Complete Indelible Love Series

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Complete Indelible Love Series Page 185

by Cee, DW

  Great! Just what was needed on top of all this machismo—a wager to fuel their fire.

  “In order to keep your heads in the game, shall we get a bet going?”

  “Oh no Grandfather,” Niles, the younger grandson grumbled, “most of us are not in the same betting league as you. We won’t be able to pay the buy-in.”

  “Man up, Niles,” his grandfather didn’t even bat an eye when he said, “it won’t be so bad. How about a thousand pounds per team?”

  “Shit, Grandfather, we don’t have that kind of money.” Niles looked as though he were about to have an apoplectic fit. I, too, was a little freaked out with the large amount.

  “What do you say?” It was as though the duke was challenging my family to pony up the money or go home.

  Of course my grandfather, who would not be outdone by a duke, pulled out his wallet and counted ten 100£ notes. Then, every man pulled 500£ each without complaint, except for Niles. He had a hard time letting his money go. I didn’t blame him.

  “This is insane!” I voiced my displeasure. “We cannot play for this kind of money. That’s 5000£ on the line.”

  “You scared of losing, Laney?” The duke challenged. “What do you care? Your grandfather put in your 500£.”

  His taunting pissed me off. “I’m just afraid you’re going to be royally pissed when I take your money from you,” I challenged back.

  My grandfather squeezed my hand and was proud of my comment. Donovan looked over at me and winked.

  “Game on, Princess. And don’t forget our side bet,” he whispered in my ear before giving me one last kiss.

  Starting from hole three, it was truly game on. We took every shot, every stroke seriously and Grandfather and I strategized with our caddy, as did everyone else. At the end of the first nine holes Donovan and Jake had a significant lead over all of us.

  “Laney, go distract your boyfriend any way you can. He’s on fire,” my grandfather urged.

  We had all stopped before the 10th hole for a drink and a little sustenance to keep us going another nine holes. I did as I was told and walked over to Donovan and Jake to try and distract the both of them.

  “You two were amazing out there.”

  “Laney, we, two, are amazing all the time,” my cousin informed me. These men were high-fiving each other, way too happy with their progress up until hole nine.

  “You got nine more holes to go,” I reminded them. “I wouldn’t be so self-assured already.”

  “Little Woman,” Donovan said in the most condescending way, “just get ready to lose and be ready to pay up tonight.”

  Jake started laughing. I so didn’t want to do this, but I knew I had to.

  “I assume Emily, with the three kids, is OK by herself? I remember hearing that everyone else was going on a shopping spree in St Andrews. I think Emily decided to stay in the room with the babies. I hope she’s all right.” I said nothing else and walked very quickly away from the two men I knew I had done my job against Jake. And now it was time to rattle Donovan.

  “I don’t think I ever introduced myself.” I approached Michael’s cousin, Niles. “My name is Laney Reid. It’s nice to meet you Niles.”

  “Hello, Laney Reid. You are quite the golfer out there. Grandfather is a little miffed that you are beating him right now.”

  “That’s nothing new,” I kidded with their grandfather who was standing right next to them. “Are you surprised that I’m beating you? You should be used to that by now.” I laughed along with Michael and Niles.

  “You, Laney Reid, are one sassy young lady. And I’m very unhappy and disappointed with you that you have chosen to break up with my grandson for that guy over there.” He pointed over to Donovan. Donovan was watching us, unable to hear what we were saying, but concerned nonetheless.

  “I know you are, Your Grace. I’m upset with myself for the way things turned out as well. I hope Michael and I will stay friends, and I hope you will forgive me one day for hurting your grandson. That was never my intention, and I know I’m not good enough to hurt anybody, but this is the way life seems to have worked out for all of us.”

  “What about that young man over there do you find better than my grandson? He’s definitely not as handsome as my grandson, or as wealthy, or as good-hearted, from what I can see.”

