Enemy (The Aces Book 3)

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Enemy (The Aces Book 3) Page 13

by A. J. Macey

  Stars burst in front of my eyes when I finally came, my body giving out as I spasmed. Chase’s movements slowed before finally stopping, his arm holding me up while I rode out the waves of searing pleasure. After a few more moments, I opened my eyes and found Brooks stroking his cock, watching us with a half-lidded gaze.

  “Get on the bed, Kittycat,” Chase murmured, his words loud enough for Brooks to hear. “I want you to enjoy this as much as Brooks will.”

  I smirked when I saw Brooks’s muscles tense at Chase’s words, but he didn’t slow his pumping or back out as I crawled up onto the mattress. Reclining back, I leaned against the padded headboard and waited to see what would happen. Stalking forward, Chase closed the distance between him and the president. He’d become a predator hunting its prey, the thrill of the hunt shining brightly in his steel gaze.

  “You can say stop at any point,” Chase murmured, leaning over until his hands rested on either side of Brooks’s head. “But I think you want this as much as I do. Am I right? That you want to be fucked, to revel in knowing that Kiera’s watching on with heated eyes?”

  Brooks looked over to me, finding my nipples peaked. His keen gaze found my chest rising and falling as I nearly panted, my tongue darting out to lick my lower lip in anticipation.

  “So, what do you say, Boss?” Chase asked softly, lowering closer to Brooks until their chests nearly brushed. Rocking forward, Chase rubbed his cock against Brooks’s trim hips.

  “Yes,” Brooks whispered, the single word nearly inaudible in his gasp. Chase smirked before leaning over and biting down on Brooks’s tattoo, ending the movement with a slow swipe of his tongue across the ink that covered his barreled chest.

  Clawing at the bedding, Brooks groaned, enjoying the pain that Chase brought him. My lips parted as I watched, another wave of tingles building through my body as Chase snatched up a couple pillows. After whispering in his ear quickly, Chase stepped back slightly and dug out the lube he always kept in the nightstand. My attention was split, half wanting to watch Chase smear the slick liquid over his erect cock while the other part of me wanted to watch Brooks. Lifting his hips up off the bed, Brooks placed the pillows beneath him, his head turning to me.

  “Come here, Baby,” he murmured, his fingers brushing ever so gently over my leg. Not needing a second invitation, I pushed off from the headboard. As soon as I was in reach, Brooks hooked his arms around my thighs and positioned me over his face so I was facing his legs. Two pools of molten metal met me when I looked up from Brooks’s tanned stomach, Chase grinning as he stepped back up to the man beneath me.

  Positioning his cock against Brooks, Chase lined up. As soon as he started to inch forward, Brooks’s tongue darted out. The single lap against my sensitive clit had me moaning and Chase’s smile growing. Every bit that Chase pushed in deeper, Brooks dipped and swirled over me. By the time he was bottomed out in Brooks, Chase’s body was covered in a thin sheen of sweat, and I was trembling.

  Chase started to move gently, the connection between them growing with ease instead of the forceful pounding that sometimes flared between him and me. The slow strokes of Brooks’s tongue faltered as he groaned deeply beneath me, starting to lose himself in Chase. Between Chase’s demanding kiss and Brooks’s sinfully delicious tongue, I quickly reached the peak of release again.

  Brooks gripping my ass tightly in his hands was my final straw as I came, my thighs tightening around his jaw. Chase’s thrusts picked up as I rode out my orgasm. It wasn’t long before Chase’s pace faltered, stepping back from me and pulling out. I had just gotten a glimpse of Chase coming against the sheets when Brooks moved.

  Strong hands rotated me, forcing me to lie back against the bed. Brooks flipped over quickly before forcing his way between my legs. He didn’t give me a chance to adjust as he lined up, slamming home. The movement had me crying out, fire searing my veins as I clawed at the bedding.

  Nothing about Brooks fucking me was gentle, each pump of his cock hard and demanding. Nibbling my neck, he curled his arms around my waist, propping my hips up so he went deeper. There were no tingles, no slow buildup. When my orgasm came this time around, I arched off the bed, screaming at the nearly painful release.

