Connell (Carolina Reapers Book 3)

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Connell (Carolina Reapers Book 3) Page 12

by Samantha Whiskey

  “Connell,” she sighed, letting her head fall back against the wall.

  “Now, has your question been answered to your satisfaction?” I asked against her neck.

  “I’ll—” she gasped as I lowered my mouth to her breast. “—always worry, but I trust you.”

  My heart stuttered at the sweet honesty of those words. Maybe it wasn’t the same declaration that I was ready to make—that I was falling in love with her, but I’d take it.

  “Then let me give you another thought to replace the worry,” I said with a smirk as our eyes locked. “Every time you see one of those women—” I kissed a path down her belly. “I want you to smile and remember that you’re the only woman I get on my knees for.”

  I did just that, lifting one of her thighs over my shoulder. Then I parted her with my fingers and kissed her clit.

  “Connell!” She cried out as one of her hands splayed in my hair.

  “Ye taste so bloody good.” I licked and sucked at her relentlessly, until her head thrashed against the stone above me and she started rocking against my face, chasing her own pleasure.

  I kept her right at the edge, where her breaths came in stuttered little huffs. She was so easy to please. So responsive. I’d never enjoyed giving a woman pleasure this much in my entire life. It was as if hers only drove mine higher.

  Her cries pitched higher, and her thighs tensed. I raked my teeth over her clit and then sucked on the swollen little bud. She came with a scream that echoed off the stone walls, bucking against my mouth.

  I stood while she was still coming, rolling through the aftershock, letting her thigh slide to my waist. Dipping to accommodate her height, I fit my cock to her slippery entrance and thrust home.

  If she wouldn’t let me use words to tell her how I felt, I’d show her.

  She convulsed around me, her pussy gripping me like a velvet fist. I groaned at the exquisite feel of her, then grabbed her other thigh and lifted her against the wall.

  “I can’t get enough of ye,” I growled right before I kissed her.

  My tongue moved in time with my cock, taking her in every way possible with hard, deep strokes. Fuck, the bare feel of her was almost too much. She was liquid fire, her body rippling and squeezing mine as if she’d been designed to push me to the very edge of my sanity.

  “Baby,” she whispered, gripping my neck as I pounded into her.

  The endearment nearly made me come. My eyes crossed momentarily as I struggled against my body’s needs. “There’s nothing like this in the entire world,” I told her as I moved within her.

  When she whimpered and swirled her hips, I adjusted my grip on her, leveraging her against the wall so I could change our angle. Then I thrust over and over, each slide rubbing my pelvis over her clit.

  “Fuck. Fuck. FUCK!” She yelled as she came again.

  This time, she took me over the edge with her, my hips jerking against hers as I came hard, spilling myself inside her sweet body as I yelled her name.

  We stood just like that until my knees stopped shaking.

  Then I washed her—and me—from head to toe and carried her to bed, where I started all over again. I made love to her softly, slowly, bringing her back to blinding pleasure twice more before we slept.

  As she drifted off with her head tucked against my shoulder, I quietly vowed that I’d prove to her that this wasn’t the summer fling she thought it was. This was real. I’d had enough flings to know the difference.

  This wasn’t a summer thing.

  This was a forever kind of thing.

  I just had to prove it to her.



  “Annabelle!” Blaire squealed from across the parking lot, her heels clicking against the pavement as she hurried toward where I stood next to Echo.

  “Hi, Blaire,” I said, awkwardly accepting her friendly hug. “Thanks for coming,” I said, eyeing her heels. “Though it may be difficult to do a 5k in pumps?”

  “Oh,” she waved me off. “I came to cheer for Logan. And take pictures. 5ks aren’t really my thing,” she admitted with a shrug.

  Echo snorted, not even attempting to hide her eye roll.

  I gently nudged her but smiled at Blaire. “Well, thank you for the support.”

  “Absolutely,” she said, her cell already in hand. “I’m going to get some great shots and get this event tons of exposure. It’s so neat that you handled all this yourself!”