  “Your Grace, Michael is as you say, handsome, will one day be extremely wealthy thanks to his grandfather, and he is as kind-hearted as they come. You are correct in your assessment. He is also one of the best men I have ever met and believe it or not, he was my first boyfriend. All these years, I have been in love with Donovan Taylor, and it wasn’t until I met Michael that I ever thought I could learn to love anybody else.”

  “Then what’s the problem?”

  “The problem was, I was hasty in my decision with Michael. I knew deep down I couldn’t forget Donovan. I was selfish. Michael was so good to me I thought I could return his affection in entirety...eventually...but it didn’t happen.”

  “You never gave it a chance to happen, young lady.” The duke was getting really upset with me.

  “I know...and I’m sorry. I’m sorry I didn’t realize sooner that Donovan Taylor could never be replaced in my heart. I’m very sorry that I let your entire family down because the Bennington family was like a second family to me when I came to London. And I am truly sorry I’ll never get to know you as my grandfather, because underneath this gruff exterior, I know you’re a soft teddy bear. My grandmother would never have loved a coldhearted man.” That last comment softened this angry man.

  “Anybody ever tell you you’re just like your grandmother, Estelle?”

  “That’s what both my grandfathers have told me. And I consider it one of the highest compliments I could ever receive. I would have loved you as a grandfather, too.” I said with a smile and kissed the duke on the cheek.

  “Damn, Michael. I see now why you’re pathetically in love with this girl. I’ve never seen anyone put a spell on Grandfather like she just did.”

  “Everything good?” Donovan walked over and grabbed my hand. “You all right?”

  The duke answered for me. “You afraid we stole her from under your nose?” The duke scoffed. “We honorable English men don’t do things like that, unlike you dishonorable Americans.”

  “Your Grace,” I sounded my displeasure. “We’ve got a lot of money on the line here, let’s go play.”

  Donovan walked me back to Grandfather. “I just want you to know, my conniving wench, that you’ve accomplished what you set out to do.” Donovan attempted to look annoyed, but his silly grin gave him away.

  “Oh?” I asked in all innocence. “And what is it that I tried to do?”

  “My buddy over there is concerned now that his wife is struggling with the three kids while he’s out having a grand time, and I’m concerned with the heart-to-heart I saw you having with the Bennington clan. You are one devious little tart.” He came in to kiss me, but I stepped back.

  “Oh, no you don’t. Your kiss is going to befuddle me. If you think I played the wench and the tart earlier today, you ain’t seen nothing yet. Wait till you get a glimpse of the outfit I brought with me.” I pulled out my phone and sent him another naughty-nightie selfie, minus my face. “That’ll give you some hard evidence of my cunny-ing ways.”

  I ran away and stood next to Grandfather.

  “Damn you, Delaney Reid,” we all heard Donovan grumble.

  “Mission accomplished, Sir Roland.”

  Grandfather and I played as though our lives were on the line. We worked well as a team and in all honesty, lady luck was on our side. Dad and Michael’s grandfather hit some great shots, but they fell in the Hell Bunker on the 14th hole and saw their dreams of winning the pot-o’-pounds go down the drain. Jake and Donovan were still two shots in the lead, and gloating, until they fell in the Road Hole Bunker on the 17th hole. It was good-bye, pot-o’-pounds for them as well. Grandfather and I leis
urely and gleefully walked over the 700-year-old Swilcan Bridge leading to the last hole, and we played conservatively. That was good enough for us to win the 5000£!

  “We did it!” Grandfather and I hugged each other.

  “I’m going to have you partner with me in every tournament I play, Laney.”

  “I’d be honored to pair up with you.” Jake and Donovan met us at the 18th hole, disgruntled they’d lost by one stroke.

  “You, Laney Reid, did not play fair.” Jake accused.

  “I was told golf is a mentally challenging game, Jake. If you can’t handle the pressure, don’t open your wallet.”

  Jake shook his head and said, “She’s all yours, Man. And I thought Max had it tough.” Jake walked over and tousled my hair like I was some five-year-old. “I don’t know what you did to my buddy, but he was hell to play with after you talked to him.”

