Seducing The Nanny

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Seducing The Nanny Page 5

by Amanda Martinez

The next morning was as awkward as I feared it would be. I don't know if it was just because of what was in my head, and how I was looking into everything now, but it seemed like there was definitely something in between us. It was something that neither one of us wanted to talk about apparently and that was easier said than done. It was hard for me not to put my gaze on the hard cock that I had seen siding in and out of another woman. I mean, really hard.

  “Do you have any request for dinner?”

  It was actually my way of asking if he was going to be home in time, or if he was going to stay out all night and bring some chick home with him afterwards. That was how women code worked.

  “I would really like some prime rib. Do you know how to make that?”

  I told him that I did, and I assured him that I would have something waiting for him when he came home.

  “If you are going to be too late, just let me know. Matter of fact, if you're not back by nine or ten, I will just put it up and you can just heat it up in the microwave. Is there anything else that you need done?”

  “No, not a thing.”

  I handed him the coffee that I made him every morning and told him to have a good day at work. His hand touched mine for just a second, and I couldn't help the electricity that went from him to me. How was I supposed to forget what I had saw, when I wanted so badly to be the other woman? When I watched them, all I could think about was the night before. He hadn't mentioned it, I hadn't mentioned it, but it was certainly on both our minds. My curiosity for the man had grown in leaps and bounds, and I just wanted to know more. I wanted us to be more.

  My phone rang while I was cleaning up the kitchen and I saw that it was Duane. I hadn’t seen him in days, hadn’t talked to him in a couple of days now and instead of answering, I just turned it off. Duane wasn't going to cut it anymore. I knew that now. I had my sights on something a little more sophisticated and a little more intense than what Duane could manage.

  Chapter 11


  Of all the things that I could have done, bringing home that girl last night was one of the worst. I literally don't even remember her name, but she made quite an impression on my new babysitter. I could see the look in Ashley’s eyes, and I’d never been so embarrassed in my life. I hadn’t had that much to drink, but I wish I had. Then maybe I wouldn’t remember the way she looked at me.

  The morning time was rather rough, because neither one of us knew what to say. I could tell that something was on her mind, but Ashley didn't say a word. Most likely I scared the hell out of her, swinging in my dick around and fucking a little blonde on the coffee table. It definitely wasn't the best thing that I could have done.

  The worst part was, that I didn't even really feel satisfied. I came, after what seemed like forever, but at the end of the day, it wasn't what I wanted. I didn't want the no-name blonde that I picked up from the club. I wanted the sweet little babysitter that I talked to every night.

  One of the things that I’d already thought about was how it was going to be between us. We had stayed up and talked almost every night since she had arrived. She always had dinner somehow warm and ready for me when I got home, and most of the time Donna was still in bed. But we would just sit there at the counter, in the stools and talk. I can't say how long had it been since I have done that, and I really missed it. It didn't change the fact that I wanted to bang her brains out, but it did make it a little easier.

  Now I knew that those moments were gone, because of what I'd done. I'd been so focused on not coming on to her, that I hadn't even really thought about it what was going to happen if she saw the scene from the night before. I should have known better. If it was that bad for me, and I just had to have sex with someone, I should've gone to a hotel. I really don't know what I was thinking when I brought the blonde home. Obviously I wasn’t thinking and that was the problem.

  Jacob came into the office while I was admonishing myself for my ignorance, and he wanted to know how it's going.

  “So how was the blonde? Carly was her name, right?”

  “I really don't know what her name was. She was alright.”

  Jacob sat down on the other side of the desk and just shook his head at me like I was a child.

  “You may think that she's all right now, but when you get my age, you will have wish that you would had savored her more. The women I wish I would have savored when they wanted to fuck me. Now I still get them, but it's not the same.”

