The Requisite Records of a Misplaced Hero (The Misplaced Hero Book 1)

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The Requisite Records of a Misplaced Hero (The Misplaced Hero Book 1) Page 7

by Envy Mercury

  The cul-de-sac ended with what looked like a potion shop. It had a simple wood sign. I couldn’t really read it, which was strange because I could understand everyone and communicate- something for future me to figure out. The little dwarf man waved me forward to come towards the door.

  “This is as far as I can go, but this is where you need to be,” the dwarf told me.

  “You’re not going to come in too?”

  “Eh, I can’t really. I owe the potion maker money, you see. I don’t think he would be happy to see me. Could you let him know that Dulan sent you his way? Might get me back in his good graces again if he knew I was sending him some more business.”

  I pointed off to the side a distance away. “Yeah, I can let him know. Just go wait over there.”

  “You will keep our bargain?” He fidgeted a little, and I knew his pain well.

  “I am a man of my word friend, I will if things work out in here.”

  “Good luck, er… what be your name?”


  I saw his eyes widen a little, and a few different expressions cross his face. “You wouldn’t be… Eh, never mind, good luck.” He walked over to where I would meet up with him later.

  I pushed open the door and walked in. A little bell chimed, announcing me. Plants were surrounding all the walls, some strange odors hit my nose. A sales counter, and another smaller man was standing behind it. I think he was a dwarf as well. I hadn’t been paying great attention to everything but potential trouble earlier, and I realized that maybe I was in a district of the city that was mostly dwarfs.

  He looked up from what he was reading and gave me a small nod. “I welcome you into my potion shop. I am Bangrim, the owner and potion master. What can I do for you today?”

  “Good day. What kinds of potions do you sell?”

  He chuckled at my question. He leaned on the counter and gave me a smile that you get from a working person, and they really don’t really mean the happy expression on their face. “Mostly any kind, unless it is something particularly rare. You know, hard to come by ingredients. If it can be made, I have it.”

  “Interesting…” I paused, so it seemed I was looking around a little. “You know… I need a certain type of medicine. You see, I haven’t been feeling very well. Sweats and then some trembling.” I kept browsing as I spoke with him.

  “You don’t say.”

  “Yeah, I left my other medicine pretty far from here, so I need a replacement, so I don’t get sick. I bumped into… Dulan.” I looked at him and raised my eyebrows. I had to watch him and to feel him out. “He suggested I come to see you. He told me you have the best potions, and there would probably be one here that would help out my symptoms.”

  He stood there for a while, thinking. Then he finally answered. “Well, in your case, we have three different types. They rank from potency and also price. To remedy what you have, we have lower-priced ditch grass weed, followed by poppy beer,” he cleared his throat. “Then lastly, I have bog marrow.” He studied me with a firm gaze, waiting to see how I would react or if I would put off any tells. I figured if it was like my world, what he just told me wasn’t a list of standard items carried in a potion shop.

  “Which one does Dulan normally purchase?”

  “Poppy beer.”

  “I like quality, but the rest depends on price, Bangrim.” He wasn’t a big haggler, but I basically worked in the fact that if I had a decent first deal. I would more than makeup for it as a repeat customer. As a man of my word, I got Dulan a poppy beer and then some bog marrow for myself.

  I met Dulan out where I had told him to wait. He was pacing pretty frantically when I walked up to him. He was mumbling to himself when I interrupted the circles he was creating with his feet.

  “Here, Dulan, I am a man of my word.”

  He looked ecstatic like a kid on Christmas morning. “Oh! Thanks, Boss!” He greedily took the small vial from my hand and put it with his other one. “What did you get to fix your ailments?”

  “I got a small container of bog marrow,” I explained. “Not sure how good it is, but it sounded like it was the best.”

  He eyed me for a while. His expression was one of concern. “Aye, bog marrow is pretty potent stuff. Be sure to only use a tiny bit… just a wee pinch.”

  “That strong?”

