The Determined Widow (The Matthew Holland Mystery Series)

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The Determined Widow (The Matthew Holland Mystery Series) Page 12

by Adam Melrose

  With that, Matt pulled out his phone and dialled a number, then got up and walked out onto the Balcony, ‘Oliver Scott please…Ollie, its Matt, how are you? Good. I wanted to ask if you knew someone by the name of Evelyn de Varley…’

  Chapter 20

  After what felt like very little time, the team assembled to share what information they had managed to find out. On both subjects, there was very little online information. Matt updated them all on what extra he and Norton had managed to find out; namely that Evelyn de Varley seemed to have been the owner of a hedge fund which they already knew, was reputedly worth in excess of five billion pounds, also that he was single and exceptionally secretive. The manor seemed to have been owned by an offshore company for the last thirty-five years, so it was not possible to establish how long it had been in Evelyn de Varley’s possession.

  In relation to the Shadow Tide side of things, the others could find no reference to them going back further than fifteen years. The official version of events was that The Shadow Tide phenomena was a genuine thing. There had been six deaths in total, three individual deaths, and one family of three. In every case the bodies had been found along the tow path, their lungs full of water and their bodies battered and bruised. The dead were either children or older people. It appeared that the local papers were the first to use the name Shadow Tide after the second death, which led the team to assume it was the press that came up with the name. These small findings were enough to put the final nail in the coffin of anything Alastor had to say about Shadow Tides being ancient, and that there had been thirty deaths.

  The real surprise had come when Ollie had told Matt that he did know Evelyn de Varley and that after speaking with him, Evelyn, who had heard of the team’s investigations had invited the whole team to dine at the manor.

  Joe offered the first thought out loud on that news.

  ‘Well either our Mr de Varley has everything to hide, or nothing to hide with an offer like that.’

  ‘Yeah, either a genuine offer of help,’ said Max ‘Or an attempt to find out what we know and start a cover-up.’

  Matt came back in from making another call.

  ‘A courier company will be delivering our black-tie outfits from the office this afternoon.’

  He continued, ‘I think the plan is going to be to glean what information we can out of tomorrow night’s dinner party. Be aware we might be being watched from now on. Let’s not forget just how different the world becomes when you’re a billionaire. If there is something going on, we are probably well out of our depth, and we probably won’t be able to see the full game plan. Mere mortals like us don’t see things through the same lens as billionaires.’

  ‘Is their world really that different?’ asked Norton.

  ‘From what little I have witnessed of it, yes.’

  ‘I saw something about this online,’ said Ava ‘That really put things into perspective. I cannot remember the exact reference, but it was using units of time to demonstrate the vast difference between a million and a billion.’

  Ava checked her tablet.

  ‘Yes here we are, so a million seconds is twelve days, whereas a billion seconds is just over thirty-one years. I am not sure if that is factually accurate, but it makes the point.’

  Everyone widened their eyes in support of quite how wide the gap was.

  ‘So, there we are guys,’ said Matt, ‘keep your wits about you; we are entering another world, we should be on our highest alert. If some game is being played, the stakes will be extremely high indeed.’

  Ava shivered a little.

  ‘High enough to potentially warrant a murder.’

  ‘High enough to warrant more than one murder; I’m afraid. Right, as tomorrow night is work, I strongly suggest you all get some rest, and have as relaxing an afternoon and evening as you can today. I need to go and call Bella.’

  ‘Bella – why?’

  ‘Because Max, Bella has also been invited to the party. De Varley has confided to Ollie that Pete did work for him, and he wants to meet and pass on his condolences to Pete’s widow.’

  ‘Would you mind if I made the call?’

  Matt smiled and handed Max his phone.

  ‘Tell her its black tie and please Max, impress upon her how important it is to keep calm, and not give away too much.’

  Max put his hand on Matt’s shoulder.

  ‘I will make very sure of that boss, assuming she can come.’

  Matt gave Max a knowing look.

