Melody: Beautiful Series, book three

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Melody: Beautiful Series, book three Page 32

by Anderson, Lilliana

“Don’t breathe a word to her. It’s all a surprise.” David butts in.

  “Oh wow! So you have no idea what’s going to happen?” asks Paige.

  “No. I don’t have a clue. I don’t even know what my dress looks like.”

  Paige’s mouth drops open. “Seriously?”

  “Yep. I know that it’s possibly strapless and made out of swishy sounding material and zips up in the back – that’s it.”

  “I blindfolded her and took her for a dress fitting,” David informs them casually, like it’s a completely normal thing for someone to do. Although we exchange knowing glances, each of remembering how wonderful that day was for us.

  “You are one very brave man,” Elliot laughs.

  “Very,” Paige agrees.

  We sit around talking easily for while after our ice-creams are finished. I think we’d talk for longer but Elliot’s phone goes off.

  “That’s dad,” he says to Paige. “They’re on their way back to ours with Grace.”

  “Alright, we’d better start walking,” Paige says standing.

  “Oh you’re not far from here?” David asks.

  “Yeah, I used to live around here when I first met you guys, but I moved out for a while. Dad kept the place though and when Paige and I got married, he and his wife did up the old flat and gave it to us a wedding gift.”

  “Really? That’s amazing.” I say. “So you’re talking to your dad again?”

  “Yeah. Yeah, we’re all good now.”

  “That’s really good to hear,” I smile, and I mean it.

  “Well, we’d better go. It was really great talking to you both,” Paige says with a smile as she slips her hand into Elliot’s palm. “Perhaps you can come and see the flat some time? I’m sure you’d be really surprised at how different it is Katrina. I saw photos of it before and you wouldn’t recognise it.” It surprises me that she’s being so welcoming and I don’t say anything at first. I just smile and nod.

  David rescues me though - I’m pretty sure he can read my mind and knows what I want to say more often than I do. “We’d love to.” He stands up and shakes Elliot’s hand then leans over to kiss Paige on the cheek. I do the same except I just give cheek kisses. It’s like we’ve all known each other for ages. Things are feeling a little more normal between us now.

  “Do you still think she hates you?” David enquires as we watch them walk, hand in hand down the street.

  “No, and what’s more shocking is – I actually think I like her.”

  He chuckles and puts his arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer and kissing my head.

  “My Katrina, actually getting along well with a girl. I think I’ve seen it all now,” he jokes. I elbow him playfully, although it’s true, I do really struggle making friends with other girls.



  Disaster has struck. I left work today and the first thing that greeted me was a message on my phone, informing me that the celebrant can’t make it on the date I’ve booked everything for. Some sort of family obligation has come up.

  My chest grips. I’m having a slight panic and when I meet Trina by the car to drive home, I almost tell her everything, just to share the burden.

  “What’s wrong?” she asks me, concern etching lines in her face as she regards me.

  I open my mouth, but no sound comes out, and I’m grateful for that. If I tell her one thing, I won’t be able to stop. It will ruin everything. I clamp my mouth shut and press my lips firmly together.

  The message said that I’d been emailed a list of other people who might be available, so I’ll spend the weekend calling all of them, and pray that one of them will agree to do it. But it’s getting so close to the date now. I’m petrified that this might be the one thing that can stop this from happening.

  It’s times like this I wish we lived in America and could have a friend or family member ordained via the internet. But it doesn’t work like that here. There are only so many licensed marriage celebrants available. Everything has to be done the right way to make the marriage legal. No corners can be cut.

  If no one can do it, I’ll have to cancel everything. That trip to Vegas is looking like it might become a reality after all.


  Something is going on and David won’t tell me what it is. It’s obviously something to do with the wedding. I ask him and he just says that he’ll deal with it - he’s not breathing a word.

  Although, there is a moment when I think he’s going to share something with me. He looks at me, his face warring with his emotions as his mouth moves like he’s trying to form words. My heart leaps up in my throat. I’m both nervous and excited. I want to know. I want to be able to help him. But he shakes his head quickly, like he’s shaking the thoughts away, and tells me not to worry before getting the car and driving home without saying a word.

  I rest my hand on his thigh and move my fingers soothingly as I worry. Of course I’m worried. Even though l have no idea what I’m worrying about.



  Christmas time is upon us and so are the usual round of family BBQs. As Elliot mentioned, we’ve been invited to Kathy and Steve’s house in early December. Carol and Kathy have been taking turns hosting since they became good friends. Last year we were at Carol’s so logically it’s at Kathy’s this year.

  After running into Paige and Elliot at the beach that day, I’m not dreading it is much as I thought I would. Hanging out with the guy who used to sleep with your fiancée still isn’t the most comfortable thing in the world, but if Paige can handle Katrina then I can handle Elliot. Besides, he is actually a pretty nice guy.

  As strange as this all is, I’m really glad Katrina’s mum has found a good friend like Kathy. None of us have a lot of family, so she believes in spending quality time with close friends. I understand that, but I just wish there wasn’t that link there. It would be a lot easier to just pretend no one has ever been with Katrina before me.