  Brooks followed me, reaching his own release only moments later when he pulled away from me. His body shuddered as he left a trail of heated kisses against my collarbone and jaw. Still holding on to my body, Brooks squeezed, hugging me to him before rolling us to the side and out of the way of the mess he had just created. Chase crawled up behind me, an arm curling over my waist and his fingers brushing against Brooks’s chest. After a soft kiss to my forehead, Brooks’s head hit the pillow, deep restful breaths leaving him only a few moments later.

  “Guess we tuckered him out, Kittycat,” Chase whispered in my ear before grabbing the blanket that had gotten tossed off to the side in our romp around the sheets. Bringing it over the three of us, Chase snuggled in, his lips brushing my neck. “Goodnight, my love.”

  “Goodnight, my little assassin,” I murmured, already starting to doze between my two men. I fell quickly into a dreamless sleep for the first time in months.

  Chapter 11

  December 20th

  Friday Morning


  The prosthetics attached to my face were hot and itchy, but I didn’t move. Neither did the thief as we waited against the side of the car. Chase was blessedly quiet as we prepared for the armored car to start its route. It wasn’t that Chase and his constant need to talk interfered with a job, because it didn’t, but he always had something to say. Or do. Or stick his nose into something where it didn’t belong, and I savored the times when he was calm and silent.

  As the minutes ticked down, Brooks and Garrett were quietly talking to Stone and Kiera, their words muffled by the rolled up windows of the SUV. Glancing at my watch, I realized we had less than a minute until the truck would be pulling up to the light at the intersection we were by.

  “Ready?” I tossed the question at Elliot who flashed me a cocky grin and pushed off the car. Rolling my shoulders back, I followed suit, pulling my hat lower on my head as I did so. Thankfully, since we were on the outskirts of the city abandoned businesses and run down houses were the only things in the area, meaning there were no people paying attention to us.

  The large gray truck rumbled up, the driver and passenger too busy talking to notice us. As soon as it stopped at the red light, Elliot and I yanked open the doors. Of course they didn’t lock them, what amateurs, I scoffed as I pistol whipped the driver. Elliot did the same to the passenger, the two unconscious men slumping against their seats while the two MC officers came up to take our place. Brooks and Garrett handcuffed the men, disarming them in the process, and Elliot and I went to the back of the truck, readying to shoot any other men.

  “On three,” I whispered as he took a door handle, “one, two, three.” He yanked it open, allowing me to aim into the open back of the truck, but it was empty.

  “Clear. Let’s load them up and roll out,” I called, climbing into the back of the truck. Garrett and Brooks dragged the original workers to the back, hoisting them up inside with our help before going to the front. After laying the unconscious men in a heap, we took their badges and secured them to our uniforms.

  “Let’s get this show on the road, boys.” Dove’s voice crackled into the comm shoved into my ear. “Stone and I are taking our roundabout route back to the compound; I’ll try to make sure I park this piece of junk SUV in its proper spot with the other crash vehicles.”

  “You got the GPS going?” Brooks asked as we started to move. Taking a seat on one of the built-in benches, I took steadying breaths, keeping my body ready at any moment.

  “Yes, Boss,” she huffed. “Have a little faith. It’s not like this is the first time I’ve stolen a person before.”

  “Yeah, we remember, Kitten.” I could practically hear Garrett’s eyes rolling from where Elliot and I were in the back of the truck.

nbsp; Scoffing, I tuned out their conversation. Who has time to care about this petty fucking banter?

  “So, Ciar,” Elliot started after a few minutes of silence, his comm rolling around in his open palm. “What’s it like?”

  “What?” I ground out. “Dissociative Identity Disorder?” Chase perked up, curious to where the conversation was going.

  “No, if I wanted to know that, I would look it up on the internet. What’s it like being settled down?”

  The question caught me off guard. Something so simple. So normal. But the more I thought, the more I realized for criminals like us, we didn’t do normal. I mulled over my answer for a moment, never once in my existence having guessed we would end up with anyone.

