Elemental Summoner 1

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Elemental Summoner 1 Page 14

by D. Levesque

  “Well, why not? We found out that she can do it. Why not you? Though I might have to teach you to remember the same phrase your daughter just said,” I say with a chuckle.

  Lahana looks at her husband for guidance. He holds up his hands and says with a huge grin on his face, “Don’t look at me, because if you aren’t going to try, I will!”

  Lahana sticks out her hand hesitantly, and suddenly there is a Fire Elemental sitting in her palm in its globe form. She clears her throat, almost embarrassed it seems, and says, with my coaching, “Change shape into a woman-shaped one that does not look like anyone here.”

  Just as with Leeha, the Fire Elemental slowly changes its shape until a little woman made of fire is sitting on the palm of Lahana’s hand. She is about four inches tall, the same size as both mine and Leeha’s Elementals.

  Lahana asks quickly, “What else can it do?”

  Laughing, I tell her, “No clue. I mean, I am still learning here. You are all the ones who have been using magic for a long time.”

  “That might be it, Alex,” Leeha says slowly with a thoughtful look on her face as she stares down at her Water Elemental, who is looking around curiously.

  “What do you mean?” I ask, looking at my own Water Elemental and waving to it. It waves back, making me chuckle.

  “We go with what we know. You seem to do things that are from your world or from stories on your world. I mean, what other ideas do you have in your head that we on Boromour have not even thought of? Not only are you going to be powerful as an Elemental Summoner, but with these ideas of yours? You will be unstoppable.” Suddenly, her Water Elemental is gone, and she stands up. I think Water and mine goes away as well.

  She walks over and puts her legs over me, sitting down in my lap with her legs behind me, and she stares at me hard. “Alex of Terra, will you take me as your wife?”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  “My what?” I ask Leeha, sounding like an idiot.

  “Wife,” she says with a smile.

  “But,” I start but then I pause. I mean, I like Leeha. Quite a lot, actually. But do I want to marry someone and be tied to one person for the rest of my time in this world? Leeha must see my hesitation since she speaks again.

  “What’s the matter?” she asks me softly.

  “I can honestly say that I care for you, Leeha, but you are asking for me to go into a union with you that will last our whole lives,” I tell her slowly, hoping I don’t hurt her feelings. I mean, here I have the hottest woman who I have ever met asking to marry me, and all I can think about is what if I meet other girls? Honestly, I have this new body, which I want to test drive more. I mean, there are monster girls in this world! Do I really want to marry Leeha? Even though I am falling for her, it would mean no chance to have sex with monster girls!

  Leeha must have figured out what my hesitation was about since she asks, “Alex, on your world, what does marriage mean?”

  “Um, it means the union of one man and one woman, or sometimes on my world, two men, or two women, in a contract of marriage,” I tell her.

  I hear laughter around the tent and I look at Leeha’s parents, who are shaking their heads with big grins on their faces. I look at Leeha and she has an enormous smile on hers as well.

  “It doesn’t mean that here?” I ask with a questioning look.

  “It can,” Leeha says. “But many couples have multiple partners—especially us Elves. Humans seem to be more prudish about it.”

  “What about your mother and father? I don’t see any other parents here,” I point to Lahana and Maxil.

  “That is because we are currently only married to each other,” Maxil says with a laugh. “We had been married to another woman, but that ended just after Leeha was born, and before Marken was. But that did not work out. She did not want kids, but Lahana and I did. We were fine with that, but after Leeha was born she decided that not only didn’t she want kids, but she also didn’t want to live with them,” Maxil says with a shrug.

  I look at Leeha and ask her slowly, “So if I wanted to marry you, I would not be in a monogamous relationship with you?”

  “Of course not!” Leeha says with a laugh, and as she is still in my lap, she bends down and kisses me on the lips. “I saw your eyes when I was talking about some of the other races in this world. And the fact that you, a human, would think of them like that, I can’t but help wanting to share you with them. As long as I am the first,” she says, bending down and giving me a deep kiss with her arms wrapped around my neck. I can feel her breasts pushing into my chest.

