Elemental Summoner 1

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Elemental Summoner 1 Page 23

by D. Levesque

  Divine Energy Remaining: 5,000.

  I sit still, not moving, and absorb that message. Divine power? Fucking hell, if nothing else was telling me that he is turning me into some Angel or whatever, this would be. I wonder if this energy has different spells attached to it?

  “Alex,” Bridget says slowly, staring intensely, “what just happened? That energy I could not access before? I can now access it, but only the name. Divine Energy?”

  “Holy fuck, you weren’t joking!” Leeha says in shock, looking at me with enormous eyes.

  “Yeah. It seems me figuring it out in my head opened the name up? I still have no clue what I can cast with it. I mean, with the Elemental stuff, I use English. But this Divine stuff?” I tell her.

  “Let me try something,” Bridget says, getting up and sitting in my lap, facing me with her legs wrapped around me. She places both her hands on either side of my head.

  “Does that help?” I ask her with a raised eyebrow.

  “Not really,” she says with a grin. “I just wanted to sit in your lap.”

  “Tramp,” Leeha says with a laugh, and Bridget sticks her tongue out at her.

  “Works for me,” I say to them both with a grin.

  “Now, hush. Let me work,” Bridget says, closing her eyes.

  I turn over to Leeha and blow her a kiss and she does the same, but she is laughing and shaking her head.

  “Shhh,” Bridget says, but she has a smile on her face.

  “Come on,” Bridget whispers after a minute or two of just sitting there.

  Fuck me, but it’s difficult not to get hard with a beautiful Elf girl, whose breasts are so large that they push into my chest, sitting on top of me. I want to move, but I don’t want to interfere with whatever she is doing. I can feel her feeding power into me somehow.

  I see the archer from the corner of my eye and he is watching us intently. “Leeha, can he understand us?” I whisper to her, looking directly at the archer.

  She turns to the archer and says to him, “We are going to skin you alive once this is done.” The archer only stares at her without saying anything.

  “Nope,” she says, turning back to me. “Humans don’t bother trying to learn our language. To them it’s like, why learn to talk to a pig? If the pig wants to speak to you, it can learn your language. So most Elves learn to speak Prithgarian.”

  “So everything we have talked about, he doesn’t understand?”

  “Pretty well. If uncomfortable spoke English?” she says, frowning in concentration.

  I smile at her proudly and correct her English. “Speak English. Damn, you’re getting better at it.”

  “I still think your language fucking sucks, but since it will make me more powerful, I am going to learn it,” she says with a stubborn look.

  “Think I got it,” Bridget says, her eyes still closed. “Alex, I want you to focus and think Divine spells.”

  Doing exactly as she instructs, I think in my head: Divine Spells. A message pops up in my head and the information flows into me, and within half a second, I understand it and remember it as if I always knew it.

  Divine spells.


  Level 10.

  Divine Barrier.

  Creates a barrier around you or your target that protects them from full damage.

  Range: 50 feet.

  Radius: 12x12 Feet.

  Duration: 10 seconds

  Cooldown: 1 Day.


  Level 10.

  Divine Retribution.

  Creates a bolt of lightning that hits your target.

  Range: 500 feet.

  Radius: 2 feet to 100 feet.

  Cooldown: 1 Day.

  “Fucking hell!” I exclaim in astonishment, staring at Bridget, who had opened her eyes and was grinning from ear to ear.

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  “Yay!” shouts Bridget. “It worked!”

  “What did you do?” I ask her in amazement.

  “I connected to you and sort of moved your, hmm. Not sure what you call it. But what makes you, you?” Bridget says with a frown.

  “Soul?” I offer her.

  “Yes! Soul. That fits perfectly. I connected your soul to that energy. And let me tell you, that was hard. It felt like it was trying to fight me. At one point I had to use some of your power to keep it in place. Then I used some more of your power to punch a hole into that energy shield so I could get into it. And when I did, you got that message. Damn, those are amazing spells!” she says excitedly.