  ‘Something tells me she’ll be here.’

  ‘Hello Bella?... Sorry about that – its Max, how are you?’

  Ava turned to the room.

  ‘I think I am going to go and rent a pushbike from up the road, and go for a cycle, anyone fancy joining?’

  There were no takers, Joe said he thought he would go for a swim in the hotel pool.

  Before she left the room to change, Ava turned to Matt.

  ‘Is Ollie coming to this dinner too?’

  ‘He sure is. He is in Europe this morning, so will fly into the airport that’s two miles from the manor, and he will meet us there.’

  ‘Great, it’s been an age since I saw him.’

  The next 24 hours passed without issue. The team took some time to chill out and recharge their batteries. They all knew this dinner party had the potential to go one of two ways. Whichever of those two ways it went though, it would certainly be enlightening.

  When the time came around the following evening, they all gathered in the Operations Room at 6:30pm for the briefing. Nothing new was imparted, just a reminder to everyone to be on their guard. Everyone already was. On some level, they all had a feeling that Mr de Varley was involved, or at least aware of what really happened to Pete. Everyone looked impeccable.

  There was a knock at the door and Matt went to answer it.

  ‘Bella good evening, come in.’

  Max smiled at Bella when he saw her. She smiled equally strongly back at him and walked over to join him after saying hello to Matt. She was wearing a long black dress that fitted her perfectly.

  ‘You still scrub up well Max.’

  ‘Well so do you kiddo, you look fantastic, and that dress looks superb.’

  Bella lent forward to mock whisper in Max’s ear, ‘One of the perks of working in the fashion industry; I get to borrow some dresses that often require a second mortgage.’

  Max copied Bella’s mock whisper, ‘Well it suits you kiddo, definitely triple A rated.’

  Ava wandered over to say hi to Bella, and they were both quickly commenting on each other’s dresses. Ava also looked fantastic in a shimmering, but understated dark purple dress. The two quickly sank into more technical dress chat that went straight over Max’s head. He asked Bella and Ava what they would like to drink and headed off to get what they both requested.

  Bella watched Max head back to the drinks table once he had ensured everyone had what they wanted. She whispered in a conspiratorial manner to Ava.

  ‘Wow, they are a good-looking bunch of men; they look good in their black ties.’

  Ava looked around the room nodding.

  ‘They sure do, not that I get to see many of them dressed up like this very often. It is very unusual indeed to have to dress up like this to talk to a client, it should be an interesting night. Has Max told you the plan?’

  ‘He has Ava, yes. This Mr de Varley has admitted to being Pete’s boss, and you all think he knows more than he is saying about Pete’s death.’

  ‘That’s about the size of it. We are not sure what this grand gesture is all about, but we will find out by the end of the evening. Are you comfortable, got everything you need?’

  Bella nodded, ‘Yes thanks, all sorted.’

  Matt clinked his glass.

  ‘Right, I think it is time we headed out to the cars. Just to reconfirm what everyone already knows; the aim of this evening is just to find out as much as you can, without arousing any suspicion of our having Mr de Varley in t
he crosshairs. Whoever else is at this dinner party, don’t trust them. You just don’t know who they really are. I cannot over-emphasise caution over everything else. If we come away with nothing, but haven’t tipped our hand, I will still be happy with that. Once we are in the cars, no discussing the case, keep to small talk. I’m sure there will be no listening devices on the manor drive etc. but such kit does exist, so let’s assume nothing is safe until we are back here later. Any questions?’

  Norton was the only one to speak out.

  ‘So you say we are not to trust anyone we meet at the party, but won’t Oliver be there?’

  Everyone laughed including Matt.

  ‘Yes OK Norton, we all know we can trust Ollie. He is family after all. It goes without saying we all trust each other.’

  They headed down to the reception area. As they walked through reception and out into the car park, they drew plenty of admiring looks; the two women leading, the five men following up behind.

