Everything to Everyone

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Everything to Everyone Page 15

by Sherryl Hancock

  “Well, I am the common denominator, Shy…” Harley said.

  “Relationships fail for lots of reasons, Harley. It doesn’t mean that because yours fail there’s something wrong with you.”

  Harley didn’t answer, but Shiloh could see that Harley didn’t believe her.

  “How are you an illusion?” Shiloh asked then.

  Harley’s lips twisted in a sardonic grin. “I apparently look quite different to you today, right?”

  Shiloh gave her a searching look. “You look really great today, Harley, but it’s still you… You’re not pretending to be something you’re not.”

  Harley looked contemplative, then shrugged. “I dunno…” she said finally.

  It was obvious she was done being expansive, so Shiloh left her alone for the time being. It was definitely an insight into the way Harley saw things though, and it bothered her to no end that Harley didn’t think she was as amazing as she was.

  Later that morning, Shiloh had to remind Harley that Roslynn’s plane was due in at one o’clock. Harley had been working industriously on the program for the Criminal Division. They had a meeting with Midnight and Sierra that afternoon about it that had just been scheduled.

  “You better get going,” Shiloh told Harley at eleven.

  “How long is it to LAX?” Harley asked, loathe to stop what she was doing.

  “About an hour and forty-five minutes. As it is, you’re screwed if you hit traffic. Go!” Shiloh told her.

  “Okay,” Harley said. She saved her work and then stood up. “You’re gonna meet me at the AG’s office, right?”

  “Yes, I’ll meet you there, I’ll get a ride over with Rayden,” Shiloh said, nodding.

  “Okay, I’ll see you there,” Harley said, smiling.

  Two and a half hours later, a harassed Harley drove up to the sidewalk at LAX, looking for Roslynn. It was impossible to miss the stunning brunette with a body that wouldn’t quit. Holy Mother of Dog… Harley thought as she saw her. Roslynn was wearing skintight jeans, three-inch black heels and an emerald-green top that hugged her body in all the right places.

  Harley pulled up next to where Roslynn was standing and opened the passenger window of the Z.

  “I’m sorry I’m late, traffic was crazy!” she said, throwing the car in park and climbing out.

  “It’s okay,” Roslynn said, smiling brilliantly.

  Harley strode around the front of the car to Roslynn, who was only an inch shorter than Harley in her high heels. She reached up to hug Harley who obliged happily. She took the other woman in her arms, letting the scent of Roslynn’s perfume envelop her.

  When they parted, Harley turned and opened the passenger door for Roslynn and waited for her to get into the car. She put Roslynn’s suitcase in the trunk and got in the driver’s side.

  She put the car in gear and headed out of the airport arrivals area. Disturbed’s “Intoxication” was playing. Roslynn listened to the words and liked them, especially the first verse. They were very possessive and aggressive, but sexy at the same time. Harley sang the words as she got onto the freeway, weaving around cars expertly.

  Roslynn thought Harley was definitely as hot as she’d remembered. There was just something about the woman that had attracted her from the moment she’d met her during the Pride Parade in San Francisco.

  The Pride parade had just begun and as usual, Roslynn’s friends had made her late getting there!

  “Damnit I’m going to miss them!” Roslynn had exclaimed, moving toward the street. The crowd was huge and she had a really hard time getting through it. She squeezed past a couple of people, but ran into a woman who pushed her back. Roslynn stumbled into someone, and she felt a pair of hands grab her by the shoulders to keep her from ending up on the pavement.

  “Oh my God, thank you!” she exclaimed as she looked up into the bluest eyes she’d ever seen.

  “No problem,” Harley said, smiling. “You might not want to go that way,” she said, nodding toward the mean-looking femme woman who’d pushed her.

  “I guess not,” Roslynn said, rolling her eyes. “I guess chivalry is dead.”

  Harley grinned. She leaned down so she could be heard over the passing motorcycles. “Chivalry’s not dead, babe, she’s just a bitch,” she said with a wink.

  “Oh… I like that,” Roslynn said, smiling up at Harley. “I’m Ros,” she said, extending her hand to Harley.


  “Will you be out later?” Roslynn asked as her friends yelled to her from the sidewalk.

  “Not sure,” Harley said, laughing.

