A Desert King's Obsession

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A Desert King's Obsession Page 16

by Christine Gray

  "I'm not planning on going anywhere, so…"

  He lets the sentence dangle between us, and I'm gonna let it.

  "Listen, I want to finish school for the pride of knowing that I did it. It's been a struggle, and I'm not going to give it up to be at your beck and call. Shit, you have a life to keep you busy," I point out.

  "And so will you. As my wife, you will have things you must see to."

  "Oh, so I'm going to be running a department of your government? Nah, I didn't think so. Okay, then what you're talking about is the fluff shit that a first lady does like…I don't know…saving the whales and climate control awareness. You know, the stuff to make her seem like she's doing something so she isn't bored and her feelings don't get hurt to realize that she has no real power. Is that what you're talking about?" I question sarcastically.

  "I don't care for your description," he grunts.

  "And I don't care to be played for a fool, Shahid. I lost an arm, not my eyes or my brain. I don't want to be your little woman," I snap.

  He taps his finger on his starched trousers while he stares at me in thought.

  "No, I didn't think you would. How long is left for your degree?"

  I shrug. "Another year and a half if I stop with the AA, longer if I go for more."

  "Perfect." He smirks. "That's more than enough."

  I wanna know his plan, but he refuses to share what he's cooking up. All he does is promise to tell me later. Instead, he shuts me up with a tour of the house in hopes that I'll drop the subject.

  I decline to see our floor. It's something to do later. Hoppng on the elevator, he presses the down button. Skipping the entry level with the sitting rooms, formal dining room, library, kitchen, sunroom, an indoor garden, and huge outside deck, we stop on floor B1. My parents had, well, my mama still has a bit of money. She would have more to show for it if she wasn’t pissing it away to save my dad everytime he came crying. However, there's rich and then there's nasty, bloated, stinking, disgusting rich. Then there's Shahid.

  To know that this is the life he's offering me is scary as hell. Like I said, we all dream of striking oil, but when it happens, it knocks you on your ass. You can't help but wonder, why me? You get the jitters knowing just how quick it can all end with one bad investment, one major slip up, or in my case, falling out of favor with this man. I guess that's why the first thing on a chick's mind is catching a baby to secure that purse. Even still, I know I would be no match for Shahid and his power if he ever wanted his baby, which would leave me right back at square one, but worse because I've lived the life, tasted the fruits, and experienced the man. Yes, I'm thinking all of this shit while I should be dazzled and in awe of all the crap he's showing me on the tour. I can't be like other hoes that get too comfortable.

  "I'm a pink rooster from Mars that shits copper bricks."

  "Really? That's really um , what?!" I frown swirling around to find him leaning on the door frame of the sauna.

  "You weren't listening," he confirms.

  "I caught bits and pieces," I promise with a sexy smile.

  "Listen, you need to get off that foot anyway," he says, drawing me to his hard body. "Get out of that boot, and you can explore our floor while lunch is being made," he suggests. "I have to see what my brother's up to anyway."

  I nod. Forcing me to give him my eyes with a finger under my chin, I don’t have time to hide my insecurities. "You shine too damn bright not to be seen. I never want to change you, Chione."

  Leaning down, he seals it all with one helluva kiss. Father God, I pray he means it because I never want this feeling to end.



  Behind closed doors, I make myself a tall whiskey before I dial up Yas. The harsh liquor doesn’t have a chance to touch my lips before I’m slamming the glass back down on bar.

  “Come again,” I growl.

  The report is far worse than I could have imagined. Fist balled, I chop down on my knuckles in anger.

  “How the fuck did it happen?”

  To the best of his ability, Yas tries to make sense of it all. Annoyed, I end the call to get it from the jackass’ mouth.

  “Chadli,” I speak in a strained voice as the whiskey burns its way to my gut. I need it now.

  “Now’s not a good—”

  “Get the fuck up and wipe it off, ‘cause I want to know how the hell you started fuckin’ with my guest,” I hiss.

