In Ruins (A Black Falls High Novel Book 1)

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In Ruins (A Black Falls High Novel Book 1) Page 20

by K. G. Reuss

  My heart fluttered in my chest as he positioned himself at my entrance. Holding my breath, I stared up at the impossibly beautiful man looming over me.

  “Do you want this?” he asked softly. “I won’t do it if you don’t, Rosie.”

  “I want this,” I answered back hoarsely.

  “If it hurts, tell me, and I’ll stop. I-I don’t want to hurt you.”

  I nodded mutely as he positioned himself at my entrance, his eyes locked on mine.

  “Are you on the pill?”

  I nodded, and he let out a slow breath.

  “Don’t look away from me, Rosie,” he whispered, pushing forward. I winced, my breath hitching as he entered me.

  “Look at me,” he instructed gently as he pushed in further. I tensed beneath the pressure as he inched slowly inside of me. A tear squeezed out of the corner of my eye, and he was quick to kiss it away. A moment later, he buried himself inside of me, our bodies fully connected.

  “You’re incredible,” he whispered, shifting as he moved out of me slowly before pushing back in. “So fucking incredible.”

  I whimpered, but he was quick to kiss it away, his movements speeding up until I was meeting his thrusts with my own, the ache of his intrusion having receded and waves of pleasure and heat replacing it.

  The swell of tingles swirled deep in my center, making me moan out his name.

  “Give it to me, Rosie,” he commanded, moving faster as he pounded in and out of me. A moment later, I was crashing down around him again, my walls clenching around his dick. He let out a moan, spilling himself inside of me, before finally coming to a breathless rest, both our bodies covered in a sheen of sweat.

  He lifted himself up onto his elbows and stared down at me, so much wonder and adoration on his face it left me breathless.

  “There’s no going back, Rosie. Never. You belong to us.”


  I woke up early, sunlight barely shining in through the window, Fox's naked body curled around mine. My heart hammered in my chest as I realized what we'd done. I didn't think about anything Mona had said. I didn't think about Juliet's ugly words. I didn't think about Ian.

  Needing a glass of water, I gently untangled myself from him, pulled on my robe, and made to go to my bathroom. I nearly stepped on something by my bed and stopped to examine it.

  Fox's phone.

  I bent down and picked it up, my heart in my throat. Everything that could ruin me was inside it. If ever there was a chance to save my ass, this was the moment. While my trust for him was growing, I knew that video was the key to my downfall. I glanced over at Fox snoring peacefully in bed and swiped his screen up. I went through his gallery and found the video right away and opened up the options on it.


  "What are you doing?"

  I jumped as Fox's arms wound their way around my waist. Lost for words, I stood holding his phone, knowing he caught me.

  "You could delete it, you know." His lips skimmed against my jaw. Instinctively, I angled my neck so he could traverse against the sensitive skin. He moved his hands up to cup my breasts over my robe, his breath hot on my neck.

  "You know you want to."

  "I do," I rasped as he gave my breasts a firm squeeze.

  "Then do it already so I can bury myself in you again."

  Hell, yes. I hit the button and watched the video disappear.

  "Mm. Bad girl." He nuzzled his face against me once more before turning me around to face him, his lips crashing against mine. My legs wound their way around his waist as he hauled me into his arms. Goosebumps flooded my skin as he laid me on my back in bed.

  "I love how I make that happen." His fingers brushed along the exposed skin of my arm where my hairs stood on end. His hand moved from my arm to the tie on my robe. He undid it, opening my robe, letting my breasts spill out. He rolled me over, so I was on top of him and captured my breasts in his hands, his eyes locked on mine.

  "I meant what I said last night, Rosie." He thumbed gently over my nipples.

  "What's that?" I asked, breathless.

  "That you belong to me. To us." He leaned in and sucked a hard nipple into his mouth, causing me to moan his name. In one fluid movement, he had me back on the bed beside him, his fingers making quick work of finding my center and dipping inside.

  Feeling brave and empowered, I reached out and stroked his length, relishing in how hard it got for me.