  The party of seven split up into the two waiting vehicles, then headed off to the manor. Before long, the cars were pulling through the large black and gold wrought iron gates. They parked up and walked to the front door. As they reached it, the door slowly opened to reveal a fully uniformed butler beckoning them all inside.

  ‘Perhaps he did it,’ Bruno muttered under his breath. Those that heard stifled their laughs professionally enough.

  Matt and Norton took up the rear. Nothing could quite have prepared them for the interior of the house. Matt registered his surprise at the museum quality artworks dripping off the walls. Norton simply shook his head.

  The butler had closed the front door and was now moving through the group, ushering them through some highly polished double doors into the drawing room.

  As they followed across the hall, towards the drawing room, Norton nodded in the direction of a painting that looked quite modern.

  ‘Is that a Jackson Pollock?’

  Matt looked at the painting and shook his head.

  ‘I wouldn’t have a clue to be honest; I don’t really know anything about art.’

  Norton moved in to look a little closer.

  ‘How do they even know if it’s the right way up?’

  ‘Because they have taken care to study the artist and his work, and they collect it for love. Your line is amusing… somewhat clichéd …but amusing.’

  The deep, powerful voice from behind them slightly startled Matt and Norton. They turned to face the direction the voice had come from. Before them stood a middle aged, very athletic framed, tall businessman. He was wearing an expensive suit.

  The man to whom the voice belonged, smiled and seemed to genuinely being enjoying the encounter.

  ‘You must be Matthew Holland, pleased to meet you, I am Evelyn de Varley.’ He then turned to Norton. ‘And you are….?’

  ‘Norton Graey Mr de Varley.’

  Evelyn de Varley shook hands with both Matt and Norton in turn.

  ‘Please don’t be formal, call me Evo, all my friends do. Come on in; let’s get you both a drink.’

  He ushered Matt and Norton further along the hall and on into the drawing room. On the right, a majestic staircase swept up to the first floor. The threesome entered the drawing room through the double doors where they joined the others. There was yet more museum level art in this room consisting of paintings, sculpture and furniture. The delicate furniture was placed around the outside of the room whilst in the centre there were three large comfortable sofas, and matching chairs.

  Norton made his excuse and said he needed to freshen up, and wandered off back out of the drawing room to find the loo.

  Good luck, thought Matt. Norton seems a bit confident he will find the cloakroom on his own. Then Matt’s focus turned back to the room and why they were there.

  The butler had already attended to the rest of the group who were all holding various drinks. The team all made small talk between themselves as Evo worked the room. There was another couple there also, an older couple looking like they had reached retirement age. Matt heard part of the conversation of them introducing themselves to Joe and Max. Matt reckoned Evo had deliberately invited these extra people to ensure he could not be ambushed with uncomfortable questions. He knew Matt and his team would do nothing to embarrass Ollie. Typical billionaire thought Matt, very forward thinking and determined to control everything to his ultimate benefit. There is no way we are going to learn anything this evening he doesn’t want us to. Damn it.

  Matt watched as Evo spent a good few minutes laughing and joking with Ollie and a third man who had grey hair and a natural looking tan. The three of them seemed to know each other quite well. At that moment, Norton re-entered the room, so had obviously got lucky with his search for the cloakroom.

  Bella leant in subtly towards Ava.

  ‘Who is that handsome man with Ollie and our host? The one with the grey hair.’

  Ava studied the man as closely as she could without being obvious.

  ‘I am afraid I don’t know.’

  From behind them an unfamiliar female voice spoke up.

  ‘His name is Jonathan. He is a business associate and acquaintance of my boss. It was he who gave Mr Scott a lift on his private plane.’

  Ava and Bella turned to face the voice. Their eyes met a short, late middle aged and immaculately dressed woman who was holding an empty tray down her side in one hand.

  ‘Thank you,’ Bella smiled. ‘I probably should not be so direct, but I was just very taken by his appearance.’

  ‘Not at all ma’am.’

