Blood Rising

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Blood Rising Page 21

by A M Proctor

  Down below was where the Greek deities lived. In my limited experience of this realm, I’d only encountered beautiful white Greek gods. Here was a diversity of beauty that I hadn’t seen down on Gaia. Skin colors, fashion and customs from all over the world were represented right here. I saw no ugly deities here. A few creatures who looked like they should be from the Dark Realm were sprinkled throughout, though.

  The golden gates to the courtyard were guarded by three fearsome looking fellows. Luckily, Mason found a place to go statue outside the gates and the guards let me right through.

  This time I had made no special effort with my appearance. I was wearing dark blue linen pants and a backless pale blue top. My hair pulled back in a high ponytail. No braids, no jewels, and no wings out on display.

  A young boy who appeared to be only twelve approached me on the golden path through the courtyard. Golden ringlets bounced as he walked and beautiful green jeweled eyes fixed on mine as he came closer. He wore the fine robes that most of these Greek gods preferred. His robe matched his hair, and the emeralds on his belt matched his eyes.

  His cherub lips smiled, showing perfect white teeth as he halted before me. “Greetings Nevaeh. I’m Ganymede and I’ll escort you inside.”

  I remained rooted as he turned, expecting me to follow him. “Why am I here, Ganymede?”

  He turned around with a curious cock to his head. “To meet Zeus, of course.”

  “I know of Zeus’s reputation and Hera’s jealousy, you understand my hesitation?”

  He pushed a golden ringlet off his forehead. “Ah, yes. I do. Zeus can be impulsive at times. Less so when Hera is present. Frankly, I’d be more worried about Poseidon than Zeus, but I understand your concern. They simply wish to meet you. Anything else would be a consensual accord.”

  My gaze narrowed on the innocent child. “I’m not some dog and pony show. I won’t be entertainment for anyone.”

  He looked confused even as he smiled and confidently retorted. “We are all entertainment for the gods, Nevaeh. If you play the game well, you just might find yourself blessed by the gods.”

  So I followed him up marble steps, through a grand entrance, and into a massive throne room. The floor was pure gold, and glowing columns rose six stories up to a domed ceiling. The expansive room held about fifteen gods and goddesses milling around. On the throne in the back sat a massive Zeus and equally tall, Hera.

  I immediately began sizing up the occupants as Ganymede announced my presence in a loud, youthful voice. Who were these gods and what did I know about them? There were a few gods that were easily recognizable.

  Aphrodite was radiantly beautiful as she smiled at me. The hulking red headed god next to her could be Ares. Massive Poseidon was recognizable even if he wasn’t holding his triton. Coral and shells decorated his white dreadlocks. All the Olympians were larger than life. They towered over the other lesser gods who they were socializing with.

  Hephaestus stood out exceptionally, though. He used a cane and had a gnarled lower leg. He stood out from his flawless pale counterparts also because of his skin color, which was a more burnt sienna or creamy mocha.

  He wasn’t beautiful by Greek god standards with the scar that cut across his cheek. His short dark hair curled tightly against his head. His light chocolate eyes were soulful and kind.

  Hestia was more plump than the other goddesses in attendance. She, like Hera, wore modest robes that covered her body from shoulder to floor. She stood close to Hephaestus and regarded me with a soft gaze. I smiled at her as I passed.

  Not knowing what to do as they presented me to the King and Queen of Olympus, I stumbled through an ungraceful curtsy. “Your Majesties, I’m honored to make your acquaintances.”

  Hera spoke, “Ah vampiress, we’re delighted to have your company this evening.”

  Zeus had a deep, booming voice. “I hope you find this gathering to your liking. I’d hate to have you judge all of us by the actions of a few.”

  “I don’t. I’m still friends with Atalanta.”

  Hera smiled slightly. “I respect that about you Nevaeh.”

  Zeus didn’t withhold his smile. “Please, mingle and enjoy yourself.” He held out a hand, indicating for me to join the rest of the people in his hall.

  Mingling with a bunch of dangerous strangers. Whoopee, my favorite. When Ganymede approached me with a drink, I politely refused. “I’d rather drink water tonight.”

