Complete Indelible Love Series

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Complete Indelible Love Series Page 180

by Cee, DW

  “What’s the Old Course, Donovan?”

  “The Old Course at St. Andrews is considered to be the ‘home of golf’ because they first played the game of golf on these links back in the early 1400s. It’s a public course but impossible to get a tee time. This course is supposed to be fabulous and unique in many ways.”

  “How so?” I asked.

  “Roland, jump in and correct me if my information is wrong, but I believe they have these large double greens where several holes share one green?”

  That was totally confusing. “You mean to tell me I could be playing on the 5th hole, and then the 9th hole, but I may be sinking the ball into the same green?”

  “Exactly, Princess. There are also over 100 bunkers each with its own name and historical tale and I don’t know how this happens, but this course can be played clockwise and counter-clockwise, depending upon the day of the week. I can’t wait to see your attempts of getting out of some of those wicked bunkers.”

  “I just won’t get my ball into the bunkers, then,” I answered with confidence.

  “I’ll take care of tee times and hire caddies. Along with pointers, we can get a fine history lesson of the city and its golf courses from them. The only question is, where do we want to stay?” Grandfather was really asking this question to his wife.

  “Do you have a castle up there, Grandfather?” That would have been an ideal scenario to play golf during the day, and to sleep in a castle with my prince at night.

  “I don’t but Harry the duke has one. Should I ask him to borrow his home for the weekend?”

  “Roland! Not nice,” Gram scolded with a chuckle. “I doubt he’ll want to see or hear from anymore Reids. Why don’t we just stay at the hotel on the Old Course? It’ll be easier on Jake and Emily.”

  “Fine. I’ll have my assistant take care of everything. Shall we separate so we men can go have a drink and smoke a cigar without offending any of you ladies?”

  “Grandfather,” I interrupted. “You know the two doctors here won’t smoke with you.”

  “But your man will. See you later, Ladies.” All the men followed Grandfather’s lead.

  I pulled Donovan down and whispered quickly in his ear. “There will be no mouth to mouth contact if you smoke a cigar tonight.”

  “Your mouth is not the only wet place my mouth enjoys sucking.” He placed a chaste kiss on my ear and left the room.

  Damn man got me all hot and bothered, again.

  “So tell me, Granddaughter. After lusting after this man since you were in grade school, why did you tell me you may not marry him?”

  “Gram!” I complained. “I didn’t lust after him. I was in fourth grade. I crushed on him.”


  “As I told Emily earlier, Donovan hasn’t proposed. He’s mandated, and after all the years of thinking that he was my prince, I can’t marry a man who commands and demands. I want my proposal!”

  “Damn right!” Gram called out as if she was saying, “Amen!” at a church service on Sunday. “Babs, you’ve done a good job of raising this one. I always thought Jane was the only strong one, but I think this blonde-haired, blue-eyed beauty might even be tougher than her older cousin.”

  “Jane looks strong on the outside, but she’s softhearted on the inside, always looking for approval from those around her. Being the middle child, she’s learned to fight back, but she gets hurt easily.” Aunt Sandy spoke.

  “Jane’s a smart girl and she snagged herself a bloody brilliant young man. He’s damn good with her, and he compensates her selfish nature. Jake better watch out…I may have a new favorite.”

  “No way, Gram. Jake can do absolutely no wrong in your eyes. You and Grandfather shamelessly adored your oldest grandchild and paraded him as though he was your only grandchild.”

  “You have an issue with that?” Gram challenged.

  “I think I might...” I answered back formidably.

  Gram only laughed at me. “You always were a surreptitiously headstrong child. I think I’ll retire for the night. Granddaughter?” She addressed me in a challenging way, again. “Will you walk me to my room?”

  “I’d be honored.”

  I settled Gram in her sitting area and got us some tea and biscuits. Last time we sat to tea, I was down in the dumps because Donovan had ignored me the entirety of Emily’s birthday, and I wondered what I’d do in London. Who knew back then that I’d be living here with my family, and Donovan?