  I hear a cough and Leeha pulls away with a flush in her cheeks and looks over her shoulder at her parents. I look at them as well and see that they are both looking at us oddly. Actually, it’s more that they are looking at me oddly.

  “You truly do not feel any revulsion when kissing an Elf?” Lahana says with amazement in her tone.

  I shake my head and put my hands around Leeha’s waist and say, “No, I truly do not. I find her an exceptionally beautiful woman. And she is also smart. In my world, men, human men, would be flocking to her side. The fact that your daughter loves me enough to marry me, a man who is new to this world and can’t even be dedicated to her because there are other races in this world I might be interested in? I will be honest. I am not sure I can be so easy about sharing you, Leeha,” I tell her, looking up at her after my answer to her mother.

  Leeha takes my head in her hands and kisses me softly on the lips. “I do not want or will ever want another man or woman, Alex. Promise me you shall never abandon me, and I am yours one hundred percent,” Leeha says passionately.

  “You know I don’t deserve you, Leeha? I cannot ask you to be with a man who will maybe one day want someone else or have sexual relations with someone else. I am new to this world, and there is so much I want to explore, do and try. I do not want you to be held back by me,” I say, but she puts a finger on my lips.

  “Alex, in the last week I have found out just what kind of man you are. You are giving, loving and you do not judge me as an Elf, but as a person. Your patience as you teach me this English language of yours shows me the kind of person you are. You do not mock me for getting it wrong. Not only that, but you take the teachings I give you, and you embrace them, you don’t mock them.”

  “Well, of course,” I say honestly. “I am new to this world, and I would not survive on my own. Even that first time you caught that Macoa. I had no idea, and still don’t, how to survive in the wilds. You are teaching me to survive.”

  “Just as you are teaching me to survive, Alex,” she says softly.

  “And how am I doing that?” I ask her, perplexed.

  “By showing me and giving me power. On Boromour, nothing speaks louder than power. And I am with the newest Elemental Summoner, who is human but looks at me not with just lust, but love. If anyone can change this world for all of us, it’s you,” Leeha says softly, putting her forehead against mine. “Also helps that you have a big cock,” she says, flashing me a grin.

  “Leeha!” both of her parents say, horrified.

  “Oops,” she says, throwing her head back and laughing. “Forgot we had company.” Like fuck she did, I think with a chuckle. She did that on purpose.

  “Anyhow,” Leeha says, looking at me intensely. “Alex of Terra, will you make me, Leeha Nightleaf, your wife, witnessed by the Gods?” she says, holding up her hand, and there is a Water Elemental in her palm. I look at her parents over her shoulder, and I see they both have their hands out as well, and they are holding Fire and Earth Elementals.

  I decide to bring all five into it so I lift my hands out to my side and I think Air and Mind, and soon there is a swirling wind globe in my left hand, and a globe of distorted air that is quickly changing colors in my right. Is that what Mind looks like? With that done, I look back up at Leeha, and I say, “I, Alex The Elemental Summoner, do hereby take Leeha Nightleaf as one of my wives.” I’m not going to use my last name of Boston ever again. It
’s too much of a reminder of Earth, which I shall never see again.

  Leeha squeals and squishes me in a hug that is so hard that I groan at her strength. Fuck me, Leeha is strong! “Thank you, Alex!” she cries out joyfully.

  The Gods of Boromour have witnessed your union. Rejoice.

  “What the fuck?” I say out loud in surprise.

  “What?” Leeha asks me, baffled at my outburst and thinking it was aimed towards her.

  “You know how I said I get things in my head about spells and such at times?” I tell her with a sigh.

  “Yes?” she asks me hesitantly.

  “Well, I just got a notification the Gods have witnessed my union with you,” I tell her.

  “A what?” Leeha asks me, confused. It’s then that I notice that when I said notification, it came out in English.

  “Hmm. On my world, we would call what I get that word I said, but here I am not sure. Think of it like a voice in your head that says something, but it’s not in your voice.”

