Complete Indelible Love Series

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Complete Indelible Love Series Page 75

by Cee, DW

  This Joyce woman was about my height, with blond, blond hair, some freaky greenish (cat) color eyes, and had on a tight, tight dress. She looked older, her nose was a bit crooked and she had those pouty Angelina Jolie lips people liked – if one was into those kind of lips. I personally found those lips to make her mouth look too big. She kinda had that “girls gone wild” look with the big boobs and big lips. Great, my competition could model for a “girls, girls, girls” poster.

  “Um…I’m here with my girlfriend and her family. Jane,” he looked at me a bit nervous, trying to gauge my reaction, “this is Joyce .Joyce, my girlfriend Jane. You know Jake, over there.” He pointed my brother’s way.

  “Hi, Dr. Reid. And you must be his lovely wife, Emily. I’ve heard so much about you.”


  With all the intros done, I expected her to skedaddle, but she had the gall to say, “Max, can you come with me? I’d like to introduce you to my family – of course you already know my parents. They’re excited to see you again.”

  “Um, okay.” As reassurance, Max kissed me close to my ear and whispered, “I’ll be right back, my precious gem.” Of course, the double entendre was heavy.

  If he hadn’t been so wonderful to me all day, I would’ve called him a choice name or two.

  “What the hell is she doing here?” I asked my brother. “Did you tell her we were all going to be here?”

  “Don’t yell at me, little sis.” He warned. “It looks like she is here with her family enjoying a meal, no different than what we are about to do.”

  “This can NOT be a coincidence that she is at Masa of all places, on New Year’s Eve." Alex Forrest from Fatal Attraction in the house! “You must have told her about it. And you,” I accused Nick, “how do you know that psycho, and why are you so friendly with her?”

  “Chill out, Jane.” Nick was laughing at me. “Though, I do agree with her, Jake. That girl is a bit weird. Whenever I stop by the hospital to visit you or Max, she’s always hanging around Max. In fact, right before you came back to LA, Jane, Max and I went to a bar to watch a game, and not long into the first quarter, this woman showed up and sat at our table. The weird thing was, it didn’t look like she was meeting anyone else there.”

  “You see!” I yelled again, but not so loudly where Joyce and her family would know what we were discussing.

  “Whatever. I don’t care. The only one who knew my plans was my PA since she booked everything for me. Aside from her, it was all a secret.”

  “Nick, does this Joyce woman hang around Jake as well?” Emily asked.

  “I don’t know since Max and Jake are usually together when I go see them at the hospital. But, I don’t think it’s Jake that she’s interested in.”

  “I don’t want you getting too close to this crazy woman, okay?” Even now, my sister sounded so cute. By the smile on my brother’s face, he definitely thought so too.

  “You jealous?”

  “No, but if you make me jealous for any reason, I’ll make your life a living hell.” Ooh…my sister had a bit of a don’t-mess-with-me, bad girl attitude. There was a threat masked under that sweet smile.

  My brother chuckled, saying, “My beautiful wife, you have no worries from me. I am in love with you, and only you, and will be the rest of my life.”

  “Good to know. Just stay away, okay?” She warned again. She then asked Chef Masa if he’d start the meal and did something so awesome, I could’ve kissed her right then and there.

  She walked over to Max, who was still conversing with Joyce and her family, and said in her sweetest voice, “Excuse me…but our meal’s about to begin so we need Max back at our table. It was nice meeting you, Joyce.” Before Joyce could protest, Emily placed her hand on Max’s arms and tugged on him, while ignoring her. If that wasn’t a serious set-down, I don’t know what is. Go Emily!

  I saw my brother trying to mask his laugh as Emily walked over to her stool after depositing Max in his seat.

  “Missed me?”

  “No.” I was as curt as possible.

  Then he did it again! Right as the servers brought out our first course, he placed both hands on my cheeks and did that Nicholas Sparks’ movie poster kiss. He practically swallowed me whole in front of everyone. “I missed you,” he winked and picked up his chopsticks.

  “May I take this empty seat?” Psycho asked as she sat next to Max. “I think I’d like to eat the prix fixe menu at the sushi bar instead of the a la carte menu at our table.”

  Even before Max’s saliva had dried on my lips, Psycho ruined the afterglow.

  Laney, who was to my left, giggled and tried to break up the tension on our half of the sushi bar.

  “Jake, Emily, I want to thank you for inviting me on this trip and for paying for my plane fare and for this extravagant meal. That’s really kind of the both of you.” Laney, no different than my sister, was sweet. Some man would be lucky to snatch up such a kind and pretty girl.

  “I’m glad you’re here with us, but I can’t take any of the thanks. My wonderful husband planned this entire surprise. When he told me we were spending some time in New York, I had no idea I was getting so much more.”

  Nick and Doug chimed in. “Laney says she wants to meet a man just like you, Jake. We told her to meet a real man, instead.”

