The Secret Billionaire's Nanny: A Single Dad & Nanny Romance

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The Secret Billionaire's Nanny: A Single Dad & Nanny Romance Page 2

by Kate Hunt

  “Hmm.” She looks around the room, then points to the bed. “Right there. On the corner.”

  “Right here?” I set the hippo down.

  “Perfect,” she says.

  Penelope and I play zoo for most of the morning. Then, while she reads, I fix us lunch. After we eat, we go out to a nearby park for a few hours and then walk the long way home. By the time Lucas gets home, I’m exhausted. But in a good way.

  “Would you like to stay for dinner?” Lucas asks as he gets settled in. He looks tired from his day at work. He looks like he could use a shoulder rub. And before I can stop the thoughts, I wonder how strong his shoulders would feel beneath my fingertips.

  “No,” I say, the word coming out a little too loudly. “Thank you. But I have to get home.”

  He nods. I think I catch a flicker of relief in his eyes. “Okay. Well, thank you for watching Penelope.”

  “We had fun today,” I say.

  I poke my head into the living room to say goodbye to Penelope, then head out to my car. When I turn the key in the ignition, though, the engine sputters and dies. I try again. Still no luck.

  I drop my face into my hands and groan.

  When I go back up to the house and knock, Lucas opens the front door and raises his eyebrows.

  “My car won’t start,” I say. “I’m going to call a tow truck. I just wanted to let you know I’ll be out here for a while.”

  “Let me take a look at it first,” he says. “Hold on. I’ll be out in a minute.”

  A few minutes later, Lucas has the hood of my car propped open and is trying to diagnose what’s wrong. At one point, he thinks he figures it out. But the car still won’t start.

  “Shit,” he says, wiping the grease off his hands onto a rag. “Sorry. I don’t know what’s wrong.”

  “It was nice of you to try,” I say. “I’ll call for a tow.”

  He nods and puts the hood down. “But while you’re waiting, you’ll have dinner with us, okay?”

  Right on cue, my stomach growls.

  “Guess that’s a yes,” I say with a careful smile.

  Tonight, I soon find out, is macaroni and cheese night—plus a big, hearty salad. The meal is delicious, and it’s nice to eat with Penelope and Lucas again. The tow truck shows up midway through our meal, at which point I excuse myself to go take care of that. And I wait until after we’re done eating to pull up a rideshare app on my phone and request a pickup. The app says my ride should be there in ten minutes.

  “Can I watch TV?” Penelope asks.

  “One show,” says Lucas.

  Penelope runs off, and Lucas and I clear the table. Then, even though he protests, I rinse off the dishes and put them in the dishwasher.

  “You didn’t have to do that,” he says.

  “It’s nothing,” I say. I close the dishwasher and dry my hands on a towel. Then I dig my phone out of my pocket to check on the status of my ride. It should be close by now. When I pull up the app, though, there’s a notification that the driver has gotten delayed.

  “Looks like my ride’s still a ways away,” I say.

  Lucas nods. Neither of us says anything for a moment.

  Then he asks, “Do you want a glass of wine?”

  I know I should probably say no. I know I shouldn’t let myself get even close to buzzed around the guy I have unacceptable feelings for.

  But wine does sound really good. And I feel restless without something to do with my hands. I guess as long as I don’t drink very much…

  “Sure,” I say. “Just a little bit, though.”

  I watch as he gets down a couple wine glasses from a cabinet and uncorks a bottle of red. He fills both glasses less than a third of the way up and holds one out to me.

  Our hands don’t touch when the exchange happens, but I still feel a little vibration run up my spine. I bring the glass to my lips and take a sip. It’s really good wine—super smooth and just the right amount of sweet.

  “What is this?” I ask.

  “It’s a Cabernet Sauvignon,” he says. Then he says the exact kind, but the words don’t even register. It sounds fancy, whatever it is. Fancy and expensive.

  “Well, I like it,” I say.

  “It’s one of my favorites,” Lucas says.

  “Are you a big wine drinker?”

  “No,” he says. “But I know what I like.”