  “We’re going to Q Bar tonight, come there!” Roslynn said, as she started moving back toward the sidewalk. “I’ll buy you drink and thank you properly!”

  After the hot brunette disappeared into the crowd, Quinn and Jet had insisted that they hit Q Bar, just to see what a proper thank you looked like.

  “So, I’m really sorry,” Harley said, her hand on the stick shift as she shifted to speed around another car, only to have to slow because of traffic again. “But I have a meeting this afternoon that I cannot miss… Once it’s done, I’m all yours, but…”

  “It’s okay,” Roslynn said, nodding. “I’ll hold on to the ‘all yours’ part,” she said with a wink.

  Harley laughed, nodding. “Okay.”

  “Is this meeting in like five minutes?” Roslynn asked pointedly.

  “No, like forty-five minutes, why?” Harley asked.

  “Well, you’re driving kind of fast…” Roslynn said.

  “Oh, sorry, no, this is how I drive on a regular basis,” Harley said, looking chagrinned.

  “Oh,” Roslynn said, nodding. “Oh wait, I remember, this is the car that beat all your friends on the drive up to Pride, right?”

  Harley smiled widely. “Yeah,” she said.

  “I never did hear what you did for a living though…” Roslynn said, her voice trailing off as Harley scratched her back exposing a flash of gold and was that a gun? “Are you a cop?”

  Harley looked over at her confused, but then she saw that Roslynn was staring at her waist. She glanced down and realized her jacket was open, exposing the gun at her hip.

  “Oh,” she said, grinning. “Yeah, well… kind of… I’m actually a programmer, but I’m also a sworn peace officer, so… I work for the State Department of Justice,” she said, gesturing to the badge and gun.

  “I see,” Roslynn said, nodding.

  “Does that bother you?” Harley asked, knowing that some people were freaked out by guns.

  “No…” Roslynn said flirtatiously. “It’s actually pretty sexy.”

  “Oh, well…” Harley said, pressing her lips together in mute appreciation. “Alright then.”

  They drove in silence for a couple of minutes, as they hit another area of traffic. Roslynn watching Harley drive, seeing the way she moved with the music and sang to her music, now Bon Jovi’s “It’s My Life.” Roslynn remembered the sex had been amazing, and she’d really hated to let Harley go two days later when Harley had planned to drive back to LA with her friends.

  “I have to say,” Roslynn said at one point, her dark green eyes sparkling, “that you look absolutely amazing.”

  Harley grinned almost shyly, inclining her head. “Well thank you. You look pretty damned good yourself,” she said, putting her hand out to slide from Roslynn’s knee to her mid-thigh.

  Roslynn shuddered at the feel of Harley’s hand. She’d had so many visions of what this meeting with Harley again would be like. She’d wanted to jump Harley the second she’d seen her get out of the sleek black sports car. God she was one seriously hot woman! She had a wild child vibe, but also just had a completely sexy look about her.

  “I was really nervous coming here,” Roslynn said.

  “You were?” Harley asked, surprised. Someone like Roslynn seemed so confident, she couldn’t even feature the woman being nervous about anything.

  “Oh my God, yes!” Roslynn said.

nbsp; “Why?” Harley asked, giving her a sidelong glance.

  “I didn’t know if you really remembered me… You were kind of drunk that night…” Roslynn said.

  “Not that drunk,” Harley said. “And only as drunk as I was because the group was buying me shot after shot. It was my first run with them, I guess we were celebrating.”

  Roslynn nodded. “Well, I just… We had so much fun… I was nervous about things being weird this time, you know?” Then she tilted her head. “Are you sure it’s okay for me to stay with you? I feel like I kind of backed you into a corner on that one, and I didn’t mean to.”

  Harley smiled, as she moved around yet another car and shifted into a lower gear to speed up. She glanced at the clock as she did, conscience that she was getting close to being late for her meeting.

  “No, it’s totally fine,” Harley told her. “Hell, if nothing else, I have a total of four bedrooms, so…” she said, letting her voice trail off to indicate that if things didn’t work out, she could stay in one of the other bedrooms.

  “Well, I was really hoping to stay in your bedroom…” Roslynn said, her voice full of sexual innuendo.

