Little Pumpkin: A Halloween Secret Baby Romance

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Little Pumpkin: A Halloween Secret Baby Romance Page 4

by Jamie Knight

  He clearly had six-pack abs and I could only imagine what the rest of his body was like. Especially his cock.

  I forced myself to get a grip and think about misty mountain tops and gently crashing waves. I was not going to let this sexy, perfect, god of a man cost me my first booking. I was going to plan Maya's party perfectly, even if it killed me.

  "The way I figure it," I said, pulling up the seating chart, "we could comfortably fit thirty people on this floor. Forty, slightly less comfortably. Basically, a few people would have to stand most of the night. Chairs can be brought in and placed strategically around the room. My suggestion would be an octagon shape. It fits the floor plan the best. The rest of the furniture could stay where it is as a center point."

  I couldn’t help but notice that Reece got a drink out of the fridge, even though I tried to stay focused on what I was saying. It was one of those flavoured sparking water things and not a beer as I would have assumed.

  Was it possible he didn't drink? Or at least not anymore?

  He certainly looked healthy. Not like someone recovering from the effects of alcoholism.

  I caught myself looking at his ass and then turned away so fast I nearly got whiplash.

  Anton whined in sympathy and I patted his little head.

  Reece walked back out, swilling the drink as he went, looking over at me and winking on his way out.

  I tried my best to focus on the matter at hand again, which was showing Maya my plans for her Halloween party. I had worked really hard on it and was proud of the result.

  For so long the idea of starting my own party planning business had seemed like a pipe dream. Like something to work towards. Now it was finally starting to seem like a real possibility. So I had to devote all of my mental energy to it.

  Try as I might, though, I couldn't get Reece out of my head.

  His eyes, his smile, his ass, the bulge in his pants.

  I shifted slightly to try and ease the aching in my pussy. One that just grew every time he came into the kitchen on some flimsy pretense.

  I caught him looking down my dress more than once and wondered what he was thinking. Hoping that it was what he wanted to do with my tits. I knew what I wanted to do with his cock.

  "Like him, huh?" Maya asked, rhetorically.

  "Sorry?" I asked, crashing back to earth.


  "Oh, I -"

  "It's okay; I’m sure you know he's hot. The problem is that he does too."

  "Is he your boyfriend?" I asked, the possibility just then occurring to me.

  They hadn’t seen like a couple and he certainly wasn’t acting like they were, but I guess you never knew for sure.

  "Oh, hell no; he’s my cousin! And he's just here to fix the plumbing!" Maya protested.

  "Oh," I said.

  I was a bit surprised that he was a plumber. By his fancy clothes and attitude, I would have thought he was one of Maya's rich friends, or her boyfriend taking on a DIY job for her.

  From what I could remember, she had always had that effect on guys. Not that she was manipulative. Far from it. Guys just seemed to want to do things for her. To help her. Probably because even after puberty she still looked like young and innocent.

  If anything, Reese being a plumber made me like him more. A big ego on some rich asshole like a stockbroker or land developer who really didn't do anything good for society was one thing. Plumbers actually provided an important service and usually were humble about it. Maybe Reece was due a bit of cockiness.

  I finished my run down of the party plan, show Maya exactly what I thought could be done for the budget she had.

  "Wow," she said, looking well and truly impressed.

  "Thanks," I said, on reflex.

  "You should come," she said.

  "Huh?" I asked.

  "To the party. I had invited you as a friend before, but you have done so much work to make it great. You should really come, in costume, and enjoy the fruits of your labor. I also really like hanging out with you."

  "Okay," I said, this being the only thing that came to mind.

  I called Sally as soon as I got home. Laying out naked on my futon, phone in one hand and energy drink in the other.

  "Guess what happened today," I nearly sang, when she picked up.

  "You finally lost your virginity?" Sally asked.

  "In a way, I suppose."

  "What way is that? You didn't let a guy put it in your -"

  "No! I mean it in a way that’s very different from the usual."

  "Oh," Sally said, as if she was catching on, or trying to, anyway.

  "I did my first presentation."

  "Dog sitters do presentations?"

  "No, silly. Remember the business cards I had printed?"

  "For the party planning?"


  "I thought that was, you know, a motivator."

  "I guess it was at first," I admitted.

  "What happened?"

  "When I was over at Maya’s for the dog sitting, she mentioned that she was wanting to have a Halloween party but wasn't sure if she would have time to plan it. I mentioned that I had a party planning business."

  "Did you use the present tense?" Sally asked.

  "Yup," I confessed.

  "And she bought it?"

  "Like a Gucci bag," I said, "I think the professional job on the cards helped."

  "Sounds like it," Sally agreed.

  "So, anyway, I did my presentation, made a power-point, the whole nine yards. She loved it and even invited me to go."

  "To the party?" Sally asked.

  "In costume and everything?"

  "Yup," I said.

  "Take me with you!" Sally pleaded.

  "I'll talk to Maya and see if it would be okay," I said.

  "For serious?" she asked.

  "Sure, why not? We are friends now, apparently. She actually said she likes hanging out with me, even though we have only done it a couple of times. As adults, anyway."

