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Caged by the Alien: A Scifi Alien Romance (Fated Mates of the Titan Empire Book 2)

Page 4

by Tammy Walsh

  Look away, my child, or you’ll be taken from me.

  I ran home and found one of the Changeling ships hovering over my parent’s farmhouse. The pulsing light from its undercarriage pulled the windows open and sucked the curtains up, fluttering in an invisible breeze. Other items floated up to the ship but not the most valuable things in the house.

  My family.

  Soon, my parents and little brother and sister would be lulled out of their beds and into the bowels of that ugly ship.

  They would be frozen in place, unable to move a single muscle. I had to defend them.

  I ran into our old barn and dug my father’s old blaster pistol from under the bench where he kept his tools. He thought I didn’t know about it, and I didn’t, not until I went looking for a hammer to build a cage for my little sister’s fluffy new pet.

  I scooped it up and checked the plasma power pack. It was half empty.

  But it was enough.

  Chances were good I wouldn’t live long enough to use it all.

  I ran to the doorway, planted my feet shoulder-width apart, and took aim at the ship.

  My little brother began to rise through the window feet first. The moment he was clear, he would disappear in the blink of an eye as the tractor beam picked up in strength and sucked him into its cargo hold.

  I fired.

  Once, twice, three times—

  A single blast from the ship’s underside blew the barn sky high, knocking me to the ground.

  I rolled onto my back and braved a thousand shards that rained down on me. Many pricked my hands as I shielded myself. They weren’t the real threat. The huge lumps of timber were—like the one heading for my head right now.

  I turned to one side as it thudded into the soft earth where I’d been a moment before.

  I got to one knee. It was no use getting to both feet as I would be too unsteady to aim. I opened fire again—this time aiming for the spot where the earlier blast had come from.

  It was a successful shot, and the ship wavered unsteadily to one side. I fired again and again.

  The ship’s tractor beam flickered and began to fade. I could see what was going to happen.

  It would switch off and my brother would fall the twenty feet he floated above the ground. It was a big fall for a child of his size.

  I ran as fast as my legs could carry me.

  I covered half the distance before the tractor beam flickered off and my brother entered freefall.

  I couldn’t make it in time, so I leaped, hurling myself forward, and threw my arms out to wrap around my brother’s fragile frame.

  I missed. I swung my arms too early.

  I was still falling when my brother landed on my back. I broke his fall. It winded me but I was thankful for it.

  I was on my feet in an instant to pick my baby brother up and clutch him in my arms.

  He blinked in confusion at me, still feeling the effects of the bright tractor beam. He was going to be okay.

  Then the ship appeared above us and the tractor beam illuminated us like we were onstage.

  It would be a tragedy.

  “Don’t look,” I said to my brother.

  The Changelings had decided they would take someone from the farm. If I had to make the choice, I would prefer it to be me.

  I released my baby brother and turned to face the light. My body froze and I instantly began to rise. The Changeling ship took me and, I hoped, would leave the rest of my family alone.

  They did but at a hefty price…

  I hadn’t been able to take my eyes off Maddy since I awoke. She’d been dressed in a very tasteful (and very revealing) silk negligee that looked like it’d been purpose-built for her.

  Her nipples were large and poked at the soft sheer silk of the negligee. It rose halfway up her thighs, exposing her long and luscious legs.

  It was enough to make a grown Titan cry.

  All day, I had to pretend I wasn’t stimulated by her. It was my quaint farm boy customs that got in the way. If it’d been up to me and she wouldn’t have been upset, I would have ogled her from dawn till dusk.

  And when I put my hands on her to massage her delicate wrists and arms and the hard mound of muscles gathered in her neck and shoulders, it was all I could do to keep myself under control.

  I had to think of the most disgusting things imaginable. No lady wanted a guy with his cock staring her in the face. And with her so close, I might accidentally poke her in the eye.

  I was still in the shower. I glanced at the sheet she’d put up to create a makeshift door. With the lights glowing outside, I caught sight of Maddy’s silhouette spread across it.

  Was she aware I could see her there?

  Was she doing it to tease me?

  I watched as she stripped off her clothes one by one. I thought about quickly finishing up and stepping out there, and “accidentally” catching her in the nude.

  To be fair, I didn’t need a lot of imagination to fill in the empty gaps left by the negligee she wore earlier.

  I was already standing to attention. See? Lose focus for a moment and it sneaked up on me. I reached down and gripped myself in a tight fist and began stroking.

  I imagined being able to toss the sheet door aside and touch her however I wanted. I would stroke her gently, at first, before tasting those nipples that simply wouldn’t quit. I’d take them in my lips and see if I could take a whole breast in my mouth. A tall order, one I would probably fail at, but one I would certainly try.

  Then I would feel at her mound and touch her gently, warming her up. She would need coaxing before I entered her.

  Enter her.

  It drew a groan from my lips and I hastily glanced at the silhouette to see if she’d heard me.

  The shadow turned in my direction.

  Yes. She heard me all right.

  Come inside. I tried to send the message telepathically—even though Titans didn’t have that ability.

