The billionaire's (fake) fiancée

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The billionaire's (fake) fiancée Page 10

by Emma Quinn

  I took a deep breath and pressed the red button on my office phone, buzzing Rachel directly. She picked up immediately, jumping in her seat when the ring tone startled her.


  “Can you come in here for a second?”

  “Sure, I’ll be right there.”

  Rachel entered the office slowly. I immediately caught a whiff of her vanilla shampoo, the smell diffusing into the air wherever she happened to walk. I remained seated and motioned at the free chair on the other side of my desk. She took a seat, bathed in soft moonlight.

  “I need you to move in with me,” I said, getting right down to business. She was a level-headed woman, so I thought she’d understand if I didn’t waste any time.

  “I– Sorry, what?”

  I rose and circled around my desk, leaning against the edge closest to her. There was only about a foot of distance between us, but it felt way too far for my liking. My eyes raked over her, really taking in her details. I’d seen her hundreds of times, but I’d never really seen her. Not until recently. Before, I barely paid her any attention because she wasn’t my type. Now, it was like I couldn’t get enough.

  How did I never before notice the splash of freckles across the bridge of her nose? How did I never appreciate the fullness of her lips and the way they always seemed to be curled into a natural smile. Why did her long black hair always look so soft and shiny? Rachel wore very little makeup, so I should have been floored by her natural beauty the second I lay eyes on her. I’d been too proud, too stuck up to realize that she was probably the most dazzling woman I’d ever laid eyes on. It was a miracle what a little time and a shifted perspective could do.

  I was overcome by a sudden urge to get closer. I wanted to breathe her in, taste her, feel her curves against my hard body. I felt simultaneously high and drunk now that she was so close, and I didn’t know whether to fall to my knees and look up at her like some deity to be worshipped, or to throw my arms around her and keep her safe –my little secret from the rest of the world.

  Rachel started to pick at beneath her fingernails. It only occurred to me now that it was a nervous habit of hers. It was cute, really, the way she fiddled and fidgeted. I mentally kicked myself for not realizing how cute she really was before. Or how voluptuous she really was. Her sense of style hadn’t really changed even though I’d provided her the funds for a brand-new wardrobe. Her shirt was ill-fitting, barely able to cover her cleavage, though the fabric pinched around her slim waist very nicely. She was also in a pencil skirt that I personally thought was a tad bit too short, but she had on some dark stockings to hide the fair skin of her long legs. I couldn’t understand why I felt the need to cover her up, mostly to avoid having her male colleagues ogling her. When it came to Rachel, I just couldn’t begin to understand or describe this sense of overprotectiveness that rose up in my chest every time I lay eyes on her.

  “I need you to move in with me,” I repeated slowly. “People will think it’s suspicious if my future wife isn’t living with me.”

  “T-this is all moving way too fast.”

  “I understand that it may be a bit much–”

  “A bit much?” she repeated, giggling anxiously. “Peter, I don’t…” She sighed and sealed her lips, losing heart halfway through her sentence.

  “Talk to me,” I said as softly as I could.

  Rachel peered up at me with those big doe-eyes of hers. I once found them a bit bug-eyed, but now they were endearing. Her pupils were blown wide.

  “This is all moving so quickly,” she began. “I was happy to pretend to be your girlfriend. And I was fine with pretending to get engaged. I hope you don’t mind me saying it, but I rather enjoyed spiting your mother.”


  “But where does it stop? Now you want me to move in. Who knows? Maybe you’ll actually need to get married to me, all because you don’t want to deal with your mother. This is getting messy, Peter. And I don’t know if it’s what I want anymore. It’s really starting to mess with my feelings for you and I–”

  “You have feelings for me?”

  Rachel shut up immediately and stared at me like she’d just destroyed something precious. She stood up quickly and turned away, making a break for the door. “Never mind. Forget I said anything. I’m going home.”

  I knew I needed to act. I needed to act now.

