Elemental Summoner 1

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Elemental Summoner 1 Page 26

by D. Levesque

Truth is an unknown spell.

  Shit, all right. “I wish to get the truth out of my target.”

  You have attempted an unknown Spell command.

  “Well, that’s out,” I say out loud with a sigh.

  “What is?” Leeha says. She is sitting next to me, drinking water from our clay water jug.

  “I was trying to avoid torture but it looks like the one spell I wanted to try doesn’t exist.”

  “Oh?” Leeha asks me, intrigued.

  “Yeah, I tried a truth spell. But no such thing,” I tell her with a shrug. “It was a shot in the dark.”

  “A what?” she asks me with a frown. Fuck, some of the sayings from Earth do not translate well here. Or make any sense.

  “It means, it was worth trying to see if it was something, but it wasn’t.”

  “Then why not just say that? Instead of shooting something in the dark,” Leeha says, shaking her head in bewilderment.

  “Sorry, just trying to figure out a way to get information out of him,” I tell her with a grin.

  “Why not use that energy drain thing,” Bridget says.

  “Why? Would that get information out of him?” I ask her, sitting up and causing her to fall into my lap sideways. She looks up at me with a smile on her purple face, staring at me with her mesmerizing eyes that look like deep pools of space.

  “Well, no. But you can torture him this way, right? It won’t cause pain, but you might get information out of him?”

  “Yes, but how is me draining him of energy going to make him talk?” I ask her, smiling down at her.

  Even in her current form, I want to bend down and kiss her, but I refrain myself. Barely. Time to focus on the task at hand first, Alex!

  “All creatures have energy. Magical energy. Use your Third Eye on him,” she says, turning her head sideways so that she is looking at Mig.

  Use my Third Eye on him? But he isn’t a mage. I look back down at Bridget and she looks back up at me and smiles. Deciding to take her advice, I say, “Turn on Third Eye.” I remember just in time to look away from Bridget, and I look at Mig.

  What I see surprises me. Mig has energy inside himself. It’s faint, but it’s there. He has green energy. I look down at Bridget quickly, but I end up having to close my eyes.

  “Ouch,” I say.

  I open them back up slowly until I can see the energy flowing inside Bridget without it giving me a headache. “How did you know?”

  “I’m an Elemental. I always see that. It’s just neat that you can now too,” Bridget says with a smile.

  “You weren’t sure where you got your energy from, yet you can see the energy from others?” I ask her with a raised eyebrow.

  “That’s not the same!” she says with a pout. “I can see it. I just don’t know where it comes from. Sort of,” she finishes.

  “Sort of?” I ask her.

  “Yes, I can see the energy in others, but the energy that us Elementals get doesn’t come from our mages or from others. It’s just there.”

  “So the stuff from the air?” I ask her, waving around.

  “Probably?” she says hesitantly.

  Laughing, I bend down and kiss her on her soft light purple lips, which feel the same as her Elven lips.

  I look up and catch a look on Mig’s face before he can hide it. He had been looking at mine and Bridget’s interactions in confusion, but now his face is blank. At least he is learning to hide his emotions quickly. Not to mention the fact that his face didn’t show its usual disgust. Getting up with Bridget in my arms, I place her on her two feet.

  I walk up to him, and while he twitches and I know he wants to run, he doesn’t move. He knows I can paralyze him if he does. He has learned quickly that I will paralyze him anytime he runs. A couple of times of having that happen and having his face smash into the ground as he fell, has discouraged him from doing that again.

  Once I’m right in front of Mig, I ask, “Again, what is happening at the Lake of Ruins?”

  Shaking his head, he says, “Not happening. Might as well blow up my head.” As he talks, I can hear the fear in his voice.

  With my Third Eye still open, I go to place my finger on his chest. He tries to back up, but I lift my eyebrow. He clamps down on his jaw and moves back, so my finger touches him.

  Time to absorb your target’s energy. 00:02:59:59.

  As your target is not a magic-user, the energy that will be absorbed will be their life force.

  Time to absorb your target’s life force. 00:00:19:59

  Holy shit! I am taking his lifeforce? What the fuck? Am I like a necromancer now?

  Mig stares at me, confused at first. But then he starts to frown. “What are you doing? I’m feeling weird.”

  “Oh, that. It seems I am taking your life from you. Should only take about 20 minutes,” I tell him with a grin.

  “What?” he cries, slapping my hand away and backing away from me. He stumbles over the log he had been sitting on and stares at me in horror.

  You have stopped absorbing the lifeforce from your target.

  Lifeforce absorbed : 3 months.

  “Yes. It seems in just that little time, I took three months away from you,” I tell him with a big grin.

  Holy shit! Does that mean as I take lifeforce from others, it will extend my life? Holy fucking hell!

  Finally, he comes to his wits and cries, “Just blow up my collar already!”

  Squatting so that I am at his level, I say to him softly, “Nope, I think instead I will take your lifeforce and leave you with like a month or so, and then let you go. You’ll be walking around knowing that you only have a month or so to live before you die suddenly. Yeah, I like that idea. Killing you instantly would be too good for what you did to those Elves.”

