Blood Rising

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Blood Rising Page 31

by A M Proctor

  He gives me a friendly smile, pale green eyes crinkling a bit in the corners. “Agreed. We’ll figure this out, Nevaeh. You’ll drag all us old vampires right into the modern feminism whether we like it or not. It’s right and just. Let’s roll out what we have already agreed upon. I’ll get the scribes to draw up the new laws and we’ll start from there.”

  He leaned back in his chair across from me. “Our clutches might be small but they are spread out across the world. It will take most of the time I have left here at court to reach all of them. Of course, they will make the journey here when the time comes for me to make my second sacrifice. However, we will be able to talk to them about the laws and see how they are being received. Then we will make adjustments accordingly.”

  I cocked my head slightly and pushed a stray blonde hair back off my face. “Tell me about your sacrifice. Who comes and what does it entail?”

  He rubbed a hand over his face. He really hates when I change subjects abruptly on him, but his voice is gentle when he speaks. “It’s exactly as it sounds. We receive our clutch leaders and a few crow leaders as well. I will offer my naked body to my clutch leaders. They will fall on me, drain me, some will even rape me in my weakened state. Then the crows will be released to fall on me.”

  I shuttered as cold filled my veins. I remembered Alexei slaughtering the crows that tried to stop me from getting to the Measure before my transformation. They are the stuff of nightmares. Reanimated death, the creatures that humans fear at night.

  His voice continues. “The crows are the ones that bring my death but they too are important to our society though sometimes I’m not sure how. Maybe it’s reminding us we don’t get to live forever.”

  He shakes his head as if to clear his thoughts. “Anyway, once I’m drained of blood, the priests come out of seclusion and carry my body into the mountain. They perform the rituals and rights needed for me to connect with the source.”

  He notices my look of confusion when he mentions priests. I’ve seen no priests mingling with the blood court or even walking the halls of the castle. He explains. “They live in the mountain. A different breed of vampire. They only come out to collect the sacrifice. Even I know little about what they do or how they live. When they collect me, I’m essentially dead. My mind sleeps. When I wake, I’m in a special chamber just outside their commune deep in the mountain.”

  He levels those eyes back on me and I’m captivated by them. “It takes almost a year from the point of death to when I wake. You won’t be allowed to go with my body into the mountain. You’re needed here. You’ll be in charge of the Blood Court while I’m gone. When I wake, I pull a cord that rings the bells. You will then be able to enter the antechamber and collect me.”

  He warns me. “I won’t look good. I don’t start looking… normal for months. Try not to panic or get upset. The Blood Court will feed me so don’t kill them all while you're in charge, okay?”

  He gives me his classic playful smirk, and I automatically smile. “I’ll do my best but I make no promises.”

  He laughs, then switches the subject on me for a change. “You will go into heat soon. I detect subtle changes in your scent.”

  I touch my neck and do a quick self analysis. If my body aged like my girls did in the God Realm, then the timing would be right. Did I want another child? It was a duty as a female to produce young. My duty as queen to produce royal young.

  His voice brings me back. “Have you thought about who you want to breed with?”

  My startled gaze returns to his. “Uh, I haven’t thought about it at all. I thought I had more time.”

  He smiled again. “Gregory and Emilio have petitioned to be next in line since I already have a few young this cycle. However, I know you might not be willing to breed with Gregory after what he did to you. There are other females here they can breed with.”

  I asked, “What about you? Why can’t we have more royal heirs?”

  “We can and we will but we must mix our genes wisely or else our sons will only have sisters to breed with. You must choose another male to produce young with every other heat cycle.”

  I moved that annoying stray hair off my face again. “It’s hard for me not to want to have young with only you. You're right about Gregory. I can’t, not after what he did. Every time I think about him stuck inside me, I want to kill him. Emilio and I haven’t even spoken since he returned. I honestly thought he hated me, so I’m surprised that he petitioned to breed me. If I had to choose between the two, it would be him over Gregory.”

  He got up and moved around the table, taking the seat next to me. He reached up and tucked that stray lock of hair behind my ear.

  “I know your heart is a huge factor in your choice. Any male here would be overjoyed to lie with you. Take your time, get to know Emilio again. I know you once loved him as much as you loved Gregory. Also get to know some others in the Blood Court. It’s your choice, Nevaeh.”

  If it was my choice, it wouldn’t be a vampire at all. It would be a god named Hephaestus or a sex demon named Ryzier. Neither one were viable to service me in my heat.

  Gods were not allowed to procreate naturally anymore. It didn’t mean that they followed that law, but getting a human or fae creature pregnant had serious consequences. It usually resulted in death for the female and offspring. I didn’t need that kind of drama in my life. I had enough of my own to deal with.

  Ryzier was still gone. Banned by me from this court. Labeled a traitor. He’s probably already moved on with his life. Just like that. I’m probably not even a thought that tickles his brain as he fucks his way through realms.

  Me? I think about him constantly. He’s always just at the edge of my mind. Those gunmetal gray eyes with a ring of dark around the irises haunt me. His tortured demon form is the last image I see and the first image that greets me.