  “Only pour me half a cup, Laney. My bladder isn’t what it used to be.”

  “Can I ask you a question, Gram?”


  “Is it weird to sleep next to Grandfather Roland, after having lived with Grandpa Jerry for so long?”

  “Only the first night. It was weirder to have someone in my bed again after having slept alone. I was getting used to not having to share a blanket.”

  “Is Grandfather Roland much different from Grandpa Jerry?”

  “Actually, the two men are similar in nature. I must have a type.” She laughed. “They are both strong, self-assured and smart men. Though I chose Jerry over Roland, I’m blessed to have a second chance with this good man.”

  “And he loves you so very much.”

  Gram looked dreamy. “That he does. You sure about Donovan?”

  “You don’t approve?” I knew this wasn’t the case, but I needed to make sure.

  “That scoundrel stole my heart as soon as he learned to talk. He was always the charmer. He and Jake made quite the dynamic duo.” Gram reached out and held my hand. “And while I haven’t been around you enough to have seen this crush begin, I think I know you well enough to know that once you set your mind to something, you don’t turn back until the work is done. Are you sure you love Donovan enough to marry him? You don’t want to continue dating other men like Michael?”

  “Do you think Donovan and I don’t suit? Do you think I’m too young for him or not worldly enough for him?” Insecurity and doubt began creeping in. Gram had lived a long life, in a world filled with glamour and sophistication. Perhaps she saw something I didn’t see.

  “Darling. It’s not Donovan who worries me. I worry about you not having experienced life. From what your mother told me, Donovan is the first boy you gave your heart, soul, and body to, and we both wondered if you should date and get to know other men. There’s no room for regret once you’re married. This is your chance to explore.”

  “Gram. Since I was a little girl, I’ve dreamed of marrying Donovan Taylor. No, I didn’t really date and yes, Donovan is the only boy I’ve given myself to, but I know I won’t regret not having known other men. The few months I dated Michael, I enjoyed his company, but never did I feel this heart-racing, heart-thumping, and even heart-breaking kind of excitement. I have to confess, Gram, I’d rather live in complete heartbreak having once been with Donovan Taylor, than a mediocre happiness with any other man. I love him that much, Gram. I can’t walk away unless he walks away first.”

  “Oh, you headstrong girl. Why must you be so black and white? As much as I adore that suitor of yours, I was hoping you’d find happiness with Michael. He’s an upstanding young man with a good family background and wealth beyond imagination. You needn’t marry Michael. I just wanted you to date him enough for you to know what it was like not to love Donovan Taylor.”

  “I don’t remember what it’s like not to love Donovan.” I answered her in full truth. “I desire your blessing Gram, but even if you don’t bless our relationship, this is something I have to try.”

  Gram came over, and I got up to meet her embrace. “He’s a lucky man, Laney. If he doesn’t treat you like the princess that you are, you come and let your grandparents know and we’ll give him a good kick in the arse for you.”

  “Thank you, Gram.”

  A light knock on the door interrupted our embrace.

  “You ladies done in here?” Grandfather walked in like he owned thi
s place, and Donovan trailed right behind him. In reality, Grandfather Roland walked into any room as though he were royalty. His confidence cowered the average man. “May I have my wife back?”

  “Of course, Grandfather.”

  “Where do you want to stay tonight?” Donovan asked aloud. This was not a conversation I wanted to be having with my grandparents in the room.

  “I think I’ll stay here and spend some time with Mom. Why don’t you go back to your apartment?” I wasn’t sure of what I’d just uttered.

  Disappointment, annoyance, resignation, and resistance all showed on his face. My grandparents didn’t hide their enjoyment, watching this entertaining drama unfolding before them.

  “Go back and take a good look at your apartment this time, now that your girlfriend won’t be there with you.”

  “Keep quiet, Roland. Let the two converse.”

  “Good night!” Donovan spoke for the both of us and pulled us out of their bedroom.

