Ember: Next Gen (Snakes Henchmen MC Book 12)

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Ember: Next Gen (Snakes Henchmen MC Book 12) Page 7

by Alivia Grayson

  I spin on the spot and face Lydia, hate burning in my eyes. Lydia’s face drops. She knows me well enough to know that I fucking know what she’s been up to.

  “My boyfriend? How big of a fool do you think I am, you bitch!” I scream the words at Lydia. She takes a step back, hand on her chest. “I know you’ve been fucking him.” She shakes her head. Why the fuck would she even try to deny it? “I saw you! I saw you making love on our couch with the man who was supposed to be mine!”

  I’m right in her face, all the anger I feel pouring out of me, and I don’t give a fuck what she says, I don’t want to hear anything from her miserable mouth. I might not be a vindictive person, but that doesn’t mean I have to be a fucking doormat either.

  All I wanted was to leave without any drama. But why the hell should I walk away like I’ve done something wrong? This whore betrayed me! Lydia is the one who has hurt me the most. Men come and go, and that’s the way of things. Best friends are supposed to be for life. If there’s anyone you can count on in this life, it should be the friend as close as a sister.

  Not me, though, I had to go and be lifelong best friends with a slut who doesn’t know how to keep her legs shut!

  “You were my best friend! My best friend, Lydia.”

  “I know.” She can sob all she likes, but she has no right to fucking cry right now. “But he was mine before he was yours, Ember.”

  My eyes widen, my hands are shaking, and my heart is in my throat. “What the fuck do you mean?”

  “Toby and I dated before you, and he were even a thing.” I clench my jaw in anger. She’s lying; she has to be. “You remember when I told you about that guy eight months ago? The one I was dating but hadn’t introduced to anyone because I was scared he’d be chased away by my family?”

  My eyes close for a second in the realization of what she’s saying. I feel sick, and I can feel the tears of anger and sadness, trying to force their way out of my eyes.

  I know what she’s talking about. Lydia had met a guy a few months ago, and though she told me all about him, she never let anyone meet him. Lydia told me that his name was George and that he was everything she ever dreamed he’d be.

  How blind could I have been? Toby George Hail. Lydia gave me his middle name and not his forename.

  “I told you that I’d fallen in love with him and that I could see myself marrying him.” I grit my teeth because this hurts. I should just walk away without another word, but something has me glued to the spot. “He found out who my dad was, and he freaked out. I didn’t give Toby the chance to explain himself, and I walked away. I wouldn’t answer his calls or texts, so he moved on.”

  He moved on to me, Lydia’s best friend and roommate. What the hell does that say about Toby? Was he with me to hurt Lydia, or to show her what she was missing?

  I hate the bitch for what she’s done to me, but I feel sorry for her at the same time. The man is an ass of the worst kind, and I hope Draven Vidal kills him!

  “Toby didn’t know you were my friend, Ember,” Sure he didn’t. “I just want you to know that. When you brought him to meet me, and he saw just who you lived with, it gutted both of us. I loved him so much, and he’d moved on with you.” She wipes a tear from her cheek.

  “That’s why you acted like you couldn’t stand him when I brought him home?”

  Lydia nods her head. “I was angry with him and upset that he was with you.”

  I don’t know why I’m about to ask this question, but I want to know. “How long was Toby with me before you two betrayed me?”

  “It wasn’t like that, Ember,”

  “Then what was it like?” I yell in her face.

  Lydia swallows hard. “I tried so hard to push away what I felt for Toby, Ember. But the more I tried, the deeper I fell in love. I was happy for you, I swear that I was, but my heart was breaking. I couldn’t bear seeing Toby with you. It was killing me. Every time he and I were in the same room, I could feel the tension between us, and it made me even angrier. I couldn’t understand what was going on inside of me, Ember.”

  My heart is beating so hard inside my chest that I’m scared I’ll throw up.

  “You were together a month or so,” I close my eyes again. All these months and they’ve been screwing behind my back. “Toby asked if we could talk. He texted me, and I went over to his place. I thought he’d asked me there to tell me that the arguing between us had to stop. It was uncomfortable, and I knew it couldn’t have been easy for you. I knew Toby felt as awkward as I did every time the three of us were in the same room.”