  She turned and moved away from the door.


  I shut my eyes and continued with the fantasy. I imagined her coming in and joining me. With her looking at me the way she had earlier, with her sharp, passionate eyes, I knew I couldn’t hold back for long.

  I would slam inside her. Yes, I would mean to go slow but I couldn’t help myself.

  She would groan—the way I heard her earlier—only, it wouldn’t be for how nice the shower felt but for how my cock felt in her tight pussy, squeezing me so hard I could barely fit.

  And she would be tight.

  I would clasp both her hands in one of mine and pin them above her head. She would buck and writhe but I wouldn’t back off. She would groan as I fucked her deeper, deeper…

  She would look up at me with those smoky eyes of hers and she would smile.

  That smile pushed me over the edge into the abyss below.

  I came so hard it struck the wall and slithered down. I stood there a moment, letting the release wash over me.

  So relaxed, so peaceful…

  And ready for round two.

  I reached up to detach the shower’s head and wash the walls but found it was still attached.


  I cupped my hands and tossed the water at the walls. It rolled down the plughole.

  A victimless crime.

  Well, not really a crime.

  A practice run for what I hoped would happen later.

  I hope.

  Washed and mildly relieved, I exited the bathroom wearing a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. I dried my hair with a towel and noticed Maddy had made a bed on the floor beside hers. She placed it on the opposite side to where she would be sleeping.

  She put down the book she was reading. She must have got the replicator to build it for her—she learned fast!

  “I made the bed on the floor for you,” she said. “I hope you don’t mind.”

  “No, it’s fine,” I said. “Titans traditionally sleep on the floor anyway.”

  And butt nake

  I decided to leave that part out.

  “You’re reading a book?” I said.

  “A romance,” she said.

  “Any good?”

  “I’ve only just started but it looks like it’ll be good. The main characters have just met and there’s sexual tension between them.”

  “That’s good in a romance, I take it?”

  “It’s not much of a romance without it.”

  She wore a long old-fashioned nightgown, the rope around the waist wrapped tight. I imagined those gorgeous breasts of hers underneath. A shame. They looked better when they lay naturally splayed like earlier.

  She was dressed up in case I got too excited.

  No need to worry about that, doll. I already relieved myself! You won’t be hearing a thing from me all night!

  “What’s the plan for tomorrow?” I said.

  “The same as today,” she said. “We’ll keep digging the tunnels we’ve made. The walls can’t be infinitely thick.”

  Actually, yes they can. But I didn’t want to ruin her sense of optimism. It was refreshing.

  “What?” she said.

  She must have caught the faraway look in my eye.

  “Nothing,” I said.

  I lay down on the bedding on the floor and got comfortable.

  “I was thinking,” Maddy said.


  “What do you know about these creatures that abducted us? I mean, your species had a big empire. You must have run into them at some point.”

  Clever girl.

  We had. And it was never a fun experience. I would tell her as much as I could without scaring her.

  “I know a little,” I said. “They’re called Changelings. They’ve been abducting Titans for many years. They’ve probably been taking humans just as long. They try to keep their activities hidden as much as possible. You probably don’t even know about it yet.”

  “We hear about people getting abducted all the time. We tend to think of them as crackpots and weirdos.”

  “I guess your opinion of them has changed a little by now,” I said.

  “You might say that.”

  “Okay,” I said. “One day your species will come in contact with them—but not until they’re ready for you to. They won’t reveal that they’ve been abducting humans since the dawn of time. They’ll make deals with your leaders that sound good but then you’ll later discover they take a lot more than they promised they would.”

  Maddy nodded.

  “We’ve got some countries like that on our planet,” she said. “They’re the first to cry foul when they’re the ones that are really doing the fouling.”

  “Right. So maybe you won’t be so badly affected by them the way we were. But they’re bad guys and should never be trusted.”

  “What happens to the people they abduct?” she said. “Do they ever come back?”

  What should I tell her?

  Should I be kind and lie and say they’re never seen again? Or should I tell the truth and say the ones that do return are never the same again? That they’re no longer trusted by their own species in case they’ve been brainwashed?

  I was glad she couldn’t see my face. I wasn’t a good liar.

  “Yes,” I said. “Some return.”

  Better for her to keep her hope, I thought. Robbing her of it wouldn’t help anyone.

  I rolled over. It was surprisingly comfortable. Maddy had done a good job.

  “Do you know what they intend on doing with us?” Maddy said.

  Do I?

  “Whatever it is, it can’t be good,” I said. “Sleep. The sooner we wake up tomorrow morning, the sooner we can get to work again on your tunnels.”

  “Good thinking,” Maddy said. “Night.”


  A moment later, I heard the soft thump of cloth as Maddy removed her nightgown and dropped it into a pile on the floor. I could see it through the gap under the bed.

  Now she was just wearing her underwear…

  I gulped, my throat turning dry. It would be so easy to slip under the covers and—



  She dropped her bra and panties on the floor alongside the nightgown.

  Now she was buck naked under the covers.

  I wrapped the pillow around my head to block out the thoughts and images tumbling through my brain.