  Before she could leave, I grabbed Rachel’s hand and spun her around. I took one giant step forward and closed the distance between us, circling my arms around her waist so that she couldn’t leave. Startled, Rachel placed her palms flat on my chest in a half-hearted attempt to keep me away. But one look at her, and I knew I was a goner. I needed her. I wanted to feel her against me. Never before had I been so exhilarated to chase after a woman before. It was clear in her eyes and the way that her mouth was falling open, in the way that she pressed her hips forward into mine, that Rachel wanted me, too.

  I kissed her hard as I combed my fingers through her long hair. It was as soft as I imagined it would be. I teased her lips apart with the tip of my tongue, and with one languid, seductive moan, Rachel closed her eyes and let me in. Our tongues slid over one another in a rush. She panted into my mouth, hot breath ricocheting off my face as we explored the insides of each other’s mouths. Rachel tasted every ounce as sweet as she was, but my curiosity drove me back again and again for me.

  In a surprising turn of events, Rachel was the one to make the next move. She grabbed me by the shirt collar and pressed against me. I took a step back to counter her weight, falling back against the surface of my desk. As we shared feverish kisses, Rachel rolled her hips against me and the growing stiffness in my pants. I groaned as I sucked her tongue, more than a little electric to have her teasing me. Her hands roamed eagerly about my chest, feeling hard muscle beneath the soft silk of my shirt.

  I was the first to break away. I needed air.

  Evidently, Rachel did not.

  She trailed her way down my chin, pressed heated kisses into my jaw, down my throat, hurriedly unbuttoning my shirt so that she could sear her lips against my chest. She trailed all the way down, kissing my abs, my hips, until she was finally on her knees before me making quick work of my belt and pants. Rachel’s hands were impressively nimble, slender fingers stroking my already hard cock through the fabric of my black boxer briefs. She tongues at my length through the fabric, surrounding my member with deliciously wet warmth.

  “Wait,” I panted, placing my hand gently on her head.

  She looked up, a little startled. “What? Are you okay? Did I hurt you.”

  I shook my head. “No, it’s just– You don’t have to do this.”

  Rachel continued to hold my gaze, undisturbed. “I want to.”

  “You’ve already gone above and beyond for me, Rachel. You don’t have to do this if you don’t–”

  Before I could finish my sentence, Rachel fluidly hooked her fingers over the waistband of my underwear and pants and pulled everything down. I hissed as the cool air hit my swelling cock, the tip already leaking a bit of precum. Rachel licked her lips before teasing my slit with the tip of her tongue. I jolted as a sudden shock of pleasure forced its way through my system. Rachel wrapped her fingers around my shaft and stroked a couple of times, getting a sense of my width and girth. She looked a bit hesitant, which prompted me to ask, “Is this… Are you okay?”

  She looked up at me and smirked. “Are you normally this chatty with all your lady friends?”

  “I mean, no. I actually care about you. I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable.”

  “I’m flattered,” she giggled before wrapping her mouth around my cock.

  I threw my head back and sighed in relief. Her mouth was wondrously wet and hot and good. She took me in, inch by inch, until her nose was nestled in a bed of coarse hairs. I had to squeeze my eyes shut when the head of my cock hit the back of her throat. I needed to concentrate on something else as she hollowed her cheeks and started to suck me off,
swirling her tongue around without abandon. If I didn’t focus on something else, this was going to be terrifyingly short.

  I tried to think about spreadsheets. Spreadsheets were a nice go-to to stave off a premature climax. Numbers, medians, stock prices, hard climbing lines to show inflation, my hard line her Rachel’s mouth–

  Ah, shit.

  “Rachel,” I breathed, once again combing my fingers through her hair. “Slow down,” I bit out.

  I could feel her smile around my cock. She didn’t stop, continuing her relentless fantastic pace. I didn’t know how much longer I was going to last. I wanted to please her more than I wanted to be pleased. I pulled away as far as I could, my ass hitting the edge of my desk hard. I grabbed Rachel by the shoulders and lifted her onto her feet, twirling us both around so that she was the one pinned in place. I couldn’t stop myself.

