Blood Rising

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Blood Rising Page 9

by A M Proctor

  He sat up and looked back at me with a twinkle in his gaze. “I’ve overstayed my welcome in this realm but I’ll be back soon.”

  He stood up, waved a hand and opened a dark vortex. He gave me a small bow before he stepped through it and was gone.




  I so love to make a dramatic exit. Nevaeh’s astonished gasp as I left her gave me a small thrill. It paled compared to the thrill she just gave me. Few things put me in awe now days. I stand in awe. Amazed by that encounter. I want to sacrifice myself at her feet. Shit, she could flay me if only she’d lick my wounds.

  I can’t wait to be balls deep inside her. To taste her desire as I make her scream in passion. I took a sip as she rubbed herself on my cock. Not blood. I don’t feed like a vampire, though now I’m intrigued. What would it be like to drink from Nevaeh? She seemed to enjoy herself immensely. Vampires are similar to incubi in that manner, I suppose.

  I feed off sexual desire, orgasms, pain, pleasure, despair, joy. Each has a distinct flavor that I enjoy. I manipulate people into feeling these emotions deeply. A young man feeling hopeful of success? Doesn’t quite taste as good as watching him destroy that hope and tasting his shame over his own failure.

  So of course my mind is already working out ways to manipulate Nevaeh, Lukenon and even King Alexei. Oh, I’ve been fucking with kings and queens for a long time, just ask King Chaistolf and Queen Morgan.

  I stride into my palace in the Dark Realm. I’m a prince here, but I have no desire to sit on a throne and rule. My mom’s still the Queen, and I have plenty of siblings vying for the crown. I just need to clean up and change my clothes before visiting my sister. Hopefully she will be in the Fae Realm and I can kill two birds with one stone. Walking between realms can to get be taxing at times.

  The butler greets me eagerly as I pass through the main door. “Majesty. Your mother isn’t expecting you.” The butler is a reptoid. A prize my mom obtained when she was younger and was out conquering realms. He’s basically a walking lizard with a brilliant mind. They’re androgynous creatures, you can’t tell a male from a female in their realm.

  Yes, there are more realms than just the mighty four. We have many slaves in the palace that would provide proof of this, though we prefer to keep the other realms our little dark secret.

  I don’t even pause as I say, “I’m not staying. Just came to shower and change. No need to worry mommy dearest.” He doesn’t get the pun. He’s never been to the Human Realm.

  “Good, good. You know she doesn’t like surprises.”

  I don’t give a flying fuck what mom likes or doesn’t. The bitch built her empire off selling me to the rich and powerful in this realm. She rose to power on the wings of her angelic baby. You have no idea how much you’d pay for chocolate cake when all that’s available to eat day in and out are potatoes. Mommy did. She allowed the kings and queens of this realm to use and even abuse her baby, for a cost. Yeah, I grew up a prostitute.

  My boots click on the onyx stone floor as I continue to my rooms. Opulence surrounds me. Black and gold with glinting jewels catching firelight. For as much money as mommy made off me, you’d think she’d update the palace with electricity. The high fae figured out how to power their homes, but then the Fae Realm has sunlight.

  The Dark Realm never gets full sun. We have a glow from the moons that give the realm enough light that feels like dusk. Yeah, another misconception that everyone has. If the realms are all on earth, how come the Dark Realm has three moons? Honestly? I don’t care. I hate it here. I’m one of the lucky few that can pass through the realms at will. I left as soon as I mastered the gift and I rarely return home.

  “Have the dragons heat the water for my shower, please.”

  A long iridescent green finger lifts. “Majesty, you have a guest waiting for you.”

  I pause and slowly meet his gaze. “Where?”

  My frown deepens as he points to my door. “No one, I repeat… no one gains entrance into my rooms without my expressed permission.”

  I open the door and face the lizard man. “If I have to remind you again, I’ll also remind you I enjoy Cajun fried reptile tail as well. Can you regenerate your tail, reptoid?”

  The lizard stammers in fear. I merely said, “I didn’t think so.”

  I slam the door in his face and take in my guest. She was wearing a sheer night gown, her dark nipples seen clearly through it. “Lilith.”