  He walked upstairs to my room, shut the door, and put his arms around me. Face to face, he started his physical attack. “Princess,” the kiss we couldn’t share at the dinner table was about to happen now. “I can’t sleep apart from you anymore.” What I thought might be a devouring of my mouth, ended up as butterfly kisses starting from my lips, my nose, my eyes...this was an even bolder attack on my senses than a full-blown kiss. “Either we need to be together on this tiny bed, or you need to come back to my place. What’s it going to be?” I felt a thousand needles pricking my body, thrilling my senses.

  “Your kisses are making me want to ride you, again. You have to stop. There are too many people in this house.”

  He wouldn’t stop. His fingers lightly played on my back, then caressed my rear end. “If you don’t want people to know what’s happening, then let’s go back to my place.”

  I couldn’t just receive these butterfly kisses any longer. I flung my arms around Donovan’s neck and decided to devour his mouth instead. There was always something incredibly electrifying the first couple of seconds our tongues mated. My hormones were inflamed and I needed more than just kissing.

  As Donovan was about to pick me up and take me to bed, a light knock interrupted us.

  “Sorry to interrupt.” Emily blushed, as she was wise to our hanky-panky actions. “Donovan,” she addressed my boyfriend. “All your belongings arrived here so I organized them the best I could without opening any boxes. They’re in the room down the hall. I thought you might like to use the room with the bigger bed,” was all she said and gave us our privacy, again.

  “Gotta love that Emily!” Donovan exclaimed. “You see, your entire family assumes I’m staying here. Why are you the only one who’s pushing me away?”

  This man just didn’t get it. “Donovan, I’ve gone from a twenty-three-year-old virgin to a total floozy in the course of a week. I can’t just shamelessly cohabitate with you. This is going to be too shocking for everyone who knows me. Bringing a boy home isn’t me. I’ve never even brought a date home.”

  “What’s the big deal? You and I cohabitated all throughout Europe. It’s not like your parents didn’t know we were sleeping together. Don’t be a hypocrite.”

  “Can’t you understand?”

  “No. I can’t understand.” I had upset him again. “I don’t understand why you’ll talk about the future with me but won’t marry me, and I don’t understand why you’ll sleep with me in one place, but not another. If you don’t want to be under your family’s nose, we can go back to my place.”

  “Donovan,” I pleaded. “Just...give me a little time. I just can’t tell my mom and grandmother I’m moving in with you after a week of dating.”

  “We’re not just dating!” He waved his hand and turned around to leave. “Good-bye. I’ll see you tomorrow if Your Highness will allow me, otherwise, see you on Tuesday at the company function.”

  “Donovan...” He paid no attention to my supplication.

  “Why did Donovan leave?” Mom came into my room as soon as she saw Donovan go out the front door. “He didn’t look happy.”

  “He wasn’t happy.” I bemoaned. “Is having a relationship always this difficult? I think we’ve had three arguments in a week—that’s every other day. Maybe we aren’t meant to be?”

  Mom sat us down on my bed. “Relationships are hard no matter how many years you’ve been together.”

  “But everyone makes it look so easy. You and Dad never argue. Jake and Emily are always in sync with each other. This is all so new for me. I have no idea what I’m doing.”

  “Your father and I argue, plenty. And Jake and Emily have their issues, too. It’s just a matter of compromise. You can’t always have it your way, and you don’t want to always give in and get pushed around, either. What was the matter, tonight?”

  Now, I got bashful. I’d have to spell out for my mother what she probably already knew. “He wanted to stay here.” This was my best attempt to be honest, but vague.


  “And...I told him he couldn’t.”

  “Why not?”

  “Mom!” I groaned. “Do I need to confess everything?” I was dying of shame, and my mother was breaking into a fit of laughter. “OK, Mother. I confess I am no longer a virgin. I have lost my virginity to Donovan Taylor, and I had absolutely no qualms about giving it up. I did make sure all of our issues were ironed out before the act happened, but now I am a fallen woman.” My head fell in shame. Did girls really have these kinds of conversations with their mothers?