  I can hear the commotion of music. I think there are violins in the background as he moves to a more private location.

  “First off, I had no idea who the fuck she was. I thought she was a gift for me. You know, pussy to keep me from making trouble,” he explains in his defense.

  “And you dipped your dick without asking,” I fume.

  “How the hell would it look for me to be pumping her for information?”

  “No, you just pump her with cock,” I grunt.

  “She thinks I’m you, asshole,” he snaps, “Don’t you think I should’ve known about her already?”

  “How did she get there anyway? She was supposed to be in Egypt getting her affairs in order.”

  If it weren’t for the mellow sounds in the background, I would have thought the call dropped.

  “You know what she planning, don’t you?”

  I close my eyes tight. The hurt in his voice is searing. I swallow down the same lump I felt when I got the call months ago from Sadè. I know that events in life can strip a person to the bone to leave them soulless without a hope in the word. I just never thought to classify Sadè as one of those people. She seemed so strong, positive. Or maybe that’s what she wanted us all to believe. That everytime life fucked her in the worsest of ways, she was handling it…until the scales tipped too much against her.

  “You need to let her be, Chadli,” I whisper.

  “You motherfucker! How can you just sit by and—”

  “It’s her call. You think I’m jumping for joy, huh? You think I didn’t talk my throat dry, trying to show her another way? I’ve known her a lot longer than you, bro.”

  Nothing for a second.

  “I’ve found my diamond, Shahid.”

  I rest my head on the cool wall as I process my brother’s words. Of all the women he could have fallen in love with. Then again, I’m not surprised. Sadè is one special woman. That fact alone made it so hard for me to accept her wishes for her future.

  “Tell her who you really are. I’m not saying it will change the course she’s on, but it may give you a bit of leverage,” I suggest.

  “And what if it doesn’t?”

  Taking a deep breath, I toss my head back to stare at the ceiling. “Then you enjoy the time she shares with you, and when she’s ready to let go, you let go,” I mumble.

  “I pray you never have to walk those same steps, brother, because I’ll be damned if I’m gonna. I’ll be damned if I’m rolling over.”

  “I’m coming to Dubai.” The words are out of my mouth before I even realize it. “All I want is rest.”

  Chadli laughs. “Oh, bro, the battle for love never ends, but it’s easier with a unified front.”

  “Or when the number of skeletons isn’t so many.” I sigh.

  “Well, your return is only going to add to the bone pile, you know that?”

  “At this point, I don’t care,” I remark, honestly.

  We make arrangements to see each other in a few days or less. I’ve never been so tired in my life. I want to give in and take Chione and run away, but I won’t. At least, not right now. For the first time, there is a nagging doubt that the hunter won’t come back victorious. That the warrior may lose the land and the kingdom in his attempt to have it all.


  No matter how much he laughs, I can feel it. There’s something not right. Ever since he came back from talking to his brother, he’s been in two places. I don’t know, but whatever is going on, his mind has him a bit on edge. It’s like he’s looking over his shoulder, almost expect
ing a shoe to drop. Feeding off of him has put me in a mood that I’ve been trying to fight off all dinner long.

  Chasing the honey-roasted duck with a sip of red wine, I go in. “Are you gonna tell me what’s up?”

  See! He blinks as if he had forgotten I was sitting across from him.

  “My brother has fallen in love with the wrong woman.”

  Notching my eyebrow, I can feel myself getting pissed. “From the wrong side of the tracks?” I ask.

  “No, but she’s unavailable and unwilling to give him what he wants, which is everything. I’m rooting for him, though,” he adds mindlessly.

  I fish my tongue around my mouth as I watch him closely. “Is that all?”

  Meeting my seeking eyes, I can see that there’s more distracting.

  “I love you, Chione. I want to make you happy, but there has to be compromise and patience,” he finishes.

  I move to lay my fork on the stiff, white tablecloth.

  “I’m just happy for today, Shahid. You’re the one offering tomorrow,” I remind him.