  She was lounging on my bed. “Ryzier, darling.”

  Her gaze takes in my fae form slowly. I’d forgotten to return to my demon form. She gives me a small coy smile as she tilts her dark curls curiously. “It looks like you had a good time with the vampiress.”

  I smirk as I take off my boots and leather pants. Her gaze feasts on my cock. Females just love to watch a male’s cock move unrestricted almost as I love to watch a set of breasts swaying free. I release my fae form with a thought. “She was adequate.”

  I move into the baths, and Lilith follows. She is just dying for details she’ll never get. Not because I don’t want her sniffing around my new piece of tail. Because I enjoy torturing Lilith. I enjoy the games we play.

  She likes it too. She was the first female after all. When Adam tried to assert his dominance over her, she defied the god that created mankind and her husband. Flipped them the bird and said, “Fuck this noise. I’m outta here.”

  She was punished severely but if you ask her; it was totally worth it. They erased her name from history, and perfect, submissive Eve replaced her. Eve’s life wasn’t any better than Lilith’s life and don’t get me started on Adam. What a douchebag. No poor Lilith from me. This bitch is ruthless and vicious when she wants to be. Just today, she had Eros in tears and Adonis doubting his good looks.

  I defiled two virgin demigods. Split one's ass as he came buckets in the other's mouth. Then I drank their shame as they wept. Fucking delicious meals.

  Then I fucked their daughters while they watched. More shame and even a touch of desire from one of those dirty daddies. Gods and their incestuous desires. They’re all fucked up, which is the perfect playground for the likes of me and the reason I overstayed my welcome in that realm today.

  I sink into the hot waters of my huge bath. It has to be huge to accommodate my wings. Lilith makes a show of removing her gown and I watch with a pleasant smile on my face. She slips in the water and glides over, straddling me. Her seductive smile grows when she finds me ready for her slick pussy.

  Few females can successfully tackle my demon cock and enjoy it without a bit of lust from me. The first female can. She slides every ribbed and notched inch of me inside her succulent pussy. I blow out a breath, “Fuck babe, that feels good.”

  She smirks, “I know.” She settles in to riding my huge demon cock. She loves it as much as I do.

  “I fed her.”

  She paused a moment and then resumed riding me. That was the only outward show of shock, though. “And? How was it?”

  I shrugged and leaned back against the edge of the tub, closing my eyes. “All right, I guess.”

  She asked casually. “What does she taste like?”

  I sighed. “A vampire.”

  She leaned forward and kissed my massive chest. “Oh Ryzier, I’m so sorry. I know you were looking forward to a new experience.”

  I shrugged again. “Nothing ventured, nothing gained my darling Lilith.”

  “Where are you off to next?”

  I smiled slightly. “To cause chaos among the high fae.”

  She laughed. “Oh Ryzier, you dog. Do you think that little high fae princess is going to accept you if you keep fucking her mommy and daddy?”

  I opened an eye and peered at Lilith as she pounded my beast cock. “Who says I want her to accept my proposal? Maybe I enjoy fucking mommy and daddy too much.”

  I hooked an arm around her waist as I stood up in the bath. She wrapped her legs around my waist the best she could a
s I moved us to the bed, dripping wet.

  I pressed her against the wall and give her some good hard thrusts. She hates being dominated physically, but she can’t help herself when it’s my cock making her cum. She struggles against me as I pound into her. “Ryzier, please.”

  I’m tempted to pin her down and let loose on her. Show her how good it feels to be completely dominated by this demon cock. She’d feed from me though and I really don’t have the energy to deal with all that. Fucking Adam, he forced her to submit to him during her first time. I’ve often wondered how history would go if Adam had been a different man.

  I walk us to the bed, turn around and fall backwards, wings open. She squeals in delight and resumes riding my cock. “Feed me Lilith.”

  She smiled seductively as she toys with her clit. As her pleasure rises, she opens her chakras and connects with me. Our pleasure sinks and I inhale her essence as she fucked me. The first female, the first female demon. Her essence is controlled, dominant and powerful.