  I slipped my hands beneath her shirt and pulled it over her head, exposing her large breasts that were hidden beneath a delicate white and black lace bralette. I leaned down and hungrily pulled the fabric away, kissing her chest and teasing her nipples with my tongue. Rachel gasped in pleasure as I sucked her skin hard enough to leave red marks, my way of claiming her as mine. As I kissed her sensitive neck, I reached down between her legs and started to tease her clit through the smooth fabric of her tights. A tidal wave of excitement washed through me when I discovered just how hot and wet she already was for me.

  “Peter,” she moaned, shuddering beneath my touch. “Oh, Peter.”

  I couldn’t stand waiting any longer. I had to have her.

  In one fluid motion, I ripped her stockings apart and shoved the thin material of her black thong to the side. I wetted my lips as I admired her tight little pussy. I got down on my knees and devoured her clit, flicking my tongue every which way to really excite her before settling on a pattern of small and big circles. The noises she made were downright sinful. Rachel squeezed her knees together to keep me exactly where she wanted me, my name falling from her lips like an angelic song or desperate prayer.

  It was when I added a finger, curling it in a beckoning motion to stimulate her sweet spot, that she really let loose. Rachel had always been so quiet and tame. To hear the litany of groans escaping her throat was as pure a joy as it came.

  She shuddered beneath me as I continued to work her clit. “Peter, I’m going to– Fuck, I’m going to– Peter!” She screamed my name as she climaxed, her whole body shaking with pleasure. I enjoyed the way her walls clamped down around my finger, slick and hot and more than I could ever ask for.

  I got up off my knees and handled her with care, pulling her to the edge of the desk while spreading her knees apart. Rachel was breathing hard, cheeks and chest red with desire.

  “I want you nice and tight for me,” I growled. I lined myself up carefully with her entrance and pressed into her slowly, hissing as I adjusted to the devilishly hot slickness of her walls.

  Rachel whimpered as I thrust into her, slowly at first, but it was hard to maintain control. She grasped at me, wrapping her arms around my neck as I picked up the pace, snapping my hips into her harder and faster in the pursuit of pleasure. Rachel was so nice and light and just small enough to fit perfectly in my arms. I supported her head and lower back as I thrust into her, in and out, edging closer and closer to spilling over. The sounds of Rachel’s voice reverberated within me, spurring me on to fuck her with all my might. It was like my mind went blank, understanding nothing else except carnal desire.

  My desk was officially a mess now. Pens and papers were scattered everywhere. In our passion, we’d somehow managed to knock both my desk lamp and laptop over, both now cracked and probably damaged beyond repair. But they meant nothing. There was nothing my money couldn’t replace. But this moment, this sweet chance to have Rachel all to myself –priceless.

  I pressed my forehead to hers, panting against her mouth. “Look at me, Rachel.”

  Her eyes flew open, pupils dilated as far as they could go. She had such lovely eyes, speckled with a bit of gold around the rims, but darker toward the center in a beautiful hazel gradient.

  “Keep your eyes on me,” I told her, voice gruff and commanding.

  “Oh, God,” she moaned, the sound traveling down through my chest and all the way to my cock, making it pulse with even more need.

  A tightening coil of heat deep within my gut began to build with rapid intensity. I knew that release was only a couple of seconds away, so I relished every single second I could while I was still in her. Rachel felt amazing –better than amazing, fantastic. I quite frankly couldn’t find the words to describe just how perfect she was. It only took me three or four more thrusts to spill over, filling Rachel up full and deep. Our mouths found each other like magnets, swapping kisses at a more leisurely pace as we both came down from our pleasurable highs. I didn’t want to let her go. Now that I had her, I didn’t want her to leave. There had to be some way to keep her, someway to show her I needed her more than I thought.

  “Go on a date with me,” I whispered hoarsely against her lips, still inside of her.