  “Shut up, you two. That’s why you’re still single. You need to take lessons from Jake.”

  “Why thank you, Laney, for setting those boys straight, and for the huge compliment. If I find someone just like me, I will send him your way. And as for your thanks, you’re welcome, and I’m glad you could join us.”

  “Was there a special reason for all these surprises for Emily in New York?” She continued to ask.

  “Well…” now Jake turned to Emily and we all knew group conversation was over. “The last time Emily and I were in New York together, I broke her heart. There are some memories I can’t forget no matter how much I try, and that is one of them. I needed to correct this memory and create new ones for us – much better ones that’ll wipe out what I did to her.”

  Emily, of course, had tears in her eyes. “That’s why you’ve been doing all this? I haven’t thought about that day since our night in Kyoto. None of this was necessary, Jake. You and the twins have given me a better life than I could’ve scripted.”

  “Love, I still need to make up for the Grand Canyon incident as well. Since I can’t buy the Grand Canyon, I don’t know how I’ll rectify what happened there.”

  “Oh my gosh!” I breathed. “Way too heavy for a sushi bar. Either keep it between the two of you or let’s table it for another time.”

  “I think that’s so romantic, Dr. Reid. Your wife is such a lucky woman.” Who invited Psycho into our conversation?

  “So Max…” was how Psycho started every conversation in between courses. She kept throwing questions at my man so we’d have very little time for conversation ourselves. My man knew I was pissed! He pulled my stool right next to his and kept his left arm around my waist. Often enough, he threw playful kisses on my face – the wet ones behind my ear, being my personal favorite. I was appeased…somewhat.

  Twenty-eight courses done, Jake informed everyone that he and his wife were leaving us early. He had one last surprise for Emily.

  “What’s the last surprise, Jake?” Laney asked. “Please tell us. I’m dying to know.”

  Jake held back.


  “Why don’t you tell Laney? I’ll be surprised either way.”

  “I have a suite reserved at the Trump Hotel for the night.”

  “How cool!” Laney clapped like a little girl.

  “Overnight?” Emily asked, not sounding too happy.

  “That’s usually how it’s done with hotel rooms, Love.”

  “We can’t stay away from the kids tonight – especially James. They are both not feeling well and they both had a rough night last night. James was up mos
t of the night and Ellie got up a few times as well.”

  “What? How come I didn’t know this? Why didn’t you wake me up? I could’ve helped you.”

  “I didn’t want to wake you. You had watched them for most of the day while I went furniture shopping.”

  “Emi, I don’t want you suffering by yourself if I’m around to help, okay?”

  “Alright. But…is it okay if we go home tonight? As it is, the kids haven’t seen us all day. It might be a rough night for them again.”

  “Anything for you, my love.” He then got up with Emily, pulled out a key card from his pocket and said, “Davis – enjoy, but be safe!” and handed him the hotel key.


  Our grins were telling and I made sure I grinned Psycho’s way. Emily kissed me on the cheek and whispered, “Happy New Year, Miss Jane!”

  And a happy new year it will be.

  Both of us wanted to rush to the hotel, but we agreed to walk the 17 blocks down to Times Square to see the ball drop. By the time we got there, we were nowhere near the ball, but we were able to do the countdown and engage in an intense make out session. All that controlled lust from the past few days turned into unbridled lust knowing what was going to happen tonight.

  “Geez, you two. You already have a hotel room. Go use it rather than making us queasy.” Nick kidded.

  Nick didn’t have to say much more. We practically ran the 17 blocks back up to Columbus Circle and our clothes were half-off by the time we got on the bed. After almost two years of indecision and a few days of serious foreplay, we were gonna have sex. Fumbling with snaps and buttons and zippers, it wasn’t easy getting undressed when your eyes were closed and your lips were locked.

  Then it happened. Just like in the movies, our phones started ringing. First, mine rang and when we ignored it, Max’s rang. This kept going till the room phone rang. We couldn’t ignore it any longer.

  “I think someone’s looking for us.” Max and I were breathing heavy.

  “Somebody better be dying or I’m going to be seriously pissed.” I got off the bed and answered the phone. “Yes!” I shouted, frustrated.

  “You and Max need to come over here right away and watch the twins. Emily is very sick. I need to take her to the emergency room.”

  “Where’s Mom and Dad?” Did I really ask that selfish question?

  “Get your ass over here, now!”

  “We gotta go. Emily’s ill and needs to go to the emergency room.”

  “What?” Max jumped off the bed and got dressed, faster than a New York minute. Familial love, my ass. He still loved her as a woman, whether or not he thought he did.

  “You okay, Emily?” Max asked as soon as we got to their apartment. “What’s wrong with her?” He then turned the question to my brother.

  “She’s been throwing up nonstop since we got home. She failed to tell me that she’s been throwing up all day.” My brother was unhappy!