  Shaking his head, Mig shouts, “No! You need to kill me now!” and he scrambles up to run away.

  “Stop,” I tell him in English, and he falls over where he is, flat on his face.

  “Bridget. Earth. Lift him and root him in place with vines so he cannot run, please,” I tell her now green-colored Elemental self. Bridget doesn’t say anything but nods and picks Mig up with one arm. She knows the seriousness of this now.

  Leeha comes up to me and puts her arm around my waist, looking up at me. “Are you sure about this? I can kill him,” she says softly.

  “No, I need to get information out of him. And if I can’t, for what he did to your people, as I am sure he was involved, he needs to pay. I saw the arrows in some of those dead Elves back there.” I tell her softly, looking down at her.

  I fucking hate this world, but I love Leeha and her people. Whatever they are doing at the Lake of Ruins, these humans need to pay. Feeling an arm around my other side, I look down, and it’s Bridget.

  “Done, Alex,” she says softly. “I need you to release him so I can bind him properly.”

  I look over and see that Mig is only partially bound because of the way he had fallen in such an awkward position. Nodding to her, I say, “Go,”

  As soon as he can move again, Mig screams, “You can’t do this! I’m human, like you!”

  “I am nothing like you,” I shoot back with such anger that he shuts up quickly and looks at me in surprise. I walk up to him as he is being bound with more vines. “I am nothing like the humans on this fucking world. And I am going to make sure that you humans learn to fucking live in peace with the rest of the races, or fucking help me God, I will make your lives fucking brutal. Now, I am going to ask you one more fucking time. What. Is. Going. On.”

  “I can’t tell you,” he says, crying openly, slumped in defeat.

  “Very well,” I tell him, and then I place my whole hand against him this time, not just a finger.

  Time to absorb your target’s life force. 00:00:4:59

  As I had suspected, my finger was limiting how quickly I could take his life force. I watch as his life force drains, so I see his face start to twist in pain, and I hear him start grunting.

  “It se
ems that using my whole hand on you will mean I can take your life force quicker. Goodbye Mig, it wasn’t nice meeting you, but hey, thanks for extending my life, though,” I tell him with an evil grin. Come on, you fucker. Back out! Tell me what the fuck I want to know. I don’t want to kill you, but I will if I have to.

  “What?!?” Mig shouts in surprise at my news.

  “Yes. It seems I have the ability to take your lifeforce and add it to mine. So you have roughly four minutes left. Well, more really, as I will remove my hand early enough to give you a month or so to live. I’ll take the collar off you and let you go on your way, knowing that you have less than a month to live, but not knowing when you will keel over and die. Maybe you will be eating or even having your last fuck? Who knows. But I won’t care at that point,” I tell him intently.

  “Wait! I’ll talk,” he says, trying to back up from my hand. “Just remove your hand!” I take my hand off of him, and he slumps down even further.

  Lifeforce absorbed: 5 years.

  Jesus, five years in that short period of time? Good to know for the future. I will need to see if I can do that against monsters. But for now, at least he is willing to talk.

  “Now, what’s going on at this Lake of Ruins?”

  “I just want you to know it wasn’t my idea,” he says defensively, looking up at me almost pleadingly.

  “All right,” I say to him, now confused. What the fuck is he talking about?

  “We found a portal,” he says slowly.

  “A portal?” Leeha asks Mig, just as confused as me.

  Mig nods and continues. “About a year ago, while a bunch of us were out hunting, we decided to try out our skills at the Lake of Ruins. We heard it was hard, but we were a bunch of tough guys and we thought we would be able to handle it. Well, we got there and on the side of the lake we found some kind of roundish black stone with swirling lights that were giving off sparks of some sort.”

  I stare at Mig in shock. No fucking way? That sounds exactly like the fucking portal that my God threw me into to come to this world!

  “At first, we didn’t know what to think,” Mig says, shaking his head, “but then one of us touched it, and it killed him. But then we noticed that after he died, the thing got blacker. We had horses with us, so we shoved one of them against it. It died, but nothing happened. We were a large group. About twenty of us. Some mages, some hunters like me. Well our leader, Brakan, who is a very rich and powerful Fire mage, shoved one of the less strong mages into the black rock. The kid was only about fifteen years old. Again, the stone killed him, but it also got even blacker. Then he grabbed one of the non-mages and shoved him against it before we could react, and once more, that person died. But yet again, no increase in the blackness of the portal.”

  “All right, but what does that have to do with these Elves?” I ask him, mystified.

  Mig takes a deep breath before answering. “Brakan had the idea that it was magic users that increased the portal’s power. He wanted to open it to see what is on the other side. So he came up with the idea of using monster slaves who can use magic. So now he has us gathering them, bringing them to the Lake of Ruins, and shoving the slaves against the portal.”

  “How long have you been doing this?” Leeha asks Mig in horror.

  “Four months,” he says in a soft voice, not looking up at her.

  “How many?” Leeha asks him so softly I can barely hear her, but I guess he does.

