Meant to Be Yours

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Meant to Be Yours Page 31

by Susan Mallery

  “The ranch is only about twenty minutes from the airport,” Cade told her, “which is a private one and doesn’t get a lot of use. Most people either fly into Palm Springs or drive to Los Angeles to get a flight out.”

  Unless she was taking Rida home with her, she would be returning to El Bahar on a commercial flight, she thought. So out of Los Angeles with a change of planes in Amsterdam or Frankfurt.

  “Have you been to the States before?” Cade asked, then shook his head. “Sorry. Of course you have. You’re American. Where did you grow up?”

  “Not far from here, actually,” she said. “My mom and I are from Riverside. We moved to El Bahar when I was nine. I came back to Tennessee for a couple of years of college.”

  “So you’re a California girl.”

  She laughed. “I haven’t thought of myself as that in a long time, but I suppose I am.”

  There were rolling hills on both sides of the two-lane highway, with lots of trees. She saw a flash of movement, stared, blinked, then shook her head.

  “What’s wrong?” Cade asked.

  “Nothing. I would swear I saw... Is it possible there are gazelles?”

  She braced herself for laughter and derision. Instead Cade chuckled.

  “Look closely and you might see a few zebras and a giraffe. Or maybe three giraffes. I know we’re getting some new ones any day now.” He grinned. “We have an animal preserve on the edge of town. It’s connected to the landfill and recycling center. Weird, I know.”

  “Unusual,” she admitted. “But nice.”

  After a few more minutes, they turned onto a long, paved driveway. There was a big gate and a keypad. Cade pushed a remote and the gates swung open.

  Bethany looked around, anxious to get a first impression of the ranch. She liked the sense of openness. There were huge pastures and lots of trees for shade. Up ahead was the farmhouse, which looked fine. She was more interested in the stable.

  They drove around to the back of the house and she caught sight of a series of outbuildings, including the long, tall barn. The buildings looked well used, but clean and in good condition. She wasn’t a huge fan of brand-new when she delivered a horse. It meant a lot of work had been done before her visit and made her wonder what the owners were trying to hide.

  Cade pulled in front of the stable’s big open double doors and cut the engine. Bethany slid out of the passenger seat, breathing in the familiar scents of horses and outdoors. Without waiting for Cade, she entered the main barn and saw there were stalls on each side. She went left and saw clean stalls, smooth bedding and full water troughs awaiting the horses’ return from the pasture.

  The stalls had an in-and-out design, allowing each horse to spend the day outdoors if he or she wanted. One of the stalls had the gate latched open. She walked inside and inspected the mats on the concrete floor, the walls, then studied the mechanism on the water trough.

  “It tells us exactly how much water flows in during the day,” Cade explained, leaning against the entrance to the stall. “That way we can know if someone isn’t drinking. There’s a switch that allows us to flush the trough once a day so they stay clean.”

  He nodded at the trough. “They all drain into a cistern we use to water the grass, so we’re not wasting water. We also use our own compost for the pastures.”

  She listened without commenting, then went to the door that led to the outdoor paddock. She checked the locking mechanism, the edges for sharp splinters, before stepping out into the late afternoon sun.

  Trees provided shade, but were planted out of reach of curious mouths. There was a light breeze, plenty of space and three exercise paddocks beyond. Cade’s ranch wasn’t anything like the royal stables back in El Bahar, but that wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. So far, she liked what she’d seen. Cade took the time to take care of details. She was more than willing to judge a man by how he treated his horses. Based on that criterion, Cade was one of the good guys. The fact that he was easy on the eye was just a bonus. One that she planned to ignore.

  “Okay,” she said as she walked back into the barn. “Show me where he’s going to be.”

  She checked on Rida’s stall, confirmed the bedding was the kind she’d requested before making sure the central watering pipe was turned off. For the next two days, Rida would only drink El Baharian water before slowly being transitioned to the local supply.