  “You have voices in your head?” Leeha asks me nervously.

  I laugh and say, “No, it’s not a voice. I’m just not sure how to explain it. For me, as I mentioned before when doing a spell, it tells me in words and numbers how much power it costs.” I don’t know why but I don’t mention the Blessing points. “Well, when we agreed to marry each other, I just got a message saying that The Gods of Boromour have witnessed our union. Rejoice,” I tell her.

  She looks at me with open-mouthed shock. I look at her parents, and they are both looking at me with the same expression.

  “So, I assume from the looks all three of you are giving me, that isn’t normal?” I ask awkwardly.

  “Alex,” Lahana says, “You are touched by the Gods.” There is wonder in her voice.

  “Well, I would not say that,” I laugh nervously. “The only God who touched me, he ended up pushing me through a black vortex that shoved me to this world, and it hurt quite a bit when my body hit it.” Or was that my soul, since my body, according to him, had a bullet hole in it?

  “I wish I could get those messages,” Leeha says longingly.

  Suddenly a look of shock crosses her face. “What?” I ask her quickly, grabbing her arms.

  She looks down at me and I see fear in her eyes, but also amazement. She swallows hard and says in a hushed voice. “I,” Leeha clears her throat, “I just got something in my vision that I could not read or understand, and a message in my head in a voice I have never heard before said, ‘Congratulations, as the first wife of Alex the Elemental Summoner you have been granted a boon by the Gods’. Alex! What does that mean?” By the time she is done speaking, there is panic in her voice.

  I sigh and look up at the sky, or the tent’s ceiling, and think fucking hell, what is he doing? I know he mentioned that he wanted me to test something similar to game mechanics for him as he would be introducing it to a world. Did he fucking mean this world? I was sure he said for a new world. NOT this world.

  “I think my God is getting involved in our lives,” I tell her.

  “What?” Leeha says, her eyes getting bigger.

  “Like your mother just said to me, it looks like you are now also touched by the Gods,” I tell her with a smile.

  “What does that mean?” she asks me, sounding scared.

  “It means now I need to teach you how to read English, not just speak it, as the message you saw that made no sense was most likely in my language,” I tell her with a soft smile of reassurance.

  “Man, why does everyone have all the luck,” I hear from behind me.

  “Marken!” Maxil cries with anger in his voice, his eyes hardening.

  Turning to look behind me, I see Marken peaking in the doorway through a small slit. “Get in here, young man!” Lahana snaps in a steely voice.

  Marken sighs and walks through the curtains of the front door, looking ashamed. “I am sorry, Mother,” he says quickly. “I wanted to make sure that this human wasn’t going to harm any of you.”

  “And how much did you hear?” Maxil asks his son with a stern voice.

  “Pretty well all of it,” Marken says, blushing. “It’s not fair! Why did the Gods pick all of you for magic but not me!” he cries, and I see tears in his eyes.

  I can’t blame him. If I had come to a world where magic was real and I didn’t have access to it, I would be upset as well. I mean, it’s magic! I decide that I need to be the better man, so I say to him, “Marken, come and sit with us. I am not upset that you heard. More than anything, I feel sorry that the Gods, as you said, did not gift you with magic.”

  Marken looks at me in surprise and nods before he clears his throat huskily. “Thank you, Alex of Terra. I might have judged you too quickly. The fact that you married my sister, which I wish you luck with,” he says with a smile, “shows me that you do not look at us Elves the same way all other humans do.”

  “And I thank you for that,” I tell him with a smile. “I wish there was something I could do to make it different for you. Hell, I would teach you my language if I thought it would teach you how to call up magic or control it,” I tell him honestly.

  “No way!” Leeha suddenly cries. I look up at her, wondering what is wrong.

  She is looking down at me in surprise. “Alex,” she says excitedly. “What did you say earlier about your language?”