  I am Bella and this is Ava, who are you?

  ‘I am Eva Veresum ma’am. I am housekeeper to Mr de Varley.’

  Before she could stop herself, Bella asked about the close sounding names.

  ‘Wow, your name is Eva and you work for a man called Evo, does that not get confusing?’

  Eva’s face drained of colour and any life.

  ‘No ma’am not really, I wouldn’t dream of being so familiar as to address my employer as Evo. To me, he is Mr Evelyn, Sir or Mr de Varley.’

  Bella blushed thinking she should not have said anything.

  ‘Of course, good point.’

  Bella had hoped to engage the woman further in conversation; but with the ease of a professional who was well seasoned in working at social engagements, she had vanished without appearing rude.

  Bella turned to Ava, and pulled a joking anxious face.

  ‘Wow these sort of staff take life a bit too seriously don’t they? I was only making a joke, but she seems to be horrified at the thought of any familiarity between her and her boss. Guess that’s how it is in this world; I am glad I’m not part of it.’

  Ava and Bella were about to continue talking further when Evelyn de Varley appeared in front of them.

  ‘Mrs Stone?’

  Bella and Ava turned to meet him.

  ‘My name is Evo. I was your husband’s employer. I am deeply sorry for your loss; he was a good man.’

  ‘Thank you.’

  Evo continued, ‘I would like an opportunity to talk to you properly if that is OK, in private? Shall we go to my study now? Would that be OK?’

  As Bella’s brain was working out how best to handle this offer and what answer to give, her mouth opened, and she heard her voice saying, ‘Yes of course.’

  Evo smiled, ‘Great, come this way.’ He took Bella’s arm in such a way that she realised she was now committed to the move, but she did not in any way feel threatened.

  Evo turned to Ava, ‘Please excuse us.’

  They passed from the window, through the middle of the room to the door, and out into the hall. Just before leaving the room they passed Matt who was talking to Ollie.

  Without showing any concern outwardly at all Matt turned to Bella.

  ‘Everything alright Bella, are you feeling OK?’

  ‘Yes thanks Matt; I just want a word with Mr de Varley – sorry Evo about Pete. We will be back in a moment.’

  Bella and Evo crossed the hall and went deeper into the house. Finally, they reached another set of doors. He pressed his thumb into a small dark panel on the door which lit up blue; there was a motorised click, and he turned the knob and pushed the door open. Evo then beckoned Bella to head inside; this she did.

  Bella reckoned they were on the other side of the house. This room was a smaller version of the drawing room they had just come from. This time though, there was an enormous partner’s desk in the expansive bay window area.

  Befitting for a man with a hedge fund I guess, thought Bella. She was surprised to see how clear the desk was. There was a pot to hold some pens, a closed leather-bound folder in the centre of the area right in front of the big leather armchair, and a large business phone to one side with a stretched curly cord that spoke of much use. There was a bronze of a man on a horse with some dogs and two antique lamps, one on either side of the desk. Just like the rest of the hall and the drawing room, there was a heavy smell of highly polished Oak.

  ‘Please Bella, come and take a seat.’ Bella did as she was requested.

  ‘I am glad to have finally met you. I wanted to apologise and explain why I had not made contact, as well as explain all the secrecy around Pete’s employment.’

  Bella’s eyes widened, she wanted to know for herself so much, but also, she felt part of the team, and did not want to let Max, Matt and the others down. She tried to subtly reach into her clutch bag and swipe her phone’s voice recording app into life. It was proving to be a struggle to get it to work.

  Her odd movements caught Evo’s eye.

  ‘Is everything alright?’

  ‘Oh yes thanks, sorry, I was looking for a hanky, I don’t want to cry but I might.’

  ‘Of course, I understand.’ With that he passed her a box of tissues from a side table.

  ‘Thank you.’

  For some reason, a generalised panic was building up in Bella’s mind. She felt she had to say something neutral to cancel it.


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