Blood Rising

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by A M Proctor


  Blood Rising

  Copyright © 2019 Alisha McGinnis writing as A.M.


  CHAPTER ONE Just a Womb

  CHAPTER TWO Plans for Escape

  CHAPTER THREE Crypitc Messages

  CHAPTER FOUR Sexual Torture

  CHAPTER FIVE Bat Shit Crazy

  CHAPTER SIX Freedom to the Fae

  CHAPTER SEVEN Punishment




  CHAPTER ELEVEN A Created Fae Sex Demon







  CHAPTER EIGHTEEN The Love of a Gargoyle


  CHAPTER TWENTY A Dangerous Spot








  CHAPTER TWENTY-EIGHT A Beautiful Disaster



  CHAPTER THIRTY-ONE The Blood Court Takeover






  CHAPTER THIRTY-SEVEN King and Queen United

  CHAPTER THIRTY-EIGHT Unexpected Breeding


  CHAPTER FORTY The Taste of Fae

  Taste the High Fae

  Follow A.M. Proctor on her website:

  Blood Rising

  A Dark Fae Vampire Romance

  Book Two in the Blood and Fae Series

  By A.M. Proctor

  Copyright © 2019 Alisha McGinnis writing as A.M. Proctor

  All rights reserved.

  This is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents and dialog are drawn from the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living, dead, fantasy or undead, is entirely coincidental.

  My books tend to be set in the same world. Sometimes characters cross over, sometimes they don’t, but the world rules all stay the same.

  Ride Series Reading Order

  (Same world, Spark Bond character cameos, set in the future)

  Book one: Unforgettable Ride

  Book two: Forsaken Rider

  Book three: Wondrous Ride (release 2020)

  Blood and Fae Series

  (Same worlds, Ride Series character cameos, set in the future)

  Book one: Blood and Fae

  Book two: Blood Rising

  Taste The High Fae (Coming in May of 2020)

  A dark stand alone vampire takes fae novel with characters from the Blood and Fae Series making a cameo. Yes, Ryzier is back to stir shit up.

  Sweet Monster Books

  Super sexy shorts and erotic novellas featuring sex with monsters.

  Book one: I slept with the Monster, Under my Bed

  Book two: My Mate is a Monster and I Love Him

  Book three: Gifted to the Horde King (Coming in May of 2020)

  More crazy dirty monster shorts will follow.

  Spark Bonded Series

  I am completely rewriting Spark Bond Ignited and Radiance. These books were my first books. I feel I didn’t do the beginning of this story justice. If you purchased the original Ignited and want me to send you the new book for free, just shoot me an email at [email protected]

  Book one: Spark Bond Ignited

  Book two: Spark Bond Radiance

  Book three: Spark Bond Ruptured (release date 2020)

  Book four: Spark Bond Surge (release date 2020)

  Book five: Spark Bond Ascend (release date 2020)

  Book six: Spark Bond Reign (release date 2020)

  This is an epic series with lots of ups and downs through out. These characters are dear to me which is why I want to give you only the best.

  Trigger Warning

  This is a dark and bloody, kinky romance.

  Not intended for young readers.

  If your squeamish or uncomfortable with vampires feeding while having ‘in your face’ sex, you may not enjoy this book.

  Our lead female character makes mistakes, even as a vampire, she needs to find herself.

  You might find yourself enjoying the supernatural orgies contained within. It’s alright, this is a no judgment zone. Have a large glass of vodka and consort with your secret parts if you wish.

  Males will be sexual with males. Sometimes they are sexual with nymphs, a gargoyle, Greek gods and a fawn. Male and females will be joined with others in the bedroom. I mean, why choose when you can have it all? Yes, harems do exist in the vampire world. Sometimes those harems aren’t easy to maintain.

  DARK means DARK

  We’ve got violence and torture here. We’ve also got humor and true love too.

  Monsters are monsters, even when you think they’re sweet, sexy or even trustworthy.

  Greek gods who might not be popular or particularly pretty, high fae, a sex demon, a gargoyle and vampires who don’t sparkle or gaze longingly at their food. These vampires fuck hard, take what they want and aren’t always considerate to their female companions.

  That’s okay, Nevaeh’s one strong bitch when necessary.

  Fae creatures and humans will be fed upon, fucked and some will die.

  Sorry fairy & elf lovers. The fae taste too good to waste.


  Just a Womb

  My gaze takes in the beauty of the Mediterranean Sea at sunset. Brilliant colors paint a sky under peaceful blue waters. The opulence of the mansion rooftop I’m sitting on and that sunset is in direct violation to how I feel inside. Damn sea didn’t have the decency to even produce just one or two angry waves.

  “This used to be my home.”

  I’m talking to a stone statue. A giant gargoyle who just listens as I try to make sense of my crumbling world. A world built on lies and betrayal.

  Less than a year ago, I was just trying to make my way on my own as a human girl. I wasn’t human. I’ve never been human. Just a pre-transition female vampire.

