In Ruins (A Black Falls High Novel Book 1)

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In Ruins (A Black Falls High Novel Book 1) Page 4

by K. G. Reuss

  “I heard they do it together.”

  “What?” I stopped, shoving my books into my locker and turned to look at her. “What are you talking about?”

  She glanced around before leaning in to whisper to me. “I heard they do it together,” she repeated.

  “Do what together?”

  “It. Sex. I heard they share girls. Mona from my PE class was talking about getting it on with Cole and Ethan. I overheard her say it was amazing.”

  I wrinkled my nose at the information, pushing down the butterflies that were churning a storm in my belly. Mona wasn’t popular by any means. She was a band geek with mousy brown hair and big, luminous eyes. I’d never spoken to her, but I assumed she was a nice girl.

  “They said they chose you. What if that’s what they meant?” Jamie stared at me with wide, unblinking eyes. “I mean, come on, Rosalie. Ethan was seeing Chloe Morris last year before Enzo was. And wasn’t Fox dating Mandy Peters right around the same time Cole was? What about Fiona Wells? She was seen with all the guys. They’re hot, babe, but they do tend to be seen with girls like us from time to time.”

  I opened and closed my mouth several times before I shook my head. Jamie was right. All of the guys had been seen at one point or another with a girl far below their league. “No. Not possible. You forget Fox is in that group, and he hates me. I think it’s something else. They’ll probably shove me into the pool on Saturday.”

  “Fox stuck up for you. He wants some too. Even if it’s good old hate sex.”

  I rolled my eyes at her. There was no way. I was a nobody.

  But Fox said I’d gotten his attention.

  No. No way. It was another cruel intention.

  “So you’re going on Saturday?”

  I shook my head. “No. My parents are going out of town this week for my dad’s work. Dad is taking my mom to some opera in the city after. I’ll be home alone. That means lounging in my pajamas and ordering takeout while streaming movies I’ve seen a hundred times.”

  “I wish I could join you,” Jamie groaned, leaning against the locker next to mine. “My parents are dragging me to a fiftieth wedding anniversary party for my Uncle Artie and Aunt LouAnn.”

  “Bummer.” I wrinkled my nose at her.

  She nodded her agreement. “Ian said he was going to the party though. At least he’ll keep you company if you go.”

  “I guess,” I mumbled, catching the quick grimace on her face. “What’s going on with you two?”

  “Nothing.” She shook her head and pulled her bottom lip between her teeth. “I mean, I wish something, but you know how Ian is. He likes not being attached.”

  “You should just tell him how much you like him.”

  She shrugged. “I’d rather not lose him as a friend or make things weird. I’ll suffer in silence.”

  The fact she wasn’t denying she liked him meant she was feeling it. I gave her a sympathetic nod.

  The bell rang, so we had to break up our conversation. When we reached a T in the hall, we said our goodbyes, her shuffling away with her head down. I didn’t get time to contemplate it because I caught sight of Fox and Juliet down the hall. She was pawing all over him. The other guys were leaning against the lockers. They must have come in using the east entrance because I hadn’t seen them pass by my locker. Juliet pressed her mouth to Fox’s, but his eyes were open and locked on me as she kissed him.

  I flushed and looked away from him only to lock eyes with Cole. A shiver crawled through my body as I passed by.

  I thought I was in the clear, but an arm snaked around my waist, startling me. I peeked up to see who was touching me.

  “Enzo’s right,” Cole said, keeping pace with me. People cast us funny looks and rightly so. He was clutching my waist like we were an item. “You look beautiful in that dress.”

  “Thanks,” I murmured, praying I’d get to my class soon.

  “You’re so fucking shy. I love it,” he continued. “And sexy as hell. Watching your tight little ass sway in this short dress is doing something to my head.”

  Goosebumps swept through me. “Then don’t look at me.”

  He let out a soft laugh, giving my waist a squeeze. “It’s hard not to. You’re perfection.”