  “I know I’m doing all of this out of order, but I want to try and date you. Is that okay?”

  Rachel sighed contently and laughed. How didn’t I realize sooner that it was the most beautiful sound in the world. “The boss dating his personal assistant? Talk about a cliché.”

  My expression fell for a second. “Does that mean you don’t want to? Don’t feel like you have to just because I’m your boss or anything. I–”

  Rachel laughed harder. “I’m just teasing you, Peter.”

  “Wait, so, will you?”

  She nodded slowly before bringing her forehead to touch mine. I’d never felt so content in my life. “Yeah, let’s go on a date. Let’s try this for real.”

  I finally parted from Rachel, only to come back and lean in for a kiss. “Okay,” I chuckled. “Okay, let’s do this, then. Hopefully things won’t be as confusing.”

  Rachel nodded, wearing a sweet smile. There was nothing but optimism in her eyes. “Hopefully,” she whispered before kissing me again.




  was frightened that David might have had a stroke.

  Maybe an aneurism. It was really hard to tell.

  I waved my hands in front of his face in the hopes that I’d finally get a response. “Hello? Earth to David?”

  “Y-you’re moving out?” he finally bumbled. “S-seriously?”

  We were sitting on the couch in our living room. The whole place smelled like leftover pizza and the trash we kept forgetting to take out to the chute. David was wearing his sweatpants and white t-shirt. He didn’t look really comfortable, though I suspected that had more to do with me than his undersized clothes.

  “I’m not moving out right away. I’m hoping to get out of here by the end of the week, so we have time to get things organized.”

  “You’re joking. You have to be. There’s no way.”

  “I’m not joking, Davie.”

  “But… But why?” he demanded. He was gesturing with his hands, clearly growing more and more exasperated.

  “I’m not going to leave you high and dry. I’ll pay for the remaining months on the lease, so you don’t have to worry about your money situation. And that’ll give you time to look for a new roommate, if you want. Or to find some place that’s cheaper.”

  “I don’t want you to move out,” he complained. “And I especially don’t want you to move in with him.” He jabbed his thumb in Peter’s direction.

  Peter was standing on the other side of the room, looking at all the pictures we had up in frames on the wall. He ignored David’s comment.

  “You said this was all fake.”

  I nodded. “Well, it was at first.”

  “And now? Are you seriously dating him?”

  “We’re giving it a try.”

  David ran his hands over his face and groaned. “What th
e hell? And you’re moving in by the end of the week? Aren’t you missing a step in there?”

  “I suppose it is quite unorthodox,” Peter commented from his side of the room.

  “Shut the hell up,” David snapped. “No one was talking to you. Rachel, this is a bad idea.”

  I pressed my lips into a thin line. When it came to David, I normally had the patience of a saint. He was just trying to be protective of me. I could see where he was coming from, too. Things were moving fast. But deep down, it just felt right. It would have been hard to explain in words, so I chose to remain silent instead.

  David shook his head over and over again. “I can’t believe this. I can’t believe this is happening. He’s just playing with you, Rachel.”

  “I take offense to that,” hissed Peter.

  “Quiet, the both of you,” I interrupted. I tried to place my hand on David’s shoulder, but he shrugged me away. I sighed and said, “I understand this is all happening really fast. But I’m not a little girl anymore. You don’t have to look out for me like you used to. I trust Peter. Everything’s going to be fine.”

  David stood up from his spot on the sunken in couch and chewed on the inside of his cheek. Without another word, he snagged his jacket from off the back of the door and grabbed his keys and wallet from the little bowl that rested on the kitchen table.

  “Where are you going?” I demanded.


  “Out where?”

  He couldn’t even look at me. I’d never seen him so angry before. I couldn’t understand why he was so hurt about my moving out. It was bound to happen sooner or later, it just happened to be sooner.

  “I need some air. Don’t call me. Move your things out whenever. I don’t care.”

  With that, David stormed out. I was tempted to chase after him, but his footsteps faded into the distance too quickly for me to react.


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