  We were breathing heavily as we pleasured one another, his fingers moving in time with my hand on his manhood. His kisses were deep. Ferocious. Brutal in such a way I knew I needed more.

  I tightened around his fingers as I reached my peak, calling out his name as I crashed around him in waves of splendor. He followed a moment later, spilling warmth onto my hand, his moan tingling my tongue.

  "I'll be right back," he murmured against my lips. I watched as he went to the bathroom and returned a moment later with a damp washcloth. He made fast work of cleaning my hand up before tossing the rag into the dirty clothes.

  "I, uh, should go."

  "What?" I frowned at him as he pulled his boxers and jeans on. He'd gone from being Mr. Sweetheart to acting weird.

  "Sorry." He leaned down and planted a kiss on my lips. "I'm supposed to help Dad with the gutters this morning."

  "Oh. OK."

  "Don't worry. We'll talk later, OK?" He pulled his t-shirt over his head. "I'll make you dinner. Your favorite. Mac and cheese with hot dogs. Ketchup on the side."

  I chuckled, feeling giddy inside. "Fox, we aren't eight anymore. That meal is gross."

  He grinned at me. I hadn't seen him look that happy in years. My heart lit up at his joy. "Fine. Hold the hot dog. My hot dog." He winked at me, causing me to snort. This Fox was nothing like the Fox I'd been introduced to over the past few weeks. This Fox was playful and sweet. Why the hell had he been hiding him for so long? He was even happier now than he was the past week.

  "Deal." I grinned back at him, angling my head up so he could kiss me again. He did so without hesitation.

  "Fuck, I don't want to go."

  "So don't."

  "My old man will have my ass if I'm not there. He's been bitching about these gutters since July. I'll make it up to you. We'll talk. Tonight."


  He nodded, his face serious as he pulled away from me. "I think we should, Rosie. I have a lot I need to say to you."

  I bit my bottom lip. "Is it bad?"

  “I don’t know. Guess that depends on your definition of bad. I promised to tell you about what was going on with everything. What we were missing. Figured tonight might be a good time. Besides, we're making it official, right?"

  A smile worked its way onto my lips despite the tremor of worry that coursed through me. I nodded. "Yes."

  "OK. I'll see you tonight then."

  He pulled away and went to my door. "If you open your curtain, you can watch me. Maybe I'll take my shirt off for you."

  I laughed as he shot me a wink before leaving me alone in my room. For the first time, I felt like maybe we were finally on the right track.

  It was a start anyway.


  Fox worked on the gutters and did yard work all day. I watched him from my bedroom window, in awe of how beautiful he was, even when he frowned, which seemed to be far too often.

  When night fell, I waited until Fox's dad pulled out of the yard. I quickly fluffed my loosely hanging hair and dabbed lip gloss on my lips. Opening my closet, I pulled on a blue sundress. I raced downstairs, torn between being nervous and excited.

  I hadn't even knocked when Fox pulled the door open, a massive grin on his face, and tugged me inside. His lips locked on mine, making me giggle.

  "Do you have any idea what you're doing to me?" he growled, moving his mouth to kiss across my jawline.

  "Mm, no, but if it's along the same lines as what you're doing to me, then I think I may have a good idea."

  He laughed and pulled away fro
m me, taking my hand in his. We went into his kitchen where he offered me a seat at the island. I took it and watched as he spooned out a runny mixture of cheese and macaroni into a bowl for me.

  "It's more like mac and cheese soup," he laughed sheepishly. "Cooking isn't really my thing."

  I grinned and dug my fork into my cheesy noodle soup and took a bite.

  "This isn't bad," I offered through a mouthful. Fox grinned at me and dug into his own bowl.

  We finished in a playful silence with him reaching out to squeeze my hand or to play footsie with me. When I'd swallowed my last forkful, he grabbed my bowl and rose from his seat. Something I'd been pushing out of my head since last night finally came tumbling out of my mouth.

  "Fox? What about Juliet?"

  Fox stilled at the sink for a moment before placing the bowls in it and turning back to me. His eyes locked on mine.

  "I broke up with her last week. She's been bitter. Angry. I'm sorry, Rosie."