  She inspected the outside area for general hazards along with anything Rida might try to eat, then turned to Cade.

  “I’m ready to bring him in.”

  “Great. Let’s go get him.”

  “Aren’t you going to tell me I’m being too picky?” A few people had.

  “No way. He’s the biggest investment I’m ever going to make. Of course I want him taken care of.”

  Rida backed out of the trailer like a pro. Bethany walked him around for about half an hour before taking him to his stall. He stepped in as if he’d lived there his whole life and immediately went outside.

  The sun was low on the horizon. The warm rays danced on his black coat bringing out the hints of red and gold hidden in the depths. Rida shook his head, then moved next to her and pressed his head to hers. She stroked his neck.

  “I’ll take your luggage up to the house,” Cade told her. “You can check out your room when you’re ready.”

  She looked at him. “I’ll be sleeping here for the first couple of nights, just to make sure he’s all right.”

  Cade raised his brows. “You sure?”

  “I am. I brought a sleeping bag and a pillow. I’m prepared.” She looked around. “I assume there’s a bathroom in the barn?”

  “Toilets and sinks but no showers.”

  “I’ll shower at the house. Otherwise, I’ll be hanging with this guy.”

  Cade looked from her to the horse and back. “Like I said before, you’re in charge.” He glanced at his watch. “I’ll leave you two to get settled and bring you some dinner in a couple of hours. How does that sound?”



  CADE HADN’T KNOWN what to expect from Rida’s handler. He’d never bought a horse before that he hadn’t simply gone and picked up. Beth was competent, professional and obviously knew her way around horses. He would simply have to pretend she wasn’t a stunning, curvy, blue-eyed blonde.

  Close to six thirty he carried the back patio table and two chairs to the barn, then brought dinner, along with flatware, plates, glasses and napkins. When everything was set up, he walked to the last stall on the right.

  Rida and Beth were in the paddock outside Rida’s stall. She sat on the fence, the horse standing close to her. There was a young marmalade barn cat perched on a fence post nearby. Beth was speaking to Rida in a low voice, but Cade couldn’t make out her words. They were a contrast in sizes, but looked perfectly comfortable together.

  He cleared his throat to get their attention. Beth turned and smiled.

  “Hi. We were discussing the weather.”

  Her smile hit him like a kick in the gut. Not good, he told himself. Not good at all.

  “I have dinner ready, if you’re hungry.”

  “I’m starving.” She jumped down and petted Rida. “I’ll be close by. If you need me, just give a shout.”

  “Does he answer?” Cade asked, holding the stall door open for her.


  They walked to the middle of the barn. Beth shook her head. “This is very nice, thank you.” She studied the set table, the bowl with salad and the hot chicken and pasta casserole. “Should I be impressed with your cooking skills?”

  “Not based on this. I have a housekeeper who comes in two days a week. She cleans, does laundry and leaves things like this in the freezer. A housekeeper comes with the job.”

  Beth excused herself to wash her hands. Cade poured iced tea
for both of them, then waited until she returned to take his seat.

  “How long have you worked here?” she asked as she served herself salad.

  “I moved back to Happily Inc a few months ago.” He took the salad bowl she passed him. “My grandfather owns the ranch. I’ve been coming here since I was a kid. He taught me to ride and by the time I was six, I knew I wanted to be a cowboy.”

  She smiled. “It’s nice to have direction. You never strayed from your original goal?”

  “Nope. I didn’t even have a firefighter phase.” He thought about his past. “My family has lived in the area for a few generations. Grandpa Frank also owns the biggest bank in town. It’s the family business. My mom wanted me to go to work with her, but that was never going to happen. My grandfather had made it clear I wasn’t going to get a job on the ranch just because I was his grandson, so when I was eighteen, I left home to learn the trade.”

  He glanced at her. “You sure you want to hear this?”

  “Yes. I love origination stories. Where did you go?”


  She sighed. “I’ve been a couple of times with my, ah, some friends. It’s beautiful.”