  I motioned as if I had no idea what Jake was talking about.

  “Daddy!” We heard Ellie’s scream as she and James ran to their father. Jake crouched down to greet both kids.

  “Were you a good girl for your momma today?” He asked Ellie, first.

  “Yesh,” she answered so child-like, and so unlike Elizabeth Reid.

  “Were you a helpful boy to your momma today?” He talked to James, next.

  “Yesh, Dada.” James nodded his head feverishly.

  Emily and JR walked into the patio of the clubhouse with the rest of the family. Jake went and greeted his wife with a sweet kiss. “You were fine with the three by yourself? I wouldn’t have golfed if I knew you had no help.” Jake apologized.

  “I was fine. All three took an extra long nap after missing their morning nap. In fact, they just woke up.” We could all see that Jake still felt guilty for leaving his wife by herself. “It was a good thing you golfed. If you had been around, I don’t know that you would have let me nap the entire time the kids were down.” Jake displayed a silly grin and kissed his wife again.

  “James, you want to come to Auntie Laney?” I put out my hand so he could hop over to me. Donovan did the same for Ellie, so Jake could go show some love to the ever quiet, JR.

  “Your momma tells me you were a good boy today, too.” Jake cooed to his newborn.

  “Your children are adorable.” Michael, along with everyone else, appreciated the lovely picture Jake’s family portrayed.

  “Thank you, Michael.” Emily answered.

  “Estelle.” The duke was first to acknowledge my grandmother who had only just walked in with Mom.

  “Harry!” Gram looked surprised. “What brings you here?”

  The duke didn’t hesitate in embracing my Gram with a loving kiss on both cheeks. “You look as fetching today as the day we met.”

  “Oh brother,” Grandfather bemoaned.

  Gram laughed.

  “You don’t age, my English beauty.”

  “You always were the charmer, Harry. Are you here with your family? I was told you’re staying at your summer home?”

  “We’re staying at the castle in Fife. You remember the place?” There was love and regret, nostalgia and sweetness in those last four words. The duke wore his heart on his sleeves with my grandmother. His grandsons kept looking at one another quizzically.

  “I do remember it. That’s one of those beautiful memories that will stay with me forever, Harry.” She smiled and reached out to touch his hand. “I never told you how sorry I was to hear about the duchess. Did she suffer much?”

  “No.” The duke went grim. “It was quick. We lived a good long life together and she gave me my heir and a spare.” Sadly, there was no mention of the love that existed between him and his wife. “I’d love for you and your family to dine with us, tonight or the next. What do you say, Estelle?”

  Gram looked around at us, but mainly at Jake and Emily. “I suppose we could do it tomorrow night. But the babies go down early so we’d have to have an early dinner, if that’s all right with you.”

  “We could do that. Or I could have the nursery opened up and they could sleep there while we have dinner.” The duke had an enormous grin on his face.

  “I think an early dinner would be fine. No need to open up any nurseries. I don’t know that the twins will sleep there with their parents away. We will see you tomorrow?”

  “Tomorrow.” His Grace kissed Gram’s cheeks once more and left with his grandsons.

  I waved good-bye to all three men.

  “You were more accommodating than I thought you might be.” I whispered to my grandfather.

  “He may be a Duke, but I married the only woman he wanted as his duchess. You,” he spoke to Donovan, “ease up on Michael. You could’ve been Harry and Michael combined, had my granddaughter chosen to walk away from you.”

  “Yes, Sir.” Donovan showed only a teeny tiny bit of remorse.

  “Damn! I didn’t think dinner was ever going to end.” Donovan pushed me up against the wall, as threatened earlier, as soon as the door to our room closed. “I’ve wanted to do this to you since we got here.” He pinned me against the wall and lifted me till our bodies were in sync. Twining my arms around his neck and my legs around his, I rubbed the sensitive notch between my legs against his erection, over and over finding pure pleasure even in this act, with all our clothes on.

  “Bed, now!”