  I beamed with pride, scanning the crowd of Sweet Water citizens that had gathered for the fundraiser and celebration for the opening of the ostrich reserve. “I didn’t do it totally alone,” I said.

  Blaire smiled but didn’t glance up from her phone. “Oh, I know,” she said, fingers flying over her screen. “The picture Connell posted of the two of you? To. Die. For!” she laughed. “I think I heard the cry of every girl in town.”

  I swallowed hard, heat rising to my cheeks.

  Of course, Connell had asked permission before taking our relationship public, but I couldn’t fight off the shock that still rocked me that we were official. Just as I couldn’t squash that small part of me that couldn’t let go of the doubt, of the very possible reality that I would wake up one day and find myself the butt of some twisted joke where I had believed I lived in a world where a man like Connell could love me.

  That’s not fair.

  No. It sure as hell wasn’t. Connell had been nothing but good to me. More than good. He was perfect. But the world had reared me on pain, and it had taken years for me to learn to love myself for who and what I was. And while I was there, it was sometimes still hard to believe that someone else might…someone who was used to perfection like Blaire, not city clerks from small-town Sweet Water.

  “Babe!” Blaire shouted, waving to Logan, who stood near the ticket table, collecting his number. She hurried off without another glance in our direction.

  “Something about that girl,” Echo said, her eyes narrowed in Blaire’s direction.

  “Stop,” I said, laughing as I hooked our arms together. “Logan adores her.”

  She snorted. “Maybe pregnancy has made me more irritable?”

  “No way,” I said, a bit sarcastically. She pinched my arm but smiled.

  “You sure you want to walk this thing with me?” She asked.

  “Absolutely,” I said. “You remember gym class for me. What a nightmare.” I eyed my chest. “Who could possibly run with these giant things?”

  Echo laughed. “They are quite glorious.”

  We chuckled as we stopped at the ticket table where a slew of Reapers huddled in random groups.



  Sweet mercy, it was no wonder even Charleston’s press had shown up for the event. There were enough muscles on display to tempt even the most chaste of high society. Each Reaper had elected to wear their paper number plastered over the shorts that hugged their massive thighs.

  “Not a bad sight,” Echo said, her eyes firmly locked on her fiancé Sawyer. “Not a bad sight at all.”

  I smiled at her. “And the generosity,” I said. “Is the real kicker. They’ve all donated. I don’t know how I’ll ever thank them enough.”

  “I’m sure you’ve found creative ways to thank one Reaper in particular enough,” she teased, and I nodded.

  “Still,” I said. “I’ll never be out of his debt.”

  “Is that how you view it?”

  I pressed my lips together, electing not to answer.

  “Where is he, anyway?” She asked. “I assumed he’d be the first one here.”

  I checked my cell again, sighing at the lack of texts. “I’m not sure,” I admitted and hated the way my voice cracked. Hated the way the doubt snaked its way into my blood. “Maybe he got tied up.”

  “Every other Reaper is here.”

  “Right. But maybe—”

  Echo’s eyes widened, and a huge smile stretched her matt blue lips. “Omigod.” She grabbed my shoulders and spun me

  A laugh ripped from my chest, and I tried to quell the sound by covering my mouth with my fingers.

  Connell had arrived.

  Dressed in a full-body ostrich costume.

  His mischievous smile peeked out from what would be the ostrich’s neck, the giant head and beak bobbing above him. His entire body covered, the tight black fabric shaped his legs and arms, but the body of the bird filled out his usual carved middle.

  “You didn’t,” I gasped as he bowed before me, the ostrich head nearly bopping me on the nose.

  “Aye, but I did.” He stood up straight, hands propped on his hips. “You like?”

  I laughed, nodding. “Love. But you’re going to be so hot.”

  He stepped closer, towering over me as he slipped a hand around my waist. “Aren’t I always?”

  I playfully smacked his chest.

  “Hi Echo,” he said without breaking our gaze.

  “Hi Connell,” she said, a mocking tease in her tone. “Love the outfit.”

  “I’m committed.”

  “That’s for certain.”