  He smirked, jeweled eyes sparkling with mirth, and offered me the cup once more. “It is water.”

  I took the cup with a grateful smile and turned towards the group of gods and goddesses. Some were regarding me, while others continued their conversations. The moment I saw Poseidon, I had an agenda to meet and speak with him about my mother. He was one of those ignoring me though.

  I met Hestia’s gaze and then Hephaestus next to her. The least opposing of the group is a good place to start the dreaded mingling. I’d work up to Poseidon. Apparently mingling wasn’t Hestia’s and Hephaestus’s strong suit either. We kind of stood there awkwardly until Hestia introduced herself and her lame companion. Okay, common ground…

  “Mingling at parties isn’t something I’m good at.”

  Hestia smiled kindly as Hephaestus stared off over the top of my head. “Don’t be afraid to ask questions, child. I’ve found that most of us love to talk about ourselves.”

  I’d assumed that these Olympian gods would be offended if I didn’t already know everything written about them. Instead, they delighted in telling me all about themselves and the others. I was a fresh face to tell their stories to. They didn’t ask me about my odd vampire tendencies… much. Well, Hephaestus didn’t speak to me at all. He seemed to wish to be anywhere but here.

  While they told me stories of their triumphs and tragedies, they seemed to want me to get to know them as normal people, not legendary gods. They seemed eager for me to like them, even though they all had their flaws. A few were slightly vain, like Aphrodite. Well, she was gorgeous, so, yeah. Ares was a bit gruff and brutal in his manner of speech.

  When I finally got to Poseidon, I found him keenly eying my body and intensely interested in the sweet bite. Was this that mysterious god who kept making offers through Atalanta? She indicated that the male in question was powerful.

  He was fit, and his strong features were pleasing to the eye. He oozed power and a sexual prowess that I found attractive. Unfortunately, he didn’t remember my mother.

  “I have many nymphs living at my palace.”

  We moved to a more intimate room to lounge on white pillows surrounded by open walls and clouds. Beautiful young males and females served fruit and wine as Ganymede lorded over them like a quiet drill sergeant.

  Poseidon sprawled on the pillow next to me and turned to face me, his robe opening to show a peek of his shockingly white pubic hair. “So, tell me more about this sweet bite you have.”

  I glanced around the room and found interested eyes waiting for my answer. “Well, it’s something vampires can do when our partner is turned on. Our sips can slow down and even pause the height of pleasure of our prey as we ingest them.”

  Aphrodite leaned forward. “Where do you bite them?”

  I shrugged. “Anywhere really.”

  She smirked. “Tell the men here where you prefer to give this sweet bite.”

  I glanced around at the males before admitting. “It’s best to taste the genitals of both male and female.”

  Poseidon shifted slightly as he asked, “Does the blood taste better there?”

  I met his gaze. “Yes. It always tastes better when feeding from the source of pleasure.”

  Ares growled. “I’m out.” He got up abruptly, and I frowned as several other gods left with him.

  “What’s going on here?” I didn’t hide the suspicion in my voice.

  Poseidon answered me frankly. “We’d like to experience this pleasure.”

  My gaze narrowed on him even as my fangs tingled. “That might
prove difficult since I’ve been forbidden to drink from the gods here.”

  Zeus came walking in without his wife in tow and laughed. “We made this rule, so we can break it.”

  I might be going too far, but I want them to know I’m not a pushover. “As long as your wife doesn’t find out?”

  Another hearty laugh, “It is my wife who urged me to bring you to court. She wants to spice up our love life a bit.”

  I warned, “I’ll have to consume your blood in order for the sweet bite to work.”

  I wasn’t entirely sure of this fact but hey, If I was going to be used as an aphrodisiac by the gods, I was going to get some payment.

  Poseidon purred next to me as he leaned back on his pillow. “Of course. That’s part of the thrill, isn’t it?”

  His movement caused his robe to part and my gaze slowly took in his muscular chest and thick cock. He didn’t seem to care that everyone present could see his junk either. Zeus didn’t sit down, instead he turned to leave. “When you finish here, you will be shown to my private room where my wife and I will entertain you.”