  Emilio was the next choice. The issue I kept returning to was that he still was loyal to Narella. Even though she was given to the Blood Court, her harem would work to restore her status even though she was beyond her breeding years. The fact remained that neither male were mine from the start. They have been and will always be hers.


  Unexpected Breeding

  Planning a royal pregnancy is a lot harder than just having an oops baby with someone you love. No one present could compare to the males I loved. My female vampire side only wanted Alexei, but he was adamant that my next pregnancy needed to be sired by someone else.

  When I mentioned that everyone at court had a hand in my abuse, Alexei suggested that we put out word to the strongest clutch leaders for a gathering here at court. When Brendon showed up, I knew this gathering was in vain. Brendon had lived through his fight with Gregory. He’d gone home to California when I disappeared to the God Realm.

  Brendon had been on my side. Helped me escape and treated me with respect and love. He was passionate in bed and Alexei had been the one to send him to me when he was taken back to court. He approved immediately of my choice. Brendon would stay at court until I came into my heat. He would service me and then return home to his clutch.

  The only issue was, Brendon had fallen in love with a newly transitioned female in his clutch. He longed for her like I longed for Ryzier.

  “I scented her at the beach. She was surfing with friends and had no idea she wasn’t human. Shit, I totally bonded with her just listening to her laugh with her friends while waiting on the next set. I wanted her to laugh for me. So I stole her wave, crashed into her and kissed her under the water. She was livid with me. It only made me want her more. I still try to make her laugh just to savor the sound.”

  I smiled at the blonde surfer vampire. “I know the feeling well.”

  He came back from his memories and asked. “Alexei?”

  I shook my head but said, “I love to hear Alexei laugh. He’s so serious all the damn time that when he cuts loose, it’s like angels singing to me. But no, I was talking about Ryzier.”

>   His lips tightened, and he gave me a sympathetic smile. “Ah the sex demon, angel, vampire mutt. He really stole your heart, didn’t he?”

  I nodded and looked away. “I can’t get him out of my heart. I still hurt, and it’s been months since I sent him away. Why do women do shit like that?”

  He pulled me against him as we walked through the upper levels of the castle. This is where I preferred to stay now that my daughters were here. “Because you bitches are crazy.”

  I laughed my agreement, and he said, “Have you tried to reach out to him?”

  I stopped walking and looked up at him. He shook his head. “No? Well, he might just be pining for you as much as you’re pining for him.”

  I bark a disbelieving laugh. “You don’t know Ryzier. I’m sure I was merely a bad day in his life of lust.”

  He turned towards me and cupped my face. Leaning in close but not moving to kiss me, he says, “Even on your worst day, you’re a treasure to behold. Reach out to him. Invite him back to court. I bet he’ll come.”

  I pulled his hands off my face and looked away. “It’s better if he doesn’t. We were toxic together.”

  I start walking again, and he followed me towards the nursery to play with the girls. I felt bad for choosing Brendon before having time to find out he’d found love. If I would have known, I would have chosen someone else and allowed him to return to his clutch.

  It wasn’t fair to him to have to stay here and wait on my body to decide it was time to produce young. It might be a year before my heat came on. But the pairing had been announced, and duty locked us together.

  I wasn’t the only female coming up on her heat. Like humans with their periods, females in a clutch sync their heats. Both Gregory and Emilio were chosen by two other older females who were in the same breeding program my mom was at the Measure. They were not natural born vampires, but they were breeding compatible and both males agreed to breed them.

  All the females that the Blood Court captured were released from their cells the moment our laws changed. We had five breeding age females that the court had been taking turns producing young with. They were all from the Measure facility and had serious P.T.S.D. from their treatment over the past twenty-six years.

  We also had the product of their rapes, because even if they fell in love with their captors, they were prisoners and couldn’t consent to sex. Their situation was fucked up.

  None of them wanted to leave and I have a feeling it’s not because they didn’t have anywhere to go. Alexei was supportive when I told him I wanted to bring in a therapist to help them get back part of what they took from them.

  So we had several offspring that had either transitioned about the time I did and five on the cusp of transitioning. These children were being raised here like mine.

  They only know what the vampires have taught them. Vampire traditions and lore. I started a small school using local human teachers who come in five days a week and teach the basics.

  On the weekend, the young learn life skills. The males will need this when they strike out on their own after transition and the females will need this when they finish serving their brethren. My goal is to raise highly educated males and females who will bring value to any clutch they join.

  The females will have a better education than the males since they will spend a longer time here as they produce young for the court and raise their offspring. Once free of their duties, we should have female lawyers, doctors, scientists and leaders let loose on the world if that is what they choose to do.

  The point is, they will be free to do what they want. They will eventually have the same opportunity as the males. If they decide to stay afterwards, that’s fine as well. If they decide to pair up with a male outside the court, then we will give our blessings as she leaves the court. My goal is to educate them so they can make informed decisions.