  My heart beats a little harder. I take another sip of the wine. Lucas does, too.

  “Oh,” says Lucas. “Before I forget. I want to pay you for the next couple weeks.”

  “In advance?” I say.

  He nods, pulling out his phone. “Yeah. That okay?”

  “Sure. That’s fine.” In truth, I really could use the money now.

  Lucas asks for my info and sends the money over. To make sure it went through, I check on my phone. The notification is already waiting for me. But to my shock, he’s accidentally sent me $22,000 instead of the $2,200 he should have sent to pay me for the next two weeks.

  “Um,” I say, flipping the phone around to him, “this was an accident, right?”

  Lucas takes one look at the screen and laughs. “Shit. Yeah. Guess I hit the zero one too many times.”

  “I’ll send it right back. Minus what you should have paid me.”


  I initiate another transfer and Lucas checks his phone to make sure it went through.

  “All good,” he says, looking up from his screen. He grins. “Man. I need to be more careful about that, huh?”

  I laugh. But it strikes me as kind of nuts that he’s so calm about the mistake. If I had just accidentally sent that much money to someone, even someone I trusted, I’d have a heart attack.

  Maybe he’s better off than I realize.

  Who cares how well off Lucas is, though? It’s not like it makes any difference to me. And even if we weren’t in this situation right now—even if, hypothetically, we were dating—I wouldn’t care. I mean, yes, I like money. I like to be able to pay my rent. But I’ve never cared about expensive things.

  Although…this expensive-tasting wine is pretty damn good.

  I down my last sip of it and then check my rideshare app again. The driver is only a few blocks away now.

  “Looks like my ride’s here,” I say, and move to the sink to wash out my wine glass. “Thanks for dinner. And the drink.”

  Lucas smiles. “Anytime.”

  Chapter Four


  I’ve just gotten back to my desk from an agency-wide meeting when my cell phone rings. I almost ignore it, because I’ve got a billion emails to go through before my next meeting, but something prompts me to see who’s calling.

  It’s Sophia.

  “Hi, Sophia,” I say, pressing the phone to my ear. “Is everything okay?” As a dad, my first thoughts are always worried ones about my kid.

  “Oh, everything’s fine,” she says. “I’m sorry to bother you at work. I just have a quick question. Penelope’s friend invited her over for a sleepover. Her friend’s name is Julie. Is it okay if Penelope goes?”

  “Yeah, that’s fine,” I say. “You don’t mind dropping her off?”

  “Of course not.”

  “Great. Thanks.”

  We hang up and I get back to work. I manage to get through most of the emails before I have to run off to my other meeting. The rest of the day is full of the usual chaos of last minute changes to projects and more meetings and more emails.

  Finally, it’s time to head home. On my way out, I remember Sophia’s phone call and decide to pick up some takeout on my way home, since I’ll be eating by myself tonight. An evening of vegging out sounds perfect right now.

  When I get back to the house, though, I’m surprised to see Sophia’s car parked out front. My first thought is that she had car trouble again and wasn’t able to drive Penelope to her friend’s house.

  I walk into the house and hear footsteps on the stairs.

  “Oh,” says Sophia, see
ing me as she comes down. “Hi. I just had to come back to grab Penelope’s pajamas for her. She forgot to pack them.”

  “Gotcha,” I say, it all making sense now. It’s not the first time Penelope has forgotten to pack something when she goes over to a friend’s house for the night.

  “Well, have a good evening,” Sophia says.

  I don’t want her to go, though. Even though I know it’s dangerous for us to be alone, I really don’t want her to go.

  “Wait,” I say. “Do you want some dinner first?”

  Sophia smiles, amused. “For the third night in a row?”

  I shrug. “I got takeout. It’s too much for just me.”

  “So you’ll have leftovers.”

  “I won’t eat them.”

  “That’s wasteful of you.”

  “Exactly,” I say. “Which is why you should have dinner with me.”

  She hesitates. But then she nods. “Okay. I guess the pajama delivery can wait.”