  I didn't really know what to say to that and I certainly didn't want to talk about it with him. It was becoming clear that the partners wanted me to be their friend, but it was also becoming crystal clear that we were very different. I had no intentions on going to strip clubs, picking up random people, drinking every night. I did all of that when I was in college, and I didn't want to go back. I have seen the other side of life, if only briefly, and I knew that it was more of what I wanted, then the party life.

  “So, are you going to come out tonight with us?”

  I shook my head and told him that I wasn't.

  “I won't have my nanny in the morning, so I can’t have another night like last night.”

  “Well then you have to come out on Monday.”

  I sort of nodded my head like I was agreeing with him, but it was noncommittal at best. I would come up with something as an excuse for me not to go, because I already knew that I didn't want to. I wanted to be partner, I worked my ass off for it, but I barely got enough of my time and whatever was left, I wanted to spend at home. I wanted to spend it with my daughter and the new nanny, no matter how strange that was.

  Since I wasn't going to work the next day, I was able to get out of there rather early. I didn't have any court appearances because it was Saturday, and I made it home before six. It was nice to be home before my daughter went to sleep and we ended up watching a movie together in the living room. I knew that Ashley was most likely ready to have her day off, but I convinced her to sit down with us. I did notice that she sat on the opposite chair instead of the couch. She was keeping her distance.

  Donna was happier than I'd seen her in a long time and so was I. I had hot dinner every night when I came home. Had a pretty woman to look at every day, life didn't seem to be all that bad anymore. Had been a long time since I felt something even close to that. I was so afraid that I had messed it up and I was hoping to talk to her little bit before she left the next morning.

  As soon as the movie was over, Ashely was gone and upstairs. I went up and we talked about the next day for a while, but the whole time I was thinking about what I was going to say to Ashley. I was afraid that I had messed things up bad with her and there was a part of me that was afraid she wasn’t going to come back Monday morning.

  I shouldn’t have let my dick do all of the thinking and I was going to have to figure out a way to make amends.

  I put Donna to bed. She was tired, and we had a big day ahead of us. I knew that Ashley would be gone when I woke up, so I went to her bedroom to talk to her about last night. I felt like it needed to get put out there, so that she would come back. My worst fear was that I was going to not see her Monday morning. It was far more about missing her, then it was about finding another nanny. I knew now what a difference it made, but it was the idea of not seeing Ashley again that propelled me towards the door.

  It was slightly cracked open and I should have knocked, but instead I just pushed it open and started to walk in. It was about two steps forward before I realized that she was naked. It looked like she was getting dressed and I had come at just the right time.

  Ashley was pulling her panties up and her ass sort of bulged for a moment as the waistband went across her cheeks. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing, the perfection of her tanned skin and I wanted nothing more than to enter fully, shut the door and throw her onto the bed. She was the one that I was craving, and she was the one that pushed me into another woman’s arms.

  I got a side profile when she turned to get her bra off of t
he bed and her breasts dangled for a moment like ripe fruit that were dying to be picked. My hands were itching to touch her, and I had to press them against my sides to not do something I would further regret. I wanted her little, pink nipples in my mouth and it actually started to water. This woman was doing something to me.

  Before I could get caught. I stepped back out into the hallway and shut the door back where it was. I knocked and asked her if I could speak to her.

  “Just a minute. I have to get dressed.”

  I didn’t tell her that I had already seen it. I knew that she was going to be wearing those damnable short, shorts that she liked so much and a camisole that hid nothing. Her leisure wear was driving me crazy too.

  “Come in Frank.”

  I walked in and I knew that her wardrobe was not helping. I was hard and now that I had seen so much of her, all I could think about was sex. How the hell was I supposed to tell her that I was sorry about the whole thing last night, when I was rock hard and raring to take her where she stood? This woman was going to be the death of me.

  Chapter 12


  Frank was looking at me funny and it was much of the same look as he had last night. It didn’t take but a quick glance in front of him to see that he was hard and that certainly got my attention. Now I was looking strange most likely and I was avoiding the bottom half of him.