  She peaks on me with a gasp as she forces her essence into me. I try not to cum. Thinking of anything else but cumming. Her gaze pierces me as she pushes more lust into me. Feeding me more power. My face is pinched, my fists clenched as I close my eyes. Shit, I shouldn’t have closed my eyes. Nevaeh’s fair face, framed by long wavy blonde hair, forms.

  My cock explodes as I shout my pleasure. Lilith giggles in delight at forcing my orgasm. We’ve been playing this game for centuries. She thinks she won, but I’m fucking revitalized with ancient power.

  I scowl at her, “Fuck Lilith. That wasn’t fair.”

  She smirks, “Alls fair in… fucking a succubus.”

  I return her smirk as I lift her off my cock. No need to encourage a round two. I got what I needed from her. Time to dress and jet. She pouts as she plays in the mess of her cunt. “Leaving so soon?”

  Yep, you played right into my little game. I won and now I need to visit my darling sister, my betrothed princess and her parents. “Sorry love. Next time we’ll play all night. I’ll even let you ruin a few orgasms.”

  She grins devilishly. “Only if I can do a bit of post orgasm torture after.”

  I smirk as I switch back to my fae form, wash my cock and then dress for travel. “Of course.”


  I open a portal to the Fae Realm. Fae Florida Panhandle, to be exact. I’m on the beach. The realm is pristine and healthy thanks to the high fae that live here. They promote nature. It’s too bad they look down on the Human Realm. Few high fae live there anymore.

  The realm could use their healing but those holier than though elves feel like it’s the humans responsibility to fix their realm. Even when you point out all the humans doing their part to save the planet, they’ll point out the many more who cancel out those good deeds. No, until humans prove to the high fae that the majority is trying to make amends to Gaia, the elves will continue to look away.

  Queen Morgan walks down the beach towards me. She and I are bonded. We’ve had twenty-five years together. She loves me as much as she hates me. Her conflict is sumptuous. Dark auburn hair lifts in the wind as her large breasts sway gently under her dress. Damn curvy vixen.

  She’s a piebald now that she’s fae. One blue eye and one green with dark lines in her iris. I think she’s the only female alive that I might love. Well, besides her daughter, but I don’t fuck her daughter. Not yet, anyway.

  I saved them both when her body tried to miscarry my little princess. Morgan was bleeding out, and I played the hero. She agreed to the cost without knowing what her payment would be.

  My seed and saliva have healing properties. A gift from dear old dad. I saved their lives, and then I saved this stupid kingdom from themselves. I secured Morgan and Chaistolf’s crowns by proving Morgan was no longer human because these fucks didn’t want a human queen.

  So what was my payment for using that gift on her? A virgin princess. That baby she carried in her womb was promised to me. I have to woo her without using my lust on her, but I’ve got the girl wrapped around my demon wing. I mean, look at me. I’m as hot as her daddy is. Mommy and daddy can’t interfere in Princess Rainariel’s decision when I propose to her.

  In the meantime, I get to feed off mommy and daddy several times a year. Morgan’s cute little fists settle on her hips as she scowls at me. “What are you doing here, Ryzier?”

  I smirk. “What? I can’t visit my future wife?”

  Her gaze narrows as I pull a sapphire necklace from my pocket. “I’ve brought her a gift.”

  She sees right through my charade. I can conn the oldest of demons but this little upstart created fae, truly sees me. She smirks, “She’s not here.”

  I cock my head slightly. “Oh? Where did she go then?”

  Her smirk remains. “You’ve got a bit of competition, Demon. She’s off on a quest with Dagney’s son, Lukenon.”

  Now I smirk. “Oh really? I guess I must tell Nevaeh that her darling lover has moved on then.”

  Morgan’s smirk fell. “Nevaeh? You’ve seen her?”

  My smirk grew. “Where’s my dear sister?”

  Morgan scowled at me. “Dagney’s not your sister, Ryzier. You know she hates it when you call her that.”

  “Dagney’s not my sister, but Queen Erinyes is. You know the real Erinyes is none too happy about the Queen of the Dark Fae using her name?”

  Morgan can’t possibly scowl harder right now. She’s adorable when she uses her stern voice on me. “I’m sure you relished telling her too.”

  I walk forward and offer her my arm. She takes it, of course. “Come now. Offer me a room in your luxurious waterfront palace and tell me all about that sexy male of yours. How is King Chaistolf doing?”