  He squeezed me closer to him, planting a long, languid kiss on my lips. To my ultimate horror, the crowd cheered, Echo included.

  Heat blazed on my cheeks, but I couldn’t stop my smile as Connell released me. “Don’t you have to kick us off, love?”

  I blinked the lust from my eyes and nodded, heading toward the ticket booth where a microphone waited. My fingers trembled slightly as I gripped the mic, but I took a steadying breath, focusing on what this day meant for me, for Sweet Water.

  “In the 1930s, Sweet Water was put on the map for its high stakes ostrich races,” I said, the crowd quieting at my voice booming through the speakers. “And today, while the races aren’t the same, the value of the bird is. To Sweet Water, the ostrich will always be our saving grace, and I’m beyond honored that with some hard work and a little help from valued citizens…” I glanced over at Connell in his ridiculously amazing costume. “The birds are back!”

  A round of applause erupted, and only after they quieted did I speak again.

  “I’d like to thank you all for coming out to today’s momentous event. After the 5k, I’d like to invite you to meet the new ostriches of Sweet Water,” I said, motioning to the building behind me that contained the entirety of the ostrich reserve—complete with proper living conditions, food, and rooms for medical needs if necessary.

  “And,” I said, adding purely off-script. “If you could spare a second today, please find the man in the ostrich costume.” I pointed at Connell, smiling. “Without his generosity—and the entirety of the Carolina Reapers—none of this would be possible. So please seek him out, and thank him and the Reapers for their generous support of our community additions.”

  I’d never seen Connell look humble or embarrassed, but I dare say he wore a combination of the two as he grinned back at me.

  “Now, without further ado,” I said. “Let’s get this party started!”

  I set the mic back on the table, ushering to the back of the line that had formed behind the starting mark. Then I nodded to Lacy, who stood on the stairs poised above the race. She nodded back and fired the pop-gun, the loud boom kicking off the race.

  A mass of shirtless Reapers took off, followed by a slower trail of citizens who were not professional athletes. Connell hung back for a moment, bouncing on the balls of his feet. He planted a kiss on my lips again before taking off in the costume.

  “If you die of heatstroke I’ll be very put out!” I yelled, and he spun around, innocently raising his arms before spinning back around and sprinting to catch up with his boys.

  I met up with Echo, and we adapted a slow pace at the back of the line.

  “I’ve never seen you this happy,” she said. “And I witnessed you get an autograph from JT after an N’Sync concert.”

  I chuckled, remembering the moment from our childhood. “I am happy. Look at this place.” I motioned to the building we passed.

  “Look at it indeed,” my father’s voice echoed from behind us, and we paused.

  “You made it!” I said, throwing my arms around his neck. “I didn’t think you could?”

  He hugged me back, then started walking with Echo and myself. “I couldn’t miss this,” he said. “I’m so proud of you,” he said.

  “Thanks, Daddy.” Pride welled in my chest as we walked.

  “And the man in the costume?”

  “Connell,” I said. “You remember him from—”

  “The barbecue,” daddy cut me off. “How could I forget?”

  Echo snorted from my right, and Dad laughed from my left, no doubt remembering my insistence we were just friends. My how things had changed.

  Dad’s eyes found Connell in his costume, eons ahead of us, dead center in a pack of shirtless Reapers. “I like him.”

  I gaped at him, shock barreling through me. I don’t know if I’d ever heard him say those words in my life about a boy I liked.

  “Me too,” Echo agreed.

  “He’s good for you,” Daddy continued, folding his hands behind his back in that reserved way he had.

  “What makes you so sure?”

  “Look at you,” he said, then pointed behind us to the building. “Look at that. He’s pushed you, supported you, and had you laughing along the way.”

  I couldn’t argue with him on that.

  “I want him to come over for dinner soon,” he said.

  “Oh, Daddy, I don’t know…” I bit my lip.

  “Are you not together?” he challenged.

  “We are, but…”

  “But what?”

  I huffed. “I don’t know where it’s going, okay? I don’t know how serious it is.”

