Our Pet

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Our Pet Page 5

by S M Matthews

  Huh, ‘My three’, obviously some part of my brain has already signed up.

  There is always some genetic variation, I have read, and the occasional oddity, but my three might have a one in several billion chance of being born as I understand it. A traditional family unit is three brothers and one female, who will in turn produce three brothers and another single female. How that gets dictated I have no idea, but it is interesting. About one fourth of the families will go on to produce another full set. Holy hell, 8 kids. A quarter of their population has 8 kids. Mind blown. Apparently it’s pretty normal for a female to maintain pretty much three separate relationships with her males, separate bedrooms, a sleeping rota, nights off, the works. I feel like I’m reading the alien equivalent of an agony aunt article in a shitty magazine. ‘Occasionally females enjoy the company of all her males, usually when coming into heat.’ Oh, wow. Well that’s a thought to file away for very close examination later.

  As a species they have eradicated pretty much every disease and illness going. There is no such thing as a communicable disease amongst them.

  Well, that's my imaginary space crabs abolished at least.

  I flick to the next page on biology, and suddenly I'm up close and personal with an illustration. I am no virgin, and usually not a shrinking violet either when it comes to something I want. This makes me sit back in the chair and just sort of stare for a bit. Trying to just absorb what I’m seeing.

  Because I have to admit, I've never come across a guy with two cocks before. But that then begs the question, where to they go.

  I flick the page, and suddenly decide it is 100% time for bed. How the fuck do you compete with someone who has two vaginas?


  We are all sat together in my room, they’ve given Maisy all the information she needs. She understands what's going on. Now Tark and Abner have decided to drive themselves insane discussing the ‘what ifs?’ of something they have no control over. They are lovesick cubs. “Void help me, why have you two decided you need to do this here?” They’ve been extolling Maisy’s many virtues for what feels like a lifetime, and honestly, I don’t care. My interest in her is purely physical. I haven’t spent anywhere near enough time with her to really know anything about her, other than the smell of her on the ship forces me back into the shower every time I catch a whiff of it. “You need to talk about this with us Pate, you’re as involved as any of us...I mean you’re the one who actually made a move. Like, physically.”

  “Yeah, fine I did, but I have no emotional attachment either way. I’ve got one question for you to answer Tark. Bring up the scans you did when she first got here and tell me there’s holes for my cocks, otherwise she’s out the second we dock.”

  Neither of them says a word, and I can tell by the looks on their faces they are pretty disgusted with me. None of us have ever been with a female. You get your mate, and she is your universe, and that's that for life.

  But she is not one of us, and those rules do not apply. I will continue to stamp down any feelings I have for her, because even though those two are blind to it, this cannot possibly work. The sooner they see that, the better. This will lead to heartbreak, for them, there is no other outcome.

  They skulk out without saying anything more, but I know them, and I know they won’t admit it, but I would bet my top tail they've both gone to check those scans.


  I slept for a few hours, but then I was awake again. I tossed and turned for what felt like ages before I gave up. It was usually chilly while the ship was on ‘night mode’ but tonight I was too warm. I throw off the covers, and my mind wanders to that diagram I’d seen of their...anatomy. Then back to my encounter with Pate. It’s all too easy for my mind to imagine what he would have looked like if that had happened while we were both naked. How easy it would have been for me to reach for him with one...or both hands. My hand slides down and across my stomach, and I tease myself, thinking of his long licks and if I’d been riding his naked thigh, whilst I buck against the cocks trapped between us. I’m driving myself near the edge, my fingertips playing with my clit just how I like it. The thought of all three of them naked and hard is the thing that pushes me over the edge.

  I lie here for a minute, enjoying my post orgasm glow, but it fades fast and I realise I could go again. My itch was not scratched. I also can’t help but think for a minute that I just rubbed one out whilst thinking about aliens. Not normal. But is this going to be it? Is this the new normal? There’s no one here to judge me, is there?

  I get a quick shower and throw on one of the loose dress things, not worrying about belting it, I head for the galley and get myself a drink. I intend to do a bit more reading, see if that puts me back to sleep, but I hear something from on deck, at the end of the hall. I’ll see who’s there and maybe read with company.

  “Can’t sleep either?” It’s Abner’s voice, and the translation trickles from the computer.

  Works for me. To be fair, if I could pick one of them for my first...close encounter, Abner would probably be it. He turns the chair to look over at me. I have an idea as to what I want to do...I just have to see if Abner’s on board or not. I also have to see if I’m committed to this and...is it weird? Is it not weird? I am also not a fan of being left on a space station...so I am sort of on the clock with this.

  Pate’s unpredictable, and that scares me...but it’s a small ship, and I will bump into him again and again. I have no doubt I’ll be up against another wall at some point. But if I can lose my alien V-card when I want, in a situation of my making, maybe I will be able to handle Pate better. These brothers come as a set, and I am going into that part of this with my eyes wide open. I accept one of them, I’m signing up for all three. The thought of all three of them sends a wave of heat through me, and a niggle starts that reminds me that Pate has started an itch in me that I can’t scratch myself.

  I go in.