  He moved back to me and took my hand in his and pulled me to my feet. Wordlessly, he led me to the living room where he tugged me down onto his lap on the couch.

  "She hurt you," he murmured, squeezing me to him.

  "She's always done that. You've always been OK with it--"

  "I was never OK with it," he ground out. "I hated it, but I hated my feelings more, so I didn't do anything about it."

  "What changed?" I whispered.

  "Everything, Rosie. There's so much I have to tell you. Things I'm afraid to tell you because of what they could mean."

  "Just tell me, Fox. I want to know."

  He grew quiet as I studied him.

  "I'm sorry for all the things I've said or done to you." His eyes locked on mine. "It's hard for me to admit everything. I'm trying, Rosie. I am."

  I studied him for a moment longer before speaking. "We haven't spoken in years, Fox. Why?"

  He gave my thigh a squeeze, a faraway look in his eyes.

  "My mom loved you like a daughter. She'd have done anything for you."

  I nodded, swallowing hard. I knew that about her. She'd been a wonderful person.

  "I loved her too," I whispered.

  He let out a soft laugh. "I know you did. She always wanted a daughter. She and dad tried for years to have another baby after me. I guess it wasn't in the stars for them. A lot of things weren't."

  My heart clenched. He'd grown quiet and sullen. I was losing him to his sadness and grief.

  I reached out and tilted his chin up and bravely placed a soft kiss on his lips. He kissed me back, everything about his touch and kiss gentle and caring.

  "Do you remember when you first kissed me?" I whispered against his lips.


  "You were my first kiss."

  "I know," he murmured. "You were mine. I intend on being your first everything."

  I blushed at his words. He was doing a great job so far.

  "You giving yourself to me last night was amazing," he continued softly. "I've wanted you for so long." He kissed the corner of my lips sweetly.


  "Mhmm." He nuzzled into my neck, hauling in a deep breath and giving me a gentle squeeze. "God, you're amazing. I'm such a fuckup, Rosie."

  He stilled against me.

  "You're not, Fox. We all do things we regret." I ran my fingers through his messy hair.

  "I have so many regrets. I won't ever be able to make them right."

  "Then learn from them," I offered gently. "Be a better person."

  "Rosie, I'm really trying." He pressed another kiss to my lips. "It starts with you."

  In a flash, he had me on my back, looming over me, his hands delving beneath my skirt.

  "Fox," I choked out. "What about your dad?"

  "Not here," was his muffled reply as he kissed between my breasts.

  "He could come home though." I angled my neck for him so he could kiss me more.

  "Then he's going to see me buried inside you."

  I slapped at him amid his soft laughter. "We're supposed to go to Cole's house."

  He stilled against me before getting to his feet, hauling me with him.

  "You're right. We're making this official."

  He led me out the front door and had me seatbelted in his Jeep in moments.

  "You seem so eager," I teased. He leaned over and kissed me.

  "Baby, you have no idea."

  I let out a laugh as he put the Jeep into reverse and pulled out of his driveway, his hand in mine.

  "I heard about what happened," Ethan said, the moment we stepped into Cole's living room. He pulled me into a tight embrace. "You know we'd never do that to you. Neither would Fox."

  "I'm glad Fox got it off your forehead," Cole said, eyeing me. "I was ready to pay Juliet a visit and show her how it feels."

  "I'm still ready to," Enzo scoffed, giving me a hug next.

  "I'll take care of it," Fox said.

  "You better or I'll do it. Trust me, I won't be gentle." Cole's face had grown dark, sending a shiver through me. If anyone would do something bad, it would be Cole. Fox and him would be a force to be reckoned with if they were pissed and teamed up. Ian was a great example of that, and I was certain that was only a taste of their darkness.

  "I ordered pizza," Enzo broke in, glancing at Cole. Sometimes he needed to be brought back to our world from wherever his dark thoughts led him.

  "I could go for some pizza," I said, reaching out for Cole. The tension melted away as I touched him. I went to him and kissed him lightly.

  "Relax," I murmured. He responded by hugging me tightly and blowing out a deep breath.