  “Powerful Boss, it’s not really my potion of choice. Outstanding quality, I just have certain issues with it, but everyone enjoys different things.”

  I waved him off and started to head back to Yumi’s guild. I didn’t want to try something in an area I didn’t know. Never a good idea when you didn’t realize the effects of a new drug. I just hoped it would make me feel better. Bangrim assured me that it would. I made my way back with faster progress from knowing where I was going now.

  Tick… Tick… Tick…

  I stopped a little early before arriving back at the guild. I didn’t want to be in a strange place. I also didn’t want to use my newly acquired item in front of everyone. I eagerly pulled out the small container and opened it. I was astonished by what I discovered. It looked like bright pink and purple eyeshadow. It was very sparkly, and if powder could win a beauty pageant, this would take first place. I carefully pinched out a minimal amount and brought it up to my nose. Bangrim told me that you needed to inhale it in through your nose. That made sense. I snorted it up into my nose.

  The effects were instantaneous. In an instant, my whole body felt better. My shaking reduced in frequency, and my mind sharpened. Shortly after, my perspiration decreased. The aches went away, and I felt like a new man. I could see why this bog marrow was top shelf. I felt tingling in my hands as the mana flowed throughout my body. It was more noticeable now and easily found to summon it up. I couldn’t see how anyone wouldn’t like this stuff. It was fucking great. This relieved me of the issue that tagged along with me when I came to this world. Everything was looking up.


  There was a massive explosion.

  I fell over from the shock of the blast, trying to steady myself as I took in the scene. There was smoke everywhere, in the sky, and blooming out of the entryway of Yumi’s guild. I was trying to process the event that just happened. The main thought that I had at the forefront of my mind was my concern for my new friends’ safety. There was an ache in my racing heart. What if this was the end of everything new that I came to know? There were some screams and some shouts. In between the short silences, there were faint shrieks and moaning. I saw people moving between the smoke and the flames as I clenched my fists and bit my lip. I was Rezner. I needed to help.

  “Mecci! Lady Yumi!” I yelled at the top of my lungs. Were they all alright? Then I thought of everyone else in here too. It looked like a bomb went off. I was assuming that’s what happened. Who knew in this world? I was only guessing at this point. I sprinted to the building, holding my cloak over my face, ignoring my burning eyes. The smoke made my eyes watery, my improved senses helped compensate for that issue. It felt as if I could hear and see everything.

  “It… hurts…”

  Where was that coming from? It originated from my left. I looked in that direction and saw some debris that I think use to be the bar. I went closer. Even with my heightened senses, it was still hard to tell. The blast area appeared to be isolated by the entryway.

  “Where are you!” I yelled, right as I noticed a smaller hand under some rubble. There was some blood. That would have been an understatement, as there was a lot of blood, it didn’t look right. “Hold on,” I said as I pushed myself closer to the person. Examining the debris, it appeared whoever was trapped in them went under the bar to take cover, but that only did so much as the bar was no match to the explosion, and some of it was crushed in.

  Remembering some basic emergency techniques, I knelt down and looked into the mess of a bar as much as I could. I could probably lift it up, but I also wanted to make sure I didn’t make the situation worse when the wood shifted around.
It was the smaller cat girl Mew. I started to clear away some of the scraps at the top and worked my way down, tossing them to the side with reckless abandon. She was making sounds of displeasure from inside the destruction of wood, which made me work at my task at more incredible speed. I made my way to the main pieces of the bar that were still together, pinning her down. I began to lift with all the strength I could muster. “I’ve got you, Mew!”

  Finding some leverage, I pushed the wood with a heave and a bit of struggle. I lifted it as to not put pressure on her small body. She was lying on her stomach and appeared to be in pretty rough shape.

  “Master!” I heard Mecci shout from the front of the building. She must have been outside when this happened.

  “I’m fine! I’m here! Are you ok!?”

  “I was far away from the blast, Master! I went outside looking for you when the blast occurred shortly after I left!”