  “Was he considerate…? Was he gentle?” Mom asked awkwardly. She was concerned for me, but did not want too much information.

  “Mom, it was perfect. And I am so glad my first was with Donovan.” Was I really having this conversation with my mother?

  “So if you two have had sex already,” Mom was trying to understand, “what’s the problem? Why did he leave upset?”

  “I just didn’t feel right having him stay here with me while you, Gram, and Grandfather are here. It’s very embarrassing for me to know that you all know what I’m doing.”

  Mom died laughing. “You always were so prim and proper. I think you’re the most conservative person in the entire Reid family.”

  “I never told you that your father and I lived together before we got married?”

  “Oh my gosh Mom, you did? You never told me this!”

  “I thought I told you. And trust me, your Gram was no angel either. We all know you and Donovan will get married soon. We welcome him here, so bring him back.”

  “But it’s weird mom and so awkward. We will be living in sin.”

  “Then tell Donovan what’s bothering you and have him propose to you. Then you won’t be living in sin because you’ll be married. He looked awfully upset, leaving. Call him right now and tell him to come back here.”

  “What kind of mother are you, encouraging me to live in sin with the man I just started dating a week ago?” This was highly odd. I never realized she was so liberal.

  “Donovan is not some guy you just started dating a week ago. I’ve known him longer than I’ve known you, and I’ve watched him grow into a fine young man. Knowing how much you love him, your father and I consider him a part of the family now. So no, I’m not some crazy mother telling her daughter to live in sin. I’m just trying to fast forward to the future.”

  “Are you sure you’re OK with me having Donovan here? You sure Gram and Grandfather will be OK as well?”

  “We are all fine with it. It was actually me and your Gram who picked out Donovan’s room since it’s quieter and bigger than yours.”

  “All right. I’ll organize all his stuff for him in his new room and surprise him tomorrow.”

  Mom placed both her hands on my cheek and gave me a puckered kiss. “Good night my sweet daughter. I am overjoyed for you. I love seeing your beautiful face break into a constant smile. Your grandma and I were saying that we feel like we’re falling
in love again for the first time whenever we watch you. That sweet innocence of a first love gets lost when you’re our age. It’s beautiful to see on you and Donovan.”

  “Thank you, Mom.”

  After our talk, I felt confident that I could bring Donovan to Belgravia without feeling like a Jezebel. With a smile on my face, I went into his room and started unpacking his clothes. His suits came neatly packed on a hanger, in tall wardrobe boxes. This crazy man had something close to thirty suits. He was such a clotheshorse. Jane wasn’t wrong when she said we’d need a separate room just for all of our clothes.

  The bedding in this room was a bit on the old side, so I decided I would go to the department store tomorrow and pick up new bedding for us. I brought in some of my clothes to lay out in the dresser, but there was no way I could bring any hanging objects. The closet was full of suits. I also brought in my toiletries and placed them in the large bathroom. I’d have to remember to get a toothbrush holder for us, as well as a few containers to place our toiletries in a neat and orderly way. I was enjoying setting up our room. It felt like a honeymoon suite.

  My phone dinged signaling a text.

  What are you doing right now?

  Even though you were mean and left without giving me a proper good-bye, I am arranging a surprise for you right now.

  I would see how he would answer that kind of statement.

  I can’t fall asleep. I miss you. I need you next to me in bed.

  Are you normally this needy? I added a smiley face next to that question so he wouldn’t get upset with me.

  Where you are concerned, yes.

  It’ll do you good to sleep without me tonight. You’ll appreciate me more when we meet again.

  Come over. I’ll show you how much I appreciate you, tonight.

  I can’t. I’m slaving away getting your present ready.

  I don’t need any gifts from you. I just need you.

  I loved this man who loved me.

  Oh but trust me, you’ll want this present.

  I can’t tempt you to join me tonight? I’ll come pick you up.

  Let me get this done for you, Donovan. I want to see your face when you get your present. Are you very busy tomorrow?


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