  “That I thought it was a language of magic in this world?” I say, then it dawns on me what she is hinting at. “You think that my language can trigger magic in those who don’t have it?” I say in astonishment. If that is true, holy fucking hell! Would I be able to give magic to someone?

  “Would it hurt to try?” she asks me intently.

  I study her face, and I think of the look she had on it when her brother said that the Gods did not pick him for magic. It wasn’t pity. It was sorrow.

  I glance over at Marken and notice he is looking at me with a tentative expression. “So, how about it?” I say, over my shoulder. “Want to see if we can try to teach you magic?”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  “You would teach me this magical language without asking for anything?” Marken asks me in amazement.

  I look up at Leeha and ask her softly with a smile, “Can you sit next to me, so it’s not so awkward with your family?”

  Leeha bends down and kisses me on the chin, smiling at me before getting off and sitting down next to me. Marken comes around and sits beside his parents, and I can tell that he is nervous and somewhat afraid.

  “So,” Marken says hesitantly, “you are asking for nothing in return?”

  “Do you wish me to ask for something in return?” I ask him with a smile. Honestly, I wouldn’t even know what to ask for. I mean, I don’t even know if this will work.

  “I honestly have little to give,” Marken sighs heavily. “What I have on me is all that I own.”

  Nodding, I tell him, “Don’t sweat it then. Let’s see if this works first. Now, the first thing is, what Elemental would you like to try to access? I don’t mind doing this, but I think it only fair that I give you only one, right?”

  “Sir, if you can give me even one, I will be more grateful than you can imagine!” Marken says fervently.

  “How about you call me Alex? According to the Gods, I am your brother-in-law now,” I tell him with a grin.

  Marken looks over at his sister who is sitting next to me and says to her, “I cannot believe, sister, that you married a human. But if this hu—” he starts but then shakes his head. “If Alex can do what he says, not just with me, but if he can make things right again, I will be honored to know he is your husband.”

  Turning back to me, Marken takes a deep breath. “I have always loved the way that fire looked. So I wish fire to be my choice,” he says, his back straight and his shoulders out.

  “Very well. Now, I have no clue what we should be doing—closing our eyes, standing, sitting—any of that. So let’s go with what is easy. Let’s stay the way we are now,” I tell him wi
th a laugh.

  Honestly, I am at a loss to even know where to start. Once I show Marken fire, if he can do it, what then? I can’t train him. While I’m sitting there thinking about it, they must start worrying about how long it’s taking me to say anything, since Lahana speaks up.

  “Is something wrong, Alex?” she asks me softly.

  “Well,” I start, rubbing the back of my neck, “if I can teach him how to bring out an Elemental, I don’t know what to do next. I can’t teach him about Fire or spells,” I start, but then she nods and reassures me.

  “Ah. Do not worry. We have teachers who can teach him, even at his age. He shall not be the first late bloomer. If this works, we can hide the fact that it was you who gave him the magic, as I am sure you do not wish this to get out?”

  Nodding, I tell her, “Yes, at least for now. If I wish it to get out later on, I don’t mind. But right now, I don’t want a hoard of people coming at me trying to get magic if this works.”

  “Very well, then we shall keep it quiet. I know that we two,” Lahana waves to herself and Maxil, “shall keep it quiet, as you shall be giving a gift to our son. I know your new wife shall as well. And as for Marken,” she says, looking at him pointedly.

  “I will keep quiet!” he says quickly, not wanting to lose his chance, I am sure.

  “Good,” I say, nodding. “Shall we begin?”

  Marken nods excitedly, and he is almost shaking with excitement. “I was thinking. If there is anyone I would want to try this with, it would be with Leeha’s family. So, I will try to teach you all the word for fire in my language to see if it triggers anything. Before you say it, Marken, let your sister try it so we can see if the Gods in this world will allow it, all right?”

  “You want to see if I can use more than one Elemental?” Leeha says eagerly.

  “Can’t hurt to try,” I tell her with a grin. “Though,” I say, getting more serious. “We might be trying something that won’t work. But if I am to learn if I can pass this on, why not with you?”


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