The Shadow Trap

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The Shadow Trap Page 6

by Jude Watson

  run away?"

  "That's not what I meant, Master Yaddle," Obi-Wan said respectfully.

  "I was just suggesting that - "

  "That run away I should," Yaddle interrupted. "Wasting time, we are."

  Obi-Wan had been corrected, and he accepted Yaddle's rebuke. If he had

  been in her position, he would not have retreated, either. He turned to

  Swanny. "Didn't you tell me that you can boost the grid from another

  source, but only if the central relay substation is destroyed?"

  "Right. Substation 32. That's my point," Swanny said patiently. "You

  might recall that I told you if you blow up the relay equipment, the whole

  power grid might blow. And that's one sweet ka-boom. Kiss your lightsaber


  Obi-Wan turned back to Yaddle. "If we hit substation 32, can your

  experts boost the grid right afterward? We can't give Striker a chance to

  hit back."

  "Find out, we will." Yaddle immediately got out her comlink.

  Swanny looked at Obi-Wan curiously. "I don't get it. How can two Jedi

  render an entire substation inoperable?"

  "Well, we'll need a hand," Obi-Wan said. "That's where you come in."

  "Me? You know I'd love to help, but I think you've seen my cowardice

  in action," Swanny said.

  "You won't have to go near the substation," Obi-Wan assured him.

  Yaddle got off the comlink and nodded. "Do it, they can. Yet crucial,

  timing is. Destroy the relay substation we must within the hour. Impatient,

  Feeana is. Need her we do to patrol the city. Trust us, the Mawan citizens

  must. If we promise them that control of the power grid and the backing of

  Feeana and her gang will hold the city, aboveground they will come." Yaddle

  paused. "An idea you have, Master Kenobi."

  It was a statement, not a question.

  "We can't blow it up," Obi-Wan said. "But we could drown it." He

  turned to Swanny. "Can you flood the substation from the wastewater pipes

  without getting inside the station? You said you knew every pipe


  Swanny thought for a full minute while Obi-Wan tried not to show his

  impatience. "There's a small wash-up area in the substation for the

  workers," he said finally. "If I divert the wastewater from tank 102C and

  gush it through system A-9 with enough force, it could conceivably break

  through a pipe joint - the pipes going into substation 32 are part of the

  old system, so they're not in great shape - and then we'd have a pretty

  major flood in a matter of minutes. It would take me more than an hour to

  get there and figure out what circuits I need to use."

  "You have forty minutes," Obi-Wan said. "We'd better get started."

  Swanny had been right about the firepower. As Obi-Wan and Yaddle

  skirted the substation's perimeter, he could see two grenade mortars

  guarding the entrance. The operators sat on repulsorlift platforms, and the

  Jedi could see that the targeting computers were engaged. Attack droids

  stood in ready formation.

  "We could use a diversion," Obi-Wan murmured to Yaddle as they hid

  behind a utility box.

  "Accomplish this we must, if the Provisional Committee is going to be

  successful," Yaddle said. "The longer it takes, the more things can go


  "Look," Obi-Wan said, pointing at a stream of water underneath the

  double durasteel doors of the substation. "Swanny must have been effective.

  The flood has begun."

  Yaddle opened her comlink to signal the power grid team that Euraana

  had arranged to stand by.

  Up on their repulsorlift platforms, the guards didn't notice the water

  streaming out from underneath the crack in the durasteel doors. Their gazes

  continued to rest on the targeting computers that would show them attacking

  beings or airborne weapons.

  "When it gets deep enough to endanger the equipment, the alarm should

  sound," Obi-Wan murmured. "I'm betting the operators will leave their

  grenade mortars and let the droids guard the entrance. They'll call for


  "One problem, there is," Yaddle said. "Burst open, the doors might."

  "And that would release the flood into the tunnel." Obi-Wan nodded.

  "In which case, the equipment might keep functioning." He thought for a

  moment. "Can you use the Force to hold the doors?"

  Yaddle nodded.

  The water was now streaming down the tunnel and lapping at their

  boots. Because of the downward slope, it ran out from underneath the door.

  They could see that the water inside was rising, since the water was now

  leaking out of the seam between the double doors. The pressure of the water

  was causing the doors to vibrate from the strain.

  Obi-Wan felt the Force surround them as Yaddle gathered it around her.

  The doors and the water stopped moving. It began to collect around the

  wheels of the grenade mortars and the legs of the droids.

  They watched as the water deepened, held back by the Force. Soon it

  was lapping at the repulsorlift platforms, but the guards still did not

  notice, intent on their computers.

  Suddenly a light flashed red over the doors. The alarm began to beep

  insistently. The two operators sat up in their chairs and swiveled to check

  behind them.

