Billionaire's Party Planner

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Billionaire's Party Planner Page 4

by Hope Stone

  Anna’s face was pale and she was shaking. “I swear, Alistair, that’s not what happened. I would never do that to you.”

  Mason laughed, his voice filled with spite. “Are you two together? Wow, she’s a real piece of work. You really can choose them, brother.”

  I went to Anna and put my arm around her, finding that she was trembling. “It’s okay,” I said to her calmly. “I don’t believe a word that man says.”

  “He came on to me… rather forcefully… and I slapped him,” she said softly, still in shock.

  My mother walked into the room, followed by Laura and Ted.

  “Seriously? You’re going to take this whore’s side?” Mason spat.

  “Yes,” my mother said softly. “Look at her, she’s shaken. And you’ve done this before. I try to ignore your behavior because you’re my son and it’s my duty to love you. But you make it extremely difficult. As much as Alistair didn’t want to plan this party for you… and as much as he put it off—yes I am aware that you put it off, Alistair—he still did it. Mason, the only person you care about is yourself. And I can’t support you anymore. I’m cutting you off, starting with this party, and on Monday I’ll be recalling all the loans I gave you for your business.”

  “You don’t mean that, Mother?” he said, his face quickly going pale. “All because of that stupid gold-digging party planner?”

  Chapter 15


  Everyone stood in stunned silence as Ella explained that she’d been lending Mason money to keep his business afloat, but she wasn’t doing it anymore.

  Angry and drunk, Mason stomped out of the room. Nobody ran after him. Instead, Alistair held me closer and Ella walked over to me.

  “Are you all right, dear? I’m so sorry for what he did,” she said softly.

  “I’m sorry about the scene. I swear, I didn’t mean for any of this to happen,” I said, realizing that tears were streaming down my face.

  “Of course you didn’t,” Alistair said. “You wouldn’t do that. You’re not to blame for any of this. You’re one of the most sincere and amazing people I’ve ever met.”

  “You don’t have to say that,” I whispered.

  “Yes, I do. Because it’s true and because I love you. I know that we’ve only known each other for a few days, but it feels like we’ve been together forever. I have never felt like this about anyone in my life before.”

  And with that, he kissed me.

  “I love you,” I whispered back.


  One year, two months and 12 days later, Anna and Alistair were married. It was the perfect day and, for once, Anna attended a party that she hadn’t organized. In fact, it had been her assistant and Maid of Honor who had put together the most amazing wedding that anyone had ever attended.

  The pair got married next to the waterfall where they had shared their first kiss. The weather was beautiful and the sun was shining. It was a small ceremony with only close friends and family (although Mason was never again invited to a family function).

  As they joined their lives together and said “I do”, Anna and Alistair couldn’t believe that they’d only met just over a year ago and through something as ridiculous as throwing an engagement party for his vile brother… a party that never ended up happening.

  Thankfully, through word-of-mouth praise thanks to Ella Harrington, Anna’s business was now booming. She’d barely been able to take time off for the wedding. But even though their lives were busy, the happy couple always made time for each other. Because they were never happier than when they were alone together, in each other’s arms.

  This was important because, unbeknownst to either of them, in a few months, they would find out they were expecting their first child. They’d have a daughter, named Lilly, and two years later, they’d welcome a son, Alex, into the world.

  They were successful, they were in love, but most importantly, they were happy. Their little family meant the world to them. There was no better time of day for Anna and Alistair, than when they drank their morning coffee together and then had breakfast with their two wonderful children.


  Dear reader,

  I am so grateful to you for taking the time to read my book! I hope you enjoyed reading it as much I enjoyed writing it. It would mean the world to me if you took a minute to leave me an honest review in Amazon.

  If it weren’t for passionate readers like yourself that give me the opportunity to fulfill my dreams as a full time author doing what I feel like I was born to do…being creative, writing books and sharing it with beautiful people like you.

  Do you want to more from my Insta Love Alpha Male series?

  You’re in luck because I decided to include a preview of Book 4 in this series, Unforgettable Curves. This is a steamy small town opposites attract romance where tattoo artist and former playboy, Tommy, knows exactly what he wants out of life. And when he meets the new owner of the local bakery, June, he knows he wants her. But things don’t always go according to plan…

  Click here to find out what happens! Happy reading!

  Preview: Book 4

  Unforgettable Curves

  Chapter 1 (Preview)


  “What if I’m worried about it? Like, what if I don’t think it’s healing well? Can I call you?” Asked the pretty blonde I’d just tattooed a heart on.

  “Look, if you follow my instructions, it’ll heal perfectly. I’ve been doing this a long time. But yeah, if you have a problem, you can call me here,” I said, trying not to sigh.

  “And what if I want to ask you out for a drink?” She asked, clearly not getting the message.

  “Look, you’re very pretty and I’m sure you’re charming as all hell. But I’m not who you’re looking for right now.” I gave her the care package I had in stock for all first-time customers and sent her on her way.

  “Seriously? She was hot, Tommy. I don’t get how you can turn down someone who looks like that,” Pete, my apprentice, groaned as soon as she was out of earshot. “I’d kill for a girl like that to ask me out.”