  “Baby, you are my tomorrow and my end. I have been working, moving my life around to make room for you. You have changed me in so many ways to make me a better leader.”

  Forgive me if I’m a bit doubtful in his words.

  “In what ways?” I ask, hoping that somewhere in his explanation will give me insight into what’s going on.

  “Laws have been amended to allow for me to marry as I see fit. I’m marrying for love, not for country. Even still, certain appearances must be carried out. I also recognize your desire to be independent. I understand that you don’t want your meals to come just from my hand. So, I have begun funding schools for women that want to learn a trade or more if they have the ability for higher education.”

  Slack-jawed, I am floored by his confession.

  “Oh shit! I know that didn’t go over too well,” I reply, knowing the seriousness of what he’s doing. He isn’t just changing the laws. He’s changing a culture.

  “No, it isn’t.” he sighs. “A lot of people are either angry or scratching their heads in wonder. I have created a council to oversee and take stock in what many trade schools need for women need to thrive. I have given grants to many of those institutions to signal the change. My spokesmen have begun a campaign in many of the poor villages in hopes of changing the old mindsets of many households.”

  “Hell, you think those men really care about who’s bringing in the money if they are able to come up?”

  “Yes, they do, Chione. It’s all right when a woman isn’t making more, but when it flips, some men’s pride can’t take it. Shit, some women’s egos can’t handle surpassing their husbands either.”

  I open my mouth to debate and then snap it shut. I don’t see the lie in what he’s saying. That kinda thing happens all the time.

  “Then there’s the issue of women that don’t want to be more. They are happy being the property of their husband and home, which isn’t my place to try to show them otherwise. So, as I said, compromise and patience,” he stresses again.

  A deep frown creases my forehead. For the life of me, I can’t get to the meat of what he’s trying to say. Oh, I understand that Rome wasn’t built in a day, and people’s minds and ways of doing things can’t be changed with a stroke of a pen to paper. But what the fuck does that have to do with me?

  Repositioning myself in the plush straight-back chair, I’m ready to press for answers only to go deathly still at the sight that emerges out of the candlelight behind Shahid. I take my time to make sure I’m processing the scene correctly. Suddenly, it all clicks. The reason for us staying in an expensive suite. The reason for not going to the upper floors, his odd behavior, and that lesson on comprise and patience. This motherfucker is running a game.

  “Sire, I thought you were ready for me.”

  My cold eyes dart back to Shahid. I want to read his face. I want to see his reaction in real time at the sound of the soft, accented voice coming from behind him. He flinches and tenses as an expression I can’t describe settles to mask the man I thought I knew. He hides his eyes under hooded lids to stare at an unseen spot on the table.


  His deep, emotionless tone sends a chill up my spine. He’s off. I’m not the woman. She can’t see his face, but his voice should have been enough of a warning that the bitch needed to run. Here I’m thinking the shaking of her body is because she had finally gotten a clue. No, instead it’s her way of putting me down.

  “She is disfigured.” She trembles in fake horror. “Your mercy has no limits, Sire.”

  I bite down hard until I pierce a layer of skin in my jaw. Glancing over the woman, I acknowledge two arms, two shapely legs, and everything else in between that the sheer cover-up reveals to the eyes, which is every fuckin’ thing; big breasts, a flat stomach, shaved pussy. The hoe is pretty with her large doe eyes and long, thick hair.

  “Did I request for you?” Shahid finally speaks. Pinning me with his gaze, I can’t look away.

  “No, but because you’re back, I—”

  “Assumed,” he supplies the word. “You assumed even though I have made my intention very clear.”

  He still hasn’t turned to look at the woman.

  Smirking at me from over his head, she continues to speak. “Yes, your intentions. I come to you to see if they have changed.”

  He nods his head, silently while he picks up his glass. He takes a long drink of his favorite whiskey.

  “Compromise,” he whispers, which I don’t know why ‘cause it carries in the still space. “Patience and understanding for the cruel man I have I to be as ruler.”