  They saw the water.

  "What's going on?" one of them shouted.

  The other spoke into a comlink. "They're sending reinforcements. Just

  stay calm."

  "I am calm!" the second guard shouted. "I just can't swim!"

  The other guard began to enter a code into a handheld sensor.

  "They'd better boost the grid now," Obi-Wan said. Yaddle listened

  intently to the comlink.

  "Bypassed the station, they have," she told Obi-Wan. "Wait we must to

  see if the power surge will restore the grid...."

  Suddenly the attack droids snapped into formation, splashing in the


  "They must have engaged a life-form sensor sweep," Obi-Wan said.

  "A few minutes more, they need."

  "We just ran out of time." Obi-Wan activated his lightsaber. "Let's


  He charged out into the tunnel, moving quickly through the water and

  heading straight for the mortar operators. They saw the Jedi charging and

  scrambled to jump back on their mortar platforms. Yaddle released her hold

  on the doors, which burst open, releasing a wave of water. Obi-Wan was

  prepared, but the power of the water almost knocked him down. He reached

  out a hand, using the Force to push one guard off his feet. His head hit

  the durasteel doors and he slumped to the floor as the water flowed down

  the tunnel.

  Right behind Obi-Wan, Yaddle took out an attack droid with a flick of

  her lightsaber while she sent the other guard flying against the tunnel

  wall. The last guard took one look at the Jedi charging toward him with a

  lightsaber and took off, splashing down the tunnel.

  Attack droids cannot be intimidated, however. The line wheeled toward

  the Jedi. Obi-Wan had never fought beside Yaddle before. She was all grace

  and flowing movement, her lightsaber a blur, the Force growing and charging

  the air around them until Obi-Wan could feel it humming in him and around

  him. C
harged with Yaddle's energy, he sliced through four droids with one

  swift blow. The blaster fire was heavy but he had no problem deflecting it.

  It felt easy and natural with the Force so strong. Yaddle took out ten

  attack droids in what seemed like no time and then buried her lightsaber in

  the two grenade mortar controls. Within minutes, all of the droids were

  sizzling in the puddles of water.

  "Reinforcements should be here soon," Obi-Wan said.

  "Feel them near, I can," Yaddle said. She listened to the comlink and

  then nodded. "Success," she said to Obi-Wan. "Up, the power grid is, and in

  our hands. The city of Naatan is lit once more. Go now to the Mawans, I

  must. Time to return to their homes, it is."

  Obi-Wan nodded. "I'll wait for the reinforcements. They'll most likely

  return to brief Striker."

  "As soon as I can return to help find Anakin I will," Yaddle said.

  Yaddle moved down the tunnel quickly, her robe swinging. Obi-Wan

  stepped back behind the utility box and waited. The tramp of running feet

  announced the arrival of the reinforcements.

  They took one look at the spreading water, the still-sizzling droid

  parts, and the absence of the guards. The superior officer activated his

  comlink and spoke into it. Then he signaled to the others.

  "Nothing we can do here," the officer said.

  "Aren't you going to search the tunnels?" another one asked.

  "Do I look crazy? Back to headquarters."

  They tramped off. After a moment, Obi-Wan emerged from behind the

  utility box and followed.


  He was grateful, at least, for the food. Anakin had considered

  rejecting the plate of vegetable turnovers with harima sauce, but what good

  would that do? He'd finished the plate and downed a carafe of water when

  suddenly Granta Omega strode out of his private room and the hideout

  exploded in movement.

  He couldn't hear the orders Omega rapped out but suddenly everyone was

  busy. Computers were shut down. Bins were closed and locked. Weapons were

  gathered. Gravsleds appeared and gang members began loading them.

  Obi-Wan, Anakin thought. He smiled.

  Within minutes, the substation was cleared.

  Still cuffed, Anakin was hustled into a speeder with the same lmbat

  guard. He zoomed down the tunnel at a fast clip. Anakin kept his mind

  focused so he could remember the many turns.

  At last they arrived at their destination, a smaller space that had

  once been a refueling center. Anakin was tossed out of the speeder by the

  Imbat, but this time he was able to land on his feet. He watched while the

  gang members busily began to set up the hideout again. He could see that

  they had done this many times.

  Granta Omega strode toward him, his boot heels clicking on the floor.

  He looked grim. "It's time to contact Yaddle."

  "As long as I can tell her who you are and I can speak freely." He had

  nothing to lose by contacting Yaddle. He had complete confidence that she'd

  be able to handle Granta Omega. And Yaddle would be able to tell Obi-Wan

  that he was still alive.

  Omega waved a hand. "Of course. I'm not trying to trick you, Anakin.