  Harley smiled widely, her tongue against her teeth as she did. “Well, okay then,” she said, looking pleased at the thought.

  Harley’s phone rang then. “Excuse me,” she said to Roslynn as she hit the button for hands free. “’Lo?” she queried.

  “Harley?” Shiloh said.

  “Yeah, Shy, what’s up?”

  “You are going to make the meeting, right?” Shiloh asked.

  Harley grimaced. “I’m trying, but traffic is complete shit. I’m coming, I promise.”

  “Good, ’cause I really don’t want to have to explain to Midnight why you’re not here…”

  “I know, I know,” Harley said, wrinkling her nose up in consternation. “I’ll make it, I promise,” she said as she downshifted again to zip around a car.

  “Try not to wrap yourself around a tree in the process please,” Shiloh said, hearing the car’s engine rev up.

  “It’s LA, we don’t have trees, lampposts maybe…”

  “Not funny, Harley…” Shiloh said seriously.

  “Sorry,” Harley said, grinning impishly, “I’ll be there, promise.”

  “Okay, drive safe, see you in a few.”

  They hung up then.

  “Did she say Midnight?” Roslynn asked.

  “Yeah,” Harley said, nodding.

  “And you work for the Department of Justice…” Roslynn said. “Are you seriously meeting with Midnight Chevalier?”

  Harley chuckled, nodding.

  “Oh my God…” Roslynn said, shaking her head. “I had no idea that you were that connected, wow…”

  Harley shrugged. “It’s just work.”

  “Impressive work,” Roslynn qualified.

  Harley shook her head. She didn’t think it was a big deal. Her phone rang again then, and Harley rolled her eyes.

  “Sorry,” she said, as she answered the second call. “’Lo?”

  “Agent Davidson…” came a different female voice.

  Harley rolled her eyes heavenward, shaking her head, as she said, “Hello, ma’am.”

  “It’s Midnight, Harley…” Midnight said, sighing.

  “Yes, ma’am,” Harley said, grinning.

  “We are going to see you today I hope,” Midnight said casually.

  “Yes, ma’am, I’m on my way there right now,” Harley said, banging her head against the headrest of her seat.

  “Okay, good,” Midnight said, smiling at her end. “Drive carefully please,” she said then. “I want you alive, even if you’re a little late.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Midnight,” was the response. “Say it Harley,” she said, in a feisty tone.

  “Yes, ma’am, Midnight,” Harley replied, grinning again.

  “Hopeless,” Midnight said, chuckling. “See you soon.”

  They hung up a moment later.

  Harley glanced over at Roslynn and saw that she was avidly watching her.

  “Midnight Chevalier just told you to be careful,” Roslynn said as if she couldn’t fathom such familiarity with such a local celebrity.

  “Yeah,” Harley said, with a wry grin. “It sucks that she’s heard about my driving.”

  “That’s how you see it?” Roslynn asked, looking shocked.

  “Well, that and the fact that she doesn’t trust me to show up for our meeting… Of course that’s probably because I missed our last conference call… so…” She shrugged.

  Roslynn shook her head. “You certainly aren’t a name dropper are you?”

  Again, Harley shrugged, grinning.

  Twenty minutes later they walked up to the Attorney General’s Office building. Shiloh was pacing outside the building and smiled with relief when she saw Harley striding toward her.

  “Oh thank God!’ she said, rolling her eyes. Then her eyes went to Harley’s laptop case. “Oh good, you remembered, I was worried…”

  “I never forget this,” Harley said, grinning.

  “No, I guess you don’t,” Shiloh said, smiling.

  “Oh, Shy, this is Roslynn. Roslynn this is Shiloh. She’s my assistant and resident best friend,” she said, winking at Shiloh.

  “It’s nice to meet you,” Shiloh said to Roslynn, already completely jealous of the woman’s appearance. She looked very glamorous.

  “You too,” Roslynn said, smiling.

  “You have your ID with you, right?” Harley asked Roslynn as they headed in the building.

  “Yes, why? Roslynn asked.

  “Security,” Harley said, gesturing at the CHP officers standing in the entry. “And if you want to meet Midnight, you’re going to need it,” she said, winking.

  “Are you serious?” Roslynn asked looking stunned.

