The Pale War

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The Pale War Page 22

by Max Jager

  Alerius reloaded and took down five more as they ran at him trying to kill him. He then had to reloaded again as he laid waste to five of them with a lot of bullets. He then slid on the ground underneath three of them and shot upwards tearing them apart with the move. He flipped back up onto his feet and shot two more. He then came face-to-face with one and it tried to cut his head off. Alerius spun sideways in a snake-like maneuver and blasted away at the migzight's head.

  Their were not many left as he ejected the two magazines from the guns. He dropped them to the ground, having no more ammo for them, and tore out two new SMG guns. They were fully loaded and Alerius was fully ready to use them. Two more migzights fell to the wayside as Alerius started up his attack once again.

  He then began to spin around in one spot and fired in all directions becoming a tornado of bullets. All bullets went in every direction. Some hit, some didn't. Alerius stopped spinning and when he was done every migzight was down in sight. There were only two left that were still breathing. They were injured though. The one with a good arm carried the other with two bad legs. The only one that was not harmed in anyway was Commander Rathus who was still standing in the same spot that he had been since the fight first started.

  Alerius looked at the two wounded who could barely move. They were heading right towards him. He pointed one of the guns at them and ejected out the magazine from it. He then said, "If you value your lives I suggest you leave now!"

  The two looked at each other and the one with the good arm started to drag his partner in the other direction.

  Alerius then dropped the other empty magazine from the other gun and began to stair at Commander Rathus. Rathus just stared right back. He then said, "My entire squad, wiped out because of you!"

  Alerius holstered the two guns. He began to slowly walk up to Commander Rathus. Rathus had this evil look on his face. He wanted The Red Firius dead! Alerius just kept walking until he was eye-to-eye with Rathus. They both stared each other down and both of them were breathing heavily. Not for the same reasons though.

  Alerius suddenly punched Rathus hard and Rathus's head twisted. It twisted right back around though and stared at Alerius. He knew it wouldn't be enough to knock him down, just to get his attention. Alerius was challenging Rathus to a fist fight. Alerius wasn't really sure he should since migzights were known for their brute-like strength. He figured though that it was the best option since he wanted to save the little ammo he had left.

  A small trail of blood dripped from the corner of Rathus's mouth and he just calmly said in this deep evil tone, "If you prefer it that way." Meaning that he accepted Alerius's challenge to hand combat.

  Alerius suddenly went for another punch on the other side but Rathus caught his fist and began to squeeze it. It was a crushing feeling and Alerius went down to both knees as this overwhelming strength of the commander began to debilitate him. Alerius went for another punch right to Rathus's ribs and his fist landed square in Rathus's side.

  Rathus's vise like grip was released and he went back some. Alerius then delivered a roundhouse kick to Rathus's head and he went down hard onto the ground. Alerius looked at his hand and it was slightly bruised. Both of his hands were.

  Rathus started to get back up but even though Rathus was slightly stronger, Alerius was way more faster. He sent a hard kick to Rathus's head before he even got up, snapping his head back and leaving him on the ground. Alerius had this fight in the bag. Rathus tried to get up again and Alerius punched the nape of his spine with a crushing blow. Rathus was sent back into the ground, head first. Alerius walked around him some and then said, "Where is the staff?"

  Rathus coughed up some blood and tried to get up again. Alerius sent his boot right into Rathus's gut and again Rathus went down. Alerius screamed at Rathus, "Where is the staff?"

  Rathus began to get up again. Alerius let him get back up to his feet. He grabbed the commander by the shoulders and looked him in the eyes. "I can do this all day."

  Rathus was wobbly on his two legs and his eyes were hazy. Rathus though smiled and said, "You'll never get the staff!"

  Alerius grunted with frustration and punched Rathus as hard as last time. Rathus went back down and landed back first on the ground. He began to breath heavily again and began gasping for air.

  Alerius walked around and slightly lifted Rathus up by his shoulders. "I don't want to do this! Just give me the staff, please."

  Rathus's head bobbled around. "No."

  Alerius slammed him back down onto the ground. "Fine! I'll find it myself."

  He began to look around and then began to head towards the hut. Before he even took six steps though, out of the hut's door came Yellow Korzen with the staff in hand! Alerius took three steps back in shock! He couldn't believe that Korzen was still alive! He was though and he had the staff! Alerius now was gasping for air. What was he going to do now? Was he going to have to fight The Yellow Korzen again!

  Korzen took a couple steps towards Alerius and sort of waved the staff at him. "Is this what you're looking for agent?"

  Alerius out stretched his hand, "Give that to me!"

  Korzen let out a small laugh and was now right beside Commander Rathus as he still was lying on the ground. He looked down at the commander and the commander at him. The commander then said to Korzen, "Get him!"

  The Korzen gave him this disappointed sneer. "You stupid animal!"

  Korzen pulled out his huge magnum revolver and pointed it at Rathus's head. "You couldn't even wounded him for me! No bother, you have out lived your purpose."

  Rathus sent up this shocked look up at him. Alerius could even see that Rathus was confused about this whole situation. He wasn't for long though. Korzen pulled back on the trigger and the back of Rathus's head was sent all over the landscape!