  "Wasn't she the terror of the chess club?" Sally asked.

  "Terror is a bit strong but she was tough, yes."

  "You played a lot, right?"

  "Sure, and I guess that could be considered a bond of sorts. I just didn't think it would translate into anything more, but she gave me a key to her house and trusted me with her puppy and basically handed me my first gig at my day job."

  "Sounds like someone up there likes you," Sally said.

  "Up where?" I asked, confused.

  "I forgot, you're an atheist."

  "Agnostic," I corrected.

  "Same difference," Sally said.

  "Not really," I said, "although, speaking of things that could make you believe in God."

  "Where we?" Sally asked.

  "Tangentially, yea," I confirmed, "I met someone today."

  "What's his name?" Sally asked, immediately getting my meaning.

  "Reece," I said, even the name sounding tasty.

  "Like the peanut butter cup?" Sally asked, clearly thinking along the same lines, though likely not crossing as far into dirty thought as I was.

  "Exactly," I said, "though it is also the name of a character in a movie."

  "Oh, Kyle Reece," she said, "the manly man that kills the robot in the first Terminator. It's one of my dad's favorites."

  "Can robots be killed?" I asked, suddenly in a metaphysical mood.

  "Destroyed, then," Sally amended.

  "Ah," I said, making a mental note to look up the Terminator movies.

  "Is he hot?" Sally asked.

  "Fuck yeah," I sighed.

  "What does he do?" Sally asked.

  "A plumber. Which is lucky for him really."


  "He's got a real ego. In almost any other context, it would be a deal breaker. I usually hate guys with big egos."

  "But not big -"

  "In any case," I said, before Sally had the chance to make me blush again, "it seems different with him. At least he does
something important, right? Running water is, like, vital to human life."

  "A real hero," Sally said.

  "I wouldn't go that far but it does make a difference."

  "That he makes a difference."

  "Yeah," I said, after untangling her logic.

  "Makes sense," she said.

  "Really?" I asked, it only barely making sense even to me.

  "Yeah, I mean, if he was some useless asshole working for some financial firm moving numbers around or a sales executive trying to convince people to buy things they don't need and had a big ego about it, that would be really annoying. There are few things worse than unearned arrogance."

  "Exactly!" I said, glad she understood.

  I shouldn't have been surprised though. Sally was really smart and usually understood me when no one else did. Including myself sometimes.

  "Would you let him fuck you?" Sally asked.

  "That's a bit blunt."

  "I know but still, would you?"

  "I-I don't know, I -"

  "You want to, though right?"

  "Physically?" I asked.

  "Yes," Sally confirmed.

  "Yes," I said, the image of Reece's cock pressing against his pants flashing through my mind again as the tightness returned to my pussy.

  "It is a matter of trust," Sally said, predicting my next line.

  "Exactly," I said.

  "Because you just met him."

  "Yeah," I said.

  "Be careful, hon. Hormones can make you do crazy things."

  "I'm still a virgin," I said.

  "I know, though this is the first time I've ever heard you say you would want to do something about that."

  "That's true, I guess," I said.

  "Right, so be careful. Don't have your pepper spray at the ready - "

  "I don't think he would do that," I said.


  "It's weird but I sometimes just get a feeling about people and I really don't think he would do that. I wouldn't be at all surprised to find out he has a stable of girls, metaphorically of course, and a trail of broken cherries in his wake but I think it all would have been consensual."

  "Another point in his favor," Sally said.

  "Yeah," I said. “The most important one, of course.”

  "Well, just see what happens, yeah? Only do it if it feels right."

  "Right," I said, thankful for this reminder of my own moral code, "thanks. Can I ask you something?"

  "Sure, hon."

  "Does it hurt?"

  "Popping your cherry?"


  "Depends on the girl, I’d say, and how the guy goes about it, and also how well prepared you are. And the size of the guy of course. If he's huge, you're likely going to feel it, at least a bit. Don't worry too much though. It shouldn't be more than a bit of a pinch and just when your cherry actually pops. Otherwise, it will likely just be some pretty intense pressure. Assuming he is gentle, of course."

  "Did it -"

  "Hurt me the first time?"

  "Yeah," I said, blushing.

  "Honestly, no. He was very good and quite gentle. It was really fun, and I actually came the very first time I had sex."

  "Wow!" I said.

  "I know, right? I’ve heard since then that that’s pretty rare. It takes some girls a long time before they can cum from a man and not just by, you know, getting themselves off."


  It was almost as if Sally had unwittingly issued me a challenge.

  Was my first time going to be just as good as hers?

  Could Reece get me off for my very first time?

  Then I realized I’d just automatically assumed that Reece would be the one taking my virginity, without thinking too deeply about it. I usually got stuck over-analyzing things in my head, running every possibility through my mind. But now it felt good to just relax and go with the flow.

  Maybe Reece really was my dream guy.

  “Don’t worry,” Sally said, after I didn’t say anything. “It’ll be fine. It could be the best thing ever and you could still end up like me. Still single after all this time.”

  “You and me both,” I reminded her. “But at least you’ve had experiences. You’ve lived a little. I haven’t.”