  We get plates out and divvy up the food. We eat at the kitchen bar this time instead of the dining table. While we eat, I ask how things have been going with Penelope, and she tells me about the adventures they had today.

  “How was work?” she asks.

  “Busy,” I say. “That’s nothing new, though.”

  “Penelope said there was a ‘bring your kid to work day’ a few months ago. She seemed in awe of your office.”

  “Yeah. That was a fun day.”

  “She said she wants to do what you do someday.”

  Lucas laughs. “That’s sweet. If she’d had the chance to see what her mom did, though, I’m guessing she’d find that even more appealing. Her mom was a modern dancer. And she was incredible at it.”

  “I didn’t know that,” says Sophia.

  I nod. “I don’t know if Penelope has mentioned it yet, but her mom passed away.”

  “She told me.” Sophia puts her fork down. “I’m so sorry.”

  I nod, not looking at her.

  “You must miss her,” she says.

  “I do,” I say. “But life goes on. Kids keep on growing up…new people come into your life…” I glanced up at her. “I’m glad you’re here, Sophia. Penelope really likes you.”

  “I like her, too.”

  Something shimmers between us. Fuck, I wish I could kiss Sophia right now. And everything in her eyes is telling me that she wants me, too.

  But we can’t. Right? She’s my nanny. Technically, I’m her boss. It would be wrong. So wrong.

  Sophia breaks our gaze, and the moment passes.

  Somehow, we manage to finish the rest of our dinner acting like everything’s completely normal. Cleaning up is quick. And then there’s no more reason for Sophia to stay. She looks in the direction of the front door, which she should be walking toward right now.

  But then she looks at me, and I look at her.

  And I can’t stand it anymore.

  I reach for her hand. She lets me take it. She threads her fingers through mine and squeezes.

  “We shouldn’t do this,” she whispers.

  “I know,” I say.

  “But I want to, Lucas. So, so much.”

  I lean down and kiss her forehead. Then her temple. Then the apple of her cheek.

  Letting out a little sigh, she angles her head up and presses her mouth to mine.

  Our first kiss is electric. That’s the only way I can describe it. It takes over all of my senses. Then I feel her hands on my belt buckle, desperate to get it open, and within seconds, she’s got me undone. Feverishly, I tear off her shorts, followed by her panties. Sliding my fingers between her legs, I feel how wet she already is.

  “I’m on the pill,” she murmurs. “And I’m clean. Are you?”

  I nod. I can barely see straight, I want her so much.

  “Good,” she says, and gives me a sultry smile.

  “God, you’re beautiful,” I whisper and kiss her again. Then I push her up against the wall. I grab my cock and line it up with her slick entrance. She gasps when I push myself into her. I fuck her slowly at first, giving it to her in deep, long strokes. But as she digs her fingers into my shoulders, I increase my speed.

  She presses her mouth to my ear, her breath already high and ragged.

  “Oh, God,” she gasps. “Oh, God.”

  I turn my face and claim her mouth with mine. Our tongues slide against each other. She tastes sweet, like honeysuckle. Her fingers dig deeper into my shoulders and her whole body begins to quake. She lets out a cry against my mouth.

  And as she bucks against me, it sends me over the edge, too. I spill into her uncontrollably, my vision going white at the peak of pleasure.

  “Fuck,” I groan, and kiss her again.

  I’m still kissing her after the orgasm is long over. Finally, I pull out of her, and look at her pretty face.

  “You’re incredible.”

  Sophia laughs. Her cheeks are still flushed. Her lips are pink and swollen. “You’re not too bad yourself.”

  I kiss her again. Then, slowly, we get dressed. Sophia checks the time and sighs.

  “I really should get those pajamas over to Penelope,” she says. “Shit. How am I going to explain what took me so long?”

  “Trust me,” I say. “She won’t care. She’ll be too distracted by her friend.”

  “Okay. But if she does ask, I’m blaming you.”

  “Blame me all you want,” I say. I pull her toward me and give her another kiss. “Actually, you know what? I think you need to be delayed even longer.”