  Alerius gasped in horror! He had to take a step back in shock! Alerius then began to stutter. "W-W-What, what was th-that for?'

  Korzen looked at Alerius with this evil stair. Those intense eyes that seemed possessed with madness. Korzen then said, "Because he had out lived his purpose."

  Alerius then got his own evil stair. "You don't just kill him! You're the only real ally that the migzights actually have! How could you do this to them?"

  "To them? I just did 'them' a favor. You think that he could have returned home honored? No, he would have been exiled! Losing his whole squad to one man. I just did 'them' and him a favor."

  Alerius's evil stair only intensified. "The old Korzen would have never done that! Not any ally, no matter what the consequences would have been! It was you yourself that said, 'War is an ally struggle. The more allies you have, the less chance that you lose.'"

  Korzen looked down at the ground. He had said that before. Many times at many different academies. Korzen looked back up at Alerius. "Things change."

  Alerius went at him with his fist cocked back ready to hammer Korzen. Korzen just stood as still as a rock. When Alerius got close enough, Korzen quickly hit him in the throat. Alerius was stopped instant quick and fell to his knees gasping for air. Korzen then, in one fluid motion, drove his knee into Alerius's diaphragm and his elbow right into his collarbone.

  Alerius went down onto the ground hard and was in severe pain! Korzen was still holding onto the staff and began to walk around Alerius like Alerius had done with Rathus. "You still don't get it, do you Firius? I don't need allies anymore! This war, for me, is over! After you die the war is over! I can finally retire in peace."

  Alerius coughed a bit and choked out, "If the hellion forces win this war there won't be any peace, including for you!"

  Alerius turned on the ground and grabbed Korzen by his calf. He then tripped him and crawled over him. He got in striking distance of his face and went to deliver a punch. Korzen, while still on the ground with Alerius on top of him, grabbed his fist and turned it slightly to the left ripping the joint out of place. Alerius screamed in pain and Korzen kicked him right over his head. Alerius landed opposite of Korzen on th
e other side and then Korzen flipped over and landed on top of Alerius.

  Alerius was still holding his hand in pain when Korzen got a strangle hold on his throat. "I want to retire! So what if that's selfish? I don't care! I deserve it! I earned it! I can never expect an imbecile like you to even comprehend what kind of Hell I've been through! The horrors I've seen! The war for me is over after you die!" Korzen's grip got extremely tight and Alerius couldn't breath anymore! "Now die! Please God, die! Die! Die! I want to go home!"

  Alerius could no longer even draw a breath. He had to do something and fast! He saw the staff in Korzen's free hand and grabbed it with both hands. He began to struggle for it as he was quickly losing consciousness! His vision was starting to fade out and anything he could see was altered by this blurriness.

  Alerius got one last ounce of adrenalin as if his body was starting to finally react to the encroaching chance of death. The staff came loose out of Korzen's hand. Alerius held on tight to it and smashed Korzen in the head with it. When he did, the impact was hard and the staff seemed to exploded with power. A bright brilliant light blasted from the staff and seemed to fry Korzen's head.

  As fast as it came, it went away and the staff looked normal again. Alerius choked for air as he got back to his feet and Korzen was writhing on the ground in pain. Alerius was a little wobbly and still gasping for air. He turned around and started to head back for the okren's cave with the staff in hand. He was running as fast as he could which wasn't that fast at this point. His speed increased though as he got further and further away from the migzight camp. Korzen was unconscious and would remain that way for quite sometime.

  Planet Traxus: Chaos

  Alerius tripped over himself and was breathing very raggedly. His legs dragged along the ground and the pain he was feeling was almost debilitating. Korzen had gotten him good with that kick to his diaphragm. Alerius could hardly breathe.

  Somehow, Korzen had gotten stronger. He felt a difference in him since their last encounter. It was almost as if Alerius could sense the change in the traitor. He had gotten stronger, faster, and more skilled in pain. Alerius had no idea how but he would learn later exactly what was happening to The Yellow Korzen.

  Right now though, he had to get back to the clasin's cave. He started to come over this short, alluvial hill. When he got to the top, what he saw was not a welcome sight. He saw the calsins were at war! Thousands of the little lizards were at war with a small infantry of hellion forces. He saw about ten or fifteen of those magma skinned demons. The volcanis. The same type as the fighter that had chased him down on the Scalobore bridge.

  Also, Alerius saw another demon on the battlefield. A big red demon. A nebron. Alerius took about ten more steps when the nebron turned and faced him. When it did, Alerius stopped in his tracks and breathed a sigh of concern. It was the same nebron he had tangled with on Reign. The ancient one with dragon teeth through his horn and the uncountable number of scars. This beast was still alive! The dragon that had saved Alerius didn't make it.

  The ancient bargon looked at him coldly and took a few steps towards him. Alerius knew that he was the leader of this charge.

  Alerius looked around. His primary concern was Aurela. He found her close to the cave entrance holding the shotgun more like a security object then a weapon. She was scared and Alerius knew it. He had to get down there and save her!