  “It is and it’s horse country. I started out doing the dirty work and learned everything I could. After a few years, I moved to a ranch in Texas.”

  What he didn’t bother sharing was the reason for his move. Not only was it private, it was humiliating. He’d been played by a woman in Kentucky—he’d learned his lesson and had vowed never to repeat it.

  “You met the king in Texas, didn’t you?” she asked.

  “Yes. I was invited to a dinner he attended. I have no idea why I was allowed to tag along, but it was a great experience. We ended up debating horses and when I heard about Rida I took a chance on him remembering me.”

  She studied him for a second before looking away. “I’m glad it worked out.”

  “Me, too. Rida’s amazing.”

  “He is. When will you have him checked out by your vet?”

  “Tomorrow, then again in a couple of weeks.” He picked up his water glass. “How did you come to work in the royal stables of El Bahar?”

  Her blue eyes danced with amusement. “It is unexpected, isn’t it? My parents divorced when I was little. My dad was into car racing, a lot more than he was into paying his child support, so money was tight for my mom. She was a teacher and found out about a job at the American School in El Bahar. The pay was generous and an apartment was provided, so five years there would have given her enough for a down payment on a house and a good start on a college fund.”

  She leaned toward him, her thick blond braid falling over her shoulder. “She met someone and fell madly in love. We were living, um, close to the royal stables, so I started taking riding lessons. I never outgrew my love of horses and when I was old enough, I got a job there.”

  Her smile faded. “I love what I do, but it’s hard when I have to give up one of my babies. I was there when Rida was born and I’m going to miss him.”

  “Trying to make me feel guilty?” he asked.

  She laughed. “Maybe a little. Is it working?”

  “Sorry, no. He’s going to put our little ranch on the map. I have big plans for him. All good, I promise.”

  Her gaze locked with his. He felt something pass between them, although he couldn’t say what it was. The beginning of trust, maybe? Or something more?

  Not more, he told himself firmly. He didn’t want more. Rida was plenty. Beth’s appeal was not part of his plan.

  * * *

  RIDA SETTLED IN much more quickly than Bethany would have expected. He started eating right away and seemed to like spending his day out in the sun. He’d even made friends with the small marmalade barn cat.

  “You won’t miss me at all,” Bethany complained as she trotted him in a circle in the exercise ring. “You’ll forget me as soon as I’m gone.”

  Rida looked at her, his expression both chiding and intelligent, as if pointing out he would miss her, but he knew that he had to be here now.

  “You’re trying to act like the mature one in the relationship,” she complained. “How do you think that makes me feel?”

  Rida tossed his head, snorted and continued his morning exercise. Tomorrow she would ride him, but for today this was enough.

  Thirty minutes later, she walked him back to the barn for his grooming session. She’d just secured him when she heard a woman calling, “Hello? Is it all right to come into the barn?”

  Bethany waited for someone else to answer. When no one did, she said, “It’s okay with me, if that’s what you’re asking.”

  A pretty brown-haired woman who looked oddly familiar walked over and smiled. “Hi. You must be Beth. It’s nice to meet you. I’m Pallas Saunders, Cade’s sister.”


  Pallas eyed Rida warily. “Wow. He’s really handsome. And big.” She kept her distance. “Doesn’t he scare you?”

  “No. He’s a good guy.”

  Pallas didn’t seem convinced. “If you say so.” She looked back at Bethany. “I wanted to meet you and see how you’re settling in. You really came all the way from El Bahar to get your horse settled? Is he afraid to fly?”

  Bethany laughed. “He did really well.” She rubbed Rida’s neck. “He’s special. Horses of his caliber rarely get sold. My job is to make sure he’s going to be comfortable here and well cared for. Once he’s acclimated, I’ll head home.”

  “To El Bahar?”

  Bethany nodded.

  “Wow. I’ve barely traveled,” Pallas admitted. “It sounds so exotic. I’ve never been a horse person but Cade has been crazy about them his whole life. We’re twins. Fraternal, obviously. Is he making you feel at home? Oh, do you like the room? He asked me to help with a few touches. I hope you’re okay with them.”