  The pitter-patter of my heart was making me breathless. It was nice having someone talk to me like I was a walking sex goddess, but considering the source, I found myself more concerned with the motive behind his words. When we reached my classroom, he tugged me to a stop and stared down at me.

  “Come to the party. You’ll have fun.”

  “Why? Why are you guys suddenly interested in me? I’ve been suffering here at this school for years and no one gave a damn—”

  “That was before we saw you on your knees.” He licked his lips, his blue eyes flashing. I flushed beneath his stare. “Besides, I told you you’re doing something to my head.”

  “Then get it looked at.”

  He pressed me against the lockers, a mischievous sparkle in his eyes. He grabbed my hand and pressed it to the front of his jeans where he was sporting a hard-on. My pulse roared in my ears, a sweeping heat rushing through my body.

  “This head. And I’ll see about having it looked at.” He released my hand and backed away. “I’ll see you around.”

  He sauntered away like nothing had happened, leaving me frozen where I stood, my breath coming in gasps.


  “Be good, hon.” Mom wrapped me in a quick hug outside their SUV later that night.

  Dad ruffled my hair like he did when I was a kid. “Call us if you need anything.”

  “I will. Love you, guys.” I watched as they got into their SUV and fastened their seatbelts. Mom waved to me as they backed out of the driveway. They were leaving for a week. I watched them until they disappeared down the street before moving to go into the house. I stopped when I realized Fox was standing by his car, staring at me.

  Ducking my head, I made for the front door. I’d almost reached it when he caught my elbow.

  “Where are your parents going?”

  I looked up and pulled away from him. “None of your damn business.”

  He grabbed my hand as I reached for the door, halting its journey to freedom.

  “I asked you a question.”

  “And I gave you an answer,” I snapped, tugging my hand from his grip. “Go home, Fox.”

  He pushed me against the brick of the house, making me wince. My heart thrashed in my chest as he stared down at me, his chest heaving.

  “Don’t forget who you’re talking to, Rosie.”

  “Likewise, asshole.”

  He widened his eyes at me. “I always knew there was a bit of fire in you. Maybe we can bring it out.”

  “Since we’re on the subject of we.” I scowled as I peered up into his blue eyes. “Tell your band of goons to leave me alone.”


  “No?” I snorted at him. “I’m serious, Fox. I don’t want any part of whatever you’re planning. I’m hurt enough by people in school. Don’t add to it. At the rate I’m going, it’ll cost me thousands of dollars in therapy to get rid of my anxiety and self-loathing.”

  His gaze softened as he looked down at me, his demeanor changing. The ice melted away, and for a moment, I was staring up at my old best friend.

  “I don’t want you to hurt, Rosie.” He brushed his knuckles against my cheek. “I’ve never wanted you to hurt.”

  His confession had my heart clenching in my chest.

  “Then why did you leave me?”

  It was the wrong thing to say. His eyes hardened, his lip turning up into a sneer.

  “I have to go.” But he didn’t move. He continued to stare down at me, the sneer falling away, leaving parted lips behind.

  “Then why are you still here?” I whispered.

  “I don’t know.” His eyes swept over my face. He reached out and tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

  “I used to dream of you,” his words wer
e a soft whisper.

  “What?” I furrowed my brows at his admission.

  He licked his lips. “I imagined what it would be like to run my fingers through your hair. I always wanted to. The color. The curls. They always fascinated me.”

  I didn’t understand what I was doing or why I was doing it. I reached behind me with a shaking hand and pulled the rubber band out of my hair, letting the wild, red curls cascade around me. His breath hitched as he took in how I looked.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever seen your hair down.”

  I nodded. It was true. If my hair wasn’t in pigtails, ponytails, or a long braid, then it was in a tight bun. I never let it down. It went to my waist in a tangle of thick, red waves.