  He didn’t wait for an answer. Denying him wasn’t an option. Hestia spoke almost shyly. “My friend Hephaestus has had a rough life.”

  Aphrodite barked a laugh, and Hestia gave her a scowl. “Would you be willing to start with him?”

  Poor Hephaestus’s face darkened with embarrassment as he looked everywhere but at me as he shifted uncomfortably. Aphrodite snorted, “Maybe he’s too ugly for her tastes.”

  Now I gave her a scowl. “Aren’t you his wife?”

  She wrinkled her nose. “Consort.”

  Hestia interrupted, “Unfaithful consort.”

  Aphrodite barked back. “He prefers Athena and hideous monster nymphs, anyway.”

  Hephaestus was staring at my hands as I regarded him thoughtfully. “What does Hephaestus want?”

  Those chocolate eyes rose slowly to meet mine, but he didn’t speak. Aphrodite rose from her pillow and said, “He wants anything that will lie with him.” She walked out of the room, and those sad eyes of his watched her leave.

  Hestia remarked, “She’s such a bitch sometimes.”

  Hephaestus’s soulful gaze returned to mine, and I said to him, “You deserve better.”

  Poseidon fisted his cock and said, “Well if you don’t want him, I’ll be happy to accommodate you.” I watched that cock grow as he stroked it, noting that I wanted the blood of all these gods inside me.

  I licked my lips as I turned my gaze back to Hephaestus. “I’d be happy to pleasure you, as long as you are happy to share your pleasure with me.”

  Poseidon warned lightly, “You might want to wait until you see that gnarly cock of his.”

  My gaze dropped to Hephaestus’s pelvis. I watched his hands work the belt on his robe. He slowly opened the edges to reveal the dark monster that slept on top of his huge, deformed sack. I’d expected large genitals from these gods, but holy shit. His cock was literally twisted.

  His leg deformity didn’t stop at his thigh, it continued to his manhood. It was large but twisted like it was, I might actually be able to fuck it… with my pussy and it intrigued my pussy. My heart was already all in. His soulful, quiet gaze had it pounding in my ears.

  I smiled slowly as I met that gaze once more. “The gnarlier the better.”

  I got up and approached Hephaestus. Sitting on his good thigh, I slid my arms around his neck slowly. I leaned up against his broad chest and whispered in his ear. “Do you want me, God of the Forge?”

  He turned his face to look down at me and I kissed the corner of his mouth and whispered, “Because I want you.”

  My finger traced the scar that cut across his cheek. I wasn’t lying either. My pussy was throbbing as he turned his wide mouth to meet mine. Strong, silent and emotionally unavailable males were exactly my type.

  I moaned as he kissed me gently. He pulled back and gazed down at me curiously. Almost like he’d never had someone moan for him before. The sound of rustling robes gained my attention, and I watched the remaining gods and goddesses slowly file out of the room.

  I smiled. “I’ve got you all to myself now.”

  He returned my smile. “I like privacy.” It was the first time he’d uttered a word since I met him. His voice was smooth and reflected the kindness I’d glimpsed in his eyes. My hands cradled his face as I pulled him down for another kiss.

  I pulled back and asked, “You’re not doing this because you think I’m a monster, are you?”

  He almost laughed before asking, “You’re not doing this because you feel sorry for me, are you?”

  I laughed. “Hell no. You’re a fucking kick ass god. What’s there to feel sorry about?”

  He smirked, and I kissed him again. His hands unclasped my halter top shirt, and it fell down around my waist. The heat of his bare chest on my breasts cause me to press closer.

  His robe fell open as I moved my mouth lower, kissing over his dark chest and nipping at a nipple. He gasped as I worked my way back up to his lips.

  His hands worked my pants down as I lifted and stood up for him to remove them. His gaze dropped to my breasts, stomach and fixed on the crease below.

  “May I pleasure you, Nevaeh?”

