I reassured them, rubbing the back of my neck. “Are you guys willing to do what she asks to earn forgiveness?”

  “Already told her that I would.” Brooks shrugged. Garrett nodded sullenly, and then all that was left was Stone. He took the longest to answer, but eventually his hard exterior cracked, his sigh defeated.

  “Yes,” he mumbled, his arms falling to his sides. It was the first time since everything had happened that he truly let the mask come off. Even though it was only for a brief moment, that was all it took to convince me that they were willing to do whatever it was that Kittycat asked of them.

  Good, because it’s going to be a long ride for the three of them.

  I had just opened my mouth to respond when the sounds of shouting emanated from outside the bar. Freeing my weapons and taking off after Brooks and Garrett, Stone bringing up the rear of the group, we darted out into the glaringly bright winter sun. I had assumed it would have possibly been an intruder or a drunken fight between some of the members, but when I saw what was happening, my blood sparked.

  The Aces were about to learn just how sharp my Kittycat’s claws were.


  As I finished up my beer, the jet lag and lack of sleep started to catch up to me, and my body was weighed down under intense exhaustion. Shoving a cup of coffee into my hand, Abby cocked a brow and waited my stubbornness out, knowing just how tired I was.

  “Just drink it, bitch. It’ll wake your ass up enough to make it to your house safely,” she lectured when I eyed the dark liquid with a scrunched-up expression. Sighing, I gave in, holding it until it cooled enough before chugging it.

  “Bleh,” I groaned, sticking my tongue out at the bitter taste. “Gross.” Abby couldn’t hold it in, laughing hard enough that tears started to streak her cheeks.

  “Your face… is priceless…” she choked out, struggling to catch any air with how hard she was laughing. “Damn, I should… have had my… camera.”

  “Ha ha,” I deadpanned, shaking my head at her giggles, and placed the mug into the dishwasher. “I’m sure there will be more instances where I make a fool of myself for your entertainment, but I’m going to head to the house and pass the fuck out. I didn’t get any sleep on the flight, and I just want my comfy bed and jacuzzi tub.”

  Finally getting ahold of herself, Abby swiped at her tear-tracked cheeks and stood, following me to the door. Despite being barefoot and without a coat, she walked out onto the small porch to say goodbye.

  Only we didn’t get that far.

  “Well, if it isn’t the Casterelli bitch,” a familiar voice called out. “I heard the rumors, but I didn’t think you’d crawl your sorry ass back here.” Rage bubbled up at the disrespect this asshole dared to direct at me. I couldn’t remember his full name, only knowing him as the bitch that had almost been demoted to prospect when he’d objected to my help during the Alloy Kings takedown. The surge of fury that filled me blanketed over the exhaustion, temporarily waking me up.

  If he wants to see h
ow much of a bitch I can be, then so be it.

  “Brewer,” Rider tried to intervene, but the burly man shoved him causing Rider’s thin, lanky frame to stumble back.

  “Fuck off. This bitch nearly cost me my patches. She doesn’t get to run off then waltz back in here like she owns the place,” Brewer snapped, his scowl a harsh slash in his slender face. The blond curls that flopped against his forehead were knotted and dirty, making my lip twist in disgust.

  Doesn’t he know how to work a shower at the very least? Because one word: ew. His words got louder the more he talked until he was nearly yelling his statement. A crowd had gathered, patch holders and Old Ladies alike coming to see what the ruckus was about.

  “I’d be careful if I were you—” Abby tried to warn, her mouth opening to finish her sentence when he cut her off with another round of shouting.

  “Shut the fuck up, bitch, no one was asking you.”

  That was it, the breaking point. He could rant and rave about me all he wanted, but nobody ever mistreated my best bitch. Striding forward, I squared up to him, my fingers wrapping around the handle of the gun tucked into my pants. As soon as he struck, I moved, controlling the knife he swiped at me.

  Adrenaline coursed through my veins with each racing thud of my heart. The rage flowed along with it, my face flat as I kicked out, the crack of bones crushing like music to my ears. Yanking the blade from his loosened grip, I rebounded and smashed the hilt into his nose. His injured leg gave out fully, the hit to the face taking him the rest of the way to the ground.

  “Fucking bitch!” he screamed, his words muffled as blood streamed down his face.

  “Kiera!” Abby screeched.

  My attention shifted to the movement out of the corner of my eye. Ducking, I barely missed being decked in the temple. Fuck this shit. I yanked my weapon from the holster and aimed the barrel right between Brick’s eyes. The prospect who pissed me off earlier hesitated when he realized my finger traced the trigger.


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