  Not even a full vampire either. A genetic breeding between two species. My mother was a fae goddess, a sea nymph cross. My father, one of the original natural born vampires.

  They conceived me in a lab, at a company called The Measure in Colorado. My father helped my mother escape and after she gave birth to me, she left me on the doorsteps of a childless human couple. So they raised me as a human.

  I guess I owe Alexei, Gregory, Emilio and The Measure my life. They helped me through my transition. Natural born vampires need the blood of another to survive their transition. My vampire harem taught me what it was to be a vampire.

  The mated queen of vampires. One of the few natural born female vampires left on this planet. I thought I was the only one until recently. I thought I knew a lot about my home, my harem and my mate. Turns out I don’t know shit.

  I discovered this after King Alexei returned to the Blood Court to sacrifice his blood for his brethren. A sacrifice that involves his people draining him to the point of death, five times over a fifty-year span. His duty as King of Vampires. His penance for being the strongest living original vampire left on earth. I can’t help th
e pain in my heart that I feel when I think of my beautiful strong king like this. As fucked up as my situation is, a part of me will always love Alexei.

  Gregory, my lover and next in line to create young with me, took me deep into the mountain and revealed Alexei’s secret. Narella. Alexei’s first mate. His beloved. I knew all about the red-headed beauty imprisoned there.

  Alexei gave me her journals to read before I transitioned. I’d read all about her love affair with her “beloved”. I just didn’t realize she’d been talking about Alexei. Her journals made her sound like a sweet girl with a huge heart. Not anymore.

  Is that what living for a thousand years turns people into? Is this what I have to look forward to? Insanity? Dishonesty? Manipulation? Playing evil games with my food and brethren because I’m bored?

  I knew my womb played a huge factor in all this. The last fertile vampiress left. I just thought, once I had my twin girls, I’d live a relatively normal life until I became fertile again. That Alexei would take me to court with him, allow me to rule by his side there.

  I never once thought he was preparing a cell for me next to Narella under the mountain. Not a dirty cavern cell, mind you. It’s just as opulent as Narella’s room. Mine is ocean themed, though. He went to great pains to make it as comfortable as he could. It still has bars and a lock even a vampire couldn’t bust. It’s still a prison cell.

  My gaze lingers on the silver chains wrapped around Mason’s massive stone form. He’s just a statue, and yet my harem insists that I keep the chains on him. I guess to remind me I’m a prisoner too, even though I’m not yet locked in my lavish cell.

  I’d convinced Gregory to allow me the freedom of the mansion until my wings came out. I hope I never get them now. Funny, I remember Alexei gently chastising me when I asked him eagerly when my wings would come out.

  His pale green eyes regarded me tenderly as he said, “Your wings will come, when they come. No rushing it, my love. It can take years to develop fully.”

  It reminded me of when I was a preteen and I was asking my adoptive human mom when I’d develop breasts. I couldn’t wait to become a woman then. My breasts are now a nuisance, always leaking milk even when my babies aren’t crying.

  Gods bless those woodland nymphs that care for my girls. They’d been gifts at our mating, along with several tasty high fae, fairies, a faun, a set of wolf shifters, and a griffin. I didn’t get a wedding cake; I got wedding fae. My delicious gifts are secure inside the mountain, waiting for me to sip from them whenever I wish.

  I’ve let the monster inside me loose for too long. The feral kitten has turned into a tiger. How did I become this thing so quickly? Where did my humanity go? I feast on my own people. Humans and fae. Keep them locked up under this mountain, awaiting my pleasure like exotic pets. Most people don’t drink their exotic pets blood to the point of no return. I did. I killed my fare share of high fae and fairies. I ate all the pixies too. I’m no better than the rest of my kind and maybe just a bit worse, since I’m half fae as well.

  Then there’s Mason, a chained up gargoyle that my male vampire harem treat as if he were the most dangerous of all my gifts. My gaze roams the huge statue. He’s some kind of lion, dragon, demon statue made of marble, not granite or rough stone.

  Crouched on his clawed feet, hands on the ground in front of him, he still stands nine foot tall. Wings, even folded on his back, are taller than his wide head. He’s beautifully created with every muscle, every hair on his massive mane sculptured in fine detail. Even his canines gleam white.

  He’s naked too. His huge flaccid cock rests on perfect balls between strong thighs. Even his eyes hold emotion. I guess that’s why I sit up here and talk to him.

  Yeah, if he was real. He’d be a dangerous foe. When my dark Italian Emilio returned from the blood court with California surfer Brendon and Australian Lucas in tow, I learned the history of the violence between gargoyles and vampires. Brendon and Lucas as the new half of my king’s appointed harem. Now I have four males to service me and produce offspring with. I shouldn’t complain, Lucas and Brendon are just as hot as my dark duo Gregory and Emilio.

  Lucas sat here with me and told me the legends of the gargoyle. Before they were protectors of old churches and buildings in Europe, they were created to protect humans from vampires.