  “And that’s a girl like that will never ask you out. They want men who aren’t drooling over them to ask them out so they can prove they can get any man. She may not know she’s doing it, but it’s an ego thing. I, on the other hand, am done with flings and one-night stands. I want someone with substance and character. Believe me, I’ve been with women like that and it never ends well. They’re fun for a while, but I’m not the kind of guy she ends up with. She ends up with Chad who works in finance, I guarantee you that. She’s just going through a mid-twenties rebellious phase. I’ve seen it all before.”

  Pete just looked at me and rolled his eyes, “One day, I’m going to be the hotshot tattoo artists that girls ask out.”

  “Yeah, you will… as soon as you stop calling women ‘girls’,” I shot back. Pete was a good kid and he was a fast learner, but there was a lot he needed to know about the world. And, at 22 years old, he still had a baby face. But he’d get there. I liked having him around, it kept me young. Besides, in a small town like Florydale, it was difficult to find a good apprentice.

  Pete had actually moved from New York City to the small town to apprentice for me. I guess I had a reputation as a tattoo artist… of course, I tried not to get a big head about it. I’d spent my twenties with a huge ego and I was done with that. Having confidence is one thing, but having an ego will only ever get you in trouble.

  That’s why I’d moved out here, to get some fresh air and a fresh perspective. I didn’t expect business to be as good as it was, but people from all over the area would come to be tattooed by me. Of course, some of them were simple hearts and things I could do in my sleep. But hey, business was good and that was all that mattered.

  “I’m heading out for the afternoon, would you mind locking up? We don’t have any more appointments, but if you could stick around until five to take any bookings, I’d appreciate it.”

nodded and smirked, “Got a date?”

  “Yeah, with a bowl of chili and a good book. One day, you’ll learn that it’s not all about getting laid and superficial week-long ‘romances’,” I chuckled. It had taken me years to realize that and Pete was still young.

  I grabbed my keys and phone and headed out. One thing I liked about living in the small town of Florydale is that I could walk everywhere. Sometimes I’d even go for walks after dark, just to enjoy the freedom of being able to do so. When I lived in New York City, I could go for walks at night, but I had to be prepared for the possibility of being mugged. Also, it was noisy and full of lights. Nighttime here was quiet and truly dark, aside from the streetlamps.

  On my way home, I passed by the local bakery. I glanced inside and saw the new owner busy pouring herself a cup of coffee. I struggled not to look for her every time I walked to and from home. She was strikingly beautiful and there was something about her that made me want to get to know her. The thing was, I didn’t even know her name.

  She also seemed different to the women who I met at the tattoo parlour. For starters, she didn’t have a single tattoo. She also had this quiet determination about her, like she knew what she wanted out of life. I liked that. Then again, I’d never even walked into the bakery, so I was just imagining all this about her.

  Soon, I was past the bakery and the mystery woman, but I was still thinking about her when I walked into my house 15 minutes later. I put last night’s chili in the microwave to heat it up and grabbed my book from next to my bed. I began to read, but I couldn’t concentrate on the words on the page because I kept picturing the woman from the bakery. One day, I would have to go in there and introduce myself, I thought.

  The only problem was, what if she wasn’t this intriguing woman that I’d imagined her to be. What if she was boring or conservative? Then the daydream would be ruined and I’d have to find someone else to pass by everyday and think about.

  The microwave rang and my chili was ready. I almost burnt my hand when I took it out. Perhaps the next day, I’d stop at the bakery to pick up something to eat. I could cook about four different dishes and I was getting bored of them. And it wasn’t like Florydale had an endless supply of good restaurants to eat out at… and people in a small town look at you weirdly when you eat dinner alone in public.

  Chapter 2 (Preview)


  “Mom, I’m at work, can this wait?” I said into the phone as I put a batch on scones into the oven.

  “Don’t you own the business? As the boss, you should be able to take a break to talk to your mother. Anyway, you can’t be that busy in such a small town,” her voice was clipped and irritated.

  “Actually I’m pretty much always busy. People in small towns love their coffee and cakes. But okay, what is it that you want to talk to me about?” It was easier to just give in and let her have her say.

  “I just want to know when you’re going to give up on this silly venture and come home. I’m sure Trevor would take you back in an instant. He’s very sorry you know. And nobody even knows about what happened, so you two can get married without all this Clair business being talked about at the club.”

  I sighed, “Mom, he cheated on me. With someone who I thought was my friend. I’m not coming home. And I don’t care what people at your silly country club talk about. I wanted, no actually, I needed a change. I’m happy here. Or, at least, I think I will be happy here.”

  “Honestly, June, it’s like there is no talking sense to you. Your brother has just arrived, I’ll call you tomorrow,” she said and hung up before I could ask her to please call outside of business hours.

  “Was that your mother again?” Sarah, my assistant baker and waitress asked.

  “Yes,” I sighed emphatically.

  “She still badgering you to go back home?”

  “I don’t believe she’ll ever stop,” I said.

  The bell at the front desk rang and I went to go help the customer. It was two women in their early twenties. The blonde had a heart tattoo on her wrist that looked brand new.

  “Hi there, how can I help you?” I said with a bright smile on my face.

  “Can we just order two iced coffees?” The young woman with the heart tattoo asked.

  I nodded, “Would you like to sit here or do you want a takeaway?”

  “Oooh, shall we sit here?” The blonde said to her brunette friend.

  Click here to read how the story continues!

  About The Author

  Hope Stone

  Hope Stone writes hot and steamy short romances featuring heroes that can't help falling in insta love. She loves possessive and protective alpha men, instant love stories and always happily ever afters.

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