  It didn’t work.

  So, it wasn’t only Titans that liked to sleep naked.

  I didn’t want to wake up. I much preferred lying adrift in that sumptuous sensation located between waking and deep sleep.

  Sleeping on the floor might be traditional but it sure wasn’t common these days. Now I knew why. My leg ached and felt stiff. I lay on my back, head almost jammed under the bed. My eyes felt like they’d been glued together they were so hard to open. That’s when I caught her pleasant scent.

  An arm hung over the side of the bed. The lights were already in the process of brightening—probably matching the color of the sun in the sky outside if only we could see it.

  The arm belonged to Maddy. She had somehow managed to roll over onto the opposite side of the bed. Her face floated just above mine on the bed’s edge. Her hand was placed on the bare skin of my stomach. If we were laying together, she would have her face on my chest and I would be treated to the smell of her hair.

  I felt myself stir as she squirmed in bed to escape the lights growing brighter overhead. She shifted closer to the edge. As she did, her hand slipped a little further down…

  I swallowed what little moisture I had in my throat. As she—unconsciously?—reached further down, my little fellow was very consciously reaching up. Just a few more inches and she would make contact.

  I watched her face. It was mostly calm, save for the frown lines on her forehead where she fought against the brightening lights above us.

  I kept one eye on her face, the other on her hand.

  If I were to shift up a little, would that count as a dirty act? I wanted to—who knows where it might lead from there—but I just couldn’t bring myself to do it.

  “Down boy,” I whispered.

  Maddy grunted and rolled up, peering at the room with eyes that didn’t really see. The corner of her mouth was a little wet from where she’d been drooling.

  She lay her face back down on the mattress and her hand slipped the extra couple of inches I needed. Her hand sat there, on top of my cock but not stroking it.

  I shut my eyes and lay back. One step closer to heaven.

  Then she bolted upright and moved so fast, I thought a snake had bit her.

  My snake.

  I sat up.

  “Is everything okay?” I said.

  Her eyes were wide. Realizing she was naked, she snatched the blankets up and wrapped them around herself.

  Too late.

  I’d already seen the gorgeous body she had under there. But I pretended I hadn’t.

  She stared at me, looking for any sign of misconduct.

  “You sleep naked?” she said.

  “Guilty as charged,” I said.

  “But… I didn’t know that!” she said.

  She peered at her guilty hand and glared at it.

  “I need to go wash my hand,” she said. “Be right back.”

  She tugged on her underwear and nightgown, then hustled across to the bathroom, her hand outstretched like it belonged to someone else.

  She never made it to the bathroom. She reached halfway before she stopped.

  “No…” she said. “That’s impossible.”

  She was staring at the spot where, until last night, a hole three-feet deep had existed. Now, it was gone. There wasn’t a single blemish or mark. I turned to look at the tunnels I’d dug at her command and found they’d disappeared too.

  Maddy fell to her knees at the wall and ran her hand over it.

  “It has to be here somewhere,” she said. “It has to be…”

  I slipped on my shorts
and tee and crossed to her.

  “Hey, hey,” I said.

  She was too upset and didn’t hear me. She kept scrambling at that section of wall, searching frantically for what she knew had to be there.

  But it wasn’t.

  I grabbed her hands. She was going to hurt herself at this rate.

  “Hey,” I said. “Calm down. It’s okay.”

  “No!” she said, struggling against me. “It’s not okay! It’s many things but it’s not okay! This was supposed to be our ticket out of here! This was supposed to be our way out!”

  I folded her arms against her chest and wrapped my own around her in a protective cocoon.

  “It’s gone,” I said. “It’s okay. We’ll find another way out of here.”

  “We’re never getting out of here!” she cried. “We’re never getting out!”

  She wept, the tears rolling down her face.

  I hope you’re happy, Changelings, I bellowed in my mind. I hope you’re damn happy.

  Maddy was distraught. Nothing I did brought her around. We sat on the floor as I rocked her back and forth. Without warning, she got up and wandered across the room. My ass had been growing numb for a while but I didn’t like to complain. I wanted to be there for her.

  She lay on the bed and stared at the wall, not moving.

  I got up and dusted imaginary lint from my hands.

  “Are you hungry?” I said. “How about breakfast? Or something to drink?”

  She didn’t stir.

  “I guess it’ll just be me then,” I said.

  I tucked into a delicious jellyfish sandwich with mint sauce. None of those ingredients were what I was eating but it was a close enough translation for aliens to know the delicacy they’d be treated to.

  “Mm,” I said. “Super tasty.”

  I sat on her side of the dining table so I could watch her. Still, she didn’t get up. She just lay there.

  I licked my fingers and placed the dish in the replicator. The dish would be broken down and dissolved, its atoms reused for future dishes and other ingredients.

  I went into the bathroom and washed my hands. I came out. She still hadn’t moved. Was she asleep?

  I moved around her and found her eyes still open. She blinked but otherwise didn’t move a single muscle.

  “If you keep lying there like that I’m going to have to turn you over so you don’t get bedsores,” I said.


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