  Apparently the gods became concerned that the vampires could destroy the humans who worshiped them. Turns out, the gods are merely fae creatures with magical powers. The fae gods gain their power from worship. Back then, they hadn’t retreated to the God Realm, and they warred with one another over the affections of the human population. They created creatures with their powers to protect the humans who worshiped them and punish the humans that didn’t.

  Vampires and gargoyles are two examples. Gargoyles preyed on the females, seeking to destroy the species entirely. Pair a few gargoyles with the fucked up way the male vampires handled breeding their mates, and you get me, the only breeding vampiress left on the planet.

  I sat down on the stone pedestal that Mason sat on and leaned against his strong arm. “I shouldn’t complain. I have four beautiful and strong males in my harem. They love me in their own way. I know they don’t want to imprison me under that mountain anymore than I want to enter that cell. They also know that as soon as I get my wings, I’m out of here. I just have to figure out where.”

  I ran my hand up a powerful arm as far as I could. I loved to touch Mason’s smooth, warm marble body. “If I stay here, I’m safer than if I venture out with twin baby girls, alone. The Fae Realm would reject us immediately, even if I knew how to get there. I hear that the Dark Realm is full of monsters and is no place for the twin girls to grow up. That leaves the God Realm, Mason.”

  Unfortunately, there isn’t much written about the God Realm here. Nothing written at all in English and what I got Miley to translate for me didn’t help. Plus, Miley was human. One of Alexei’s little rescues.

  Say what you want about the King of Vampires, he loved his humans. We fed from them, but he provided for them with the intent in bettering their lives once they left him. He understood humans played important roles here during their short lives.

  He also understood my role. Too bad he didn’t feel like he could be honest and open with me about it. The more I thought about him, the more my heart shattered. How can I love him so much and yet want to tear his fangs out at the same time? How can someone be so wonderful and so fucking evil at the same time?

  I look up as my human servants, Miley and Jules, bring my daughters up for me to feed. I’d had visions of them before we conceived them. I knew Alexei would give me two beautiful girls. One light like me and one dark like their father. Female offspring were rare, twins were unheard of even back in the vampire heyday.

  Back when females ruled the males and chose their harems and mates among the strongest vampires that existed. Alexei led me to believe that was what he was trying to get back to. Instead, I merely condemned my two beautiful daughters to a life of imprisonment and breeding.

  I open my shirt as my tits leak the moment I smell my girls. I leave my seat on the statue and move to the more comfortable couch on this rooftop deck.

  I’m handed Leila first, and I kiss her dark head as she finds my nipple. Her suckling noises cause Inara to whine. I kiss her blonde head as I settle her onto my other nipple. “Ah sweetie, here you go.”

  She takes a moment to settle down and suckle. Four months old and she’s already the more emotional of the two. Leila is my silent watcher. Inara is the fussy communicator.

  I look up from Inara’s light features and nod to my male harem, who arrived just in time for the show. The look of pure awe and devotion on their faces make it hard for me to hate them. They never miss this. We are their treasures.

  All four of them are the most powerful males left in the vampire race now that Alexei is down for the next fifty years. Each a direct descendant of the original vampires, just like Alexei and just like my father Juliss h
ad been.

  We were the last hope to save the race. To produce pure blood vampires who would strengthen the blood of our brethren. I loved them in my own way too. They provided for us, fed me, worshiped my body. Sometimes they made me feel as if I wasn’t their prisoner. Wasn’t their broodmare.

  That my daughters weren’t just wombs, they waited patiently to mature. The fact was, that’s exactly what they were to them. Beautiful infant wombs that, once transitioned, would be theirs to impregnate as they intended to impregnate me when I went in to heat again. Having experienced heat before, I knew that when the time came for my girls, they’d comply willingly.

  I had no control over my body as my womb opened to Alexei’s cock and then trapped him inside me and forced him to fill me with seed. Not just once, but for a full twelve hours.

  Only when Alexei fertilized my eggs did my womb release his cock. My orgasms had drained him completely. My womb distended with his seed and the sustenance that my girls needed to grow.

  Grow they did, for Alexei is the strongest of all original vampires. Six months later, I gave birth to the twins I’d seen in my dreams. Light and dark. Blessed girls who carried the weight of our future and their mother’s fae goddess and sea nymph genes.

  I’d seen them in a realm where they were safe until they matured. I’d seen them in the God Realm. I knew we had to get there, and soon. The question remained, how?

  For all appearances, I was completely vampire. My goddess and nymph sides have been pushed out by my vampire side. I’ve been trying desperately to connect with my sea nymph magic. My birth mother had been a sea witch with Poseidon before she came to the Measure to breed with a vampire. Unfortunately, she’s trapped inside the body of a jaguar now. A shell of the woman she’d once been. She can’t help me.

  Lukenon, my high fae lover and son of the head of the Measure, can’t help me anymore. He loved me without expectation. He’d loved me when I was just human Nevaeh. He should have rejected me when he found out what I was. Vampires are the high fae’s worst nightmare. We can’t control our bloodlust around them. They are so delicious. It’s why the Fae Realm rejects us. We’d upset the balance there for sure.


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