  “You had such a special day planned for me. I didn’t want to ruin it with whatever I caught from the kids.”

  Shaking his head, Jake said, “I’m going to get her checked out and probably get some fluid in her. It may take a while.”

  “No problem. Take as long as you like.” Max was a lot more understanding than I.

  Why of all days did she have to pick today to get sick??? She never gets sick‼! I knew I was being a brat again, but I was unhappy as well.

  Of course, as soon as Jake and Emily left, both kids got up, crying. We walked in and the twins wailed even louder because they wanted their parents, instead. I picked up James, the easier one, and Max picked up Ellie. After performing “surgery” on her nose again, he held her upright and quickly got her back to sleep.

  “How’d you do that so fast? Good thing you’re going into pediatrics and not me. All this crying has James even more miserable. His snot is everywhere.”

  “Give him to me and why don’t you go lay down. It’s late. You must be tired. I’ll get this little one down after I clean him up.”

  I followed Max’s instructions and got to the sofa, and I must have fallen asleep. When I woke up, Max was nowhere to be found. I tip-toed over to the kids’ room, careful not to wake them up. The light was off but I heard the light squeaking of a rocking chair and Max’s soothing voice telling James a story. I got close enough to hear what he was saying.

  “You know, James, you look just like your mother when you cry. Your mother has a tendency to cry often. I guess…I was the cause for a lot of those tears.” He was quiet for a while – possibly contemplating his sins. “I loved your mother for many, many years.” Now he made me want to cry. I didn’t want to hear about his love for Emily, but I couldn’t walk away. “She and I loved each other but when I let her go, she found your father and fell in love with him. It hurt a lot at first, but your father was the best thing to happen to her.” He rocked some more before continuing his confession. “Once I realized this, I was truly happy for your mom and just a little while ago, I realized that letting go of your mom was the best thing that happened to me as well. I think I may have found love again, but your aunt is a difficult one. We fight all the time, and some days I wonder if she’s worth the trouble. But, as soon as I see your auntie Jane, I know she’s the best thing to happen to me. We may one day be family, little one. Would you be okay with me as your uncle? I’d sure be proud to have you two as my nephew and niece. Sleep, little one. I’ll rock you till your parents get home.”


  What a happy new year this will be…

  Jan. 7, 2013 Back to the same hummm drummm...

  "Hey. Merry Christmas. How was New York?" Donovan popped into my cubicle of an office.

  "Merry Christmas to you too. New York was fantastic. How was your Christmas? What did you do?" Regardless of my feelings for Max, Donovan still looked as yummy as ever in his sleekly tailored dark blue pin-striped suit. He reminded me of a cross between Bradley Cooper with the wavy hair and killer smile, and Henry Cavill with the sexy as hell aura. Looking at him hurt sometimes. It's okay to just look, right?

  "My Christmas was crazy. My four sisters with their families came into town and two stayed with my parents, one stayed with me, and one had the good sense to get a hotel room."

  "How are your sisters doing? I haven't seen them in years. The last time I saw them was at Becky's wedding, three years ago .I got a text from Becky right before she came into town, but this trip was so last minute, I didn't get to meet up with her. I miss her."

  "Well, she and Al are staying at my place. Why don't you come by after work, tonight? In fact, maybe we can all meet up after work, sans enfants. I'm sure all my sisters would like to see you."

  Donovan came from a huge family, but because he was the only boy in the family, he hung out at our house whenever he needed a testosterone recharge. His sisters ranged from ages 27-40 with Donovan being somewhere in the middle.

  "Jane!" Someone yelled from right outside my door.

  "Uh-oh...bitch alert." I moaned.

  "Where's the Mitchell document? Why isn't it done and on my desk for review? You know that we're meeting with these clients in a few days and I need to make sure your work is without error..." Andrea bit out till she saw Donovan in my office. "Oh, hello Donovan. How was your Christmas? Your family got into town safely?" A total Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde routine ensued. "Whenever you can get it done, okay?" She winked at me in a malicious kind of way. Weird!

  "What was that?" Donovan asked.

  "I don't know. I think she's got the hots for you, and is jealous that we're friends. She's always a bitch to me."

  "Whatever. Lunch later?"


  Should I not have been so friendly with Donovan, especially after having had such an intimate time with Max in New York? I supposed I could rationalize it and say that we'd been friends for so long that it'd be silly to give up our friendship becaus
e Max might be jealous. But, I should also remind myself that Max and I were starting again and life was so good between us, I shouldn't rock the boat.

  "Hello, my precious gem." A phone call during the day from Max was a rarity.

  "Hello! It's 10:30am. How are you able to call me?"

  "I missed you." I felt that warm fuzziness again. "You busy?"

  "Yeah. The head lawyer for a case I'm working on has decided to make my life a living hell. She yelled at me this morning till she realized Donovan was in my office."

  "Donovan...yeah...we never finished talking about him."


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