  First, we must make sure the clutch leaders are on board with our changes. I can’t have my females going into clutches just to be raped and bred for part of their lives. This queen business is harder than I thought and these clutch leaders are hard-headed and disrespectful assholes sometimes. It’s a battle that I’m willing to fight and these blood sucking fucktards don’t understand who they are dealing with.


  It’s been three months since I chose Brendon as my stallion during my heat. We’ve spent a lot of time together, but it’s been platonic between us. The most we’ve done is a kiss on the cheek. We’re more friends but my body is kicking out pheromones, and its getting awkward between us.

  For the safety of the court and to keep Brendon safe from Alexei, we’ve been sequestered in a remote part of the castle together. Male vampires go nuts and fight when there’s a female in heat.

  Alexei has locked himself in the dungeon until our breeding is complete because he’s a dominant male and possessive of his mate. Even though he put his stamp of approval on this pairing, it doesn’t mean his bonded male will sit by and allow another male to breed his mate.

  I’m supposed to feed off Brendon but every time we try, he gets a boner and I pull away. We are at the part where we still have control over our bodies. There will come a time where we won’t. We’ll fuck and feed like passionate lovers.

  “You gotta feed, Nevaeh.”

  I stare at my feet. “I know.”

  I hear him approach and watch his bare feet come into view. He’s got sexy feet. I’m not much of a foot gal, but damn. Maybe that’s the hormones talking.

  He moves close and offers me his wrist. My fangs descend. We have an army of humans, feeding us and caring for our every need, but there is nothing like male vampire when your body is in chaos.

  I lift his wrist and pierce his flesh. We both moan. There’s something about feeding a female in need that calls to the base instincts of every male. It has nothing to do with love. They enjoy feeding a female vampire.

  There’s nothing like a strong male nurturing you as his rich blood glides over your tongue. His arm slides around me and his body presses close. He’s providing my body with exactly what it needs. My sex grows wet and heavy as I moan against his flesh. His lips press against my head and I feel him take a shuttering breath.

  His cock is straining against his pants as I feast my eyes on the bulge. I’m dying to see him in all his glory. To run my hand down the length of his hard cock. To taste him and feed from his dick.

  I heal his wound and pull away, panting. “I’m sorry. Fuck, I’m really sorry I have you stuck here about to cheat on your new love.”

  His arm's grip me to keep me from turning away from him completely. “Nevaeh, you’ve got to get that out of your head. It’s a huge honor for me to create young with my queen. It doesn’t hurt that she’s sexy as hell and a close friend, either.”

  “But what about after? Will we still be friends? Will she hate me because I’m raising a baby sired by you?”

  He laughs a breathy laugh as he pulls me into his arms. “Yeah, she’s a spitfire. She will hate me more than you. We’ll get through this just like you and Alexei did.”

  He presses his lips to my forehead and I offer, “Well at least you don’t have your former mate locked in a cell in the basement of your clutch.”

  I raised my gaze to his, our faces so close. “Do you?”

  He smirked. “If I do, I’ll never tell.”

  Then he lowered his lips to mine, and we had our first kiss in a long time. It was sweet and tender, but it lacked the passion it once had. My fire was sizzling out, but his was just starting to catch and spread. He moaned as he moved his lips down my jaw and onto my neck. Kissing my flesh with growing need.

  He nudged the thin straps of my night dress down as he kissed the spot where they’d been. Then he pushed it down to my hips and drew back to stare at my naked torso.

  “You’re so beautiful, Nevaeh.”

  His hands slipped up my sides and cupped my breasts. His thumbs sliding over my peaked nipples simultaneously. My pussy got in the
action by clinching and throbbing harder. My nipples are still sensitive even after feeding twins. They’re linked directly to my clit.

  I moaned as I pulled his mouth to my breast. He moaned as he took my nipple in his mouth. Yep, we’re going to fuck. I closed my eyes, and Ryzier’s fae image appeared. It's his light blonde hair I pressed my lips to. His scent I inhale. His sensual mouth on my nipple. I breathed his name as a cool breeze stirred around us.

  Brendon lifts me up and I wrap my legs around his waist. His thick hard cock presses against my drenched pussy behind his pants as he walks us to the bed. He lowers me down to the bed and rises. Hands going to the elastic waistband of his linen pants.


  I screamed as I saw the large shadow rise behind him. A clawed hand slid around Brendon’s throat and jerked him back. Ryzier’s horned head appears to the side of Brendon’s wide eyes, looking at him with an evil expression. Then gunmetal gray eyes slide to me. They take in my partial nakedness and I pull my slip of a dress up instinctively.

  His voice was unholy as he turned his attention back on Brendon. “Leave vampire.”

  Brendon met Ryzier’s gaze, and a feral growl erupted from his chest. “You took too long, demon. She’s mine to breed.”

  A deep rumbling growl started in Ryzier’s chest. Louder than Brendon’s and much deeper. I gasped as my body stiffened with pleasure at the sound. My visceral response to Ryzier’s growl had both males looking at me with greedy hunger.

  Ryzier snarled, “Get control over your feral side, vampire. I’m stronger than you and I want to slaughter you right now. Remind that feral male inside you that this was your idea. You contacted me. Remember?”


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