  “I’m taking it that didn’t happen?”

  Why are you still engaging in this conversation, Ember? Do the where’s and why for’s really matter?

  They don’t, but I need to know why.

  “We talked, and he explained that he didn’t know who you were to me when he asked you out. We didn’t mean for things to happen, but I love him.” She lets go of a sob, and I run my tongue over my top teeth. I also clench my fists to stop myself from smacking her in the jaw.

  I bite the inside of my cheek. “You betrayed me in the worst way, Lydia. Did you not think that you could come to me and tell me how you felt? That soon into Toby and my relationship, right at the beginning, it would have hurt, but I would have understood. I would have stepped back and been happy for you.”

  Lydia nods her head. “I know that, but I didn’t want to hurt you.”

  “Yeah? And how’d that work out for you?”

  “I know what I’ve done, Ember, and I’m not asking you to forgive me. I’m asking that you understand.” I take a deep, frustrated breath. “If Toby were anyone else, I could have walked away. But Toby is the love of my life, and I couldn’t stay away from him. I know we should have told you long before you found out, but it wasn’t easy, Ember.”

  “Of course, it was!” I snap, venomously. “Yet you chose to sleep with Toby behind my back. The whole time, he was lying to me also, and making me believe we had a future together! Why the hell would he do that? More to the point, why would you allow him to?”

  “Because I love you, and I didn’t know how to tell you. I didn’t want to hurt you! I knew the longer it went on, the worse things would be. It was driving me crazy, Ember. I was losing my mind with guilt!”

  I shake my head. Nothing Lydia says; will change what she did. She can stand here and tell me that she didn’t want to hurt me until the cows come home. The fact remains that she did hurt me. Lydia hurt me in the worst way. Whatever her reasons, there is never an excuse to cheat.

  Lydia should have told me who Toby was the moment I brought him here. If she had, and she’d told me how she felt about him, I would have walked away. I’d only just met the man, and I wasn’t in love with him at that time. I would have gladly stepped back and allowed them to love each other.

  I’m done here. There is nothing more for either of us to say.

  “You’re welcome to him.” I nod erratically. “I hope you’ll be very fucking miserable for the rest of your pathetic lives together. I hope he was worth our friendship, Lydia; because you and I are done, I promise you that.” She sobs again, and I hate that it hurts seeing her upset.

  What the fuck is wrong with me?

  Why the hell do I care that she’s upset?

  “Are you going to tell my dad what I’ve done?”

  You manipulative bitch! You know how to pull at my heartstrings, you know I would never hurt you, and you’re using it against me!

  “No, I’m not going to tell your dad or mine what you and Toby have done to me. Because unlike you, I give a shit about your feelings, and I would never hurt you.”

  “I didn’t mean to hurt you.” If she says that one more time, I’ll rip her throat out with my bare hands!

  Calm down, Ember. You have every right to be angry, but it won’t change anything now.

  “It doesn’t matter anymore. Tony is not worth my tears, and nor are you. I’m leaving now, and I won’t be coming back here. My
dad will collect my stuff in a few days. You and I are done for good, Lydia. You can bang on about how much you love Toby all you like, but there is nothing you can say that will change this. I’ll think of something to tell my parents. Don’t worry; no one will hurt your boyfriend. I already told my dad that Toby and I broke up because I want to join Colin’s band. But if you, either of you, ever contact me again, I’ll make sure everybody finds out what a backstabbing whore you really are.”

  “Please, Ember, we didn’t mean to hurt you. I didn’t mean to fall in love...”

  I close my eyes and shake my head. I don’t want to hear it. I’m a good person; I really am. I would never hurt anybody. I would never have given in to my feelings for Lydia’s man if I’d fallen for him. Not even if he was mine first. I would rather suffer in silence than cause this woman one ounce of pain. But she couldn’t stop herself from doing just that. That proves that our friendship meant very little to Lydia.

  Toby and Lydia didn’t care about anything but each other because they are selfish, and she’s ruined us forever.