  He was already urging me down beside him even as he asked the question. He could do whatever he wanted to my body. His hands traveled my torso slowly as he lowered his mouth to my breasts. I gasped and moaned as he suckled me gently. The pleasure his mouth was giving me seemed directly connected to my throbbing clit.

  The power that surged through me as he worshiped my body was intoxicating. To be worshiped by a mighty god was a heady experience. He moved lower, painstakingly slow as I undulated.

  His huge tongue lapped delicately between my folds as my pleasure rose for him. I was the symphony, and he was the director, conductor and my god.


  I rose and fell, lulled and crescendoed, only to float and begin again.

  “Hephaestus… please… I need you.”

  He moved up my body reluctantly and rolled us so I sprawled on his chest as he kissed me. His twisted cock lay hard and thick between us. I moved my pussy down and slid myself over the edges of him. He moaned deliciously. Instead of taking him inside me, I slid further down his thighs and took it in my hands, stroking it slowly.

  Twisted like something, took the head of his cock and spun it into rope. I kissed the tip and licked up and down his shaft. I wanted to drink him but I also wanted to ride this cock too. I slid my mouth over the head and down the shaft as he moaned and leaned back. He hissed as I took his twisted balls in my hand and gently felt them.

  I stayed slow and gentle with him, not wanting to end his pleasure too soon. I wanted to pleasure this cock for hours. Hephaestus stroked my hair back from my face as he gazed down at me. I locked eyes with him as I sucked and stroked him.

  “Nevaeh, you don’t have to…”

  I pulled hard on him before I let him go. I placed a passionate kiss on the head of his cock, which wrenched another moan from the god. “I’d do this all night if you’d let me.”

  He moaned. “You can drink me anytime now.”

  I kissed his cock again. “May I ride this cock?”

  He froze, “You don’t want to drink my blood?”

  I glanced up as I sucked the spot under his head. I let him go and stroked him with both hands. “I’m craving your blood but I’m enjoying your cock more.”

  I sucked him into my mouth again. He made the most delicious sounds as I pleasured him slowly. “You can do as you wish with my body, Nevaeh.”

  I ached to be filled and stretched by him. Ached to gaze into his eyes and watch his pleasure as I rode him. Slowly, I moved up his body and straddled his hips. I held his cock up as I lowered myself down on it, easing him inside me. Testing my limits and savoring the feel of him entering my body. His hands caressed my hips, and I opened my eyes to find him watching me intently. Watching my pleasur
e as I desired to watch his.

  When he filled me completely, he caressed my belly. It tingled deliciously as I slipped down further on his cock. This was the first clue that sex with a god would be filled with magic. The tingling spread wider as I rode him slowly. Tiny fingers of magic slid over my body, up and around my breasts, licking and teasing my nipples. Over my shoulders and down my back as I gasped as gooseflesh followed his magic.


  He smirked up at me as I rode him just a hint faster. The magic slid between my folds and around my clit like a snake circling a trunk. I gasped and ground down on him. He sat up and kissed the top of my head.

  “Feed from me.”

  My fangs descended, and I pierced the flesh of his shoulder as I continue to ride him faster. The magic squeezed my clit and nipples as we both gasped. His blood was pure power as it filled me.

  Fuck, I was about to lose all control. I was going to cum all over him, drink him dry and scream with power. He was nectar of the gods. I hadn’t felt my bloodlust goblin speak so loudly in a long time.

  He was the purest fae I’d ever encountered. I broke away with a moan.

  “You taste divine.”

  He gasped, “I’m about to ejaculate.”

  Oh, no you don’t. I sank into him again, and he groaned and met my thrusts from underneath. His magic pulsed on my clit and I inched him closer to release right along with me.

  He and I were going to cum together. His orgasm would last the longest I could make it last. My bloodlust goblin be damned. Tiny little bites, tiny little sips of bliss.

  I came hard, losing my focus and throwing my head back with a cry. His cock kicked deep inside me as his voice joined mine. His magic kept milking my orgasm as he filled me with his seed. I was screaming from pure pleasure as he held me down on his cock.

  “Fuck Hephaestus.”

  He growled in my ear as he wrapped me in huge arms. “You just did.”


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