  This is the first time that I have actual spells, not just using my English as the trigger. These are genuine spells! Level ten? Wait. Does that relate to how many Blessing Tokens I have? I have ten of them, so I gained level ten spells? Does that mean I will get more later?

  “Hello!” Leeha says impatiently. “I don’t know what is going on,” she continues with a pout. “I want in!”

  I laugh at her, grab her, and bring her into a three-way hug, with her in between me and Bridget, who is still in my lap. I bend down and kiss Leeha and then kiss Bridget. Or more like Bridget kisses me as she grabs my head up and brings it to her lips.

  “That’s fucking gross,” I hear.

  All three of us look over at the archer, and he has a look of disgust on his face. He is still tied down to the ground with the vines. We all three glare at him. Fucking ass.

  “Time to see if that fucking collar works,” I say with a growl.

  “Oh, I am all for that,” Bridget says, handing me the copper collar. Where the fuck was she storing that? She grins at my look and says, “I’m an Elemental. I just stored it inside me.”

  I look at the copper collar and it’s not much to look at, but I can see that it’s one piece—no markings for where it would open. It’s about half an inch wide, and it’s thin, about the thickness of a piece of cardboard. I try to see how pliable it is, as it’s copper, but it doesn’t budge at all. Isn’t copper supposed to be soft? Or was that gold? I think that’s gold. What the fuck do I know? I ain’t no metallurgist.

  “Right. Now then. How do I open it? To put it on him, I mean?”

  “Just tell it to open, and it will,” Bridget offers.

  “Open,” I say, but nothing happens.

  “In English,” she says with a laugh.

  “English?” I ask her with a raised eyebrow.

  “The Elemental inside needs magical commands, and that is English,” she nods.

  Shrugging, I say, “Open,” and the collar snaps open.

  I look at it and I’m now able to pry it open, almost like it was always meant to do that. I open it all the way, and I see that ends open by pulling away from each other, and when it’s fully open, it’s like a W. I look up at the archer and grin at him, but I guess my grin is scary since he starts to struggle, to no avail.

  “Now, Mig, was it? I think Tiggy said your name was Mig. Well, Mig. Today is your lucky day,” I tell him, and I notice that I am talking to him in Prithgarian.

  “Get away from me, you Elf fucker!” he growls menacingly, but I see there is fear behind the anger.

  Knowing that he will try to spit at me, I walk around him in a wide circle. He continues to try to struggle, but the vines are holding him fast. He can move his head, but I make sure to come at him from right behind him, and since he can’t move his shoulders, his movements are limited. Once I’m standing right behind him, I place the collar around his neck and say, “Close.” The collar follows my command and closes with a snicking sound.

  “What did you do? What is this thing!” he screams. “Get it off of me!” He is really trying to get out of his bonds now.

  I take my time and walk back around him until I am standing in front of him again, about six feet away, with the two girls next to me. Once I get there, I watch him thrash back and forth. There are tears in his eyes, and I am sure if I was to let him go right now, he would attack us.

  “Bridget,” I say to her in Elvish, turning towards he
r. “Is there a way to shock him using that collar?”

  “Shock?” she asks me with a frown.

  “Yes, like send a small bit of pain through the collar to him. Right now, if I let him go, I am sure he will be violent. In my world, we have things called shock collars. They put a bit of electricity through it, which causes the muscles to seize up.”

  Bridget shakes her head. “Not really. I mean, the Fire Elemental is in the collar, so it could heat up the collar, but it might leave him with burn scars.”

  “What about adding a Mind Elemental into it?” I ask her.

  “Mind Elemental?”

  “Yeah, I could have it use Sleep on him like I once did with Leeha. Or better yet, paralyze. So he can be awake and understand me, but can’t move?”

  “Hmm. I would need you to command it, as it would take a good amount of power,” Bridget says thoughtfully. “Wait, you used Sleep on Leeha?” she asks, looking between Leeha and me in surprise.

  “Yeah,” I tell her with a laugh. “It was when we first met, and I needed her to sleep so I could run away.”