  I know exactly how King Chaistolf is doing. The high fae male is beautifully shattered with dark jagged edges I love to play with. He’s seven feet of sculptured body with a golden mane and a confident ego. He’s mister perfect on the outside. The honorable elf king who loves his family and people. The champion of humans here in this realm, he’s gone to war to protect humans lost here. The High Fae finally ruled that humans are a protected species here.

  They’re still not welcome with open arms, but it is now the duty of the high fae to guide humans in the right path here, or guide them to the nearest portal and back home. Of course there’s still a few pockets of human slavery, mostly in the southern islands where it’s hard to enforce the laws. There are human servants on the mainland who’ve dedicated their lives to serving their masters in any way they can. There are fae here who love their human pets too.

  It’s not perfect, but it’s much better than the murdering that happened for centuries. There will always be some who love to do evil things to others, fae and human. Poor perfect Chaistolf fell victim to a sadistic high fae princess many years ago. She sexually tortured him, broke him down to nothing and then made him a pleasure slave to her twisted ways. Chaistolf will never recover from the shit she did to him. Especially when I’m involved. Gods, his tortured soul is too tasty to let go.

  Our contract for saving Morgan’s and Rainariel’s lives and securing Morgan’s crown includes both the King and Queen to feed me. It’s limited to four times a year. I was just here last month. I fed from Chaistolf. He offers up the sweetest tortured bits and pieces, the poor thing. I can’t help but toy with him, like a cat toys with a baby bird before he eats it.

  “He’s still a wreck, Ryzier. I really wish you’d leave him alone.”

  Oh, hell. “What do I get for giving up my high fae king?”

  She stops walking and faces me. “What do you want?”

  I smirk. “Four hours in your playroom with you and your pleasure slave, Shay.”

  She purses her lips. “Shay’s not on the table.”

  I shrug. “I guess I could play with Calanon.”

  She smirks. “Nothing like fucking your sister’s husband.”

  I remind her. “Dagney’s not my sister.”

  She eyes me before st
arting to walk again. “Uh, you might want to talk to your demon sister before saying that. From what I’ve seen, Queen Erinyes is mighty possessive of her king.”

  I stop walking. The surprise in my voice is evident. I don’t even try to hide it. “My sister is in love with a high fae?”

  She rolls her eyes and shakes her head. “For someone who prides himself in seeing everyone’s weakness, you miss a lot. That succubus inside Dagney worships Calanon and has since she first met him.”

  I smirk. “That makes me even more interested in that high fae assassin.”

  She walks again. “Even you can’t handle Cal. You think you’ll wreck him because he’s dark. He’s liable to bring you to your unholy knees, sex demon.”

  I laugh. “I’m always up for a challenge, Darkling.”

  She leans her cheek against my bicep. The small show of affection ties my gut in knots. She’s the only female that can elicit such a response from me. I’d give her anything she desired without payment when she makes me feel like this. Good thing she has no idea the depths of my feelings for her.

  I stop myself from pressing a kiss to the top of her head. That would be a huge mistake. Instead, we enter the four story palace from the back door. I pretend I don’t know that she’s sneaking me in. I’m sure King Chaistolf doesn’t want to see me so soon after our last session.

  I pause at the private stairwell and tilt her chin up. “I’m not here to feed but if you want a bit of demon dick, you know where I’ll be. Can you tell Dagney I’m here to see her?”

  I lean down and press a chaste kiss to her sensual lips. She smiles, gods I love it when she smiles like this. “Don’t fuck with Dagney, Ryzier. You won’t like her when she’s angry.”

  I laugh and kiss her lips again. “I’d rather fuck with you, Darkling.”

  Her smile turns devilish. She’ll slip into my room tonight. I’ll fuck her silly and then I just might restore her hymen as a gift for Chaistolf. See? I’m not all asshole.

  I leave Morgan at the bottom of the private stairwell. I know where my room is at. Second floor, courtyard view. It’s a small two-room apartment that’s well appointed. We used to play in the harem house across the courtyard, but the harem is long gone. King Chaistolf had thirty sluts when I first came here.


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