  Whether I like it or not, we’re linked through family, so I figure that I have to make the most of it. We all got along really well at Bondi. I’m sure we can all be friends.


  Even though we had a great time with Paige and Elliot when we ran into them at Bondi, I still kind of feel like the death march should be playing as we drive down Kathy’s street. The beach was over a month ago now, and while we said we’d catch up soon, none of us has made a call and actually done anything about it.

  On top of that, the last time we came here, David and I had a massive fight and almost broke up. I know that the reason we fought doesn’t exist anymore. But I’m still nervous coming here and acting like we’re all one big happy family.

  As luck would have it, we pull up outside the house at exactly the same time as Elliot and Paige do.

  “Here we go,” I say quietly. I see Paige say something as she turns to Elliot and looks back at us. He leans over and kisses her, then they both get out of the car and start organising all of their baby things.

  “Come on princess,” David says. “We’re all friends now remember?”

  David takes my hand in his and holds it next to his face before pressing a kiss into my palm. I feel the slight prickle of his stubble against my skin and move my fingers to caress his rough cheek.

  “Hi Guys, Merry Christmas,” David calls over to them as we both get out of the car. They both say hi and return the same festive greeting with a smile.

  “Do you need a hand carrying anything?” I ask as I see Paige sling a nappy bag over her shoulder as well as her own handbag before she reaches in to lift out baby Grace.

  “Oh um… yeah ok,” she concedes, handing me the nappy bag. “Thanks,” she says, smiling briefly.

  “No trouble.”

  “So, looks like it going to be a hot summer,” David comments, making small talk. He’s carrying the bowl of salad we brought as well as helping Elliot with an esky.

  The men start talking about the benefi
ts of air-conditioning and sea breezes as we all make our way towards the front door.

  “Must be nice living so close to the beach,” I say to Paige who is carrying a very wriggly Grace in her arms.

  “Yeah it is actually. I think it helps Grace sleep at night too,” Paige answers. Her words are a little stiff, and I wonder if I imagined her friendliness at the beach. Although she’s not ignoring me and she’s not being rude - I guess I’ll have to see how we go.

  My parents are already there, as is my brother and his wife. The house is decorated festively with a big tree in the corner, and garlands and ornaments adorning walls and surfaces. We exchange hugs and cheek kisses and place everything we’re carrying in the appropriate places.

  “Drinks?” Kathy asks us all, looking around the room at all of our faces.

  We all accept various drinks, and then head outside where Steve is preparing the BBQ before he needs to turn it on and cook lunch.


  A lot of fuss is made over Grace as she’s passed around and cooed over like a beautiful gurgling doll. Katrina’s mother insists on her holding the baby, and I have to laugh at the awkward look on her face as she tries to keep hold of the wriggly babe.

  “You look good with a baby Trina,” I tease, grinning at her.

  She looks at me and smiles, although I can tell by her expression that she’s telling me not to push my luck. I think she makes it maybe a full minute before she hands Grace back to Paige who’s laughing at how awkward Trina is.

  “She’s not made of glass. You won’t break her,” Paige laughs.

  “I don’t know about that, I’ve never really been around babies before.”

  “I’d never been around babies either. But when you have a screaming baby thrust into your arms when they’re born – you learn pretty fast.”

  “She really is beautiful Paige. She looks just like you.”

  “She has my hair and her daddy’s eyes and mouth. She’s nice mix of us.”

  “She is,” Trina agrees.

  I just sit there, quietly smiling as Trina plays with Grace and chats to Paige. When Jenny comes outside carrying a tray of nibbles she doesn’t waste any time joining in as well. I find it amazing how something as small as a baby can make people forget their discomfort with each other.

  Deciding to leave the women to it, I head inside to see if there’s anything I can help with. Kathy and Carol are in the kitchen talking up a storm while they’re handing trays of meat to Elliot and Tom. I line up alongside them on the opposite side of the bench.

  “So Carol’s been telling me about the big plans,” Kathy says in a low voice. She slides her eyes toward the back door to make sure Trina isn’t in ear shot. “Not long now huh?”

  “No, not long at all,” I grin.

  “Have you got everything planned?” She asks.

  “Yes, well – mostly. We’ve hit a bit of a snag on the celebrant, but I’m hoping to get it sorted in time.”

  She looks at me thoughtfully. “If you don’t mind, I can make a few calls. I might know someone who could help you out.”

  “Really? Oh Kathy, if you could you’d be a real life saver,” I gush. The mere hint of a solution is a huge relief to me.

  “I’ll see what I can do.”

  “I can talk to my dad too, he might know of someone,” puts in Elliot.

  “That’d be great man, thanks,” I say.

  “It’s not a problem.”

  We all shut our mouths quickly as Katrina approaches the sliding door. She stops in her tracks when she sees us all looking at her. We must look guilty.

  “Um, Paige was just after some sort of chew toy for Grace,” she states, causing a burst of laughter from those gathered in the kitchen.

  “You mean a teething rusk. I’ll go and grab one for her,” Elliot says smiling.

  I move next to Trina as I carry some of the food outside and lean in to kiss her cheek. “Chew toys are for dogs, princess,” I laugh.