  I can smell the moment she makes her decision. She walks in and puts her drink down, takes a deep breath like she’s steadying herself. Then turns and stares me down. There’s challenge in it, and it might be the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.

  She glides over, silently, she still has nothing to put on her feet, and she's wearing some long loose thing that disguises her body and her movements, but when she’s close enough to bump against my knees I shift for her, and she climbs willingly up to straddle my thighs. She studies my face, and there’s a moment of indecision there.

  I won’t push her, although that smell seems even stronger now I can smell her arousal as well, her body certainly wants this. So does mine, if I thought my erections were being pinched painfully before, it’s nothing to this. Now I feel like they are being chopped off.

  She reaches out and combs her fingertips through my cheek fur, then investigates higher, around the base of my ear and strokes up to the top. I can’t help the rumble that starts up in my chest, and she giggles at me. Then she digs her fingertips in deeper, more confident, and I lift her out of the chair with me when my hips thrust up on their own. She gasps, and wriggles back a bit so she can reach the fastenings on my trousers, she fiddles with them for a few moments, but then peels the two halves back. Once there’s room, both my erections slide smoothly out of their pouch and the pain stops. Replaced by a new frustration.

  Her mouth is open, and she’s staring.

  For what feels like an absolute eternity, she just sits there, staring. What do her males look like? What Pate said earlier was deliberately meant to hurt us, and I’d managed to keep my curiosity at bay for mere moments before I’d given in and checked the scans. I was pretty sure that this might work, but sitting here watching Maisy be indecisive, I’m now not so sure. I start to doubt this, and as soon as I do, she makes the decision for me. She reaches out with one hand, and grasps my lower cock, the one nearest to her, and starts to delicately investigate the ridges. I grip the arms of the chair so tightly I am amazed they are not groanin
g, and it takes every shred of my will power to sit still and allow her to take what she wants. She gives it one long stroke, and then her other hand moves up and grasps my upper cock. She gives a few, long but firm strokes, and a noise I have never made in my life escapes from between my very tightly clenched teeth.


  Even though I knew exactly what to expect, seeing it in the flesh still surprised the hell out of me.

  After a minute of thought I realised our session was not going to start with kissing. They have quite big fangs , and like a cat, no lips, he seemed to like the fuss though. He sat still and let me investigate his cocks, the skin is smooth and lightly mottled, like his fur, and there are ridges along the back and the front of both. There’s no foreskin, no loose skin surrounding it. They just are how they are, I guess. Once I’d figured out how to undo his trousers, both cocks sort of magically and smoothly slid out of their pouch. I did know what it was called, from the diagram, but I the surprise has driven all thought from my head. When I start stroking, and then bring in the second hand, he makes a noise that made me quite pleased with myself. I’m stalling now though, and I need to decide if I’m going to bite the bullet or not.

  The other option is I leave and go back to bed, and I think I’d be deeply disappointed with that.

  Right, so let’s see what’s behind door number one.

  I let go of him and pull the sack dress completely off. He sits for a moment, looking. If anything was going to highlight our differences, this would be it. But he reaches out, smooths down my neck and shoulders, and down my ribs and back up, he cups my breasts and gently scrapes a claw against both nipples. I can’t help but arch into that, and my insides clench, desperately looking for something to grip onto.

  I am aware of how...different we both are, and it makes me feel naughty and wrong...and yet exhilarated and incredibly aroused all at once.

  He slides his hands down, strokes across my hips and then scrapes all his claws lightly over my bottom, it tickles and thrusts me forward, and I now have to make a decision on how to deal with this. I lift myself up and hold the cock nearest to me, I use my mons to push the other cock away whilst sliding myself onto this cock. I feel every ridge, and it’s tight, but I'm still wet from my not too long-ago orgasm, and I feel like I’ve been aroused for an eternity, my body takes him a bit at a time. I rest my left hand on his shoulder and use my right to grip the other cock. He’s watching, fascinated by his cock entering me. I had intended to stroke this cock whilst fucking the other, but one slow slide along his cock has already shown me a better way, I flatten the palm of my hand against it and pin it against me. It slides through my folds and every one of those ridges sends little shocks through my clit.

  I start to ride him, and his hands go to my hips, lifting me easily to get that last little bit of height, he stays with my rhythm though, and it isn’t long before I’m grinding that upper cock against myself on the way down. It slicks better and better through my folds as my wetness spreads, and my orgasm takes me by surprise, rattling though me as I angle my hips forward to wring more pleasure out of that other cock. My thrust becoming shallow and erratic as I ride out the last little tremors of my orgasm. I hold the other cock away from me now, my clit far too sensitive to take any more for a minute. Once I’ve stopped twitching and settled out my rhythm again I start my original plan of stroking to the same rhythm as my fucking. His cock is rubbing somewhere deep inside me, and now I’ve orgasmed, this is satisfying me in a different way. He only takes a few thrusts more and he’s losing his rhythm, growling as his hot cum splashes onto my breasts and stomach, and I can feel the other pulsing inside me.

  I lie forward onto his chest, and despite the sticky wet cum sandwiched between us, he embraces me.