  “No. Here.” Donovan pushed me harder against the wall and with one hand under my butt and one hand deftly undoing his pants, he freed himself. I helped him by lifting my dress over my head and displaying the loosely tied underwear and bra. He ripped both off and unable to hold back any longer, placed himself at my opening, not holding out for an invitation.

  I froze with the first push. Maybe because this was still new to me, whenever Donovan first entered me, my body registered shock first, pleasure, second. With each powerful thrust, I was pushed against the wall so hard, I knew I’d have a wall burn when this was all over. At one point, my head fell and my body sagged with pleasure insanely intense, as he impaled me repeatedly, without any sign of respite.

  I grabbed onto his shirt and forced myself to give of the pleasure as much as I was partaking, while in my precarious state. What was first a self-conscious thought of being too heavy to be held up by this man, quickly turned to a violent lust and greed for more. Each push brought on a maddening sensitivity that led me one step closer to my peak. And each pull made me hunger and crave the next assault. Push and pull worked like cylinders to make my engine run.

  “Babe,” he moaned as he was close to his peak. “Come with me,” he begged.

  Something in his beseeching made me clench and grip him tighter than before. He lost himself in me and moaned my name so reverently; I couldn’t help but get lost with him. A stand-up orgasm was as glorious as all the other ones.

  Something about this position made it harder for us to get back to a standing heart rate. I still felt dull pulsations and my body spasmed gracelessly. His breathing was harsh and his body, too, let out random twitches and thrusts that were in comical harmony with my own.

  “Is sex always this good?” I asked when my breathing returned to normal.

  “It’s never been this good, Babe. You bring out the crazed lust in me.”

  I didn’t completely believe him, but I also didn’t let him know what I thought.

  Donovan gently pulled out of me and after cleaning up, we laid naked in bed.

  “Tell me the truth.” I treaded lightly. “Does sex always feel like you’re pleased as hell to be falling off a cliff? I won’t be mad with your answer. I just want to know if this is how it would have felt if I had had other partners.”

  Donovan’s face went completely hard and I knew I’d said the wrong words. “Why the hell do you need to know about sex with other women and men right now?”

  “I was just curious to know what it’s like for others.” Now I was feeling awkward about having brought up this topic. “It’s always so fast paced and frenzie
d for us, whereas in the movies they always show couples making love like they had nothing else to do the rest of their lives.” I turned onto my stomach and faced away from Donovan, hurt. “Sorry. I shouldn’t have asked.”

  “Come here,” he rolled me back to him. “I’m sorry for being a dick. When you mentioned hypothetical sex partners, it pissed me off to think of you with someone else.”

  “Don’t be an idiot.” I laughed. “I haven’t been with anyone.”

  “I know, but the thought of you wondering what it would be like with someone else put me in a hellish mood.” This was one of those incredulous scenarios that warranted no response. “Sex with you is really like no other. I’m not making this up. I’ve told you before—it’s a combination of you being a virgin, you being my future bride, me not wearing a condom—I can’t get enough. I keep thinking I can slow it down and make sweet love to my woman, but once we get going, it’s a race to the finish line.”

  Donovan stopped apologizing with his words and used his mouth instead. And this time, he did his damnedest to make sweet love to me—his woman.

  “Good morning.” I was up first for a change, playing with his five o’clock shadow.

  “What time is it? Are we late for anything?” Donovan grumbled into his pillow.

  “It’s late morning. We’ve missed the 5:30am tee time with the senior citizens, and I was told we were to show up for brunch at 10:30, which is in about ten minutes.”

  “Damn family won’t leave us alone. Let’s order room service and make love again.”

  “No.” I slapped his perfectly formed ass. “We need to be downstairs in ten minutes. Let’s not be late.”

  “Good morning,” I greeted the family. “What’s on the agenda for today?”

  “We are going to take in the sights after the kids take their morning naps.” Emily informed us.

  “We are going shopping because dinner at the Bennington’s is no casual affair.” Gram announced.


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