  Her cheeks instantly flame red. “Oh god, I’m so sorry!”

  Elliot walks past with a baby toy and a little packet containing the rusks. “It’s cool. I’m always commenting that she reminds me of a puppy.” He gives us a wink and goes outside to hand the items over to Paige. They have a short exchange during which Paige laughs loudly. When I look at them together, I see in them how I feel about Trina and regret ever feeling any sort of jealousy or animosity towards them.

  I look at Trina and smile – I can’t wait to be married.



  A week later, we’re sitting together at dinner, talking about our work load over a glass of wine and a steak dinner when David’s phone starts singing. He’s set his ring tone as the wedding march to tease me. He loves that I have no idea what’s going on. Although I wish he would at least tell me the date, so I know how long we have to go.

  When he checks the screen his brow creases slightly. “I have to take this. I’ll be back in a minute.” He taps on his screen and tells the caller that he’ll just be a second then rises from his chair and kisses me on the cheek.

  “Sorry, I’ll be back soon,” he tells me in a low sweet voice. If he wasn’t being so loving I’d start to get really annoyed. But I love how happy he is lately. There’s an underlying sense of stress, but most of the time I find him smiling or whistling to himself. His mood is infectious.

  I’ve made so many excuses to avoid this wedding – we need to save, there’s no rush, it takes time to plan, and finally, I’m scared it will ruin my career. I regret every one of them. We should have done this sooner.


  “So my dad made a few calls,” Elliot says to me talking quietly. I wonder if Grace is sleeping near him or if he’s being quiet because he knows this is all a secret.

  “Thanks man. Do you have good or bad news?” I ask, my voice matching his in volume.

  “Great news. We have someone who’s agreed but she’s pretty expensive – given the date and all.”

  “I don’t care mate, I’ll buy her a fucking yacht as long as she turns up on the day.”

  Chuckling, he says, “I don’t think that’ll be necessary. I’ll text you through her details and you can give her a call on Monday.”

  “Thanks man, I can’t tell you how much I appreciate this.”

  “It’s no problem. I’m more than happy to help.” I’m about to hang up when he starts speaking again. “Ah, listen – Paige and I were wondering if you and Katrina would like to come around for dinner tomorrow night. We can show you the flat like we’ve been promising to. That is if you have time right now of course.”

  “Um… yeah sure. I’ll set it up with Trina.”

  “Great, I’m ah, not sure if Katrina remembers the address so I’ll text that through too. Around 7?”

  “Sure. We’ll see you then. We’ll bring something for dessert.”

  We disconnect the call and I look at my phone for a moment laughing at these new friends we’re making. If you’d told me a few years ago that I’d be almost ready to marry Trina and taking her over to Elliot’s house for dinner with him and his wife, I would have called you crazy.

  I’m busting to tell someone that everything is on track again, and I can’t tell Trina, so I dial my mum instead.

  “The wedding’s still on,” I blurt as soon as she answers.

  Laughing at my relieved tone, she says, “So you got a new celebrant?”

  “I did, and you’ll never guess who sorted it out for us.”



  “Elliot? Are you all talking now?”

  “Yeah, it’s weird. We’re all getting along. His wife, Paige, seems to really like Trina too. It’s very surreal, but it’s good because Carol and Elliot’s mum are always together and organising BBQs that we all have to attend, so it’s nice that things aren’t uncomfortable.”

  “Are they coming to the wedding?”

  “No. Why? Do you think I should invite the

  “I don’t know. Maybe, isn’t Kathy and Steve coming?”

  “Well yeah,” I admit, but we’ve spent a lot more time with them over the years. I then realise that everyone we know and spend time with is invited except for Elliot and Paige. “I’ll talk to Trina about it.”

  “Alright. I only ask because you’re going to see them again and again. So you might as well include them.”

  “Funny you should say that – guess where we’re going tomorrow night?”


  “I see a smile mixed with worry. Is there something I should know?” I ask as I watch him slide the glass door closed that leads to our balcony.

  He laughs. “I can’t tell you about the smile. But the rest - um… how do you feel about going to Paige and Elliot’s for dinner tomorrow?”

  “Was that who called you?” He nods and places his phone back in his pocket. “Well… yeah… I guess. We’ve gotten along with them the last two times we saw them. I can’t see why not.”

  “Ok. Lucky, ‘cause I already accepted that one.” I roll my eyes and laugh. “Wait, there’s more - what about inviting them to the wedding?”

  I pull my head back slightly, surprised he’s actually speaking about the wedding, but more surprised that he’s thinking about inviting them. I always thought there was a rule that you didn’t invite exes to weddings.

  “I’m asking because I thought about the Christmas get together we had at Kathy’s and everyone that was there is invited except for them. Our family and their family are always going to see each other, and well, if they’re reaching out with a dinner invite then I think we should include them.”

  I fold my arms across my chest and look at a blank spot on the wall as I think it over. I can’t see what harm it would do – it’s not like there’s anything between Elliot and me anymore. There hasn’t been on my side for years. Just like I am with David, he seems one hundred percent in a relationship with Paige.


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