Great Leaders Have No Rules

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Great Leaders Have No Rules Page 19

by Kevin Kruse

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  Kevin Kruse is the founder and CEO of LEADx (, the world’s first conversational learning platform for leadership development, and the LEADx Academy, a free online education platform and company that provides leadership training to people in 192 countries. He is the host of the LEADx Leadership podcast, which has exceeded over a million downloads. Kevin is also a New York Times bestselling author of six books including 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management and Employee Engagement 2.0. His work has been featured in Forbes, Fast Company, the New York Times, and on Fox News. Kevin’s views on leadership, productivity, and entrepreneurship have earned him invitations to speak to Fortune 500 executives, US Marine Corp officers, nonprofit leaders, and even members of Congress. His personal mission is, over the next ten years, to spark 100 million intentional leaders. When he’s not writing, speaking, or leading, Kevin juggles life in Philadelphia as Dad to Amanda, Natalie, and Owen. Kevin Kruse invites readers to contact him at:

  E-mail: [email protected]






  Twitter: @Kruse

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