  Bethany had no idea what she was talking about. What room—“Oh, the bedroom in the house.” She tried to remember what it looked like. “I’m sorry. I’ve been sleeping in the barn. I’ve only run inside to use the shower. But I’m sure it’s lovely and very comfortable,” she added, feeling awkward. One would think being a princess would help her be less of a dweeb socially, but one would be wrong.

  Pallas’s hazel eyes widened. “You’re sleeping in the barn?”

  “To keep Rida comfortable. Just the first couple of nights.”

  “In the barn. On the hay.”

  Bethany did her best not to laugh. “Technically people put straw in stalls. Hay is what horses eat. Here, Cade uses bedding pellets. It’s a wood product that produces less dust and is easier to maintain. But you’re probably not concerned about that.”

  Pallas started laughing and Bethany joined in.

  “Now I know where the old saying ‘hay is for horses’ comes from,” Pallas said, shaking her head. “All right, this hasn’t gone like I expected. Let’s start over. Hi, I’m Pallas, Cade’s sister. I know nothing about horses. It’s nice to meet you.”

  Bethany grinned. “Now you know a little something about horses. You should spring it on Cade the next time you see him. He’ll be shocked.”

  “Good idea.”

  “I have three younger brothers. I get the dynamic and the importance of always having the upper hand.” That was even more critical in her family what with the oldest of her younger brothers being the Crown Prince, a title he loved to flaunt.

  “How long have you lived in El Bahar?” Pallas asked.

  “We moved there when I was nine, but I was born in Riverside, so I’m right at home here.”

  “Good. Want to come to Thanksgiving with Cade and me?”

  The invitation was unexpected. While the holiday wasn’t a big deal in El Bahar and could occasionally be forgotten, it was still part of her life. Spending it by herself would be lonely. Rida wasn’t much for celebrating with
turkey and dressing.

  “Before you answer,” Pallas said, “I should warn you. We have a huge family. My grandfather had seven daughters and they all come home for the holiday. Cade and I have over a dozen cousins. There’s no telling who will show up or what will happen. It’s loud and crazy with plenty of drama, but the food’s good and you could sit by me. I’d protect you from the worst of it.”

  Her words made Bethany miss her own family. “I’d love to if you’re sure it’s all right.”

  Pallas waved her hand. “Trust me, no one’ll even notice and if they do, you’ll be a much-needed distraction. Although my second warning is my mother can be relentless with the questions.”

  “I’m pretty good with answers.” Even if, in this case, they would have to be lies.

  “Then it’s settled. Do you have a cell phone here? Let me give you my number.”

  Pallas fished her phone out of her handbag. Bethany pulled hers from her jeans pocket. They exchanged numbers.

  “Dinner’s usually around three, which is a stupid time to eat. I mean seriously, lunch or dinner, pick one. But noooo. It has to be three.” She sighed. “I’ll let Cade know to give you a ride. He shows up about one, which is really smart. I’ll be stuck with kitchen duty starting at eight.”

  “I’m looking forward to it. Thank you for inviting me.”

  “It’s going to be fun.” Pallas laughed. “Or at the very least, you’ll have a heck of a story to tell when you get home. See you on Thursday.”

  “See you then.”

  Bethany finished grooming Rida, then led him back to his stall. The barn cat was waiting on the pole by the gate. Rida walked over and raised his head. The cat rubbed his face against the horse’s nose.

  “All right, little guy, you’re going to need a name.” She smiled. “How about Harry, after England’s ginger-haired prince? Like you, he’s friendly and very sweet. It will be our little joke.”

  She petted Harry, who purred loudly.

  After making sure Rida was secure in his stall, she went to the house. As she’d told Pallas, she really hadn’t paid attention beyond running upstairs to shower. Now she took her time to explore the main level before heading upstairs.


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