  Alerius quickly came down the hill still a little hurt from the fight he had with Korzen. He watched as the bargon moved in on his position. Suddenly, the nebron opened its mouth and this bright white light began to grow inside! Alerius's eyes got real wide in anticipation of what was going to happen next.

  This brilliant bright beam blasted out of its mouth and this low roar came deep from inside. Alerius dove forward and the strong beam blasted over his head as Alerius landed face first in the dirt. The beam blew past him and off into obscurity. A small concentration of air wrapped around the beam kicking up some dirt. Just like on Reign when it had done it before. The beam hovered over Alerius's head for about twenty seconds before the nebron relinquished it. Alerius got back up to his feet and began to run towards Aurela.

  The nebron looked at Alerius as he was running and then looked at Aurela who it had not seen before. The demon had this evil sneer slide across its face and began to tromp towards her. Its hoofs leaving imprints in the ground as footsteps of doom.

  Alerius saw that the nebron had noticed her. Alerius yelled out, "Noooo! Stop him!"

  It was useless though. The calsins were locked in mortal battle with the other infantry volcanis. The nebron was growing ever closer to Aurela. Aurela gripped the shotgun close to her, holding it by the barrel and letting it dangle. She was twisting her hands on it scared of the violence happening in front of her.

  She then looked a little to her left and saw the huge nebron approaching her. She backed up again the cave entrance and with a small whimper let out a cry for help. "Firius!"

  She slide down the wall as she was scarred of the approaching monster. She could sense the tremendous evil surging off of him. She had seen this type of demon before when she was held prisoner. This one though was the most evil one she had ever encountered! She knew that this one was special. This one was more devastating and more vile then any she had seen before! She began to slightly whimper. She had no idea how to even use the weapon she had! Otherwise, she probably would have been using it right then.

  The nebron, with this evil sneer, just kept stomping towards her and with every step, Aurela's fear became more and more debilitating. Suddenly, about four calsins jumped on the evil demon and began to zap him with their small staffs. The nebron stopped and swung its arms and hands trying to get at the small attackers. Aurela stood up some, some of her fear dissipating. This feeling of rescue though was to be short lived.

  After the nebron realized that trying to catch the small reptiles in his hands was useless it stopped and then began to growl uncontrollably. All of its muscles bulged in its body and its red skin began to glow with this ominous red aura. It yelled at the sky as this red aura began to get brighter. Smoke then began to pour off the nebron's body and the calsins on its body dropped to the ground dead. Their bodies had been cooked! The nebron stopped roaring and its body seemed to calm back down. The red aura faded and its muscles seemed to relax. It then continued its walk of death towards Aurela.

  Aurela watched in horror as her reptilian saviors dropped to the ground, roasted! Their bodies cooked to an almost flesh melting crisp! She slide back down the rock in fear. The nebron started to approach her again and she began to whimper. She couldn't help it. These calsins that laid dead on the ground had tried to save her and sacrificed their lives for her. Tears filled her eyes for their bravery. Now, she was in real danger and Alerius was still too far away to do anything. He still couldn't run very fast so he was still some distance away. It was hardly for his lack of trying though.

  The nebron hovered over Aurela now growling down at her. Aurela held onto the shotgun and closed her eyes. She was in a stone fear of what was going to happen next. Suddenly, she felt this crushing feeling on her throat and her eyes came wide open. She looked down at her throat and saw the nebron's hand tightly wrapped around it. She choked on air as she tried to breath. She dropped the shotgun and it limberly dropped to the right.

  She was hoisted to her feet as the nebron squeezed at her throat. She struggled against the suffocating grip of the monster but it was no good. She was imprisoned once again. Her eyes filled with tears of her impending doom!

  She then felt her feet leave the ground as she was hoisted up into the air. The nebron slightly growling at her as she was at its very whim. She was now looking down into the monster's eyes she was lifted so high. She felt her life beginning to escape her body! She couldn't breath at all and even though she wanted to exploded into tears she couldn't. she could only watch as the face of the beast slowly begin to fade away as she was dying. She was lightly pounding the beast's arm but its gr
ip only tightened. She would be dead soon.

  Alerius began to crawl on the ground figuring that he might get to her faster if he crawled. His legs certainty weren't doing him any good. He cursed everything up to this point! He cursed this whole damn mission. In the wake of what was going on in front of him, he didn't even care about the mission he cursed it; damned it! His feelings about the mission had left. All he cared about now was Aurela. His love had taken over. He reached out as he saw Aurela slowly dying in that monster's hand. He screamed out to her, "PLEASE DON'T DIE AURELA! I NEED YOU!"

  Aurela heard his words as Alerius was crawling like a madman to get to her. She looked over with what strength she had left. She saw him struggling in the dirt to save her. With her last ounce of breath she muttered out. "I need you too!"

  Her eyes rolled into the back of her head as her skin began to turn from that beautiful ocean blue to a more pearl white. She was nearly dead. Her limbs went limp and her consciousness was leaving her.

  The nebron squeezed harder hoping that in just seconds she would be dead.


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