  He reached out with a shaky hand and ran his fingers through my hair, a look of awe taking over his features. I closed my eyes, breathing slowly as he raked his fingers through my hair.

  I kept my eyes closed after his touch disappeared. I wanted to log away the memory of how his fingers felt running through my hair. In that moment, he was the boy I once knew. I opened my eyes, expecting to see him peering down at me. Instead, all I saw was his back as he walked with his head down across his lawn, his hands stuffed deep into his jean pockets.

  He didn’t look back.

  Some things never changed.


  I wrapped my arms around my body pillow as I settled in bed Saturday night, eager to watch the latest episode of my favorite series. I’d been waiting all week for it to release and had no intentions of moving from my spot even if my house burst into flames. I’d finished the song I’d been working on, making sure to tuck it away deep into my folder labeled for a science class I no longer took. I didn’t know why I kept writing songs. They’d never see the light of day once they reached that folder at the bottom of my desk drawer.

  The opening credits had just ended when my doorbell went off.

  “Nooo,” I groaned, squeezing my eyes closed in frustration. Sighing, I sat up, waiting to see if whoever it was would go away. A moment later, the bell rang again, followed by a loud knocking. Jamie was away at the anniversary party for her aunt and uncle, so I knew it wasn’t her.

  Dread filled my belly when I glanced at my alarm clock and saw that it was 8 P.M..

  Another ring from the doorbell and another loud pound on the door. Cole. He said he’d be here. Judging by how loud he was getting with my front door, I’d have to explain the dents in it to my parents if I didn’t get off my ass and answer it.

  I wasn’t ready to go to an elite crew party in more ways than one. My hair was in a messy ponytail, and I was in my pajamas—shorty-shorts and a white tank top. Knowing better than to keep him waiting any longer for fear of further damage to our front door, I made my way downstairs and tugged the door open.

  “What the hell do you want?” I snapped at him.

  He cocked his head at me, his eyes narrowed.

  “Why the hell aren’t you dressed? I said I’d be here at eight.”

  “If memory serves me, and I’m sure it does, I said I wasn’t going.”

  “And if memory serves me, I told you that you were.”

  I folded my arms over my chest and stared him down. He was on my turf now.

  “Despite whatever clever little plan you guys have, I’m not your property. I’m not going. Now get the hell out of here.”

  Instead of backing away and going to his car, Cole took a menacing step forward.

  “You forget your place. I don’t mind reminding you, though.”

  I let out a squeak of surprise as he charged forward and lifted me over his shoulder like I weighed nothing, slamming my front door closed behind him.

  “Put me down, asshole!” I shouted, struggling against his firm hold. I pounded my fists into his back, but it was like smashing against a brick wall for all the good it did me. He responded by clapping my ass cheek, causing me to howl and writhe.

  “If you think that hurt, wait until we get to your room,” he growled, taking the stairs two at a time.

  His words twisted my tummy into knots of anticipation.

  “Which room?” he demanded when we reached the top of the stairs. When I didn’t answer, he clapped my ass again. “You answer me when I ask you a question.”

  “Second door on the left,” I hissed through gritted teeth.

  He moved toward my room with ease. Once inside, he tossed me onto my bed. I bounced twice, my ass sore from his hand. He hadn’t stopped. He went to my bedroom window and tugged the curtains open before coming back to me and sinking to the mattress. I scooted away from him, scared of what was happening.

  “Come here.”

  I shook my head.

  “Rosalie,” his deep voice was a dangerous snarl. “I’ll tell you once more. Come. Here. If you don’t, you’ll be one very sorry girl.”

  Fear coursed through me at the way he was staring at me, so I scooted over to him.

  “Stand up in front of me.”

  I hesitated for a moment before the dark look in his eyes had me stumbling to my feet. He reached out and moved me, so I was in front of him. His hands were on my waist, holding me in place, so if I wanted to bolt, I couldn’t.

  “Do you know how fucking beautiful you are?”