  “If I hear from you again, I’ll tell my dad exactly what Toby did, and I’ll stand back while he kills him!” Lydia flinches and sobs and I can see in her eyes that she really loves Toby, and my heart breaks even further. “I hope this haunts you for the rest of your life, Lydia. Go have your life with my ex. I just hope he was worth it.”

  I open the front door and walk away. I throw my case onto the backseat of my car and slam the door. I can hear Lydia crying as she stands at the door, watching, but I don’t turn back. I’m in the car, the door slammed shut, and pulling away just as Toby pulls around the corner. I don’t look in his direction, and I don’t care whether he saw me or not.

  I don’t know where this road will lead me, but as long as it’s away from those two, I don’t care.

  * * *

  “I’m so proud of you, Ember,” I smile at my mom as she takes my hand in hers.

  As soon as I dropped my bag at the hotel, I came over to my parent’s house to see Mom. I figured I’d say goodbye now, that way I can spend tomorrow locked in my hotel room. It’ll be the last chance I get for some privacy. Plus, I can cry this hurt out of me and put it to rest. Well, so the theory goes.

  “Am I doing the right thing, Mom?” I don’t want to second guess myself, but I’m not sure I’m doing what’s best for me. Sure, I want to run away because being around Lydia and Toby is going to be hard, but is that the only reason I said yes to Colin?

  Don’t do this to yourself, Ember. You wanted to say yes the moment Colin asked you to join the band. This thing with Lydia and Toby just gave you the push you needed.

  Mom cups my cheek and smiles. “You know, I’ve asked myself that question a few times in my life. Many things in life are scary, Ember, especially taking a leap when it comes to our dreams. All I’ve ever wanted for you and your brother is happiness. I used to second guess myself on many things when it came to the two of you. Sometimes, I’d wonder if what I was doing was right for you both,”

  “Mom,” I take both of her hands in mine. “You gave Michael and me the best childhood any mother could. You and Dad,” I chuckle. “We couldn’t have asked for better parents. You nurtured all of our dreams and supported us in everything we did. When I wanted to learn the violin, you encouraged me to do so. Hell, every instrument I wanted to play, you told me never to give up because you knew I could do it.”

  “And you did,” She smiles. “The best instrument you have is your voice, Ember. Colin and his friends believe in you, almost as much as Tank and I do. There’s a big world out there, baby, and it’s just waiting for you, my shining star.”

  I laugh as a tear falls from my eye, which Mom wipes away with her thumb. Ever since before I can remember, my mom has called me her shining star.

  “Don’t doubt yourself, Ember. You’re going to be brilliant. I just know it.” I nod my head and let my mother hold me. Nova Marshall isn’t one for hugging, so I cherish the times when she wants to hold me.

  “Hey, you,” I pull away from my mom and smile at my brother. “Dad says you joined a band, and you’ll be leaving soon,”

  “That’s right,” I get to my feet and stand in front of him. “I’ll be gone for three months.”

  Eagle raises his eyebrow with a smile on his face. “And soon, your face will be plastered all over the place,” I nod my head and laugh. “Dad spoke with Jett and the others. He let everyone know that you’re leaving and who you’re leaving with.”

  “Was Jett angry?”

  Eagle chuckles and shakes his head. “No, he just wants you to be happy. Dad explained that you were worried the world would find out about us. Don’t worry, Ember, it will only drive you crazy. The club can protect itself, that I promise you. I’ll miss you while you’re gone.”

  “I’ll miss you too,” I take his hand in mine. Eagle and I have always had an incredibly close relationship. I still remember when he was born and how Dad helped me hold Michael in my tiny arms. I loved my brother so much, and that will never change.

  “Enjoy every moment, Ember. Sing your heart out, laugh, live, and don’t you for one second ever doubt your decision to leave.”

  I should have known my brother would read my mind. I nod my head and walk into his arms.

  No matter how much pain I’m in right now, I won’t let Lydia and Toby take this opportunity from me. I’m going to enjoy the ride for however long it lasts. This is my time, and I’m going to live every moment as though it were my last.

  Chapter Nine


  “Sign here,” Matt orders rather than asks Ember.