  “Hundreds,” he says, and I can hear the guilt in his voice, but I am so fucking furious that all I can see is red.

  What he is telling me is that this Brakan and his party, have spent the last four months capturing all these slaves who have magical abilities and killing them. And while he may regret it now, Mig has been in on it, has followed it through. To him, the Elves and other races have been nothing but, as he called them, ‘monster races’. Turning to Bridget, who is standing next to me, I say softly through gritted teeth, “Kill him,” and suddenly the collar around Mig explodes, leaving only a headless body wrapped in vines

  Leeha looks at me in surprise. “We are going to the Lake of Ruins,” I tell her in clipped tones. “We are getting to the bottom of this. Let’s head there as fast as we can,” I tell her.

  Congratulations. You have received the first Quest.

  Defeat the Portal to Hell, or a horde from Hell will be unleashed on Boromour.

  Congratulations. Achievement! First Quester.

  You have received 1 Heavenly Token.

  Heavenly Tokens: 12 of 200

  What the fuck? Demons? I look over at Leeha with more surprise than she is showing me. At my look, she rushes over to me and grabs my shirt. “What!” she asks me frantically.

  “I think I just got a Quest to stop an invasion,” I tell her numbly.

  “An invasion?” she asks me, perplexed. “From what?

  “A horde of Demons from Hell.”

  Leeha looks at me in horror and says softly, “Fucking Hell, it’s happening again.”

  The end of Book 1 of Elemental Summoner 1

  Scroll down for a sneak peek of my other LitRPG series, Destiny’s Champions Book 1, Sigma Worlds Series and, The Broken Battlemage book 1.

  About the Author

  I am an older-than-dirt gamer. I started gaming when old school BBS' were a thing, playing Pit Fighter and Trade Wars. I remember buying my first PC when I was 14 years old; it was a RadioShack Tandy PC. Paid a ton for it.

  When the internet became available, I was on the early (well, not THAT early) bandwagon.

  My venture into online games started with Ultima Online. Then I got into the beta for Everquest. THAT was my addiction. I eventually convinced my partner at the time, to try the game since it seemed to be "taking you away from me almost every evening". And that is how my now wife became a gamer girl. We raided for years, and made some fantastic friends, who we still talk to on Facebook. Then came Everquest 2. Yet more addiction. I have tried WoW, many times. While the game was good, I just never got into it. Sorry WoW Players.

  Since then, I have played tons of games that have come out, from online games to stand-alone ones. I have so many titles on Steam that one would think I would not run out of stuff to play, right? Yeah. If you look at my most played games in Steam, it would have to be in order: Elder Scrolls Online (over 900 hours), Ark Survival Evolved (over 500 hours), and Everquest 2 on Steam. But that doesn't take into account before I had it on Steam, so add another 2000 hours to that!

  My love and passion for reading started at a young age. The first book I read for the sheer pleasure of it as a child was Lord of the Rings at the age of 12. From then on, it became an expensive habit. I have been reading Science Fiction and Fantasy ever since.

  I am also a fan of Anime and Manga. Yeah, I know. How much more geek can I add to this? Oh, oh, you just wait. I was more into ichii and harem there. But also, more fantasy-based ones. I never did watch Yu-Gi-Oh or such. I did love comedy ones. Years ago, I remember introducing my older kids to Ranma ½. Yeah, I wasn't a good dad.

  About three years ago, I was introduced to LitRPG and GameLit, and well, HaremLit. And I have not gone back. I have bought and read so many books on Kindle. I won't mention the numbers. I have wanted to write a book from a pretty young age, since I had lots of imagination and ideas. But I was always under the impression you needed a large publisher. I was wrong. Instead, I decided to put my thoughts to paper, as it were, and this started my new career as an author.

  Where to find me

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  Thank you for coming to check out my series. Here is chapter 1 for you!

  Prologue - Destiny’s Champions

  After the third ring, he picked up the phone and answered it, still trying to wake up.

  “Hello?’ he mumbled into the phone, looking at his clock and seeing it was 2 am.

  “Dr. Phillips, it’s Ian from the IT Security Team. Sorry to bother you so late, but the hooks that we keep track of in the AI’s…”

  “Ian, I know what they are. I was the one who wrote them. What did your group find?” Hooks, tags, call them what you want, they tracked the data the servers were used to move information around. It was a way to see how stable their servers were and see if there were any intrusions from outside sources.

  “Well, sir, we aren’t sure. As best as we can figure, it seems that the AI is pushing data into, well, nothing. We made sure it wasn’t data that the servers were sending to an outside source, but best we can see it’s just going nowhere. What made us catch it was that it was a lot of data. I mean in the Terabyte size every two minutes”.

  “What the hell!! And it’s not affecting the servers?” If anything would wake him up, it was something like this. They had been running the servers nonstop for over a year now without any incident.

  “No sir, what we can see is the load is not being affected, we just have no idea where all this data is going except into the void. Since it’s not going anywhere, we tried to ping the source, but it doesn't lead to anything. What should we do?” Ian asked Dr. Phillips.


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