  “It seems quite serious.”

  “Just because he posted a picture doesn’t mean—”

  “I’m talking about the way he looks at you, Annabelle, not a damn social media post. Which you know I have no patience for.”

  I sighed, and Echo snorted again but remained silent.

  “Darling,” he said, stopping our pace to grip my shoulders. “I only meant that I approve of him, and I’d like to get to know him better in a setting that doesn’t include the entire Clarke clan. When you’re ready. Deal?”

  I nodded, hugging him again.

  “Would it be so bad?” He whispered.

  I tilted my head as he released me.

  “To finally let go and let yourself be loved in the way you deserve?”

  Echo cleared her throat, spinning on her heels in a desperate attempt not to acknowledge the truth bomb my father had just laid bare between us. But that was my father, no bull shit. He always had been able to see through me so much more than my mother, who had doted on Savannah.

  “I’m trying,” I admitted. “I promise.”

  “Good,” he said, smiling at me. “Now, I believe I’ll rally with the press and tell them how incredible my daughter is and how her work will put Sweet Water on the map again.”

  I smiled at him, waving as he walked in the opposite direction, back toward the crowd still gathered around the building.

  “Well,” Echo said as we resumed our pace. “Daddy Clarke still doesn’t pull any punches.”

  I laughed. “Never has.”

  “He’s right, though,” she said. “You know that. Don’t you?”

  I eyed up the race, where I could barely make out the Reaper boys and my ostrich man in the midst of them. “Yes,” I said. “I know.”

  “But?” Echo pushed.

  “But normal schedules are about to take over,” I said. “The real test has yet to come.”

  “Not everyone is like Atlanta,” she said, referring to my ex. She’d long since called him by his name. “And you know I do have some insight on loving a man with that same schedule.”

  “I know,” I said. “But, it’s different.”


  I chewed on my lip, contemplating. “You couldn’t care less w
hat the public thinks of you.”

  She pursed her lips.

  “In the best way,” I added. “And you look amazing next to Sawyer.”

  She glared at me. “And you look amazing next to Connell.”

  I nodded. “I know. I do. I feel it. But…the public. Will they accept it? I’m not exactly the type you see plastered over their media pages.”

  “Who gives a flying fuck if they accept it or not?”

  “Exactly,” I said, snapping my fingers. “Who indeed.”

  “I’m not following.”

  “What if it’s Connell? In the end, what if it’s him who can’t handle it? Can’t take the scrutiny of our relationship under a microscope. Of them analyzing my looks and comparing them to every other damn model-worthy bunny out there?”

  “That’s completely unfair to him, for one,” she said. “And for two, you love who you are. You’re gorgeous. You’ve never let any of this bother you before.”

  “I’ve never dealt with this level of exposure before, Echo. This is nationwide. Not contained within the small town of Sweet Water.”

  She nodded, understanding flashing in her eyes. “Still,” she said. “You can’t let that hold you back. You two are incredible together.”

  I couldn’t argue with her on that note, either.

  I sucked in a sharp breath, smiling at her. “You’re right. And I don’t need to think about this now. Not today. Not when this is such a huge day.”

  Echo smiled. “True,” she said. “You’ve earned every inch of this success, lady. Time to celebrate it.”

  I grinned. “With punch instead of drinks,” I said, playfully wrapping my arm around her.

  “You can drink,” she said, rubbing a hand over her tummy. “I’ll have just as much fun watching you loosen up.”

  “Ha!” I shook my head. “I’m perfectly happy in solidarity with you.” I hooked our arms together as we walked. “I’m so happy you’re here,” I admitted, silently thanking the fates for bringing us back together after a slight blip in our friendship from when she’d entered into a world I couldn’t possibly follow.

  “Me too,” she said, squeezing my hand, her eyes saying she knew exactly what I was thinking. She blinked away some moisture in her eyes, as did I, and then she straightened. “Now,” she said, her voice firm. “Let’s go catch up to those Reaper boys and give Connell hell for how wrapped around your finger he is, showing up in an ostrich costume and all.”


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