  Assassins don’t fall in love. They don’t care about people unless they don’t pay up.

  And yet here we were.

  “Different,” I told him. His brows dipped down in thought, his head tilting as he contemplated what I meant.

  “Worth it?”


  “Ask him why he wants to know!” Chase practically squealed in my ear, his giddiness making me bite my cheek in an attempt not to yell. “Do it, asshole. I have an idea!”

  “Of course you do.” I kept the mental eyeroll to myself so I didn’t confuse Elliot.

  Sighing at Chase’s increasing irritation, I obliged his request. “Why?”

  “Wondering if I want to try something new and different.” He shrugged. “Stealing is fun, but after working with Kiera for a year, I felt some kind of weird hole. Something missing in my life. Figured it might not hurt to look for my own partner in crime.”

  A small smile curled my lip as he put his comm back in. “Yeah, she has that weird knack for getting in your head and then you’re never the same.”

  “Hey, stop talking about me,” Kiera snapped. “Elliot, put your damned comm back in because I know you’re not wearing it.”

  “I do have it in,” he stated, feigning innocence.

  “Damn troublemakers,” Dove grumbled to herself. “Eye on the ball. You’re approaching the Solace.”

  With that, the mood sobered, and the cold blanket that was my entire existence settled in anticipation over me. Before climbing out of the back of the armored car, I checked my weapons. Chase and I had a routine, and through all the jobs we’d worked together, it had become almost meditative. Pulling the weapon out, I ran through the calming motions— ejecting the magazine, reloading it back into the gun, and securing it back into the leather holster, grounding myself and clearing any nagging thoughts from my mind.

  As soon as the truck stopped, Elliot and I jumped out, wheeling the large metal safe used to transport the money out behind us. With the hat, makeup, well placed prosthetics, and some temporary hair dye for the ginger, we were able to walk into the casino with no second glances from any of the security guards.

  “Straight down then to your left,” Brooks read out, tracking our movements from the armored car. “In the elevator you’ll hit the call button then L3. When the comm buzzes, Elliot, you’ll hold up your badge to the scanner.”

  The purple glow that was cast around the main floor of the casino was modern and made the shiny, elegant touches of the space stand out. Machines, tables, and bars all littered either side of the main walkway, smaller paths breaking off to go to various areas of the casino floor.

  I kept my eyes peeled, eyeing the guards and bouncers that took position by the VIP area and the staircase Kiera said led to her father’s office. Too bad we can’t take a detour, I thought with a frown, but I shook the idea away, focusing on the task at hand when we reached the bank of elevators.

  The elevator dinged, the shiny door sliding open to reveal an equally luxurious interior. This bastard really enjoys his posh finishes. Disgust filled me as I remembered exactly how he had earned such luxury. That Kiera had to grow up surrounded by such luxury, a constant reminder of everything she was put through.

  The buzz of the speaker sounded, and I stood completely still as we waited for the worker’s badge to be approved. We were easy targets in this fancy box if anything were to go wrong, and until we started to descend to the lower levels, I felt my adrenaline build. Thankfully though, the scan only took a few more moments, and we were descending to the levels where Kiera had explained most of the mob business took place. This was our one and only chance to see the inside of the casino for ourselves. I knew it could mean life or death for one of us, and I wasn’t going to miss this opportunity.

  Jarring to a stop, I grabbed my side of the safe and readied to exit the elevator. When the doors opened, a sleazy looking blond man was standing on the other side, his thin lips curled into a frown. I recognized the pale face of who stood before me.

  Lorenzo Bianchi.

  “Let’s get this transfer done. I have more important things to do with my day,” he barked out, waving us behind him. Chase’s bloodthirsty rage mixed with mine, but I pushed down the acid that burned within me, keeping my focus around us.

  The floor was a white shiny stone, the hall and adjoining rooms were sleek, almost cold in the way they were decorated. Dark wood paneling covered the walls, and every few feet held an art piece, either a painting or some kind of expensive looking vase. Even the headquarters for the mob screamed rich and fancy, elegance and perfection clear in every detail of the space.