  Chapter Five


  In the days that follow, I feel weightless. I kind of can’t believe that Lucas and I slept together, but it also feels inevitable, you know? Even though we’ve only known each other a few days, it feels right.

  It feels so, so right.

  On Saturday morning, I wake up feeling a little wistful that it’s my day off from nannying. It’s not just that I’m sad that I won’t get to see Lucas today. I already miss Penelope’s company, too.

  But just then, my phone chimes. I grab it and see a text from Lucas.

  Pen and I are driving out to the beach today. Feel like coming along?

  I smile, but then I hesitate. Does he mean as Penelope’s nanny? Not that I would mind that, but I wish it was clearer.

  As if he’s read my mind, another text pops up on the screen.

  I should have clarified. I’m asking you if you want to come along for fun. Not to look after Pen. I’ll be the one doing that.

  I don’t even have to think about it. I tell him yes.

  The beach is beautiful. Sure, it’s a little crowded. But that doesn’t take away from how wonderful it is to be there. Within a few minutes of arriving, Penelope even spots some of her friends from school and runs off to play with them.

  “She knows how to swim, right?” I ask Lucas.

  “Yep, she does,” he says. Then, looking at me over his sunglasses, he says, “Hey. I thought I told you that you don’t have to worry about looking after her today.”

  “I know, I know,” I say. “I just can’t help it.”

  “Well, try.” He shakes out a beach towel and lays it over the sand. “Come on. Let’s relax.”

  I peel off my clothes and lay down in my swimsuit. Lucas takes off his shirt and gets onto the beach towel next to me. He looks absolutely delicious in his swim trunks. I wish I could straddle him right now.

  He catches me staring at him. “Jesus. You should see your face.”

  “Sorry,” I say, laughing. “I can’t help myself.”

  “Believe me, I’m having a hard time controlling myself, too,” he says. Then he leans over to kiss me—chastely, since we’re in public—and whispers, “More later.”

  I swallow, feeling my nipples grow hard under my swimsuit. I have to turn away from him to reel myself in. Luckily, looking out at the ocean and focusing on everything else around us does the trick.

  As I’
m absorbing our surroundings, a couple of women walk by where we’re relaxing. They look over at Lucas and myself, then one of them leans over to the other and says something. The other woman laughs and glances at us again as they walk past.

  “What the hell was that?” I ask Lucas. “Do you know them?”

  Lucas lifts his head and looks over at the two women, who are a few dozen feet away from us now. He sighs. “Yeah. Their kids go to Penelope’s school.”


  “Don’t worry about them.”

  I nod. But now all I can think about is a clique of mothers gossiping about how Lucas is sleeping with his nanny. Maybe coming to the beach with him and Penelope was a bad idea.

  “Hey,” says Lucas, gently rubbing my back. “Seriously. Don’t worry about it.”

  “No, I know I shouldn’t care,” I say. “It’s just…I’m a little sensitive about that kind of thing. Gossip, I mean. Because of some stuff that happened when I was a kid.”

  Lucas frowns. “What are you talking about?”

  I never expected to be talking about baggage like this so soon with Lucas—it’s the kind of stuff that usually doesn’t come up until further into a relationship. But it feels necessary to explain myself. And I feel safe talking to him about it, so I may as well.

  “When I was in middle school,” I say, “this girl started a rumor about me that I would let guys feel me up if they paid me a dollar. I was a total goody two-shoes, and nobody believed her. But then this boy in our class started telling everyone that it was true, that I’d let him do it. And that I’d liked it so much that I’d let him keep his dollar. And…that I’d let him do more than just feel me up, too.”

  “What the fuck?” Lucas says.

  “I know,” I say. “Kids can be so cruel. It’s awful.”

  “I’m sorry, Sophia.”

  I shrug. “It’s in the past. And it’s not like it ruined my life or anything. But I’m still pretty sensitive to gossip.”

  “I don’t blame you. That’s messed up.” He gives my arm a gentle squeeze.

  Penelope comes running up to us just then, holding hands with one of her friends.


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