  "I'm sorry," he apologized so low only I could hear him. "But when it comes to you, I lose my fucking mind, Rosebud."

  I kissed him again, making sure he knew exactly what his words meant. He let out a growl and nipped my bottom lip before releasing me.

  The doorbell rang then. Fox turned and answered it, taking the boxes of pizza from the delivery driver and bringing them to the coffee table in the living room. We all moved and settled on the couches. Ethan got me a piece of pizza after Cole retrieved the plates from the kitchen.

  "So, what's the deal?" Enzo asked after his third slice, looking from me to Fox.

  "She said she's in," Fox said, smiling at me. "She's ours. You know that."

  "You popped her cherry?" Cole asked, winking at me. I flushed hot at his words.

  "Best I've ever had." Fox grinned at me. "Seriously. She's amazing."

  Cole's gaze swept over me, a look of longing in them.

  "We running that train, Sunshine?" Enzo laughed.

  "I want to, but um, I'm kinda sore after Fox," I admitted bashfully. "Can we sort of do it slowly? I don't want to rush it."

  "Good lord, she's another Ethan," Cole groaned. Ethan threw his balled-up napkin at Cole, bouncing it off his head. Cole chucked it back, grinning.

  I got to my feet, feeling braver than I'd ever felt before, and went to Ethan. He stared up at me, his lips hitched in a curious smile. I sank down onto his lap.

  "Hey, beautiful," he murmured, surveying me. I breathed in deeply and pressed my lips to his. He came to life beneath me, his tongue sweeping against mine as his arms encircled me.

  He deepened the kiss, his fingers tangled in my hair. I shifted on his lap, so I was straddling him, our centers align. He pulled me closer, his hard length hitting me in all the right places as I rocked against him. I let out a soft moan that had him grinding harder on my center. "Ethan," I rasped as the heat hit low in my belly, the impending euphoria making goosebumps pop along my skin. He kissed me again, continuing his movements. We both were breathing heavily when the euphoria took hold, sending me toppling over the cliff of pleasure. A soft moan erupted from my lips.

  He let out a chuckle as our movements slowed, my body trembling from our heavy make-out session. I collapsed against his hard chest, feeling sated. He ran his fingers through my hair as he cradled me in his arms.

  "That was the hot
test thing I've ever seen," Enzo murmured.

  "And here I thought you two would be the shy ones," Cole mused. "Guess I was fucking wrong on that account."

  I locked eyes on Fox, who stared back at me with parted lips, lust in his eyes. A flurry of heat swept through me at his hooded gaze.

  "I can't wait until you're rested, Rosie," he growled. "We're going to have a lot of fun together."

  I cuddled closer to Ethan. "I can't wait either."


  Fox never told me what he wanted to talk to me about. I didn’t want to push it since we all had so much fun at Cole’s. After Ethan and I’s show, we’d gone to Cole’s basement where the guys tried to teach me how to play pool. We ended the evening with me kissing each of the guys goodnight before Fox took me home.

  As always, things were hectic for the rest of the weekend. I worked more on my learning lines for the musical audition, opting to commit a monologue from Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream to memory.

  The guys said they had football practice on Sunday, Cole reminding me to take a warm bath to soothe me. He acted like he was teasing, but I knew he meant business.

  And Fox. My text messages beeped around ten Sunday evening.

  Fox: Hey, baby. Missed you today.

  I snapped back a reply, the butterflies coming to life in my tummy.

  Rosalie: I missed you too. All of you.

  Fox: I have something for you.

  I waited a few moments for his next text. My mouth went dry when I saw what it was. A link to the application for Mayfair.

  Fox: I know you're going to Pendleton, but I also know Mayfair needs you. We need you. Cole and I are going. I know Ethan and Enzo will get in. Please consider applying.

  I blew out a breath, my heart in my throat. I wanted to go so badly. It was my dream. Knowing two of my guys were already on their way there only made the yearning deeper.

  Rosie: I want to, Fox, but my dad will freak. I can't afford to pay for college on my own.

  Fox: At least apply, baby. If you get in, we'll figure something out.


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