  Standing, he refuses to cast his gaze upon the woman. Grabbing a chair, he positions it off to the side of the table.

  “Come sit, Nargis.” He motions.

  I want to shake my head in warning, but I know the bitch can’t see. What she was hoping to get out of crashing this party isn’t what is coming. Shahid warned me he’s a ruthless son of a bitch on many occasions. To be honest, deep down, I know he’s got to be in control of all he does. Swallowing hard, I buckle myself in.


  This is it. You see, you might have thought my father was just talking about Chione finding out about the women. No, he was also talking about if she would be able to handle seeing the real me. The me that hides just below the surface. The me that I fight to keep in check every goddamn time a motherfucker thinks of crossing me. The punisher, the equalizer, the ruler, the killer all wrapped up in sheikh’s clothing, which is the running joke.

  I watch her movements. I take note of the lust in her eyes as she comes to take the chair. I read the nastiness in the stare she gives Chione before all I see is the top of her head. Without a sound, I slip out of my dinner coat, tossing it to the side. Taking my time, I roll up my sleeves. Chione must know I’m about to do something. I touch my finger to my lips to signal for her to remain quiet.

  “Nargis is one of the women gifted to me by the nobles of my country. Her father is a fat, odious, lazy, cross-eyed merchant that aspires for greatness.”

  My tone doesn’t change. However, her smug expression does. Fishing out my cell, I type while I talk.

  “I won’t lie to you, Chione. I never will lie,” I promise. “I’ve fucked her. I’ve done it a few times even while you and I were friends at the beginning, but I haven’t been with her in over a year. Pretty girl, don’t you agree?” I ask Chione.

  She nods, feeling uncomfortable as I pet the woman’s head.

  “Like my father, I have no wife. I have no children, and those that want to control my dick have given me women in hopes that I’ll at least produce an heir. Women who are no more than property, rented pussy with the bragging rights to the nobleman that was able to get me to yield.”

  Tangling her hair into a tight rope around my balled fist, I jerk back on her head. I shake it like a rag doll before forcing it back at a painful angle. Leaning down, I growl something in
Arabic into her ear. Chione can’t watch this shit. Getting to her feet, she pauses when the door to our private dining room opens. More women, Jul, the head of staff that I met this morning, and a helluva of a lot more people than she knew were in the house, flood the room.

  Shoving Nargis' head away, I stand back to my full length. I give Chione a warning glare and then turn to the others in the room.

  “Ayesha, Almira, Qistina.”

  Hearing their names, two young women and one older one step forward with their heads bowed.

  “That’s not necessary,” I tell them.

  With confidence, the three attach their eyes to me. Breaking from the ranks of the others, Father and Ma stand off to the side.

  “These are a few of the women that make up my household. I recall telling you about the changes I have put into action with the mind of making you my wife. Well, Ayesha and Almira, meet the woman that is to blame for your new life.” I gesture with a wave of my hand.

  As I knew their reaction would be, Ayesha and Almira rush to Chione, spooking the hell out of her. Almira in front with Ayesha slightly behind her to show status, they bow at Chione’s feet. Taken aback, she looks to me for help.

  “Allah be praised. I have a future, a hope because of the heart you have changed. For this, I pledge my life to thee.”

  “Then you have others like Nargis,” I speak in pure disgust. “Those that only want to serve from the view down on her knees. “

  No shame, Nargis stands, putting what she has to offer on full display. The baring of her sharp fangs in pure disgust mar her breathtaking beauty.

  “How can the monkey swing through the trees to fetch bananas with one arm? It’s best to kill it before another does,” spits Nargis followed by her actually spitting on Chione’s shirt.

  I barely make a step. True to their recent training, Almira maneuvers with speed and grace. In one move, she has the long dagger concealed under her black Jilbab in hand. A swift swing of her hand proves her skills as she draws blood from Nargis' neck. No one dares move. Shit, is anyone breathing at his point? Narrowing my eyes, I try but fail to get a read off of Chione’s open stare. Strolling past me, Qistina approaches Nargis.


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