  So, that was not as weird as I thought it would be. We sit there comfortably for a while, and I feel his cocks slip away from me. My tiredness has suddenly caught up to me, and I’m only just aware of Abner carrying me back to my room.


  Pate’s already sat at the table in the galley when I arrive for breakfast. Abner arrives as I sit with food. We both smell it on him immediately. Maisy.

  “Before either of you say anything, she came to me.”

  Pate leans back in his chair, crosses his arms over his chest, and huffs.

  It takes me a minute to process but… “You think this means she wants us? That she will stay with us?” I get up “I need to go see her.”

  “Calm down a second Tark, she’s still asleep. Actually...If she is going to stay with us, I think we should all have a look at those scans. She is not like our females, not at all. And I think you need to get a translator fitted Tark, today if you can.”

  Pate just nods his agreement.

  “Okay, I’ll get her down to medical when she's awake, I’ll collate what we have and go back over our scans in the meantime and see if I can make it work.”

  I leave half my breakfast and head to medical to get to work. I think I can isolate the right parts of her brain, and the workings of it are not too different to our own, really. The computer is collating all the new data, and I suspect once the implant is in it will need constant updates to keep it up with the new bits of language the ships computer will continue to glean from Maisy. I’m just setting the computer extrapolating the best placement for the implant on the current scans we have, but ideally I will need to run a scan whilst she’s speaking, and listening, to check my placement.

  Not long after, I start checking the physical supplies we have on board, and Maisy arrives in the doorway. “Abner says you think I can have an implant?”

  She’s had a shower, and although she’s smelling fresh I can still smell Abner too. A feeling of...not envy, no, but something else floods through me. A desperate need to join them. To have what he has had with her. I am aware of something that has never occurred to me before, having a mate would bring us closer as brothers, give us a shared purpose, and I desperately want that too.

  “Yeah, but I need to do a few more scans, if that’s okay with you?”

  “Of course, especially if it will make it easier for us to talk...but I still don’t want to be left on some space station.” She’s hopped up on the bed, and I see the computer doing an overall scan, whilst I hold my hand held near to where I think the implant will go.

  “No, I don’t want that either.”

  She’s quiet for a minute but really I need her talking. For the first time ever, I think I feel a bit shy, and I have no idea what to say to her. She takes it out of my hands though.

  “So, I did a fair bit of reading about, you know, biology and stuff, families and…uhm, reproduction, why do you think you three are so different?”

  Well, hasn’t she just gone straight in for the kill. I must have given her some indication of my feelings because she then starts apologising.

  “No, it’s okay. We probably should discuss this. We’re just a bit of an anomaly I guess, most brother packs are very similar, there are always differences if you look for them. Ours are just…very pronounced. It means we don’t fit in as well as everyone else. You need to know what you’re getting into; we travel a lot, you’re going to be spending a lot of time on this ship if you choose to stay with us.”

  “Well, it’s not as though I’ve been inundated with offers.” She laughs.


  Tark’s ears and tails drop and I know instantly I’ve said the wrong thing. Again. He’s just practically admitted that they’ve been rejected their whole lives. If I’m going to choose these guys it is going to have to be exactly that. A wholehearted choice. These big, scary, intimidating, covered in muscles aliens actually have bruised egos, and I might have to take consideration of that. If a magic fairy had appeared two days ago and said ‘Cinderella you shall go back to Earth’, I would have been all over it. Now? Now I’m not so sure. I’d miss them, pretty sure I’m starting to like like them. And although I had a life, and a few people I’d miss, if I went back, I’d spe
nd the rest of my life wondering what I was missing. I’m in space for chrissakes. What would I be missing if I go home now?

  Everything, probably.

  “Hey, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it like that. I do like you guys. Even Pate.”

  That gets a chuff of laughter out of him, and the ears are back up, so I think we are all good. “So, is this going to hurt?”

  “It shouldn’t hurt exactly, but you may very well feel something, like pressure, or a pinch maybe.”

  “And then I will hear you guys like, magically in my head?”

  He chuffs again, “That is how it works for us.” He carries on scanning, occasionally turning and tapping something on the computer. Time to tackle the elephant in the room I guess. “You spoken to Abner today?” He stills, and I know straight away he knows exactly what I’m asking him.

  “Yes,” and the he narrows his eyes a little and his ears go to the sides “I might have”.

  Ah, he wants to play a game does he.

  Unfortunately for them that with all the extra anatomy they are so much more expressive than humans can be; once you know what you’re looking for. “Well, what did you talk about?”

  “Oh, you know, this and that, nothing important really.” The computer is relaying all of Tark’s words to me in a flat, emotionless monotone, but the tone that’s coming out of his mouth is light and playful...and I’m definitely starting to get a handle on their body language.

  “Right, right,” I say. “well, nothing important then.” He turns again to tap something on the computer, and on impulse I grab the top tail. Tark lets out a little ‘yip’ and stands bolt upright. “So, what’s with the tail thing? Abner jumped across the room when I touched his.” I start stroking with my left hand, and hold as close to the base as I can with my right.


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