  Nevertheless, Ember signs the contract laid before her with a smile on her face.

  Ember spent twenty minutes going over the contract with a fine-tooth comb. She then left for almost an hour before she returned. Ember explained that she’d taken the contract to a lawyer friend of hers. She wanted to make sure everything was as she expected. She explained how her ‘friend’ had reassured her that the contract had no hidden clauses, and it was safe for her to sign.

  “Welcome to Dun’s Dungeon,” Colin hugs Ember, and she giggles.

  “Let’s hope you can handle what’s to come.”

  Ember looks at Matt. “I get the feeling you don’t like me much.”

  “Ignore him,” Colin takes Ember’s arm, but she pulls away from him.

  “I’m not here to like you, Ember. I’m here to make sure this band gets to the top.”

  I note the look of realization that spreads across Ember’s face. She’s a lot smarter than she looks, and she knows that Matt has been giving us a hard time about her joining. Ember looks incredibly uncomfortable.

  “Don’t worry about him, Ember,” Both Ember and Matt look at me. “He hasn’t been laid in three years.”

  Matt’s mouth hangs open as he stares at me.

  “It’s okay, Marco,” Ember shakes her head slightly. I take a deep breath and nod at her.

  Bob’s eyes widen in shock. He’s shocked because no one has ever been able to stop me in my tracks and have me agree, the way Ember just did.

  I can’t explain it, and I’m sure as shit not going to analyze it.

  “Whatever,” Matt rolls his eyes. “Just get on the damn bus. We’ve got places to be.”

  I’ve got to admit that Matt did good when it comes to the tour bus he hired for us. Christ knows how much the damn thing cost, but it has to have been a large sum. I do know that the price will be coming out of our pockets eventually. I’m not going to sweat the small stuff right now. I’m just going to enjoy the ride.

  “Wow,” Saint’s eyes widen when we walk onto the bus and see just how top of the range it is. There’s a living room section with a large leather couch, three leather chairs, and a large TV with a games console. There’s also a kitchen area with all the amenities we’ll need. There’s a small bathroom with a toilet, washbasin, and a working shower. Then there are three small bedrooms, which hopefully have room fo
r all of us.

  “How much did this cost?” Bob asks as his eyes scan the bus.

  “Enough,” Is the only answer Matt is going to give. “I thought two to a room,”

  “Not gonna work,” Colin smirks as Hannah walks onto the bus and drops her bag on the floor. She smiles when Colin kisses her softly.

  Fucking great! That’s all we need on this trip, Hannah, the bitch. I don’t hate the woman, but I certainly can’t stand her much.

  “When the hell was this decided?”

  “She’s my wife, Matt. Of course, she’s coming with me.”

  Matt frustratedly runs his hand through his hair. “Fine. Hannah and Ember can share,”

  “I don’t think so,” Hannah scoffs. “I’m not sharing with anyone other than my husband. One of you guys,” Hannah wafts her hand between Saint, Bob, and me. “Can share with Ember.”

  Everyone starts bickering between themselves, and Ember is shaking her head. She must feel so unwanted with the way everyone is demanding they don’t share a room with her.

  “It’s fine,” Ember snaps. “I’ll sleep out here.” She points to the couch. “You guys take the rooms, problem solved.”

  “No,” I shake my head. “That’s not right. You should be in a bed, not on the damn couch.”

  Ember opens her mouth to reply, but Hannah cuts her off. “If Ember wants to sleep out here, then let her. Which one is our room?”

  I’m so annoyed as I watch everyone walk away. Colin and Hannah take the room to the left. Bob and Saint take the room next to it, leaving Matt to take the room next to that. Great, I guess I’m sharing with that asshole.

  Fuck this!

  I make my way to the middle room. The second I open the door, I shake my head. There are four cots, two built into the right wall, and two to the left. There’s not enough room to swing a cat, but we’ll make this work.

  “Something you wanted?” Saint raises an eyebrow.

  “Yeah, Matt and I will be bunking in with you two.” Both men stare at me. “It’s not right that Ember sleeps on the couch. There are four cots in here, plenty of room for the four of us.”


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