  Examining Mew, it appeared she didn’t have serious injuries that stood out besides bleeding, nothing broken, it seemed. She groaned a little when I picked her up in my arms and began to carry her out the back exit because it was closer. Her small body seemed so fragile, her cat ears lying back on her head. Her eyes were closed with salty streams running from them that twinkled in the sunlight. Just because someone was a shit to me didn’t mean they should die. I was worried about her.

  “Is that Mew?” Yumi asked as I bumped into her out the backside of the building.

  “Yeah… Yeah, I think so,” I replied to Yumi as she walked with me. I took Mew and gently set her on the ground. Yumi was standing with her hand on her sword, surveying the damage. Mecci came up and kneeled by me and gave a look towards the guild master. “Are you safe and well, Yumi?”

  “Yes, I was outside back here. I am ok.”

  “This is the one that had you put in jail, Master?” Mecci asked me.

  “Yes, she is the one that pulled that.”

  “I see.”

  “I won’t allow her to die, I can’t. I don’t care if she caused me trouble.”

  “She looks like she just lost a lot of blood. I can burn the wound closed,” Mecci said as she raised a finger.

  “No… no, hold on,” I said. “Let me try something.” I thought about first aid kits and what I needed when I was hurt. I held her arm where her cut was. It was pretty deep, going across her forearm. There was a deeper puncture in one section. I concentrated, and there was a bit of light I noticed while my eyes were closed. When I opened them, there was a bandage on her arm like hospitals used in my world. I let out a sigh of relief as it appeared to be holding and slowing down the blood loss. I took off my cloak and put it around her to keep her warm, then I positioned her in my lap to make her more comfortable. I just sat holding her. I looked up and saw Mecci sitting across from me, smiling at me. Yumi was looking back towards me and had a smile as well.

  “Look at the great and powerful Rezner down on the ground holding a little Simiate, who would have imagined,” Yumi said as she put her hand on her hip. “Mew is not a child, you know; she is just smaller in stature from what she is.”

  “I really can’t help it,” I said. “Mew just looks… so fragile.”

  “The Simiate are a strong race. Don’t let her size fool you, as the Simiate’s are much stronger than they appear. It is said they have nine lives. They are also very crafty, independent, cheeky, and ill-mannered.” Yumi gave a soft smile. “Which by now, I am sure you have picked up on.”

  “What happened here?” I asked, looking at Yumi.

  “We were attacked,” she said, waving her hand as to dismiss it. “It is a fairly normal occurrence; I am not a well-liked individual. That said, this attack was grisly. This is a devastating turn of events. They have never attacked in this way in the past. This is new.”

  “Do you know who attacked?”

  Yumi stood there silent a while before replying. “Most likely, it was Victor. I will not rush to blame without the facts, though. Could have been anyone, including the kingdom.”

  While I sat, I observed the members making themselves busy with sorting all the issues caused by the blast. I held Mew, wondering if she would suddenly reanimate with the energy she always had when I saw her. Yelling at me to ‘stop touching her.’

  I wasn’t sure how many were dead or injured. It would just be something that would be revealed at a later time. The wood was smoldering from being extinguished of the fire. Debris was being cleared with what appeared to be magic from a younger member. He concentrated with his hands moving in the air, directing the bits of destruction into more organized sections away from everyone.

  “Did this happen because of me?” I asked Yumi.

  She didn’t look in my direction while she seemed to be lost in thought. Finally, she turned towards me. “You could be the reason, Rezner. This attack was a bit more intense than the typical attacks we have had happen. We never have full-on assaults. Just trickery and small things like this.” She paused a bit longer, thinking. “There may have been word of us getting our people back from the jail. New guards would have checked in there. I am sure you were spotted making your way here as well. As to being attacked because of who you are?” She raised her eyebrows. “Very doubtful. They would be afraid of you. It may have just been payback from some of the guards.”