  I'm a businessman. I want to make a deal."

  "I'll need my comlink."

  Omega tossed it to him.

  "As long as I have it, I'd like to contact my Master, too," Anakin

  said. It was worth a try.

  "Do you think he's worried about you?" Omega barked a laugh. "What you

  don't know about your Master could fill your precious archives. Kenobi

  doesn't have a heart. Beings are just a means to get what he needs to be -

  the great Jedi in his own mind."

  Anakin suddenly grasped a feeling that had floated in his mind,

  something he could not put words to. Now it formed into a belief.

  "This is personal for you, isn't it?" he accused Omega. "You hate Obi-


  Omega flushed. "No calls to your Master. I deal with Yaddle only. I

  only have so much hospitality to offer."

  Anakin contacted Yaddle. There was nothing else to do. He quickly

  explained that Striker was actually Granta Omega, and that he was his

  prisoner, which was hard to get out. He still felt ashamed that he had

  allowed himself to be captured.

  "Omega has requested a meeting," he finished. "He will only meet with


  "Hold you hostage, he did not need to do," Yaddle said. "Talk to him,

  I would have done, if he had asked."

  "I guess he feels he needs some insurance that you will come alone,"

  Anakin said. "He's afraid that if he sets up a meeting he will be betrayed.


  "I'm not afraid," Omega hissed to Anakin. "Just careful."

  "I can't tell you where I am, because I'm not sure," Anakin said. "We

  just moved to a new hideout. And I don't know how sincere Omega is about

  making a deal. He says he is, but I don't trust him." Omega grinned at

  Anakin, not bothered in the least. "It is up to you to decide, Master

  Yaddle. All I ask is that you do not come because of me. I am fine here."

  "So far," Omega said so that Yaddle could hear. "Come, I will," Yaddle

  said. "But inform Obi-Wan first, I must."

  "I have a list of coordinates," Omega said to Anakin. "I'll release

  them one at a time. If at any point it seems that Yaddle is not alone, I

  will disappear... with you."

  "Understood," Yaddle said, after Anakin had conveyed this information.

  Anakin clutched his comlink. He hoped they both had made the right

  decision. "May the Force be with you," he told Yaddle.

  Omega rolled his eyes. "Oh, please," he said.

  "Striker is Granta Omega?" Obi-Wan hissed into his comlink. He had

  concealed himself in the near-empty substation to watch the activity. The

  gang he had followed had come directly here, but it was obvious the main

  hideout had been moved. Now they were occupied in gathering up the last

  weapons and equipment and loading them onto speeders with cargo holds.

  "Going to meet him, I am," Yaddle said.

  "I'm coming with you."

  "Best you do not," Yaddle said.

  "He is my Padawan - "

  "And trust me with his security you do not?"

  Obi-Wan held the comlink away and sighed. He rested his head against

  the smooth surface of the tunnel wall. It was hard being matched up with an

  esteemed Jedi Master like Yaddle. He would not win any argument.

  "Moved his hideout, Omega has. It would take us too long to find it. A

  shortcut, this is." Yaddle's voice softened slightly. "Watch out for him, I

  will, Obi-Wan. But need you I do, to help with the Mawans. Agreed they have

  to go aboveground. The exodus is proceeding. A Jedi presence is needed


  Obi-Wan took a moment to accept this. It went against everything he

  wanted. He needed to see Anakin with his own eyes, to make sure he was safe

  and well. But Yaddle had told him that Anakin said he was fine, and his

  voice had sounded strong.

  He needed to see Granta Omega, too. Anger rose in him, anger that made

  him want to put his fist through a wall. Anger he must learn to accept and


  Omega had his Padawan. His most dangerous enemy had
his most treasured

  companion. And instead of helping to release Anakin, Yaddle was asking him

  to shepherd complete strangers back to their homes.

  It was that thought that helped him. He was a Jedi. The needs of

  strangers were most important. His own needs meant nothing in comparison to

  theirs. Obi-Wan repeated the words again in his mind, this time with the

  compassion and power that they warranted. He had to bring strangers safely

  to their homes.

  "All right," he said to Yaddle. "But tell Omega that I will see him


  "A threat that is," Yaddle said sternly. "And so deliver it I will


  Obi-Wan rested his head against the wall again. "Unless I have to,"

  Yaddle concluded.

  Anakin stood, waiting for Yaddle. Omega was using tracking droids to

  make sure Yaddle came to each coordinate alone.

  They were in one of the airlift tube stations, smaller than the one

  Anakin had used to come below only hours ago, though it felt like days. He

  guessed he was about twenty levels down, near the northeast quadrant of the

  tunnel system. If he had to find his way back to Obi-Wan, he might be able


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