  Rooms were littered with men who wore suits, their gelled hair and stern expressions giving off an ‘all-business’ attitude as they talked quietly and did whatever work they were assigned. There was a lack of women, except for a few here and there dressed in slinky dresses that barely covered anything. They walked around holding trays of drinks or were sitting in one of the men’s laps. I schooled my face into a blank mask despite wanting to sneer at what I was seeing. Thankfully, the crowd thinned the further we went until it was just us and the bastard in front of us.

  Coming to a stop at the end of the hall, I noted the security equipment that was with the vault and any pertinent information including the code to the door that he didn’t bother to hide. Amateurs, all of them. It’s a fucking miracle any of them have survived all these years. When the code was accepted, the fingerprint and retina scanner beeping annoyingly afterwards, he stepped back. The thick vault door unlocked, swinging open slowly with a hydraulic hiss of air.

  “Get to it, I have shit I have to do,” Lorenzo bit out haughtily. Pushing the empty safe past him, I rolled my eyes, ready to stuff him in the container and be done with it.

  “Cameras are looped, so you’re good to go whenever you’re ready,” Dove explained. “We’re back at the compound and going comm silent save for any issues.”

  The smell of money and metal was strong within the vault, the bundles of cash stacked on shelves around the perimeter of the room. We worked slowly, purposely pissing off Lorenzo more until finally he stormed into the vault.

  “What the hell is taking you two morons so damn—” He wasn’t able to finish his question before I sucker punched him in the temple. The spineless little man collapsed to the ground, knocked out.

  “Thank God, he was annoying the fucking hell out of me,” Elliot grumbled. “While we’re here, I’m taking some of this, might as well cover him with it anyways.”

  Hoisting him up, we dropped him into the open top of the safe and rearranged his limbs so he would fit in the interior. Can’t very well go waltzing out of the casino with his arm dangling out. With the space we had left, we tossed a few more batches of the laundered money on top and closed the lid but didn’t latch it so the bastard could keep breathing.

  “Though, I would love to lock him in the box and let him slowly suffocate to death,” I thought to Chase.

  “Yes, but think how sexy it’ll be to know Kittycat is beating him bloody,” he reminded me as Elliot and I exited the vault and secured it behind us. A cruel smile curled my lips, my cock hardening as I pictured it. Violent Kiera was always a turn on, and I knew if given the chance, I would fuck her
roughly, blood covered and all.

  “Thanks, Chase, now I have a boner,” I told him, discreetly trying to adjust the bulge as I walked.

  “You are absolutely welcome. You needed something to get that stick out of your ass,” he smarted.

  I rolled my eyes and chose to not respond, my adrenaline picking back up as we were closed into the elevator. Counting, I readied for any possible issues that could be waiting on the main floor. But none came, only the sound and bright lights of the slot machines greeted us. We cleared the casino floor and made it out to the bright sunny weather. Loading our mark and the cash into the back, we made it out without any issues.

  Time for karma to come to this fucking bastard.


  “We’re back at the compound and going comm silent save for any issues.”

  At the end of my statement, I tossed the crash vehicle in park. Hopping out, I walked around and waited for Stone at the front of the SUV. Neither of us spoke as we made our way across the compound, my attention half on where I was stepping and half on the comms. Ciar and Elliot had been in the building for a while but shouldn’t have the bastard for a bit longer. As we walked, I dug out my phone and pulled up the comms, silencing the mics on mine and Stone’s.

  Never know when the man might be chatty as of late.

  The small outer building was cleaned from the last time I was here, the Maintenance Man having cleaned up after Frankie’s assassin tried to get on the compound. Stone walked around me, pulling out a ring of keys and unlocking the steel door. Inside sat a metal chair, both handcuffs and leather bindings secured to the arms, legs, and back of the seat. Smirking, I ran a finger over the smooth surface, its coldness only fueling my need for revenge.


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