  “You ran away from her,” Bridget says disbelievingly. “But why!”

  “Because she was trying to kill me,” I tell her with a smile. “Not that that is an issue anymore.”

  Leeha gives me a hug as she looks up at me and grins. “Nope, not anymore.”

  Bridget shakes her head with a smile and says, “Well, back to the original question. Yes, it’s doable. How did you want to do it? Trigger word?”

  “Yeah, that might be best. Does it need to be an English word?” I ask. That might be a good idea. But I need a word that I can utter quickly. Saying Paralyze might be too slow. Maybe shorten it to Para? Or Freeze? Though, Freeze sounds more like a cold spell. What about Stop? Yeah, that works. Stop and Go. It almost sounds like playing that old game I played as a kid, when you would tell the person to stop or go after so many steps, I think with a laugh.

  “What?” Leeha asks me, still hugging me.

  “Nothing, old memory surfaced up,” I tell her. Turning back to Bridget I ask, “How about we go with the English words Stop and Go?”

  “Sounds good. Command me, oh great one,” Bridget says, bouncing in front of me with a grin, causing her large breasts to bounce with her. As any pure-blooded male would, I can’t help but stare and enjoy the view. I am pretty sure Lahana picked that outfit for the cut at the top.

  Laughing, I say, “Mind. Make it so that each time I say Stop, it paralyzes the wearer of the collar. When I say Go, they can move again. Those who can command the collar are Leeha, Bridget, and myself,” I add at the end. Though adding Bridget might have been pointless, but better to be safe than sorry.

  You have used a Complex Spell command. You have used 10,000 points of power.

  Suddenly Bridget is behind Mig, the archer, and she has her hand on the back of his collar. She is in her Mind Elemental form, all purple except for the eyes, which are swirling, and her hair is a lighter purple. Her body is more of a dark purple. Thank God she doesn’t look like some dinosaur that I refuse to ever mention the name of, as I am sure if you think of his name three times, you conjure him up.

  “What the fuck!” Mig suddenly screams in pain.

  The collar around his neck turns purple, and Bridget’s purple hair flies out from behind her, again as if a wind is blowing from the collar. I can feel the trickle of power leaving me again. Bridget has a look of concentration on her face, and her arms are shaking again. Then it’s done. Her hair falls back down and she is back in her Elf form, standing next to me.

  “What the fuck was that?” Mig shouts in anger, staring daggers at me. “That fucking hurt!”

  “It’s good?” I ask Bridget, ignoring him.

  “Yep, all good,” she says with a grin. Bending down, I kiss her.

  “Fuck, do you need to kiss that animal in front of me,” he says, making gagging noises.

  “Here is what is going to happen, Mig. I am going to release you from your bonds. But that collar on you? You run away, and it will make your head explode,” I tell him with a grin. “But, it does much more.” Thinking about the vines holding him down, I say, “Earth.”

  As we watch, the vines that had been holding him down dissolve and melt back into the ground.

  “As if I am going to believe that shit. There is no such thing that can do that,” Mig snorts. Suddenly he is coming at me with a dagger in his hand. The blade is about a foot long, and it looks sharp as fuck.

  “Stop,” I say, as I had expected him to do exactly that.

  It’s almost comical to watch. Mig suddenly loses all his ability to move, but as he was already moving, that body in motion shit comes into effect, and he ends up hitting the ground and sliding the last couple of feet, until he is lying flat on his side in front of me.

  I use my foot to turn him on his back so that he is looking up at me. He has a shocked look on his face, but I have a grin on mine, and the girls are grinning as well. I see that he is breathing and blinking. Good, the paralyze doesn’t affect all of his body.

  “As I was saying,” I tell him. “The collar does other things. That is one of them.”

  Honestly, having him think it can do much more might be a good idea. He doesn’t need to know that each time I have to put a command into the collar, it takes a shit ton of power, so I don’t want to add any more if I don’t have to.