  “Yeah, well, it sounds like you’re about to start,” she said. “And, like I was saying, it could be great, or it could be awful.”

  “Gee, thanks for that pep talk,” I joked.

  “Oh, come on. I just mean that if it’s awful, oh well. Your first time will be over with, and you can move on to bigger and better things.”

  Judging from the size of the bulge in his pants, I wasn’t sure there was anything bigger than Reece to move onto. So, this better work out.

  I didn’t say that to Sally, though.

  I didn’t want to get my hopes up just to see them dashed.

  “We’ll see,” I told her. “And don’t worry, you’ll find someone, too.”

  “Let’s hope we both find our dream guys,” she said, and a wave of electricity seemed to run down my spine as she did.

  As we said our goodbyes, I couldn’t stop wondering if Reece really was my dream guy.

  I guessed that all I could do was let go a little bit for once in my life, of my anxiety and my insecurities, and see where it would lead me.

  Chapter Six


  I was still working on the pipes when I heard Gia getting ready to go. Wiping my hands on what was near by, sandpaper not really feeling all that bad, I went out to bid her a fond farewell. She was heading for the door when I came out, my progress slowed by Anton, who immediately started jumping at me. I picked him up, mostly to get him out of the way, and patted his head to keep him quiet.

  “Hey,” I said, trying to sound casual.

  “I’m going back to work,” Maya said, disappearing again, taking Anton with her.

  “What’s up?” Gia asked the floor.

  “I just wanted to make sure to say goodbye.”

  “Oh, okay, goodbye,” she said, heading for the door.

  “And to ask for your number.”

  That stopped her dead in her tracks.

  “M-my phone number?” she asked.

  “Unless you have another one in mind,” I said, thinking she was joking.

  “I-I don’t know. It seems awfully fast. I’m not sure that I –”

  “It’s cool,” I said, putting her out of her misery.

  “It is?” she asked.

  “Sure,” I said casually, throwing in a bit of a shrug, “I’m going to be at Maya’s party.”

  “The Halloween party? The one I’m planning?”

  “Yeah,” I said, thinking this to be rather obvious, “so I’ll see you there. Maybe we can get drunk and fuck.”

  She blushed adorably and smiled shyly, still looking at the floor. I could tell she didn’t have much experience with sex. I had meant it at least half as a joke but the idea clearly excited her as well as made her nervous.

  I wondered then if she was a virgin. She was a bit younger than Maya and was likely recently out of high school. If so, I really wanted to be the one to teach her. To bring her sexy young body to the full potential of pleasure.

  I had the driver take me home. I used to drive myself but began to see the benefit of using of limos as I started to get into my thirties. There was only so much stress one could take and not being in the driver’s seat during one of New York's many daily traffic jams was more helpful than I would have imagined.

  I would just turn on some music, pour a drink and relax until everything cleared up. The limo had a wifi antenna if I got really desperate to do some work, though this hardly if ever came up.

  I like to keep things separate. Work was for work. Play was for play and as far as I was concerned, play constituted anything that was not work. It was a philosophy that had kept my heart heathy and my hair black ever since I had built up my business.

  It was almost comical, how many people assum
ed that the start up money had come from my dad, a self-made billionaire himself. Nothing could be further than the truth. I hadn’t even spoken to the bastard in over ten years. It didn’t matter, though. I had always been closer to mom’s side of the family anyway.

  The limo dropped me off at the front door of my house. I really had no idea how much houses in New York cost until I actually started looking to buy one. I shouldn't have been surprised, really, given the rent I was paying, but still, it involved more zeros than my elementary school report card.

  I heard my footsteps echo off the raised walls of the corridor and for the first time noticed how empty the house was. How lonely. It was something of a new feeling.

  I had always been fine with one-night stands. I would meet a hot girl, take her home, fuck her six ways from Sunday and she would be gone before breakfast. I liked it that way. It suited me.

  At least until I met Gia. I knew it had been all of a hot second since that had happened, but already she was taking up a lot of space in my mind. It was a strange feeling but suddenly there was someone I wanted to have around. Both in terms of how much I longed for her presence as well as the duration of that stay.

  I went back to my library and picked up where I had left off with the book, getting the rest of the chapter read in no time at all, going back and starting from the beginning of it to try and get the rhythm back. Voltaire really wasn't someone you could read in bits, but who had time to read a whole book at once these days?

  When I was finished, I put the bookmark into position and left the book on the table, ready for the next time I was able to indulge, which seemed too be ever more infrequently since the business started taking off. Not that I was about to complain. I had millions of dollars to dry my eyes with and trips around to world with which to console myself.

  I got out my phone and checked my messages. There were ten waiting for me in my voicemail box. I had expected all of them to be business related. Boy, was I in for a surprise.

  “Hey sexy, it's Sara from the Star Room," started the first, "I was thinking about what you did to me last time and I really want you to do it again, call me."

  The rest were quite similar. All going into different levels of detail in terms of what they wanted to do to me, or more often, what they wanted me to do to them. Usually involving their pussy or their ass. Most of them I had fucked before. A couple I had just met recently but who seemed as if they really wanted to get to know me better.


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