  “What’s up Frank?”

  “Um, uh…”

  I giggled a little and asked him if the cat got his tongue.

  “No, um I was just going to make sure that we were okay after last night. I shouldn’t have brought her back here, and I'm sorry that you had to see that.”

  I waved him off and told him that it was no big deal. I wasn't going to tell him that it was a big turn on, and I certainly wasn't going to tell him that I knew he was horny right now. It just didn't seem like the thing to do.

  “It's no big deal, really. I guess if we lived together like we do now, it is bound to happen. I know that you can't be celibate. I will just make sure to stay upstairs if I hear noises next time.”

  I should have mentioned that it would have been better if he would've just banged her in his own room, but it didn't seem like something I should say. Even after a week of being here, I still wasn't sure where I stood in the whole situation. It was kind of confusing, and the way he made me feel when I walked in on him, was even more confusing. I wasn’t sure where to go from here. I finally looked into his eyes, and I could see the same hunger that I'd dropped in on last night. Why was he looking at me like that?

  “Well, I just wanted to make sure that you were okay. I didn't mean to scare you or anything.”

  “Frank, it's no big deal, really. We all do it.”

  My words got a jump of fire in his eyes and I had to think that he was imagining the two of us doing it. I know that I was, and it was even harder to keep my eyes focused away from him with the conversation that we were having. It was almost like he knew what he was doing to me, but I couldn't be for sure. All I knew for certain was that this conversation was starting to make me horny. At least I could get away tomorrow and take care of my needs. It was a lot harder for me to satisfy them the six days that I worked, because I certainly couldn't bring a guy home like he had brought a woman home.

  “Well I'm glad you think that way, but I just wanted to make sure.”

  “Make sure of what?”

  “I wanted to make sure that you're going to come back. It has been nice having you here and you have made things a lot easier.”

  I put my hand up in told him to stop.

  “It really is fine Frank, it's no big deal. Don't mention it again. I am not going anywhere. I certainly wouldn't just walk off and then not say anything to you. I need tuition, you need a babysitter, it's perfect. I am going to take off in the morning and I will see you Monday morning bright and early before you go to work. Okay?”

  He agreed and I waited for him to leave. He was standing by the door, and then turned back around and asked me one more time if everything was okay.

  “Why do you keep asking?”

  “I don't know, I just want to make sure.”

  I assured him one more time that everything was fine. Frank finally left, and I will be the first to admit that I wasn't too happy about it. I knew that nothing could happen between us, but they didn't mean that I didn't want to push it.


  The next morning, I got up early and left. After the dreams I had had, and the things I had seen this week, there was only one thing in particular that I was thinking of. While I didn't think that Duane would be everything that I wanted him to be, that didn't matter to me at this point. At this point, I just needed a release and he was always good for that one way or another.

  I got home, and my roommate was sleeping. Duane was probably sleeping as well, but since it had been so long since we'd been together, I figured that he wouldn't mind too much if I woke him up.

  He let the phone ring a couple of times before he answered, but it wasn't long before he was on his way to my house.

  “You don't have to say another thing Ashley, I will be there in a little bit.”

  I was suddenly thankful that he was such a man. He didn’t care why I was calling him so early for sex. The truth was that I don’t think he cared at all. What he cared about was what was going to happen next and I was feeling the same way. There was just something about Frank and the scene before had me practically watering my panties. It wasn’t good, I’m sure of that, but there was nothing that I could do about it now. The only thing I could do was get Duane over here and ride him until I wasn’t worried about Frank anymore. He wasn’t what I wanted, not by far, but Duane was going to have to do.

  I would worry about the rest of it later.


  “I really don't understand what you are doing Ashley.”

  “You know exactly what I am doing Duane, but you don't agree with it. I can't help that. Not all of us have rich parents that we can just get money from.”