  “Yes, the powerful Rezner,” I said. “The holder of mew.” It was a dad joke in a situation where no joke would be very funny or super appropriate. Joking made me feel better, though. That was the moment I realized I had to get stronger. I needed to.

  Sometime later, after I had carried and deposited Mew in a room that she could be watched by Mecci and get some much-needed rest, I went back outside to start some of my sword training. Yumi thought it best to get started as soon as possible with what occurred. Sword training for a dummy. You would think it wouldn’t be too tricky, but Yumi was a damn drill sergeant. My grip would be incorrect, then she would hit me with the wooden sword. My stance would be off. Hit with the wooden sword. Give her a cocky look? Yup, struck with the damn wood sword.

  After being knocked to my ass on the ground, a positive was that I got an excellent view of some nice legs. Though, I needed to be careful checking out those legs. Being caught would lead to a penalty as well. After being put to the ground again, I took some deep breaths and looked up at Yumi. “I think I am getting better.”

  “You are getting better, but not good enough just yet. Get up. We shall go again.”

  I smirked at her while I pushed myself back up to my feet. Taking the sword and swishing it through the air in a wide, flamboyant, cocky shape of the letter R. “I can probably take you now.”

  Crack! Crack! Swoosh! Click-Clack -Wap!

  I was down again. I had made more stupid decisions. After that session of a beating I took, I knew I would be feeling it tomorrow. It would not be pleasant.

  “Rezner,” Yumi said.


  “We aren’t even using real swords right now. These are wood. Do you know what a real sword will do to you?”

  “Assault anyone near my proximity with an aggressive spraying of my blood?”

  “That and more, you need to take this seriously. If you want me to teach you, then you need to be ready to learn. Who would have thought I would be here lecturing Rezner of all people?” Yumi asked as she pointed her sword towards my face. She reached out and took my hand, smiling at me as she helped me back to my feet.

  “I will do better. Thank you for helping me. I really do appreciate it,” I said.

  “It’s fine, just me investing in you. Helping you will help me back in return, and you can’t do a good job helping me if you get yourself killed at the start.”

  We spent hours longer fighting. I did notice some improvement. I was starting to block attacks that Yumi sent my way. I was getting better at coming at her through her defenses- penetration baby. Yeah, I said that out loud. It earned me another session of her sword making sounds while it hit my body. Got to build up
that tolerance to pain, right?

  Looking up, I saw Mecci standing with a smaller figure on a balcony up higher on the building's backside. Mew must have been doing better if she was up out of bed. I made my way over to them with a small wave. Mecci was scratching Mew’s head by her ears. I was just having flashbacks about the bad touch incident earlier. I gave them both a smile.

  “Rezner, I have to tell you something,” Mew said to me.

  “What’s up?”

  “The sky Rezner,” She said while pointing up with a sarcastic look on her face. “But, I have to tell you something important, I guess.”

  I rolled my eyes with the expectations of what could be said. I knew what this girl was like.

  “What did you want to tell me?”

  “Did you know that you are getting your ass kicked? Like, she is really beating you up. She keeps doing that, and I don’t think you’ll be able to carry me around and be my horse anymore,” she laughed.

  “Yeah, yeah,” I said. “Ok, I’m going to get back to it before she beats me even more for being over here too long.” I turned to return to my training.

  “Hey…” I heard a small quiet voice say as there was a tug on the bottom of my sleeve to keep me from walking away. I turned my head back, and I saw that Mew had a hold of me.

  “Yeah?” I asked.

  She blushed a little. “I heard… I heard… you were the one… that rescued me and took care of me…” She let go of my sleeve and crossed her arms. She went full pouty face mode, and her lips puckered like she ate the sourest thing in the world. Her head turned, looking away from me. “It’s not like you had to help me! I don’t owe you anything. You’re lucky you got to touch me!”

  I looked down at her, and then I just reached out and patted her head. “Anytime, Mew.” She started to fidget and pick at her fingers. I gave her a light wave goodbye.


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