  “What?” My voice shook as I frowned down at him, confused at the turn of events.

  His fingers threatened the edge of my waistband, sending tingles rocketing through me.

  “You heard me.” He chuckled softly. “Why are you so surprised?”

  My breath hitched in my chest as his warm lips pressed to the bare slit on my abdomen between my tank top and shorts. A tingle raced through my belly before settling in the warm spot between my legs.

  “I want you to get ready and come out.”

  “Cole, I—”

  He was on his feet, looming over me before I could finish my sentence, both hands cradling my face.

  “You don’t know me well yet, but what I want, I get.”

  “You don’t know me well either,” I answered in a throaty whisper, trying to get my wits about me. “But I don’t take orders from you.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong, Rosebud. You know why?” he murmured, thumbing my bottom lip. My breath caught in my throat as I stared up at the impossibly beautiful creature before me.

  “Why?” I rasped, curiosity flooding every fiber of my being.

  “Because. Falling in line and doing what I tell you excites you. I can see it in your eyes. You need someone to take charge and pull you out of your comfort zone.”

  I scoffed at him, my heart slamming against my chest.

  Was he wrong?

  “I’m not like the other girls you mess around with,” I answered in a shaky voice. “I know what you’re about, Cole. And I’m not so hard up that I need you to try to fix the things you think are wrong with me.”

  “What gave you the idea I think there’s anything wrong with you?” He cocked his head at me.

  Damn. He was a smooth talker. No wonder women fell at his feet. I couldn’t be one of them, though.

  “You know how everyone feels about me—”

  “No offense, Rosebud, but I don’t give a shit how everyone feels about you. I only care about how I feel.” He moved away from me and went to my closet. I watched in silence as he rummaged around inside it before pulling out a jean skirt and tank top.

  “Put these on. I want you to wear them tonight.”

  I started to protest, but he pressed his finger against my lips before leaning down, his warm breath on my face.

  “Do what you’re told, Rosebud. Enjoy being mine.” I stiffened as he brushed his lips against mine. He didn’t close his eyes. He watched my every movement like a hungry predator before pulling away and pushing the garments into my arms.

  “Get dressed. We’re going to have some fun,”

  I nodded, my heart jumping in my chest.

  This was absolutely insane. The last thing I’d expected was to be doing what Col
e told me to do. I turned, noting his soft chuckle, my face heating to a million degrees.

  I said a silent prayer that this wasn’t some screwed up joke. As I turned to go to my bathroom, I saw Fox staring at me through his window.

  Please don’t let him have seen Cole kiss me!

  The look on his face though told me all I needed to know.

  He’d seen everything.


  “Stick close to me tonight,” Cole instructed from the front seat of his sports car.

  “I thought you said everything would be OK?” Panic rose in my chest. The video of Jason being shoved into the pool lit up my mind.

  “Everything will be OK. But in case it isn’t and all that.”

  I stared at him wide-eyed. “This is your house. Your party, right?”

  “It is my house, but the party is everyone’s.”

  Sighing, I folded my arms over the black tank top he’d picked out for me. When I’d walked out of my bathroom wearing the outfit, my hair pulled into a high ponytail that cascaded down my back, Cole had gotten to his feet, stuffing his phone away, his eyes sweeping over me. A hunger burned in his gaze that made me ache in so many confusing ways.

  We fell silent, my mind going back to Fox standing in the window. He’d looked impassive, his eyes darting from me to Cole before he’d turned his back and left the room. Something told me Cole finishing what he’d started wouldn’t happen until Fox gave the OK. Knowing I’d never be one of the cool kids, I’d have to make do with the hot memory.


  “What?” He glanced over at me.

  “What’s really going on?”

  “We’re going to my place—”

  “You know what I mean. Why are you interested in me?”

  The laugh that erupted from Cole had me frowning. That hadn’t been the response I thought he’d have.

  “What makes you think I’m interested in you?”


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