  He hated when I talked about money, but the fact that he never had to worry about it never crossed his mind. Duane was in a different situation than I was, but I could tell that me working for Frank was bothering him. Maybe it was because he knew that something was going on? I know that sex between us was different now. I kept pushing him to go faster, and to go harder, but that wasn't who he was. It never had been. The fact was that I didn't want Duane anymore, I wanted something else. I wanted someone else and I knew exactly who it was.

  “I get that you have to make some money for tuition Ashley, but what I don't understand is why you are working with a middle-aged guy, and living in his house.”

  “I told you before, he pays good money and that is about the only way I'm going to have enough for tuition and rent for the next semester. And don't start by saying that you will give me the money. I don't want to hear it, and I don't want your money.”

  “So, you would rather keep living with this guy and we will never get to see each other? I mean Ashley, I have needs. What do you think is going to happen if you're never around?”

  Even though he wasn't saying it in the sort of way that I would think a threat would come out, that was exactly what it was. He was giving me something to think about, or he thought so anyways. The fact was that I had been thinking about it for a while. I knew what I would do without him, because that's all I've been thinking about lately. I didn't want to think about it, but I knew that whatever this was between me and him, wasn't going to last. It certainly wasn't a relationship that was going to make the long haul.

  “So, what are you saying doing?”

  “I think you know what I'm saying Ashley. You're going to have to make a choice.”

  We were lying in bed together and I got up. I can't believe that he was talking like this, but in a way I could. Duane was always been pretty selfish and he never seen past himself. All he was worried about right now was the fact that he wasn't getting enough sex.
That wasn't my problem.

  “Maybe I am Duane. But I understand that it's not going to be good if you put this ultimatum on me.”

  I got out of bed and started to get dressed. We had planned to stay in bed and have sex all day, but I told him that I had other things to do and that he needed to leave. Duane was not happy about it, gave me dirty looks the whole time he was getting ready, but I told myself this was his choice not mine.

  But deep down, I knew that something had changed in me and Duane just wasn't enough anymore. It was a better this way.

  Chapter 13


  “It is good to see you back Ashley. You didn't have to knock, you have a key, don't you?”

  She told me that she did have a key, but she said it still felt weird to just walk in.

  “This is your place as much as mine for the moment. You live here, so you can come and go whenever you want. If I am home, you are more than welcome to leave if you need to get out for a little while. I know that you are young, and you most likely have a lot of things to do. You have a boyfriend I take it?”

  “Well, I don't really know about that anymore. I think we broke up yesterday.”

  On the inside I was happy about it, because that gave me and her another chance. But at the same time, I could tell that it was bothering her and that bothered me.

  “Do you want to talk about it?”

  “No, not really. I don't want to start out with my own personal problems. If it wasn't meant to be then this is a good thing.”

  I wanted to ask her why they had broken up, but I had a feeling that it had to do with me and her staying here. I certainly wouldn't like it if my girlfriend was staying with a man like me. Especially if he knew what had happened the other night. I was still feeling guilty about it, but I knew that there was nothing I could do about it now. If she wasn't going to worry about it, then neither was I.

  I stayed and talk to her for a few more minutes before I took off to work. I had to get there early because we had a lot of things to do. When I got to work, I forgot about the fact that Jacob wanted me to go out with him tonight, so I made up an excuse about my babysitter having to go out and do something and not being home. It was a lie of course, one that I was going to have to make out of many considering how things were going. Jacob seemed bummed out but didn't really ask any more about it. There really was nothing I could do, even though I knew that little of these problems were related to most men in our workplace. That was something that the women would worry about, but since Evelyn died, everything was on me. The fact that I was working there when it all happened with the wreck and everything, I figured that I was getting some leeway. I had no problem using it to get a little bit more leeway in this situation. I didn't want to go out with the partners, I wanted to stay home with my daughter and the babysitter that I was having all kinds of feelings for. I was starting to realize that the feelings went beyond just the physical.


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