  Mig’s look of shock changes to one of horror. On seeing that, I nod to him. “That’s right. You're mine, and if you don’t do what I say, I, or my two girls here, will paralyze you again. The exploding head option is real, and if I need to, I will make it go off. Piss me off,” and here my voice gets hard, “or say anything about my two Elven partners again like you did earlier, and I will fucking kill you. Blink twice if you understand.”

  Mig doesn’t do anything at first, just stares up at me in horror, but finally he swallows and blinks his eyes twice. Reaching down, I grab the dagger in his paralyzed hand and look at it. The blade is pretty good workmanship; double-edged, with an engraving of some kind of bird on it. I was never a bird person, so I have no clue what it is.

  “I can take that for now,” Leeha says with her hand out.

  I pass it over to her, as I have nowhere to put it. She slides it in her belt, behind her back. I look back down at Mig and say, “Go,” and all his muscles release. He slowly gets up, staring at me cautiously.

  “What do you want?” he finally says, after brushing the dirt off himself.

  “Oh, that’s easy,” I tell him with a grin. “We are going to go rescue those Elves you fuckers took, and you are going to take me to them, as I am pretty sure you know exactly where they are if you were made to wait here before returning to them,” I tell him with a predatory grin.

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  We finally catch up to the slavers and the Elves. Mig was very reticent about telling me anything, but after being paralyzed a couple of times when he tried to run away, he got the message. I still wish the collar had a shocking ability. That would get him to talk, as pain always works, and I wasn’t about to resort to torture. Yet.

  We are about five minutes behind the larger group, hiding in a small patch of bushes. The sun is still up in the sky, and Leeha said we have about four hours of light before it gets dark. While I would love to attack them in the dark, I don’t think I am good enough to only hit the humans and not accidentally hurt or kill an Elf. So that is out. Also, while we will have the element of surprise, it’s still three on five. Man, movies and books make this sound so fucking easy. Go in there and blast away.

  Leeha had an idea, though. She figured the running in and attacking them part might work if we had all our guns out, so to speak. Meaning, if I have all my thirty-six Fire Bullets out and ready, as the bullets seem to do more damage than the arrows. And she will have all four of her Water Bullets that she is able to call up. Her power has increased, as before she met me she could only do two Water Arrows max.

is sitting on a stump of a log, but he is being quiet. He has little choice, as I had paralyzed him earlier. He tried twice to shout and warn his friends, but both times he failed. Now when we move, Bridget will pick him up and carry him. It surprised me the first time she did it, as I had been staring down at him, wondering out loud how I would get him to move without having him shout. It did let me test the limits of the paralyze ability in the collar. He can breathe, blink, and swallow. But that is it. Nothing else. Once he is paralyzed, he stays in that position. Even if we try to move his limbs, they won’t move.

  Honestly, I would have just blown his fucking head off, but Leeha said he might be useful for information after. Even now, he is glaring at me. Too bad. You killed more than the five I am about to kill, you fucker. I counted well over twenty dead Elves back there.

  “Ready?” Leeha asks me quietly.

  I nod to her and say, “I think so.”

  “You got this,” Bridget says reassuringly, hugging me around the waist. “You call up the spells, and I will aim them.”

  Leeha comes up on my other side, her arms sliding around me, and she looks up at me. “Thank you for doing this. You don’t even know these Elves, yet you are going out of your way to chase the slavers.”

  Looking at her beautiful Elven face, with her blond hair framing her delicate features, I can’t but help bend down and kiss her on the lips. “Leeha, to me, it doesn’t matter who they are. They were killed and kidnapped by scum who happen to be human, and I am just going after the scum.” My voice hardens as I continue. “The fact that the humans just so happen to treat other races like animals means I don’t have to feel guilty for killing them.”

  “Just remember,” Leeha says sharply, “I hate them as well, but the plan isn’t to eradicate them off the world.” Her face and her tone softens as she says, “As much as I want that, we Elves are not like that. We are taught that all races can live in harmony if given a chance.”

  “But you Elves and the other races weren’t given a chance,” I tell her softly.


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