  “I’m sure she won’t mind,” Harley said. “Midnight’s pretty cool.”

  “Harley, you head up,” Shiloh said. “We’re already late. I’ll get Roslynn checked in and up there as soon as I can, okay?”

  Harley nodded. “Okay, thanks, Shy,” she said, smiling. “See you up there.”

  With that, she lifted her jacket aside to show the CHP officers her badge and they waved her through.

  An hour later Roslynn was extremely impressed with Harley Marie Davidson. Midnight Chevalier was incredibly gracious meeting her. She had nothing but extremely good things to say about Harley, and proclaimed her as one of her most valuable assets in the department.

  “With a doctorate from MIT,” Midnight had said, “she’s definitely one of the most educated agents I have.” The last was said with a wink at Harley.

  On the way to Harley’s house, Roslynn looked over at Harley.

  “You have a doctorate from MIT?” she asked.

  Harley nodded, not looking too impressed with herself.

  Roslynn shook her head. “I barely have a bachelor’s from a local college,” she said, “and you don’t even mention a doctorate from an Ivy League school…”

  Harley glanced over at her. “I guess that’s not what you’re used to?”

  “No, not hardly,” Roslynn said, smiling.

  A few minutes Roslynn was further rendered mute with shock when she saw Harley’s house.

  “You have got to be kidding me…” Roslynn muttered as she walked inside. She looked back at Harley her mouth hanging open. “You have all this…” She shook her head in amazement.

  In the couple of days she’d spent with Harley in San Francisco, there’d been no bragging by Harley about any of this kind of thing. She’d said that she lived in West Hollywood when she’d invited her to stay with her if she was ever in town. But that had been the extent of information she’d provided. Even earlier in the day when she’d mentioned that she had four bedrooms, Roslynn had no idea it would be four bedrooms in a house like the one she was standing in at the moment.

  “Come on, I’ll show you the upstairs,” Harley said, grinning.r />
  “Okay,” Roslynn said, nodding, still looking completely shocked.

  Harley carried her suitcase up the stairs, and showed her the other bedrooms, then finally her own room. Roslynn couldn’t begin to form a cognitive sentence for a good minute.

  Harley noted the shock on Roslynn’s face, and she knew that she’d surprised the woman. She’d meant it when she’d told Shiloh that she liked to surprise people, never being what people expected.

  “So the bathroom is this way,” Harley said, when the silence stretched.

  Roslynn nodded numbly.

  “You mentioned wanting to take a shower,” Harley said, grinning.

  “Right, yes,” Roslynn said, suddenly coming back to earth.

  “Okay, well, everything you should need is in there,” Harley said, smiling.

  “Okay, um,” Roslynn stammered.

  Harley put her small suitcase on the massive bed and Roslynn nodded gratefully.

  A half an hour later, Roslynn walked back into the bedroom wearing only a towel, her hair swept up in a bun. Harley was working on her laptop. She’d shed her jacket and was sitting with one leg up on the bed and the other on the floor.

  “Do you ever stop working?” Roslynn asked.

  Harley shook her head, her eyes still on her computer screen.

  Roslynn walked over to the side of the bed. “Maybe you just need a reason to,” she said and dropping the towel.

  Harley’s eyes caught the flutter of the falling towel, which had her looking up. Her lips parted in shock, her eyes sweeping from Roslynn’s head to her feet then back up to her eyes. She quickly saved her work and set the laptop aside, turning to put both feet on the floor facing Roslynn. Roslynn moved to stand between Harley’s parted legs, putt her hands to Harley’s face, and leaned down to kiss her. Harley’s hands immediately slid around her body, pulling her close as their lips met hungrily.

  Roslynn moaned loudly moving to straddle Harley’s waist. She held Harley’s head in her hands grasping at her hair, as Harley’s lips moved to her breasts. In minutes, she was crying out in her orgasm, her body pressing against Harley’s desperately. Then she kissed Harley deeply, her hands grasping at Harley’s shoulders. Harley broke the kiss as she heard keys in the front door and looked at the open bedroom door. She slid her hands under Roslynn’s thighs and lifted her up. Roslynn wrapped her legs around Harley’s waist. Harley grinned as she carried her over to the door, kicked it closed, and then returned to the bed.


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